White Crime Watch: Another Right Wing Shooter - What is Wrong With America's Right? Topic Thread - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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SpecialOlympian wrote:Also, just a reminder, Sivad is so extremely woke that he believes gangs of black people drive around shooting people randomly to incite terror and somehow get the police off their backs. Like, he independently reinvented the idea of "Gangs in [city] drive around with their lights off and kill anyone who flashes their lights at them."

I would never refer to myself as "woke" because I'm not a liberal LA finance yuppie and your idiotic mischaracterization of my words aside, the fact is more mass shootings are carried out by black people against black people than by any other group.

Most victims of US mass shootings are black, data analysis finds
‘Real challenges facing black communities’
The New York Times requested official details from law enforcement on 358 incidents from 2015, in which 462 people were killed and 1,330 were injured. It was able to obtain details about race for 67% of victims. Nearly three-quarters of those were black, as were about three-quarters of alleged assailants. Investigators could provide information about motivation in three out of four of the shootings.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... rol-reddit
Sivad wrote:I would never refer to myself as "woke" because I'm not a liberal LA finance yuppie and your idiotic mischaracterization of my words aside, the fact is more mass shootings are carried out by black people against black people than by any other group.

Most victims of US mass shootings are black, data analysis finds
‘Real challenges facing black communities’
The New York Times requested official details from law enforcement on 358 incidents from 2015, in which 462 people were killed and 1,330 were injured. It was able to obtain details about race for 67% of victims. Nearly three-quarters of those were black, as were about three-quarters of alleged assailants. Investigators could provide information about motivation in three out of four of the shootings.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... rol-reddit

Way cool. Now, somehow, I'm just fine with weekly mass shootings. After all ….. there are good people on both sides of the gun sight :eek: .
Tainari88 wrote:
I don't know your entire background but if I had to guess? You started in a very white power or right-wing bent

You'd be guessing wrong. I've never been into racial identity, that was always idiotic to me, and I've always been a social democrat more or less. You have way more in common with those white power idiots than I ever have. I don't give a fuck about identitarian nonsense and I never have. I don't really even give a fuck about class identity, I think the working classes are braindead deplorable trash and the only reason I'm interested in the class struggle is that the working classes through their petty ignorant apathy have elevated the worst sort of psychopathic elitist scum to power and the only way to get rid of the scum is to uplift the trash through social democracy.
Sivad wrote:I think the working classes are braindead deplorable trash and the only reason I'm interested in the class struggle is that the working classes through their petty ignorant apathy have elevated the worst sort of psychopathic elitist scum to power and the only way to get rid of the scum is to uplift the trash through social democracy.

And where do you fit in there?
jimjam wrote:Way cool. Now, somehow, I'm just fine with weekly mass shootings. After all ….. there are good people on both sides of the gun sight :eek: .

It does seem like you liberals are just fine with mass shootings, you don't seem to want to address the underlying causes of the problem like the drug war, mass industrial education, mass medication, political, social and economic disenfranchisement, etc., you're just happy to have a crisis to politicize.
skinster wrote: Sivad's racism

:knife: it's not racism, I'm just not a fervent devotee of the cult of the victim. Mexicans are same kind of stupid assholes as the rest of us and if they had any real consciousness or solidarity they wouldn't be living as exploited peasants in one of the richest nations in the world(Mexico has the 11th to 13th richest economy in the world and ranks 4th with most number of poor among richest economies. Mexico is the 10th to 13th country with the most number of poor in the world).
Patrick Crusius, 21, was booked into the El Paso County Jail early Sunday morning on a charge of capital murder. He is accused of walking into a crowded Walmart on Saturday and targeting customers and employees, leaving 20 dead and another 27 injured.

Investigators believe Crusius posted a 2,356-word "manifesto" that appeared on the anonymous message board 8chan less than a half hour before the shooting. The four-page document shared widely online contains anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric, advocates a plan to divide the nation into territories by race and warns of an impending yet unspecified attack.

“From the manifesto that we first saw, we attribute that manifesto directly to him," El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen said Sunday afternoon.

Federal investigators, however, have not said whether they have linked Crusius to the manifesto. If hate is a factor in the shootings, federal authorities would bring those charges.

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Aussie terrorist Brenton Tarrant and he just repeated what Tarrant did in New Zealand. Brenton Tarrant was on the same white supremacist message board and he also posted his manifesto to 8chan before killing more than 50 Muslims. There was an FBI warning about QAnon and all incident may be linked with each other. “Q” gave a vague “24-hour warning” last week.

Last edited by ThirdTerm on 05 Aug 2019 03:07, edited 2 times in total.
Sivad wrote:It does seem like you liberals are just fine with mass shootings, you don't seem to want to address the underlying causes of the problem like the drug war, mass industrial education, mass medication, political, social and economic disenfranchisement, etc., you're just happy to have a crisis to politicize.

