Trump plans on stealing the election - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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late wrote:
Breitbart or Q?

We the people, of the United States of America. The military is overwhelmingly for President Trump's agenda to make and keep America great. Biden and Bernie's clan are Commie Pinko Turds. Even, with the crack pipe losers, the fentanyl kings and queens, and the Democrat liberals, America is the greatest Country in the World. China would starve without America's farmers. We can, if needed, kick China's but. We can easily sink every ship they have if need be. Nobody wants to use Nukes except Iran. President Trump will make sure they never get them on his watch. America is on the road to recovery with President Trump at the Helm. Loser Obama and his apology tour, and Crooked Hillary's entire political career, exposed them as worthless scum. they should be tarred and feathered for attempting to rig the 2016 election. Globalists are garbage and Nobody in America needs them. Communists are going to be eliminated from America's political arenas. Illegals will be eliminated from our borders. The free ride is over for those that can work for a living. No more free rides for those that continue to chose not to work. Only a complete moron (Communist) would vote against President Trump. God Bless America. All never Trumpers are fools. Jehovah Shalom

Thanks for the laugh.
late wrote:It will go up as we get closer to the election.

You needn't worry...

Why do Democrats assume skin color determines how a person votes? That is the essence of racism! :roll:
Chad wrote:
The military is overwhelmingly for President Trump's agenda to make and keep America great.

Usually, you would be correct, but this is one weird as hell year.

"In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent." ... for-biden/
late wrote:
Usually, you would be correct, but this is one weird as hell year.

"In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent." ... for-biden/

Morning Consult: By Eli Yokley
September 10, 2020 at 6:00 am ET

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 10 points among military-affiliated voters, compared with an 18-point edge in 2016 exit polling.

Biden is currently polling 7 points ahead of where Hillary Clinton was with likely voters in military households at roughly the same time four years ago.

53% of voters in military households approve of Trump’s job performance, roughly the same share that did at the beginning of his presidency.

I am Just saying that the military Likes President Trump's agenda to make and keep America and it's military great. They also prefer order to Chaos. The Leftist Democrats have been pretty chaotic for anyone that has been in the military in the last 40 years. God Bless America's military(Past and Present).
Rancid wrote:If the off chance the military gets involved, I think it's safe to say the US is a shithole country. You only ever see the military getting involved in the elections of unstable and shithole countries.

The military could get involved if Washington D.C. burns or paramilitary guys feel like patrolling the streets, for example, they won't count votes or have SCOTUS justices over a barrel.

However, the US republic may be on the brink of a serious crisis, who knows? The Civil War also started because Lincoln got elected president.

Julian658 wrote:Why do Democrats assume skin color determines how a person votes?

They may assume there's correlation, not determination.
Chad wrote:

I am Just saying that the military Likes President Trump's agenda to make and keep America and it's military great. They also prefer order to Chaos. The Leftist Democrats have been pretty chaotic for anyone that has been in the military in the last 40 years. God Bless America's military(Past and Present).

You've got the same split you see among civvies, just shifted a bit to the Right.

I don't want to argue the amount because it doesn't matter. But I did want to point out that a lot of the military are not happy with the chaos that Trump creates. Did you notice all those brass come out in favor of Biden recently? Never seen that before, not those kind of numbers.
jimjam wrote:"If they say it's not about money, it's about money." H.L.Menckin ………… jimjam's all time favorite muckraker.

You know it is about money Jimjam. It always is.

HSBC was laundering a whole lot of drug dealer money. HSBC never got punished for it either. Not in a real way. Who has money? Those drug dealers who never conformed to the rules. They got power. You follow their money and why the banks made exceptions to the law for some drug cartels and you realize those people got POWER galore. Period.

I am tired. Spent the morning dealing with Mexican immigration. I am shooting for work permit for three years and I am starting to study up for Mexican citizenship exam. My immigration lawyer tells me I got to fly to Mexico City and take a history exam. They record you and you got to go through a background check in the capital city of Mexico to certify you were never arrested for a crime in Mexico. Interestingly they don't require that my husband take an exam because he will be over a certain age limit and the Mexican government only tests younger people getting citizenship. It is interesting.

Also it is illegal and punishable by jail time people who fail to support financially their elderly parents if they are the son or daughter. They are tough on kids who don't want to pay to take care of their elderly parents. They garnish your check and put you in jail fast. That is interesting. I asked the Mexico he said, "What kind of piece of shit human being are you if you were raised by your parents and they sacrificed for you as a youngster and all of a sudden you are an adult and working but don't want to feed them in their old age? A piece of shit you are. Jail is the right thing for you and your lack of family responsibilities." It is a different culture for sure.

