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jimjam wrote:Things Obese Donald has put forth as okay behavior: mocking disabled, adultery, sleeping with porn stars, calling people names, sexualizing your daughter, hitting on married women, lying about finances, trying to cheat your siblings, bragging, weaponizing bankruptcy, bulling people, lawsuits until little guy goes broke, racism, sexism, and ageism.

:roll: Nobody fell for the "mocking the disabled" claim; adultery is not illegal following the Sexual Revolution (i.e., it's probably technically still illegal in some states, but hasn't been prosecuted since the beginning of the 1960s) and was thoroughly normalized by Bill Clinton--whose wife Trump was running against, in case you need reminding; sleeping with porn stars was a rather novel scenario, but is not illegal nor does it have anything to do with public policy, and seems quite normal in the age of gay marriage, transgender, etc.--it serves to remind us that Trump is like a lot of red-blooded American males; calling people names is something all politicians do, Trump just does it better than anyone else; bullying people has been standard practice in politics for a very long time--again, Trump is just better at it than others; lawsuits are the framework of the American judicial system, and made popular by Democrats in the 1960s with people like Melvin Belli, but was actually part of the move away from caveat emptor toward caveat venditor that started with FDR's administration. The great surge in the numbers of lawyers in the US is simply consistent with Trump's generation. I'd like to see tort reform, but generally only business-minded Republicans are interested in that fare.

jimjam wrote:The latest? Foreign governments interfering in American elections is no different from having tea with the Queen of England. :eek:

You aren't surprised by this. Why do you think I should be? We just went through two years of investigations bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, where they actually bought information from foreign sources to smear Trump and subject him to phony investigations. Trump is running rings around you guys right now, and you aren't even able to see it. His supporters do see it. This is why someone like Rush Limbaugh is so politically relevant in the United States:

Trump Sets Up Democrats and Media (But They Don’t Know It Yet)
Rush Limbaugh wrote:So here’s Trump with Stephanopoulos, “Yeah, if the bad guys call, sure, I’d think about taking it.” Meanwhile, they took it! Not only did they take it, they solicited it! And they paid for it! They went out there, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, they paid Christopher Steele, they paid Fusion GPS, they paid $6 million for this, for opposition research.

It was dirt. It was lies. It was made up from foreign agents in different countries. From the U.K., from the Soviet — well, Russia, and then Ukraine and who knows wherever else that Steele went trying to concoct information.

And the Mueller report makes it plain as day that there were numerous attempts to infiltrate and to pass the information along, and the Trump campaign didn’t take it. So here’s Trump with Stephanopoulos — why? Would somebody explain to me why, a two-day, no-holds-barred, even put him in the limo driving Stephanopoulos around.

Look, when Good Morning America calls you, it isn’t ABC calling you, it’s the Hillary Clinton war room calling you. When George Stephanopoulos calls and wants to come by and do an interview, you may as well understand that it’s the Hillary Clinton operation calling you, that it’s the Clinton operation, not just Hillary, but Bill and everybody involved in that, Donna Brazile, who’s now working over at Fox.

And it is effectively the Democrat National Committee calling and wanting access and Trump granted it.

Even Rush is doing the same thing I'm doing--reminding you of what he said years ago.

Rush Limbaugh wrote:You would no more accept invitation to be interviewed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign consultant, so why would you accept an invitation to be interviewed by Hillary’s campaign consultant disguised as an anchor on Good Morning America?
But it’s fascinating to watch this ’cause it – (interruption) Why do I call it a setup? Well, the reason I call it a setup is because the Democrats have actually done it! Trump is forcing these people to go on the record steadfast opposition to this while Barr and Durham are conducting an operation to find out what kind of illegal activity there was between the investigators and Russia and other foreign actors in order to sabotage the Trump campaign and then the Trump presidency.

So Trump is forcing all these people to go public here with their outrage over just thinking about doing it, saying it’s illegal, it’s unpresidential, it’s un-American, and the day is gonna come where everybody’s gonna know that the Democrats did it, that Hillary Clinton did it. And it’s gonna be very difficult for these clowns have been conniption fits today to walk it all back, once Barr and Durham make their findings clear.

