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By One Degree
Tainari88 wrote:You quoted me One Degree. I don't give a damn about your opinions.

Why? All you do is blame liberals. I am not a liberal. So it has nothing to interest me there. You don't understand almost anything I write. Nothing. So why engage someone who doesn't understand you. It is boring.

And frankly stop quoting me. Unless I can learn something useful from you? I am not interested in your posts. I have read a lot of your posts. I do that routinely with many people on here. I have read you thoroughly.

My conclusion: You are not a bad person. But you grew up in some conventional household and never learned about other realities out there. I doubt you socialize with anyone not of your ethnic group and your own experiences. You are limited in many many ways One Degree. I am not interested in Trump apologists. That is all you do. Apologize for that man. I am not interested in that. Period.

When you get bored you try to get the ópposition's attention. I hardly write on here. I have a life to lead. When I am here I want to debate something I am interested in and deal with people who think well. Not because you can't but because I really think you are not thinking well. It has been pointed out to you by a few people. You choose to ignore that and keep going here. I don't know why. I would spend time with my grandkids and family and be with them. Family is wonderful. Enjoy them while you still can.

I won't be here for much longer. I don't want to spend my limited time interacting with a Trump apologist. Respect that and leave me alone and don't quote me One Degree.

Unless you respect me and treat me decently? I have nothing to say to you. If you keep thinking I am a racist and I am wrong and this and that? I don't give a damn. You are someone I have met five million times in the USA. A person with no efforts on studying things that is not directly related to their very limited experiences.

Please, One Degree, just be respectful and leave me alone. Talk to others. There are plenty of other people for you to cope with.

Trump OMG is about people making comments. Stick to that. I already know what you are going to say.

No, I did not quote you until after you quoted me. Your comment was the stimulus for my comment.
If you read my posts thoroughly then how did you get such a distorted view of my life? I have described it often. I have lived a very multicultural life and have a very multicultural family.
By Atlantis
Potemkin wrote:People get the leadership they deserve, and want. :)

You don't have a high opinion of your own people.

Wonder what makes you a nationalist if you despise your own people.

I feel sorry for the Kurds, but it's their own fault if they had any illusions about being able to trust the Americans. They should have moved first and made a deal with Assad a year ago. Now, they don't have any leverage. They have to swallow all of Assad's conditions if they don't want to get pounded into the ground by the Turks.

But it's all shaping up great. As I said before, once Trump will have done with the country, US imperialism will never be the same again.
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By Tainari88
Atlantis wrote:You don't have a high opinion of your own people.

Wonder what makes you a nationalist if you despise your own people.

I feel sorry for the Kurds, but it's their own fault if they had any illusions about being able to trust the Americans. They should have moved first and made a deal with Assad a year ago. Now, they don't have any leverage. They have to swallow all of Assad's conditions if they don't want to get pounded into the ground by the Turks.

But it's all shaping up great. As I said before, once Trump will have done with the country, US imperialism will never be the same again.

Atlantis, Potemkin is not an American. He is a Scottish man and he lives in the UK. He is also not a nationalist. But a Communist. So? You sound kind of misinformed?

Lol. Ave maria, so many misinformed people. Just ask people questions to get an idea of where they stand.

Don't assume. :eh:
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By jimjam
Tainari88 wrote:I would spend time with my grandkids and family and be with them. Family is wonderful. Enjoy them while you still can.

My favorite step grand daughter (she is not a Trump supporter.):

But, to keep me legally on topic …… it does seem as if Fatso Donald is running out of options other than calling anyone who doesn't kiss his ass names. He appears to be losing ground and his prospects for 2020 are diminishing as members of his own party attempt to disassociate from him without appearing to do so.
jimjam wrote:My favorite step grand daughter (she is not a Trump supporter.):

But, to keep me legally on topic …… it does seem as if Fatso Donald is running out of options other than calling anyone who doesn't kiss his ass names. He appears to be losing ground and his prospects for 2020 are diminishing as members of his own party attempt to disassociate from him without appearing to do so.

Think about it jimjam? What will you do if Donald gets another four years? Lol.

I plan on visiting Cuba in 2020. Might see you there Senor. Lol.

The Trumpet man sucks with policy. But he might just sell the USA to some foreign spy agencies and all of the USA's state secrets are out in the open air like dirty laundry waiting to be re-washed and folded and taken away by foreign cutthroat powers. And the Americans are going to have to say to themselves? How did we let this happen?

