Reconquista the Sequel, the de-islamification of Europe - Page 70 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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Whether we like it or not, she's realistic.

Islamophilia has long tradtion amongst German elites. Hitler said that if Islam hadn't been stopped by the French in Poitier and had reached Germany, an Islamized Germany would have easily conquered the world. The post war elites were not much different.
Until today, the New Europeans voted for established local parties, mainly from the left. With the growing demographic force it's going to change and they are forming their own parties with their own agenda.

Trend is spotted in Belgium, Sweden and France. The MSM refuses to adress the subject
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia Talks to TIME ... ript-full/

And you know what’s the biggest danger? They’re not in the Middle East because they know that the Middle East is taking good strategy against them in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Jordan, and a lot of countries. Their main target is to radicalize Muslim communities in Europe. They hope that Europe in 30 years will turn to a Muslim brotherhood continent, and they want to control the Muslims, in Europe by manipulating the Muslim Brotherhood. So this will be much more dangerous than the Cold War, than ISIS, than Al Qaeda, than whatever we’ve seen in the last hundred years of history.

So fighting extremism is not only by going against them, spreading moderation, this is part of it. But there is also a lot of things that have to be done: recognizing those groups, putting laws to fight those groups, spreading what do you think it will take us to make people as a terrorist. That doesn’t mean freedom of speech. You have to pay attention because this is the route of taking people to terrorism.

More Islamic parties are establushed in Europe.

Emerging Islamist Political Clout Accelerates Europe’s Self-Islamization ... amization/

Forget the beheading videos, the ISIS propaganda on social media, and even the terrorist attacks themselves. Europe, says counterterrorism expert Afshin Ellian, is Islamizing itself. In the process, the Western values on which its democracies are built are increasingly put at risk.

Take, for instance, Belgium’s ISLAM Party, which now hopes to participate in the country’s October local elections in 28 regions. (Its name serves as an acronym for “Integrité, Solidarité, Liberté, Authenticité, Moralité.”)

The party’s ultimate aim: transforming Belgium into an Islamic state. According to the party’s founder Redouane Ahrouch, items high on its agenda include separating men and women on public transportation and the incorporation of sharia law, supposedly as long as it does not conflict with current laws. Ahrouch’s own behavior, however, suggests that his respect for “current laws” and mores has its bounds. He reportedly refuses to shake hands with women. In 2003, he received a six-month sentence for beating and threatening his wife. Currently, the Islam Party has two elected representatives in office — one in Anderlecht, the other in Molenbeek — both regions known to be hotbeds of extremism.

Or consider DENK, Holland’s pro-Islam party founded in 2015 by Turkish-Dutch politicians Selçuk Ozturk and Tunahan Kuzu. The party platform, which supports boycotts and sanctions against Israel, also discourages assimilation, calling instead for “mutual acceptance” of multiple cultures. Non-Muslims, for instance, would apparently be required to “accept” the Muslim extremist father who beats his daughter for refusing an arranged marriage or for becoming too “Westernized” for his taste. It’s his culture, after all.

APRIL 18, 2018 2:37 PM0
New York Times Greets Israel’s 70th With Piece Claiming 1948 Was ‘Catastrophe’
The New York Times is marking Israel’s 70th birthday with an op-ed piece describing the Jewish state’s creation as a “catastrophe.” The...

DENK also calls for a “racism police force” to monitor allegedly racist comments and actions. Those found guilty would be placed on a government “racism register” and banned from government jobs and other employment.

So far, such pro-Islamist views have served the party well. In local Dutch elections last month, DENK (which means “think” in Dutch) gained three seats in Rotterdam, totaling four seats among 45 total and edging out Geert Wilders’ far-right Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV), which fell from three seats to one. In Amsterdam, which also has 45 seats, a full 50 percent of Dutch-Moroccans and about two-thirds of Dutch-Turks gave the party a three-seat win in its first election. Many of these voters, according to post-election analyses, moved to DENK from the center-left Labor Party (PvdA), clearly feeling more at home with a more overtly pro-Muslim politics.

Similarly, France’s Union of Muslim Democrats (UDMF) has taken a number of voters from the Green Party by promising to defend Muslims. UDMF’s online program statement condemns burqa and headscarf bans. What’s more, in its pretense of supporting what it calls the “sweet dream of Democracy, Union, and Human Rights,” the party loudly (though rightly) condemns “anti-Muslim speeches” that “lead the most psychologically fragile people to commit acts of unprecedented violence.” Examples of such “unprecedented violence” follow: a German white supremacist who killed an Egyptian woman wearing a veil in 2009 and the stabbing of a French Muslim in Vaucluse.

What the party statement does not mention anywhere are the attacks by Muslims in Paris and Nice that together killed 240 people between January 2015 and July 2016; the attack by a Muslim extremist on a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012; and the kidnapping and heinous torture of Ilan Halimi, a 23-year-old Jew, in 2006. These are among other acts of “unprecedented violence” committed by Islamists.