That’s why I think part of this is a set — Trump is not stupid. (me: neither are we by the way) Don’t care what anybody thinks, he’s not stupid. And Stephanopoulos did not sandbag him. Stephanopoulos did not set him up, did not catch him in a moment of when his guard was down, or he was not prepared.

Another thing about Trump, he is brazenly honest. Which also flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that Trump is this lying pig, can’t tell the truth to save his life. The fact is the guy is over-the-top honest, almost a stream of consciousness honesty that he has.

So the Drive-Bys are treating this now as a tacit admission that Trump would have colluded, he would have if he’d been given the chance, and that’s almost as bad as colluding. Except for the fact that the august Mueller report says that Trump was given numerous opportunities to collude with the Russians, and he did not!

Contrast that with Hillary Clinton, who in fact did get dirt from foreign governments on Trump, even paid for it. And it was made up. It was manufactured. All lies, paid to foreign governments, foreign agents, you name it, the mother of all getting dirt on your political opponents.

In Nixon's farewell address, he said "Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself." Apparently, Donald Trump remembered. It's the establishment that is destroying itself, and they don't even see themselves doing it. They are making absolute fools of themselves acting shocked and surprised by what Trump said. I'm listening to Sean Hannity as we speak, and he's saying the same thing. It's astonishing how blinded the anti-Trump crowd is to how they appear to the country as they try to make political hay with this stuff. Trump is whipping the establishment's ass with this one, and they do not understand how he's doing it.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Trump is running rings around you guys right now

Are you for real with this stupid shit or are you just ball busting? Look man, I just come here to vent. Obese Donald is a colossal asshole of such historic proportions and provides such an easy target that it is super fun pointing out this obvious fact and then to watch all the conned ones spout dumb shit in his defense. It's not that important to me because I had the good years. I'll be dead before the amazing amount of damage created by just one man becomes obvious even to your boy Rush Blowhard.
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By jimjam
Godstud wrote:Trump is representative of all Americans. Politicians are a reflection of the people they serve. They epitomize the qualities you want in a leader. Good luck, America.

The world laughs at America these days. It's embarrassing to let on that i'm from a country that elected such a colossal asshole and incompetent to boot. Not incompetent as a front man and con artist for his billionaire buddies down at the club though. In that role he is the best ever. A typical news headline will inform us that The Obese One still hates John McCain but will neglect to mention that Obese Donald's fossil fuel buddies can now drill for oil in national parks.

Good news is that America has it's very own Prince of Whales:

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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:The world laughs at America these days.

The world respects President Trump for standing up for America against even the crazy liberal democrats that wish to bankrupt and destroy America with socialism and open borders.
Hindsite wrote:The world respects President Trump for standing up for America against even the crazy liberal democrats that wish to bankrupt and destroy America with socialism and open borders.


The Democrats don't want ''Socialism'', they believe in Capitalism but in the ''Welfarism'' variety in order to stave off any threat of Revolution, whereas Republicans are more into welfare for corporations than specific groups of people.
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:The Democrats don't want ''Socialism'', they believe in Capitalism but in the ''Welfarism'' variety in order to stave off any threat of Revolution, whereas Republicans are more into welfare for corporations than specific groups of people.

There is a large number of "crazy liberal democrats" that want socialism in a welfare state instead of capitalism in the USA today. Conservative Republicans do not promote welfare for corporations, but instead wish to remove unnecessary regulations and corporate taxes so all businesses can prosper, grow, and provide plenty of jobs for all our citizens.
jimjam wrote:Are you for real with this stupid shit or are you just ball busting?

For real, and ball busting. The investigation into the investigation is real. It's not my imagination.

jimjam wrote:Obese Donald is a colossal asshole of such historic proportions and provides such an easy target that it is super fun pointing out this obvious fact and then to watch all the conned ones spout dumb shit in his defense.