Anyway, @blackjack21 i don't want to be part of the 'war' of the Democrats versus Republicans in the elections there. I read the 'conflict' problems on the wall quite a while ago. The Right in the USA is not into human rights stuff. Their thing is guns, God and Gays. Own a bunch of guns, praying to God in the protestant church and the progressive rainbow gays they want to send to hell and shoot. A bunch of three G's...with a crazy two party sellout shitty governance going on....Tainari busted a move out of there long ago. Lol.

I will be honest BJ, when people like @Politics_Observer (an ex Afghanistan war veteran) thinks it is time to bunker up with the possible problems? I think things are not going well. Trump is setting things up for a conflict of problems. He is saying the results will be fraudulent. Many of his supporters believe everything that asshole President 45 says. The Democrats got a bunch of sellouts in all ranks of government. You got right gunned up aggressive pro dictators on the Right and a bunch of sellout corporate corrupt liberals on the Left. It is bound to be a bad result.

I don't know who is going to win those elections. I am voting for my usual political column. I will be eligible to vote in Mexico in 2024 and I can vote in both nations as long as I pay taxes and am a citizen of both the USA and Mexico. The wave of the future. Multiple nationalities.

Rancid wrote:If the off chance the military gets involved, I think it's safe to say the US is a shithole country. You only ever see the military getting involved in the elections of unstable and shithole countries.


You see the troops coming in....things are getting very Banana Republic. I kind of like that. But without the sweet taste of actual bananas Rancid.

Tainari88 wrote:I will be honest BJ, when people like @Politics_Observer (an ex Afghanistan war veteran) thinks it is time to bunker up with the possible problems? I think things are not going well.

He's hopped up on too much caffeine and MSNBC. Right now, the only thing dictatorial as a matter of law is governors exercising arbitrary emergency powers well passed an initial emergency. Legislators need to step up and re-assert authority. As you may have guessed it, the Democrats are by far the worst abusers. David Freiheit and Robert Barnes discuss the Stickman decision striking down Pennsylvania's lockdown (two lawyers).

Politics_Observer is probably pretty young, and probably hasn't read much law.

Tainari88 wrote:Trump is setting things up for a conflict of problems. He is saying the results will be fraudulent.

He should be setting up for a conflict. They investigated him for years trying to setup a perjury trap or an obstruction of justice trap based upon a completely fraudulent allegation of collusion with Russia; then, went on to impeach him for looking into what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine. Those are the bigger issues, overlooking spying illegally on his campaign, undermining his NSA choice, plotting a 25th Amendment coup, and so on. There is nothing these people won't do to him, so he does need to pound on them pre-emptively.

Tainari88 wrote:Many of his supporters believe everything that asshole President 45 says.

Nah. They like that he fights the establishment. Compare and contrast George W. Bush. Bush took it on the chin for 8 years straight, and never really fired back. McCain and Romney lost elections they could have won if they'd only fought back. Trump supporters like him for fighting back.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't know who is going to win those elections.

Trump. Just look at the rallies. Same as 2016. Biden has put a "lid" on campaigning 4 days this week. He's barely out there at all. Trump is speaking to crowds of 10k+. The contrast is stunning.
It's possible he steps down if he loses at some point, but he'll never publicly admit defeat, he will make up excuses. His ego won't allow him to admit failure in the public eye.

Even if he tries to stay on if he loses I don't see the system cooperating with him. Democrats in Congress would just refuse to work or impede everything until he steps down, the public protests and riots would be wild, people would storm the White House.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Democrats in Congress would just refuse to work or impede everything until he steps down, the public protests and riots would be wild, people would storm the White House.

And that's different from how things are going right now exactly how?

Oh Hunter! Hunter! You've got some splaining to do... Why did the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow wire you $3.5M Hunter? Would you mind telling us?
blackjack21 wrote:And that's different from how things are going right now exactly how?

Oh Hunter! Hunter! You've got some splaining to do... Why did the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow wire you $3.5M Hunter? Would you mind telling us?