UDMF also calls for protection of the family and its “essential role in the education of children,” while citing Article 14 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which calls for respecting “the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.” From here, the party demands the “right and duty of parents … to guide the child in the exercise of the above-mentioned right.” Implied here is the demand that parents be allowed to treat their children as they see fit according to their religious beliefs — including to beat daughters who refuse an arranged marriage, become “too Westernized,” and so on.

Most disturbing are the large numbers of Muslims who have flocked to parties like DENK and UDMF throughout Europe. Rather than moving towards more secular, traditionally democratic political movements, Europe’s Muslims are appear to increasingly distance themselves from the “European” side of their identity, and identify more with Islam and the Muslim community. And this too is part of Europe’s “self-Islamizing,” the result of taking too unsure a hand, too ambivalent a position, on the issue of assimilation.

Indeed, as Ellian points out, European institutions have enabled this cultural separation. Photographs taken last November during a meeting of the Muslim student union at Amsterdam’s Vrije Universiteit revealed that men and women sat on opposite sides of the auditorium aisle. Such events are common, according to journalist Carel Brendel, who first reported the incident. “Yet the administrations [of these schools] do little or nothing about it, despite the fact that their own rules forbid” such gender separation, he told the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Brendel has also exposed links between the Amsterdam police and Abdelilah el Amran, a Muslim Brotherhood-connected imam invited by the police department to lead last year’s annual Iftar dinner marking the end of a day’s fast during Ramadan. Amran, Brendel said, also oversees a group of interconnected organizations, including an Islamic school that came under investigation last year for having separate entrances for boys and girls. Worth noting about the event, according to Brendel, is that no other government body sponsors a religious ceremony. Nor does any Dutch government agency, let alone the police, host a Passover Seder or observe any other religious event with the public.

In addition, and perhaps more alarming, a spokesperson for the Rotterdam police posted to Twitter on the day of the event that “police will be difficult to reach tonight due to various Iftar meals.” City security and the safety of citizens, in other words, was being compromised in the name of a religious celebration.

Elsewhere, other signs of self-Islamization can be found in the rise of other Muslim parties in Austria, as well as a failed effort in Sweden; a proposed ban on the British press identifying terrorists as Muslim; the proliferation of sharia courts in the UK; and the repeated efforts by some Canadian officials to legalize sharia — a debate that recently has been revived.

While all of this involves political movements, it stands as a reminder of what the ideology behind the “war on terrorism” is really all about: an attack on Western culture. We need to do better at protecting it.

Abigail R. Esman, the author, most recently, of Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West (Praeger, 2010), is a freelance writer based in New York and the Netherlands. Follow her @radicalstates.

Are you now trusting the Saudi Arabian King? Have you lost all forms of principles noir? Is your confirmation bias this bad that you're willing to trust Saudi Arabia as a viable source for European issues?

Saudi Arabia has bad relations with Egypt and ergo the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi want's to demonize the Muslim Brotherhood because that means more arms sales for Saudi, more Western support against Saudi, and less anger directed towards them.

They are manipulating you with propaganda, and you are falling for it.
“The promises made to us have not been kept ... They said they would give 3 billion euros plus another 3 billion euros of support, but so far 850 million euros have entered our safe,” Erdogan said. “If you’re going to give that money, then do it. This nation has pride and you can’t toy with our pride.”

This is the sad state of affairs of the European Union today: Erdogan continues threatening the continent with terrorists -- some born in Europe, and some hiding among the "refugees" whom Europe is trying to help.

Turkey's Erdogan says will ask EU for rest of 3 billion euro aid for refugees

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey will ask the European Union about the remainder of a 3 billion-euro ($3.69 billion) fund intended for Syrian refugees during talks in Bulgaria next week, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday.

Turkey has accepted 3.5 million refugees from Syria, and the EU is already spending 3 billion euros to help them as part of a 2016 deal to curb migration into Europe. But Erdogan says the bloc is not delivering on its promises.

“The promises made to us have not been kept ... They said they would give 3 billion euros plus another 3 billion euros of support, but so far 850 million euros have entered our safe,” Erdogan said. “If you’re going to give that money, then do it. This nation has pride and you can’t toy with our pride.”

Europe’s relations with Erdogan have been fraught in recent years. Top EU officials will meet him in the Bulgarian city of Varna, the bloc’s rotating president, on March 26 to discuss EU-Turkey relations, regional and international issues.

The EU, which depends on Turkey to keep a tight lid on immigration from the Middle East, has infuriated Erdogan by criticizing the scale of his crackdown on suspected supporters of a 2016 failed coup, prompting him to attack some EU members in his speeches.

The bloc has responded by freezing some funding that Turkey had been eligible for as a candidate for EU entry and suspending talks on Turkey’s joining the EU, talks that have long been stalled anyway.