Well, at least you find some enjoyment in it. I don't think many of your fellow travelers will feel that way if he is re-elected. The thing is: he's not an easy target if you were trying to prevent him from getting elected. It just seems that way to you, because the values espoused by political correctness are views you hold dear. Half the country already disagrees with you there. "Obese Donald" is not funny. Neither is "Obese Jerry Nadler." "Jabba Nadler" would be much funnier, especially when he was heavier, because there is some bit of resemblance, and "Jabba the Hut" was a character who had other attributes besides looking obese. "Jabba Trump"? It's not quite there, but closer. As Limbaugh says, Trump is a branding genius. You aren't. You are trying, but missing the point. You can't blast Trump for calling people names and then label him "Obese Donald" unironically. You are doing the same thing he does, but the appellation doesn't say much about his character, but rather his diet and lack of exercise which cuts across party lines in America and doesn't say much about his personal character unless you are a health nut. Lots of Americans are obese, and it has nothing to do with their political views. Calling people "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" and so forth is name calling. The DNC political machine and the mainstream media does this with astonishing regularity, and it isn't just one party figure who does it. It's the entire political establishment and the media establishment that do the name calling in unison to try to shape the culture. It's name calling jimjam. It's not something else. If you say, "All these racists, sexists and homophobes out there who like that big fat idiot, Donald Trump, who calls people demeaning names...well, they are just bigots...", you may be expressing your sincere belief. If your intent was or is to discourage support for Trump, the irony of your effort is you have only illustrated why Trump is successful while doing the same things Trump does.

jimjam wrote:The world laughs at America these days.

They're not laughing, jimjam. They are worried, because much of the global economy depends on American consumers. For example, Germany exports 50% of its GDP. If the US has 300M people and only sustains GM and Ford, with even Fiat-Chrysler having to join forces outside the US, Germany with 80M cannot realistically sustain Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Porsche without exporting one hell of a lot of autos. So when Trump starts talking tariffs, they may try to use ridicule to influence US voters to abandon "obese Donald". They aren't arching their backs and belly laughing, though. They are shitting their pants at the prospect of Trump in much the way Isoruku Yamamoto was portrayed in Tora! Tora! Tora! to have said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." Trump is not an accident. He embodies the anger of middle America. Taking Trump away does nothing to quell the terrible resolve that exists in Middle America towards its political establishment.

jimjam wrote:It's embarrassing to let on that i'm from a country that elected such a colossal asshole and incompetent to boot. Not incompetent as a front man and con artist for his billionaire buddies down at the club though.

See? You can't quite make up your own mind. I can credit Clinton with being glib, or Obama with excellent oratory but still dislike their politics. Trump isn't part of the Manhattan socialite circle. They don't like him. That's why he started building his own clubs. However, after his corporate tax cuts, many billionaires have learned to like some of his policies, while loathing others. Simultaneously, they are watching with horror the rise of people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the Democratic party. They are losing their grip, and they are frightened. The billionaire industrialists outside the US do not like Trump. Even some inside the US don't like him. Here's a CNN article for you, since you seem to like Fake News:

Trump's trade war is here to stay. Companies like mine will pay the price

Articles like this may sing music to your ears, but it is because you vote Democrat and hate Trump. It will do nothing to dissuade Trump voters. The guy is in oil services for God's sake. While you say, "consumers pay the tariff," that's not necessarily so where there is competition that doesn't rely heavily on China. His "consumers" are oil prospectors, not Wal Mart shoppers. So this guy says,

Dan K. Eberhart wrote:They must either scale back their reliance on Chinese manufacturers or get comfortable with higher costs and slimmer profit margins.

Do you know how that plays in a bar full of under-employed industrial workers in Gary, Indiana? "Boo hoo hoo... " They don't care at all. Trump is fucking guys like Dan K. Eberhart, the way he and 100s of thousands of other executives fucked America's blue collar working class for a generation and a half. As I banter back and forth with you guys about this, I constantly get the retail political argument you must be picking up from MSNBC or CNN. You guys seem to keep forgetting I have a degree in business. So as I said, Trump is creating political risk for outsourcing. It's not incompetence. It's intentional. If you can't hear it from me, here it is from a guy writing an article for CNN.