The answer? From Tainari88? "You failed to read a history book. You are an anti-intellectual nation full of consumeristic fearmongering crazy ass conservatives willing to sell their mother for a dollar. No ethics. Bad values. Accept the reality of what that brings."

Once the Republicans are gone from power? Who knows what comes next? The bought off corrupt are in both parties. A general cleansing has to take place. But? The Drunken Sailor Spending Style has not gone away.

Meanwhile my little boy might be picking his nose in public in a street in a city in Mexico. Learning that the USA is not the only nation able to provide a life for a family. :lol: ;)

Take care Jimjam!
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By Hindsite
I admire and respect Donald Trump for volunteering to take on the great responsibility as President of the United States and as Commander-in-chief of our military without pay. So far, it appears to me that he has done a great job, even though he is continually being obstructed by many in Congress and bombarded with fake news by the MSM. I don't know how much good his early military schooling did to prepare him for Commander-in-chief, but he seems to exhibit the characteristics of a strong decisive leader. Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:I admire and respect Donald Trump for volunteering to take on the great responsibility as President of the United States and as Commander-in-chief of our military without pay. He is still being paid,.
What he chooses to do with that money is up to him. You're being willfully ignorant by ignoring reality.

Hindsite wrote: So far, it appears to me that he has done a great job, even though he is continually being obstructed by many in Congress and bombarded with fake news by the MSM.
Trump's doing a shit job and trying to blame anyone and everything for his continual failures. Cultists like you just can't stop trying to suck his tiny orange mushroom cock, however. Your head is so far up Trump's ass, you can see the KFC he had for dinner.

Hindsite wrote:Praise the Lord.
It's quite clear that Trump is your primary source of idolatry. I hope your "Lord" sits well with being second best. :lol:
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By jimjam
Daughters of Dr. Larry Braunstein, the New York podiatrist, suggested that their father diagnosed Donald Trump with bone spurs so that Fred Trump would take care of his building.

Elysa Braunstein said: "If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and Trump would take care of it immediately. That was the small favor that he got."

A biographer of President Donald Trump said the president once took off his shoes to show him the alleged bone spurs that got him out of the draft for the Vietnam War, but he "didn't see" any evidence of them.

Michael D'Antonio discussed the incident and said on Wednesday: "So many of his biographical details are hazy. In this case, I believe these women, I don't think there ever was a medical issue."

John McCain commented, “One aspect of the (Vietnam) conflict by the way that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:John McCain commented, “One aspect of the (Vietnam) conflict by the way that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If we are going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”

John McCain spent most of his military time in the Hanoi Hilton. What kind of hero is that?
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By Potemkin
Hindsite wrote:John McCain spent most of his military time in the Hanoi Hilton. What kind of hero is that?

A hero who was willing to risk being shot down by the enemy? Just sayin'.
By Rich
Tainari88 wrote:Why don't Trump supporters explain to their grandchildren how the USA got so deep in debt and is racist and is losing power to a bunch of other nations because their older folks did not care about them and were selfish in their political decisions?

We Europeans were the Christ. We Europeans with our wonderful empires, redeemed the rest of the world from that hell of the pre modern world. We brought peace to the Americas, the pre Columbus peoples were in a constant state of war. In the rest of the world there are more people living longer lives at a higher standard of living.

America is losing power because the rest of the world is following in European's foot steps and developing. So many lives could have saved, prosperity could have arrived so much earlier if China and India's leaders had had the humility and wisdom to follow Europeans like Japan and Taiwan did.
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By Tainari88
Rich wrote:We Europeans were the Christ. We Europeans with our wonderful empires, redeemed the rest of the world from that hell of the pre modern world. We brought peace to the Americas, the pre Columbus peoples were in a constant state of war. In the rest of the world there are more people living longer lives at a higher standard of living.

America is losing power because the rest of the world is following in European's foot steps and developing. So many lives could have saved, prosperity could have arrived so much earlier if China and India's leaders had had the humility and wisdom to follow Europeans like Japan and Taiwan did.

LOL. I won't ever answer you @Rich. Too delusional. Sometimes one has to say, "some individuals have such crazy interpretations of human experiences that the best course of action is to let them live with their simplistic and unanalytical ideas of life."
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:John McCain spent most of his military time in the Hanoi Hilton. What kind of hero is that?

I was waiting for that one. Boy …. has Donald got his "base" brainwashed or what.