I find it all shady in general. Biden is an establishment stooge and Trump is a damn conman who sucks. But both the Republican and the Democrats are paid off and have a lot in common. That is why you see both of them acting similarly in the reality of not being able to control that situation of what the voters might do. It is very very predictable. The voters might want to get rid of the globalists and the liberals out of the world power seat. And both right and left bought off establishment people are refusing to concede to the will of the electorate. This is going to be a very long process BJ. The Pandemic is just going to bring out the flaws in the system.

Meanwhile I got emails in my email about Donald Trump Jr. begging me for money for his dear old Dad. I marked it as spam. The gall of these asshole politicians on either side asking me for money for them to win with some shady shit. NO. JUST SAY NO to these shady politicians in either party. They are losing the public trust. Don't give either them a dime of your pandemic money. :D :lol:
blackjack21 wrote:He's hopped up on too much caffeine and MSNBC. Right now, the only thing dictatorial as a matter of law is governors exercising arbitrary emergency powers well passed an initial emergency. Legislators need to step up and re-assert authority. As you may have guessed it, the Democrats are by far the worst abusers. David Freiheit and Robert Barnes discuss the Stickman decision striking down Pennsylvania's lockdown (two lawyers).

Politics_Observer is probably pretty young, and probably hasn't read much law.

He should be setting up for a conflict. They investigated him for years trying to setup a perjury trap or an obstruction of justice trap based upon a completely fraudulent allegation of collusion with Russia; then, went on to impeach him for looking into what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine. Those are the bigger issues, overlooking spying illegally on his campaign, undermining his NSA choice, plotting a 25th Amendment coup, and so on. There is nothing these people won't do to him, so he does need to pound on them pre-emptively.

Nah. They like that he fights the establishment. Compare and contrast George W. Bush. Bush took it on the chin for 8 years straight, and never really fired back. McCain and Romney lost elections they could have won if they'd only fought back. Trump supporters like him for fighting back.

Trump. Just look at the rallies. Same as 2016. Biden has put a "lid" on campaigning 4 days this week. He's barely out there at all. Trump is speaking to crowds of 10k+. The contrast is stunning.

The Democrats prefer to lose to Trump than fight for voters and refuse to cooperate with socialist agendas. FUCK THEM. They are low life dirty liberals. Who don't give a fig about anything but themselves and making money and not fighting that conman liar. They are masters at losing to freaks who should have been ousted long ago.

As for the Republicans? They are such spineless bootlicking pieces of racist shit. I hope they realize that once their eight-year term is over possibly....they are DONE. All the white women and racist fools and disillusioned conservative freaks are done with their fear-mongering and bullshit the country would have lost to the PRC, the Russians, and the European Union in the power of soft power.....and some economic issues and the decline is their fault. Stop the bullshit about far-right cutthroat capitalism and ousting the only people willing to give American citizenship in the future a try. They will find themselves like the Canadians, having to give special privileges to people who solve their problems for them and whom they will wind up having to integrate at wages they don't want to pay for initially. I don't care. It is live and learn.@blackjack21 .

The world economy is going to take two to three years to recuperate for sure.
Tainari88 wrote:The world economy is going to take two to three years to recuperate for sure.

Yes ….. for sure. We are already in the first stages of a depression. The only thing disguising this at present is the few trillion dollars of "relief" recently dumped into the situation but ….. this play money cannot continue indefinitely. Maybe half of this money was skimmed off by billionaires and corporations but some did get to the "Disgusting people" who trump doesn't like to shake hands with. Once the disgusting people are flat broke and stop buying useless shit ….. it will become very interesting.

Tainari88 wrote: I got emails in my email about Donald Trump Jr. begging me for money for his dear old Dad

I got an email from Fat Donald hiself asking for $$. If the trumps are begging for chump change from disgusting people like you and I that shows that their billionaire sugar daddies are jumping ship and the trump royal family is in trouble.
Last edited by jimjam on 30 Sep 2020 22:38, edited 1 time in total.
Beren wrote:
They may assume there's correlation, not determination.

To correlate skin color with how a person votes sounds like a stereotype. Perhaps they should correlate other causes that make a person vote for the democrats. I am a Latin American and get massively turned off when other Latin Americans assume I have to be a Democrat. This is tribalism. When you are a member of a tribe you are expected to approve and accept all the tribal laws.
.Where are the 2020 versions of Barry Goldwater?

Christ. You've seen film of postal trucks tearing up mail boxes. President Trump should be incarcerated for no end of stuff. The Republicans, Senate and Congress, should encourage Trump to leave office. They could join the chorus of "Never Trump Again" gang of soldiers, doctors etc.

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