Dan K. Eberhart wrote:With the recent tariff increase on Chinese goods to 25%, and threats to tariff an additional $300 billion in Chinese goods, companies like mine, Canary LLC, are increasingly looking at new suppliers to avoid levies and preserve profits. Canary is looking at Mexico as a viable nearshore provider of critical equipment for our oilfield services business.

The Trump administration's decision to threaten Mexico with escalating tariffs — unless it curbs illegal border crossings into the United States — caused us to scramble again. A last-minute agreement between Trump and Mexico has — at least temporarily — ended that trade fight, but not the uncertainty.

You heard me say these things first. Now here it from a CEO who was relying heavily on China being forced to scramble. That's producing wins for American workers, and other South Asian countries. So Trump is doing some of what the TPP would have done, without taking away the US president or Congress' ability to put up barriers to help American workers if that's what the American electorate wants.

Dan K. Eberhart wrote:Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on imported cars and parts, which would hurt European and Japanese automakers, leaving US companies that rely on global supply chains wondering if anywhere is safe.

Japan? 175M people. But Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Nissan, Suburu, Mazda and Suzuki and their corresponding luxury brands? C'mon. Laughing at Trump? No. They are shitting their pants.

Dan K. Eberhart wrote:To be fair to President Trump, a reckoning with China over its trade practices, including allegedly stealing trade secrets and forced technology sharing, has been a long time coming, and, if not under Trump, would ultimately have come to a head under a future administration.

To be fair? To be fair to President Trump? How about being fair to the people who elected him who have been royally fucked over by the establishment's trade deals for decades? "Allegedly stealing trade secrets"? Are you trying to be fair to a communist oligarchy in view of what they do? You had us at " to avoid levies and preserve profits." To quote one jimjam, if someone says it's not about the money, it's about the money.

Enough force feeding you. It's worth reading the article.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:because the values espoused by political correctness are views you hold dear

"political correctness" values are a stupid farce to which I pay no attention. Generally held by hypocritical stuck up "effete liberals". These are my true feelings. I am not just saying this to conflict with you. I am saying this to show you how heavily you rely on knee jerk stereotype thinking. Although I realize how this forum format has some serious communication defects.

blackjack21 wrote:the appellation doesn't say much about his character, but rather his diet and lack of exercise which cuts across party lines in America and doesn't say much about his personal character unless you are a health nut.

Seriously disagree. It advertises the character of a person who does not have enough brains/common sense to treat his body with respect. Yes, I agree that Obese Donald has lots of brains ….. in specific departments. Not unlike you and I. I think you will agree that there are plenty of really smart folks out there who do really stupid things. I know, I am one of them. That you think one must be a "health nut" to simply eat healthy food in moderation says lots about you. In choosing "Obese Donald" I am simply following the example of my exalted leader and bumping the game up a notch. I'm not running for president and do not have to worry about losing the fat vote (maybe 40% of Americans who treat their emotional issues with crap food.)

blackjack21 wrote:Enough force feeding you. It's worth reading the article.

Force feeding? :lol: I do appreciate hearing your point of view however. You are a bright guy. We simply come from different places. Here is a tidbit on my background that you can use to no end in reaching wrong conclusions on my thinking. I attended the Woodstock Music and Art Festival in 1969. Three days. FYI I considered "Hippies" well meaning but not much different from those they were "rebelling" against.

I will read your article later. Right now my coffee is getting cold.
jimjam wrote:These are my true feelings. I am not just saying this to conflict with you. I am saying this to show you how heavily you rely on knee jerk stereotype thinking.

That's sort of reassuring, but sort of odd considering you are almost always in political agreement with such people.

jimjam wrote:It advertises the character of a person who does not have enough brains/common sense to treat his body with respect.