I will not comment on McCain's sacrifice for America. That is as obvious as Donald's time spent stateside hiding behind phony "bone spurs" and grabbing pussy.
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By Godstud
@Hindsite Educate yourself, you mental midget. There's a reason he was a war hero, and being captured when your plane is shot down during service, is not dishonorable.

On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying his twenty-third mission, part of a twenty-plane strike force against the Yen Phu thermal power plant in central Hanoi[104][105] that previously had almost always been off-limits to U.S. raids due to the possibility of collateral damage.[102] Arriving just before noon, McCain dove from 9,000 to 4,000 feet on his approach;[106] as he neared the target, warning systems in McCain's A-4E Skyhawk alerted him that he was being tracked by enemy fire-control radar.[107] Like other U.S. pilots in similar situations, he did not break off the bombing run,[62] and he held his dive until he released his bombs at about 3,500 feet (1,000 m).[108] As he started to pull up, the Skyhawk's wing was blown off by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile fired by the North Vietnamese Air Defense Command's 61st Battalion,[102][106] commanded by Captain Nguyen Lan[106] assisted by fire control officer Lieutenant Nguyen Xuan Dai.[102][106] (McCain was later awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for this day,[101] while Nguyen Xuan Dai was awarded the title Hero of the People's Armed Forces.[102] Decades later, Soviet Army Lieutenant Yuri Trushechkin claimed that he had been the missile guidance officer who had shot McCain down.[109][110] In any case, the raid was a failure, as the power plant was not damaged and three of the attacking planes were shot down.

McCain's plane went into a vertical inverted spin.[112] McCain bailed out upside down at high speed;[113] the force of the ejection fractured his right arm in three places, his left arm, and his right leg at the knee, and knocked him unconscious.[113][114] McCain nearly drowned after parachuting into Trúc Bạch Lake in Hanoi; the weight of his equipment was pulling him down, and as he regained consciousness, he could not use his arms.[107] Eventually, he was able to inflate his life vest using his teeth.[107] Several Vietnamese, possibly led by Department of Industry clerk Mai Van On, pulled him ashore.[115] A mob gathered around, spat on him, kicked him, and stripped him of his clothes; his left shoulder was crushed with the butt of a rifle and he was bayoneted in his left foot and left groin area.[107][113][114] He was then transported to Hanoi's main Hỏa Lò Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton" by American POWs.

In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he remained for two years.[137] Unknown to the POWs, in April 1968, Jack McCain was named Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command (CINCPAC) effective in July, stationed in Honolulu and commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater.[138][139] In mid-June, Major Bai, commander of the North Vietnamese prison camp system,[140] offered McCain a chance to return home early.[138] The North Vietnamese wanted to score a worldwide propaganda coup by appearing merciful,[136] and also wanted to show other POWs that members of the elite like McCain were willing to be treated preferentially.[138] McCain turned down the offer of release, due to the POWs' "first in, first out" interpretation of the U.S. Code of Conduct:[141] he would only accept the offer if every man captured before him was released as well.[104][142] McCain's refusal to be released was remarked upon by North Vietnamese senior negotiator Lê Đức Thọ to U.S. envoy Averell Harriman, during the ongoing Paris Peace Talks.[143] Enraged by his declining of the offer, Bai and his assistant told McCain that things would get very bad for him.[142]

In late August 1968, a program of vigorous torture methods began on McCain.[144] The North Vietnamese used rope bindings to put him into prolonged, painful positions and severely beat him every two hours, all while he was suffering from dysentery.[144] His right leg was reinjured, his ribs were cracked, some teeth were broken at the gumline, and his left arm was re-fractured.Lying in his own waste, his spirit was broken;[144] the beginnings of a suicide attempt were stopped by guards.[104] After four days of this, McCain signed and taped[145] an anti-American propaganda "confession" that said, in part, "I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died, and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors."[104][144] He used stilted Communist jargon and ungrammatical language to signal that the statement was forced.[124] McCain was haunted then and since with the belief that he had dishonored his country, his family, his comrades and himself by his statement,[146][147] but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[112] Two weeks later his captors tried to force him to sign a second statement; his will to resist restored, he refused.[144] He sometimes received two to three beatings per week because of his continued resistance;[148]the sustained mistreatment went on for over a year.[136] His refusals to cooperate, laced with loud obscenities directed towards his guards, were often heard by other POWs.[135] His boxing experience from his Naval Academy days helped him withstand the battering,[44] and the North Vietnamese did not break him again.[144]