It sounds like you have decided that I am a "liberal". No offense junior but that is rather simple minded and I am curious how you reached that conclusion. Let's see, according to the simple minded dichotomy being peddled in America these days, that would make you a "conservative". Did I get it right ….. :lol:
https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019 ... rren-supp/

Apparently a violent leftist and a violent rightist carried out mass shootings on the same day. This provides an excellent chance for reflection that I'm sure almost everybody will pass on.

Also, making a troll thread while the bodies are still warm is a pretty shitty thing to do.
Hong Wu wrote:a violent leftist and a violent rightist

I didn't know the the Dayton shooting was political. It seems more likely the shooter in Ohio set out to murder his sister in a splashy way and the rest of his victims were, as you Americans are so fond of saying, 'collateral damage'.

ABC News wrote:The Ohio mass shooter's sister was one of his first victims.
Last edited by ingliz on 05 Aug 2019 10:44, edited 2 times in total.
Palmyrene wrote:I mean mass shootings are common in America. You can only have so many before you just get desensitized.

The stats don't suggest they are more common. They are just more visible because if it happens in America it makes international news. When it happens elsewhere it only makes local news.
SolarCross wrote:The stats don't suggest they are more common. They are just more visible because if it happens in America it makes international news. When it happens elsewhere it only makes local news.

Gun-related incidents are about 10 times more frequent in the US than in Germany, for example. Your comparison with Venezuela is disingenuous. Why not compare it with Syria?

The US is a very violent society by any standard.
Atlantis wrote:Gun-related incidents are about 10 times more frequent in the US than in Germany, for example. Your comparison with Venezuela is disingenuous. Why not compare it with Syria?

The US is a very violent society by any standard.

It isn't disingenuous. Fact is the US is middle of the pack by the global averages. If you want an example of disingenuous see your own claim: "The US is a very violent society by any standard". Plainly it is not very violent by any standard because by Venezualan standards they are a bunch of hippy peaceniks. It is "very violent" only by the standard of countries with the lowest crime rates in the world which is not "any" standard.
Atlantis wrote:Your comparison with Venezuela is disingenuous.

Why is a comparison with Venezuela disingenuous?

Atlantis wrote:Why not compare it with Syria?

Fair enough. Syria is a seriously fractured country where diversity is very evidently not a strength.

El Paso, Texas sits adjacent to Juarez, Mexico on the other side of the border. Juarez is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world, even according to a Mexican think tank.
Juárez among most dangerous cities in the world You can see that portrayed in movies like Sicario, but even the hangings and beheadings don't make headlines in America. They are mostly one-day back page stuff.

Female homicides in Ciudad Juárez
The murders of women and girls in Ciudad Juárez since 1993 have received international attention, primarily due to perceived government inaction in preventing violence against women and girls and bringing perpetrators to justice.

Given that backdrop, Beto O'Rourke wants to tear down the border fencing between Juarez, Mexico--one of the most dangerous cities in the world--and El Paso, Texas. O'Rourke's presidential campaign is going nowhere fast, but he's part of the open borders clan and busies himself with calling everyone racist if they want secure national borders. It's saddening that these types of events materialize, but it is nowhere near the scale of horror that happens regularly in Juarez.

SolarCross wrote:They are just more visible because if it happens in America it makes international news.

They make national and international news when it fits a political agenda--like pushing gun control. There are shootings in Chicago all the time, but they don't make the news because Chicago has rigorous gun control laws but they are observed just like immigration laws, which is to say they are hopelessly ineffective.

In the instant case, the Democrats are pushing for instant background checks. However, what they are not highlighting is that instant background checks would not have stopped any of these shootings as none of the shooters had criminal records of any kind. In the recent cases, the shooters appear to be very young.

Atlantis wrote:Gun-related incidents are about 10 times more frequent in the US than in Germany, for example. Your comparison with Venezuela is disingenuous. Why not compare it with Syria?

The US is a very violent society by any standard.

Solarcross has a valid point though. Overall violent crime, including homicide has been on a steady decline since the 1970s. Even with the increase in mass shootings, you are statistically safer in the US than ever before.

This fact should not at all diminish the gravity of mass shootings in the US, especially their frequency. However, it is also important to understand the full picture.

Depending on your position on gun control. People tend to ignore facts that might weaken their position on gun control. Thus, if you are leftist, you ignore that overall violent crime is down in the long term. If you are a rightist, you ignore that the frequency of mass shootings should be alarming and should prompt some self-reflection on the culture and its values.

Very few are capable of being super objective and level headed like yours truly, instead they let their confirmation biases rage in full. 8) I'm a supreme logician.
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