Scientists believe that some people don't have an "off" switch, or a very quick one, when it comes to eating. That's biological/evolutionary, and is just as hard to address as any addiction. That is to say, it does not rely on the frontal cortex--unless, as part of a treatment program, there is some sort of consciously acquired habit to create and maintain limitations.

jimjam wrote:Here is a tidbit on my background that you can use to no end in reaching wrong conclusions on my thinking. I attended the Woodstock Music and Art Festival in 1969. Three days. FYI I considered "Hippies" well meaning but not much different from those they were "rebelling" against.

In view of this thread, I'm more interested in a close relative involved in the US intelligence community with a similar political bias. You started the thread with:

jimjam wrote:So the guy who is being investigated fires the guy running the investigation?
Mr. Comey was fired because he was leading an active investigation that could bring down a president.

It's not clear that Comey was leading an investigation that "could" bring down the president. There was no underlying crime. They just needed a pretext. If Trump had made the misstep of talking with the FBI or Mueller, they would have tried a perjury trap like they pulled on Flynn and Papadopolous. Trump side stepped that effort quite artfully and waited Mueller out until he had to come forward with his findings--no collusion. Yet, we learned one hell of a lot more about the origination of the charge against Trump--it all originated out of Hillary Clinton's campaign. Yet, you've had little to say about her.

You did say something prescient, although I don't think you intended it this way:

jimjam wrote:This is not Watergate, it's WAY beyond Watergate.

Indeed. The interesting thing is that the corporate media is not interested, because they had a direct hand in propagating a fraud.

jimjam wrote:Conservatives have been conducting a slow motion "coup d'etat" over the past 30 years.

This investigation was intended as a coup against a sitting president, and it has failed. It's pretty transparent.

We now know that the dossier and the entire "Trump-Russia" storyline was cooked up by Crooked Hillary--a name that will go down in history, and rightfully so. Trump is indeed a branding genius. The layers of indirection, proven by banking records, timelines and points of contact, demonstrate a carefully crafted conspiracy to hide the origins of the dossier.

jimjam wrote:Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a post on Twitter that Mr. Comey “should be immediately called to testify in an open hearing about the status of Russia/Trump investigation at the time he was fired.”

These hearings were held. Comey lied under oath. He also told the truth that he committed a crime in leaking FBI docs to a professor to leak to the media in hopes of getting a special counsel appointed--none other than Robert Mueller, who wanted the FBI job Comey held. He has yet to get a taste of his own medicine.

jimjam wrote:jimjam's Research Department is frantically examining the rational that, somehow, activities surrounding Uranium One some years back provide justification for a sitting POTUS to fire the person who is investigating ........... the POTUS.

Finfinder responded to this as hypocrisy. However, law isn't concerned with hypocrisy, but rather an unequal application of the law, which was so brazenly stark that it beggared investigation itself. How could the Clintons receive so much money from the Russians and somehow nobody in law enforcement or counter-intelligence be the least bit interested, but they were falling all over themselves over an obviously phony dossier? The justification for firing Comey was simply how he handled himself. He all but indicted Hillary Clinton--an ultra vires act--and then effectively exonerated her--also an ultra vires act. Comey's improper actions for his role screamed that something was wrong, just like Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch just before they announced Hillary wouldn't be indicted for a crime she very obviously committed tipped off the public that something was not right.

jimjam wrote:So far, the scandal has engulfed Paul Manafort, one of Mr. Trump’s campaign managers; Roger Stone, a longtime confidant; Carter Page, one of the campaign’s early foreign-policy advisers; Michael Flynn, who was forced out as national security adviser; and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who recused himself in March from the Russia inquiry after failing to disclose during his confirmation hearings that he had met twice during the campaign with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

The only person not really "engulfed" by your account was Jeff Sessions--who could rightly be charged with dereliction of duty, but will probably be legally unmarred by the aftermath. Paul Manafort was being investigated by the FBI before he became Trump's campaign adviser; and that promptly stopped whilst he was Trump's campaign advisor--suggesting he was an FBI informant. This was demonstrated well by William Evans (sonofnewo), who has been removed from YouTube (likely by order of the court) after demonstrating inconsistencies in public reports and likely government involvement in the Charlottesville incident.