Last week, however, the EU announced a second tranche of 3 billion euros for projects benefiting Syrian refugees in Turkey.

“Now they’re discussing the second 3 billion euros, but we haven’t even received the first payment,” Erdogan said. “If they’re going to sleep on the money, then that’s their choice. We will put this before them once again in Varna.” ... SKBN1GV1V8

Turkey's Erdogan Threatens France
by Uzay Bulut
April 19, 2018 at 4:00 am

Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan slammed French President Emmanuel Macron for his recent offer to mediate between Turkey and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), saying he hopes Paris will not ask Ankara to help when terrorists fleeing Iraq and Syria arrive in France:

"With this attitude, France has no right to complain about any terrorist organization, any terrorist, any terrorist attack. Those who sleep with terrorists, welcome them in their palaces, will understand sooner or later the mistake that they made."

On April 7, hours after a man ploughed his van into pedestrians in Münster, Germany, Erdogan threatened France again, referring to the incident: :

"France, [you are] being a stooge... providing support to the terrorism, you are hosting terrorists at the Elysée Palace... You are seeing what is happening in Germany, right? The same will happen in France. The West will not able to free itself from terror. The West will sink as it feeds these terrorists."

The Turkish government's enabling violence in Syria and Iraq has apparently turned Turkey into a center for ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. Many of the jihadi terrorists who participated in deadly attacks in Manchester, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Stockholm and St. Petersburg in recent years had connections to Turkey. Some were caught there; others either traveled there to cross into Syria to join ISIS, or had lived there a while. Turkey has been routinely used by Islamists as a route into areas of Syria and Iraq to join ISIS. (See appendix for a list of such terrorists)

In November of 2016, Erdogan targeted Europe again:

"You have never treated humanity honestly. You have never looked at people in the right way. You did not go and take the babies when they hit shores on the Mediterranean... We are the ones feeding 3 million, 3.5 million Syrian refugees in this country. You have not kept your promises. When 50,000 refugees headed to Kapıkule [at the Turkey-Bulgaria border], you shrieked: 'What will we do if Turkey opens it border gates?' Look at me! If you go too far, we will open those border gates. Just know this."

For Europe, the result of ignoring these threats could be deadly.

This is the sad state of affairs of the European Union today: Erdogan continues threatening the continent with terrorists -- some born in Europe, and some hiding among the "refugees" whom Europe is trying to help.

Many of the terrorists born in Europe had declared their jihadi intentions before their attacks. Some were arrested and then released; others were not even arrested or deported after Turkey sent them to European countries. In these cases, European officials made huge mistakes that cost the lives of hundreds of innocent people. ... ens-france
Fun fact 1: If you're a terrorist, why the heck would you leave Syria ? Those who leave Syria are - surprise ! - those who FLEE from ISIS, not ISIS themselves. ISIS and the other "rebels" are having far too much "fun "to leave.

Fun fact 2: Rich syrians are long gone. They had double passport with USA or UK, and thats where they are now. Poor syrians cant afford to leave. What we get in Europe is thus the working middle class. I really dont see the issue with these people. Here in germany we found the average crime rate of migrants from Syria is below the average crime rate of germans. And thats even if you're not taking into consideration that there are crimes for migrants a german cannot commit in the first place.
Alt Right, Katie Hopkins is rambling, "Swedes are extremly beautiful people, and it's annoys me, yet they brought half of the middle east... you can't take a man from the ME, put on him a blond wig and call him Swede... it doesn't work that way.

Why not? In the future generation it will seem normal.

Decky wrote:He is not working class. He is lumpen scum from the criminal underclass. Working class people don't spend most of their time in prison cells.

Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin spent large amounts of time in prison. But Lenin was an upper class toff, Trotsky was a middle class dandy, Stalin was a Grammar School boy, I hear you cry. They weren't real working class. But even Shilapnikov who was the Bolshevik leaderships token working class person spent significant time in prison. Shilapnikov was properly manual working class, unlike Stalin, who like a lot of leftie student drop outs do a bit of time in factories or on building sites, till they use their education to move on to better things. Lefties are so ignorant, most of them don't realise that Stalin would have just been physically unable to have spend his life as a manual worker. Luckily for him early on he got a job for life as a Bolshevik manager /bureaucrat.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:If I had the choice between surrendering and accepting the grim fate of being overtaken by foreigners or to just massacre them all I would choose the latter

I wish all Americans felt as strong about being overtaken by foreigners from our southern border.

March 5, 2019 CNN Fake News

More than 76,000 people were apprehended crossing illegally or without proper papers in February, the highest number of "encounters" in any February in the last 12 years, according to CBP.

"The system is well beyond capacity and remains at the breaking point," CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told reporters.

Of the 76,000, 7,250 were unaccompanied children and 40,385 were people who came with family members. ... index.html
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