BNP releases election manifesto - Politics | PoFo

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Honestly, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Just check out these wonderful things they'd do to our nation:

The re-introduction of national service.

The redeployment of troops stationed in Iraq to patrol Dover and the Channel Tunnel, along with a 500% increase in funding for border patrols.

Mandatory possession of a rifle for every home (for shooting burglars and illegal immigrants [invaders], and resisting the government where necessary).

A refusal to accept refugees not originating in "border" countries- namely all those not fleeing from France, Denmark etc.

A campaign to put an end to multiculturalism.

An immediate ban on immigration from most parts of the world, specifically Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America.

The introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement with financial incentives to relocate legal immigrants and their descendants to their country of origin.

The establishment of a Ministry of National Border Security.

A rejection of the "absurd superstition" of human equality.

A rejection of feminism.

The promotion of the idea that Western Europeans are genetically predisposed to the creation of unique democratic and legal institutions, and that other races should be excluded in order to preserve this tendency.

The assertion that racism is part of human nature.

The promotion of the preservation of human "bio diversity".

A commitment to repeal the Race Relations Act.

A commitment to abolish all organizations and schemes related to ethnic issues from government.

The abolishion of racial discrimination laws in employment and their enforcing bodies.

A plan to ensure all official documents not designed for education are composed in native British languages.

A proscription against racial integration in schools.

The introduction of a public holiday named "Trafalgar Day".

The introduction of a "massively funded" programme aimed at reducing the proportion of ethnic minorities in Britain.

An emphasis on "the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people".

A commitment to teach standards of politeness in schools.

A commitment to ensure soap operas portray a "slightly "higher" than real life behaviour as the norm", particularly where the white working classes are concerned.

The introduction of a supermarket tax to promote twon centres and revive traditional British architecture.

A commitment to ensure Western Christian values are upheld in school assemblies and public life in general.

Those from "foreign ethnic backgrounds" will be given the option of having their children educated either in "folk" school or "faith" schools.

Plans to reduce the reliance on police cars and reintroduce more foot and bicycle patrols.

The re-introduction of corporal punishment.

Entire families would become financially responsible for crimes committed by their members.

A coomitment to ensuring adults in a community may "clip badly behaved kids around the ear".

The introduction of a "Tony Martin" law permitting householders to "use any force they deem necessary to deal with a burglar in their own homes."

Individuals convicted of the large scale importation and dealing of hard drugs will face the death penalty.

All people carrying AIDS and TB would be deported.

All staff at teacher training colleges will face compulsory re-training in order to root out egalitarian and "anti-British dogmas".

All "suitably qualified youngsters" will become eligible to receive a university education, after their national service.

you can download the full thing here if you can stomach it...
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By aaker
Hahhahahah, just laugh, they will never come anywhere with that kind of policies!
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By Just Some Guy
Hahhahahah, just laugh, they will never come anywhere with that kind of policies!

I would if that was true, but they got >800,000 votes in the EU electiosn and nearly got an MEP.
By Mac
The establishment of a Ministry of National Border Security.

What's next, the Ministry of Truth?
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By C-Kokos
What a joke
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By Subversive Rob
I really don't like the sound of voluntary resettlement. I also wonder what they'd do about mongrels like myself. This being said, as usual the fascists have taken many left issues and spun them; problems with corporate culture, globalisation etc. are stated, but the solutions are uniformly reactionary.

And then there are the straw men...
By Irish_Lefty
That was the biggest pile of bull shit I have ever read if Jesus had a grave he would be rolling over in it.
By goupillon
Its pretty scare that 800000 people would vote for this though. Although you can laugh at it, somethings got to be done to find out whether these people voted for it as some form of protest over thier genuine fears of immigration, or whether there is some form of racism endemic in the subconcious of many white British people that needs to be addressed. Between them and the UKIP, and the Tories hard line on immigration, I am starting to fear that there may be some truth to the latter.

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