The indictment of Roger Stone was a comic tragedy. 20+ armed FBI agents in a dawn raid to an unarmed person's house to scare the living shit out of him and his wife while tipping off CNN to the raid? The dude was just a blowhard pundit.

Carter Page is an odd character, but he was no Russian spy and there is no evidence he was one. He's suing the government and very likely will have a very big settlement coming his way at some point. It's a shitty way to win the lottery, but he deserves some rich compensation for what he endured.

Comey has bragged on television about setting Flynn up. Flynn's sentencing has been delayed too many times now for us to believe the official reasons. The court has to be in on turning this around on the special counsel. Flynn has fired his original legal staff and hired Sydney Powell to represent him. Mueller's scorched Earth tactics may come back to bite him, because he knew that Comey had done this to Flynn. Comey just couldn't get anyone in the Justice Department to go along with him. Yet, Comey and Mueller have had a long-term relationship that goes back to trying to bounce Dick Cheney during the also cooked up Valerie Plame incident--although, it seemingly has never come out that the Valerie Plame incident was also a deep state action against a presidential administration.

jimjam wrote:Mr. McCabe (acting FBI director) also said that the Justice Department’s investigation into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia in the presidential election was “highly significant,” another direct contradiction of the White House.

Also gone... as a result of an IG report that he was not honest.

People attacking Trump seem to have no ability to withstand the counter attack.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote: I'm more interested in a close relative involved in the US intelligence community

do you refer to my uncle?

blackjack21 wrote:Scientists believe that some people don't have an "off" switch, or a very quick one, when it comes to eating. That's biological/evolutionary, and is just as hard to address as any addiction. That is to say, it does not rely on the frontal cortex--unless, as part of a treatment program, there is some sort of consciously acquired habit to create and maintain limitations.

A stupid cop out. Obese Donald is a fat pig because his "off" switch ain't so good not because he eats too much junk food? If he had anything on the ball he would …… consciously acquire a habit to create and maintain limitations.

I am not nearly as prodigious as you and hereby concede all other points to you. Now I retire to the deck to smoke a fine Cuban (Communist) cigar, have a beer and watch the Big Dipper.

Good night #21, it is always a pleasure. Thank you for engaging me. I suspect that we both enjoy this nonsense. :)
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By jimjam
In late 2015, just as the breaches of the Democratic National Committee began, yet another Russian hacking unit began targeting critical American infrastructure, including the electricity grid and nuclear power plants. By 2016, the hackers were scrutinizing the systems that control the power switches at the plants. After Mr. Trump’s inauguration, Russian hackers kept escalating attacks. In August, General Nakasone, Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, used the new authority granted to Cyber Command by the secret presidential directive to overwhelm the computer systems at Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the group at the heart of the hacking during the 2016 election in the United States.
jimjam wrote:In late 2015, just as the breaches of the Democratic National Committee began, yet another Russian hacking unit began targeting critical American infrastructure, including the electricity grid and nuclear power plants. By 2016, the hackers were scrutinizing the systems that control the power switches at the plants. After Mr. Trump’s inauguration, Russian hackers kept escalating attacks. In August, General Nakasone, Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, used the new authority granted to Cyber Command by the secret presidential directive to overwhelm the computer systems at Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the group at the heart of the hacking during the 2016 election in the United States.

Read another way, Obama did next to nothing to stop the Russians, while Trump's administration is taking action. 8)
By Sivad
jimjam wrote: It's embarrassing to let on that i'm from a country that elected such a colossal asshole and incompetent to boot.

Which country doesn't have a colossal asshole running it? The human race should be wracked with shame and humiliation for allowing itself to be dominated by thugs and con artists, but unfortunately we're a race of brazen idiots who don't have the sense to be embarrassed.

All the US has ever had in the executive are colossal assholes anyway, Trump isn't any worse than any of his predecessors.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Read another way, Obama did next to nothing to stop the Russians, while Trump's administration is taking action. 8)

I agree and am also glad to see that you acknowledge the obvious that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election :) .

