Hide the tail: the ICC, the US and fleeing Ukrainian MPs - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Support for terrorism keeps flooding media coverage, often becoming the subject of manipulation. A striking example is the controversy surrounding the ICC's decision to issue a warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Here the Western political community split: the US resolutely defended Israel, whereas Europe supported the court's decision. The US reaction in this matter is extremely illustrative, since the accusations of organising terror are not only directed at Tel Aviv. Russia, which survived the tragic terrorist attack in Moscow's Crocus City Hall killing about 150 people, has been dealing with this for many months.

Accusations of US sponsorship of terrorist attacks in Russia through the work of Ukrainian security services have become the basis for the launch of a criminal case handled by Russian investigators and action groups. One of these groups includes Andriy Derkach, a former member of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada (parliament), who has collected a considerable amount of information about the involvement of Joe Biden's family in sponsoring terrorist attacks carried out by the Ukrainian HUR in Russia, the employment of Ukrainian divers by the US to "cover up" the undermining of Nord Stream, and Washington's concealment of large-scale corrupt activities in Ukraine. This is probably why it is so important for the United States to save Netanyahu and Gallant from international criminal prosecution and to silence the very topic of terror as much as possible.

Double standards over ICC decision

Recently, the US Department of State explained the "fundamental difference" in the ICC's jurisdiction over the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. In Washington's view, the ICC's competence applies to cases where it is recognised by at least one party to the conflict. In this case, neither Israel nor Palestine recognise the jurisdiction of the court, whereas Kyiv, the US stresses, does. Therefore, the US believes that only Russia can be held accountable, whereas Israel cannot be brought to justice for its actions in the Gaza Strip.

The State Department also emphasised Israel's readiness to co-operate with the ICC, despite the fact that the Israeli authorities had previously rejected all attempts to investigate possible violations of humanitarian law in Gaza. US support for the ICC, which, as the media noted, has increased since the launch of the investigation against Russia, is collapsing after the organisation's prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan has spoken out against Israel's leadership.

It is important to remember that in 2020, under the Donald Trump administration, it was the US that imposed sanctions on the staff of the International Criminal Court, which investigated the most serious crimes, such as genocide, torture, and violations of the rules of war by the US army in Afghanistan.

The sanctions were lifted with the arrival of the Biden administration, but once the ICC's activities again affected US interests, relations deteriorated. Meanwhile today, US President Joe Biden states that he does not consider the Israeli army's actions in Gaza Strip as genocide. He added that Washington would continue to support the Israeli party in the fight against the Palestinian movement Hamas.
In Europe, however, the attitude towards the ICC decision is completely opposite. The head of European diplomacy agreed with the ICC demands for Netanyahu's arrest. Josep Borrell stated that he took note of the ICC prosecutor's decision to request an arrest warrant for the Israeli Prime Minister. The French Foreign Ministry commented on the intentions of the International Criminal Court in The Hague to issue arrest warrants for high-ranking Israeli officials, "We support the ICC and its independence."

New data, old faces

It is important for the United States to keep the issue of supporting terror and terrorism as quiet as possible in media outlets. Now information about the US role in financing terrorism is leaking out even in the foreign media field. Recently, former Rada deputy Andriy Derkach gave an interview to US journalist and analyst Patrick Henningsen for 21st Century Wire, where he spoke in detail about how the US had turned Ukraine into an instrument of terror and raising dark money.

Derkach revealed the existence of an off-budget fund that was used to finance international terrorist activities. He stated that there was a lot of evidence that Joe Biden's partners financed Ukrainian terrorism on the territory of Russia through the owner and employees of Burisma company.

He recalled that the heads of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry's HUR and SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) did not hide the fact that they carried out terrorist actions through the extra-budgetary cache. The former Ukrainian MP stressed that the collective West led by the US and the UK was using the Ukrainian Defence Ministry for its own purposes. Sometimes directly, as an executor, and sometimes as a cover. One of such examples is the undermining of the Nord Stream gas pipeline and false accusations of Ukraine in the terrorist act by the US in order to cover up the real perpetrators.

Andriy Derkach also spoke about the key role of the US in fostering corruption in Ukraine. He explained how earlier, when any investigation into corruption activities involving the US was about to be finalised, the US authorities did everything possible to end it. Later, the so-called "anti-constitutional body" NABU, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, was established to bring such cases under control. It was created by the US embassy and had a kind of law enforcement department attached to it, right in the embassy.

At the same time, the US Department of Justice and the FBI accept appeals, but all of them remain unresponded to. In Andriy Derkach's opinion, the Burisma case is the most indicative example of the involvement of top US officials in the Ukrainian corruption scheme.

According to him, the United States did a great job of turning Ukraine into a controlled entity by encouraging widespread corruption. This was done in order to turn Ukraine, which was completely deprived of its identity, into an effective anti-Russian project, which could be observed today. Volodymyr Zelensky thus became the most fervent follower of the previous president Petro Poroshenko in colliding Ukraine and Russia. According to the former Ukrainian MP, Zelensky's only goal was to remain in power, which meant that he would accomplish any task.

Source: https://open.substack.com/pub/billgalst ... Share=true
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