Other American POWs were similarly tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions" and propaganda statements.[149][150] Many, especially among those who had been captured earlier and imprisoned longer – such as those in the "Alcatraz Gang" – endured even worse treatment than McCain.[151] Under extreme duress, virtually all the POWs eventually yielded something to their captors.[149][152] There were momentary exceptions: on one occasion, a guard surreptitiously loosened McCain's painful rope bindings for a night; when, months later, the guard later saw McCain on Christmas Day, he stood next to McCain and silently drew a cross in the dirt with his foot.[153] In October 1968, McCain's isolation was partly relieved when Ernest C. Brace was placed in the cell next to him;[154] he taught Brace the tap code the prisoners used to communicate.[155] On Christmas Eve 1968, a church service for the POWs was staged for photographers and film cameras; McCain defied North Vietnamese instructions to be quiet, speaking out details of his treatment then shouting "Fu-u-u-u-ck you, you son of a bitch!" and giving the finger whenever a camera was pointed at him.[156] McCain refused to meet with various anti-Vietnam War peace groups coming to Hanoi,[157] such as those led by David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, and Rennie Davis, not wanting to give either them or the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory based on his connection to his father.[112] McCain was still badly hobbled by his injuries, earning the nickname "Crip" among the other POWs,[158][159] but despite his physical condition, continued beatings and isolation, he was one of the key players in the Plantation's resistance efforts.[160] ... ohn_McCain

Of course, as we all know, his service to his country didn't end with the military.

Fuck Trump and his ignorant stupid supporters. They are brain-washed cultists who cannot think for themselves. Being a hero is not faking an injury or a bone spur to avoid military service.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite Educate yourself, you mental midget. There's a reason he was a war hero, and being captured when your plane is shot down during service, is not dishonorable.

In any case, the raid was a failure, as the power plant was not damaged and three of the attacking planes were shot down.

McCain violated the code of the American fighting man, which requires one capture in war to attempt to escape capture at every chance. He was even given a chance to be free and refused. That is not what I call a war hero. Anyway, that war was very unpopular with the left. McCain was also a traitor to his party, so I have no respect for him.

President Trump is my kind of hero for standing up for the safety and security of our nation and our citizens.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:President Trump is my kind of hero for

pretending he has "bone spurs" and staying stateside grabbing pussy while McCain repeatedly put his life in danger in service to his country. :?:
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By XogGyux
I love how Retardicans turn on each other the moment one of them shows a tiny bit of decency.
I don't think there is anything wrong with being a coward, most of us are born cowards simply because it is biologically beneficial for us to be so. A few can go through extensive training and behave very brave. Go into military, firefighter, police force and literally die (or worse) for someone else. That is adminrably but in my view, not required. I don't know if I would be brave enough to turn away a "get me out of war" card from my daddy but sure as hell know that I would not be making fun of those poor people that actually had to go and fight. Regardless of whether the war was fair, we were the good guys or bad guys. The only honorable thing for trump was to keep his mouth shut and accept with a tiny bit of grace whatever criticism he got. Perhaps he could have even appeal to the "unfairness of the war" and channel his inner hippie or something. But instead, this moron, who does not know his left arm from his right, goes around bragging as if he was some kind of hero and criticizing people that actually did their best. That is shameful, the bottom of the worse.

I don't think there is 1 person in the whole world that was surprized when the news of the doctor basically making up the diagnosis. It was a sham, "fking bone spurs"? are you fking kidding? that guy did not even bother actually faking a more serious and less obvious fake diagnosis?
How much different we would be right now if he had actually diagnosed him with what he actually had... anti-social personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and so forth, you could write a book of psychiatry with Mr trump as the only subject for the first 3 chapters. FOr sure he would have been disqualified for military service just on his psychiatry evaluation... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:pretending he has "bone spurs" and staying stateside grabbing pussy while McCain repeatedly put his life in danger in service to his country. :?:

Trump seems to be the genius for grabbing good pussy and becoming a billionaire and the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:He was even given a chance to be free and refused.
:eh: Are you fucking serious? He'd have had to give up his own honor and put other Americans in danger, to BUY that freedom. Trump would take that, and so would you, apparently, but any true hero would not.

You are not supposed to buy your freedom at the cost of others, and he did resist. He was tortured because he resisted. You didn't even read the fucking article, did you, you poe???

You're a real piece of work, @Hindsite. :moron:
Last edited by Godstud on 29 Dec 2018 06:16, edited 1 time in total.
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By Godstud
Trump is a piece of shit, and you're eating his shit like it's a fucking Snickers bar. :knife:
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