I'm no Obama fan. He is the usual American war monger and while he favored the plutocratic class, he actually did toss some benefits to the so called "working class" while, so far, Obese Donald has done nothing for the "working class" other than to entertain them on a daily basis with hot air and nonsense. Oh, BTW, I wonder if he still hates John McCain and has invented a dumb nickname for all 23 Democrats who have declared that they want his job. That is so important :lol: .
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:I agree and am also glad to see that you acknowledge the obvious that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election :) .

Regardless, if the Russians interfered in the 2016 election or not, it turned out best for the people.
jimjam wrote:I'm no Obama fan. He is the usual American war monger and while he favored the plutocratic class, he actually did toss some benefits to the so called "working class...

You mean the non-working class.

Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama ... nder-obama
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:
Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama ... nder-obama

I guess it depends on how the word "thriving" is defined. Getting info from a politician who wants to get reelected and/or his propaganda machine is one thing while cold math is another. Sure lots of people are working. In fact lots of them are working at more than one job because the job(s) they have pay shit. Working @ Burger King for $8.25 @hr with zero health insurance and all time high rates of household debt isn't my idea of "thriving".

One-third of middle-income adults don’t have enough savings to cover an unexpected $400 expense without selling something or borrowing money, Fed Governor Lael Brainard said at a conference in Washington D.C. earlier this month.
If you guys want to improve the inequality of American families from the Walmartians and Jeff Bezos from those who can't afford a bus ticket to escape a Katrina situation, get control of all three houses. Or oust Mitch McConnell. McConnell has done nothing for 11 years except collect his paycheque.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:I guess it depends on how the word "thriving" is defined. Getting info from a politician who wants to get reelected and/or his propaganda machine is one thing while cold math is another. Sure lots of people are working. In fact lots of them are working at more than one job because the job(s) they have pay shit. Working @ Burger King for $8.25 @hr with zero health insurance and all time high rates of household debt isn't my idea of "thriving".

One-third of middle-income adults don’t have enough savings to cover an unexpected $400 expense without selling something or borrowing money, Fed Governor Lael Brainard said at a conference in Washington D.C. earlier this month.

For most people working at fast-food places for entry level wages is only temporary employment. So that is a very dishonest example of the economy thriving.
jimjam wrote:I agree and am also glad to see that you acknowledge the obvious that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election :) .

Why is that a big deal to you? The US interferes in elections overseas all the time. The establishment just flips out when another country does it to us, like we're inviolable or something. Exactly how is it okay for Obama to try to defeat Brexit or get Bibi Netanyahu thrown out of office? Should anyone in the UK or Israel or Ukraine for that matter be tried for treason for working with Obama? The UK clearly interfered in our 2016 elections as did Australia. China is interfering in our 2020 elections to try to defeat Trump, and that seems to bother nobody in the Democratic party. Mexico interferes in our elections to a significant degree every year.

I am still not convinced that the DNC server was hacked by Russians or that the Russians gave Hillary's email to Wikileaks. I'm more inclined to believe it was Seth Rich, and that he was murdered for his actions.

jimjam wrote:In fact lots of them are working at more than one job because the job(s) they have pay shit.

Don't you mean that one of the after effects of ObamaCare is that employers avoid hiring people full time so that they don't have to provide health insurance per ObamaCare?
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Why is that a big deal to you?

Russia interfering in America's elections? Why is this not a big deal for you?

blackjack21 wrote:Don't you mean that one of the after effects of ObamaCare is that employers avoid hiring people full time so that they don't have to provide health insurance per ObamaCare

Gee, actually not. Let me repeat. I know the concept is quite complicated but I have confidence that you can grasp it if you think hard.

A lot of folks must work more than one job simply to feed themselves and their families because the only jobs available to them pay shit. It's called underemployment.
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Dunno, when I hear him speak, the vibe I get from[…]

Here in Arizona as we slowly approach the next el[…]

@Potemkin wrote: Popular entertainment panders[…]