Can Trump end the "Anchor Baby" policy with an executive order? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:I would go fartger than Drlee and say that not only does the Republican party not care about employment verification, but also does not care about the actual causes of migration.

This makes sense considering they, and other wealthy US citizens, ultimately profit from both the causes and the migrants themselves.

This is probably true, but this is conflating Trump and populism with the old RNC.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Your weird opinions about what truth is are also irrelevant.

Trump profits from hiring immigrants for his construction projects. This is why he does not support employment verification and does not want to address the root causes of migration.

Back to the Democrat’s retreat position? “Look at this one example. Carlos is unhappy therefore we should not protect our borders.” “Trump hired an illegal therefore all illegals should be admitted.” Geez.
What a strange thing to say when I am not aware of anyone disagreeing with you on this issue. It is simply not what we are being offered, so we are discussing what is being offered.

Why? Because your dear republican party does not care what you think one iota? You seem to agree with me on workplace enforcement but not enough to admit that the republicans are dodging the issue.

Your inventing a position for Republicans to villify all Republicans is standard Democrat propaganda.

Nonsense. I am offering a viable political solution that is both doable and inexpensive for the government. You are the one who is so tribal-ly attached that you can't accept a good idea unless it comes from a republican. News Flash! I am a republican and I offer a solution. So you reject it because Trump didn't think of it first. You are a deeply confused and dogmatic man.

Ronald Reagan: 1986 IRCA: amnesty in exchange for tough border & penalties
Rising levels of illegal immigration [led to] the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). It provided amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, in return for increased border security and penalties for companies "knowingly" hiring illegal immigrants. Aside from creating the H-2A visa for seasonal employment, IRCA failed to create new avenues for legal immigration. The combination of amnesty and inadequate avenues for legal immigration exacerbated the problem of illegal immigration.

Instead of arguing issues you label. “All Republicans are racists, bigots, homophobes, etc.” Now we all disagree with your position even though no one has.

Refute it if you can. We just watched an entire political party slaver over a non-issue called the "caravan". If all of the folks got into the US and they won't what would happen? Every COUNTY in the country would get two of them, many woman and children.

Irrational fear, xenophobia, and bigotry, led by the President and followed by people who aren't smart enough to see how they are being manipulated. Dumb.
You start by stating you and I agree on the issue then you degrade me for not agreeing with you. You seem to be inventing positions for me that match the criticism you want to make against ‘someone ?’?
I haven’t heard Democrats proposing the idea either. Why do you only hold Republicans responsible for not making it an issue? Democrats are deeper in the pockets of big businesses than Republicans today.
Anyway, you and I agree it is a good plan so I don’t know what you are arguing with me about. I challenged your statement that ‘all Republicans’ are against it. You claim to be a Republican, so you disprove your own statement. I have never registered as belonging to either party, so attacking me proves nothing.
One Degree wrote:I haven’t heard Democrats proposing the idea either.
That's rich, considering that you are completely unwilling to listen to anything that democrats propose. Unless Trump suggests it, it's not an idea, according to your cultist mentality. :knife:
Godstud wrote:That's rich, considering that you are completely unwilling to listen to anything that democrats propose. Unless Trump suggests it, it's not an idea, according to your cultist mentality. :knife:

When the Democrats offer anything other than platitudes, let me know. They complain about everything and offer solutions to nothing. I got tired of waiting for any thing worth hearing emanating from them.
pugsville wrote:based on what? trump is certinaly delivering for Wall St.

Both parties are heavily comprised but on most issues (not all) the republicans are much teh tools of big business.

Wall Street donated more to Democrats. The media the last two years has been full of our largest companies taking pro democrat positions. These businesses benefit from excess workers. Democrats favor opening our borders which big businesses love. Democrats favor globalism which big businesses want. Democrats are the main tools for capitalism. Their policies perfectly coincide even though most Democrats don’t see the connection. They are blinded by the surface issues and ignore the larger implications of the issues.
One Degree wrote:Democrats favor opening our borders which big businesses love.
That is a bold-faced lie, and you fucking know it! Stop making up bullshit! It makes you look stupid.

Globalism and capitalism go hand in hand. Republicans are capitalists, too, so your argument is shit.
Godstud wrote:That is a bold-faced lie, and you fucking know it! Stop making up bullshit! It makes you look stupid.

Globalism and capitalism go hand in hand. Republicans are capitalists, too, so your argument is shit.

Prove it is a lie. What other explanation do you have for protecting illegals? Democrats pathetic excuses are so transparent it is embarrassing people are gullible enough to accept them.
Democrats will continue to work toward comprehensive immigration reform that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system, improves border security, prioritizes enforcement so we are targeting criminals – not families, keeps families together, and strengthens our economy.

It seems you're still a Trump Cultist. :moron:
Godstud wrote:Democrats will continue to work toward comprehensive immigration reform that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system, improves border security, prioritizes enforcement so we are targeting criminals – not families, keeps families together, and strengthens our economy.

It seems you're still a Trump Cultist. :moron:

Really? Show me a policy proposal in there? More ‘complaining’ with no solutions. Just platitudes.
I haven’t heard Democrats proposing the idea either.

Correct. Because they, quite correctly, believe that the majority of the 30 million illegal aliens here now are helping the economy and living quiet and productive lives as American taxpayers.

Why do you only hold Republicans responsible for not making it an issue?

What makes you think I do? The republicans have made this their premier political message. When the president hit the campaign trail at the end of the run up to this election, about all he wanted to talk about was illegal immigration. Why? Because it energizes his racist and xenophobic base. He even said so. Unambiguously. Trump said:

“They all say, ‘Speak about the economy, speak about the economy,’” Trump said Friday during a rally in West Virginia. “Well, we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. But sometimes it’s not as exciting to talk about the economy.”

And he is right. We have essentially zero unemployment and rising wages (which by the way, includes all of the illegals currently here) and yet he natters on about a few more workers. Why? Because it appeals to that racist and xenophobic base. Is it ironic that farmers vote for Trump more than democrats given the fact that without immigrants they could not get their crops in? No. These bozos believe that their guns are more important than groceries for their kids.

Democrats are deeper in the pockets of big businesses than Republicans today.

I hesitate to even comment on this because it is such a patently stupid comment. Suffice it to say that republicans had the opportunity to stop this but they didn't. Both horses drink from the same trough. Clearly though, the republican party is far more in the pocket of big business than is the democratic party.

Democrats favor opening our borders which big businesses love.

Of course this is untrue. It is simply an idiotic statement.

Democrats favor globalism which big businesses want.

Big businesses are frequently global entities. Our biggest ones all are. The US is an enormous exporter. 1.5 trillion dollars. We import even more. Are you, for a moment, so deluded that you think that both parties are beyond committed to our place in the global economy? You do realize, and probably conveniently forgot, that our president is heavily invested overseas and receives much of his financing from overseas. Right?

Democrats are the main tools for capitalism.

It is completely ignorant statements like this that cause me to believe you are just trolling. Nobody could be that deluded.

Really? Show me a policy proposal in there? More ‘complaining’ with no solutions. Just platitudes.

OK. How about Obama's dream act.

How about Obama growing the border patrol to its largest size in history?

How about the immigration reform act presented under Obama that was defeated by the republicans.

Replying to anything you don’t have an argument for as ‘idiotic’ is not much of a rebuttal.
Obama is not only not President now, you are conflating his early positions with his latter positions. This change in his positions is the difference between Obama’s original support and the switch to Trump support.
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