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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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Buckingham Palace in numbers
775 rooms
78 bathrooms
1,514 doors
760 windows
100 miles of electrical cabling
20 miles of heating pipework
Source: Buckingham Palace

Albert wrote: Industrialization already begun in Russia by late 19th century, when revolution happened Russia was at the process of reaching its industrial capacity by that time.

I believe industrialization could have reached Russia sooner, as we can see with Meiji Restoration in Japan, the Japanese basically began industrialization earlier then the Russians. This is where the fault can be attributed to the Russian monarchy as they seem to have failed to adapt to the changing times.

Oh I'm sure there already was some development in Russia. I can vaguely remember seeing historical GDP data where AH was trailing NW-Europe and Russia was trailing AH. The US was also steaming ahead and leaving Russia way behind in terms of GDP growth, but I think other European countries also had trouble keeping up with the US.

The other thing I remember is that literacy rates went from abysmally low at the turn of the century to more than 40% in 1914.
daf wrote:I thought Kenneth Branagh's 2015 Cinderella was too fantastic in its inclusive cast, but now it seems he only predicted the future. On TMZ (entertainment news), many Afro American girls appreciate this royal wedding. As one YouTube commenter put it: "A princess that looks like me, thats the coolest thing to see as a young black girl."

Mike Bartlett predicted things even better, in his 2014 play King Charles III:

They didn't meet until July 2016.

Republicans can hope for the shenanigans that occur in the play.
Who is paying for all of this? Probably the British taxpayers

Why does Britain need those monarchs? its basically just people who were lucky enough to be born to this family and they are getting free benefits thought all of their lives
[KS edit: @anarchist23, you had your fun. This is not the off-topic area and posting images after almost every post is considered spamming.]
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By noemon
Camilla and Kate are hiding their giggles with the Black pastor's passionate & soulful sermon.

Now he is talking about US slavery. He is going to milk this for what it's worth.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Mike Bartlett predicted things even better, in his 2014 play King Charles III:

They didn't meet until July 2016.

Republicans can hope for the shenanigans that occur in the play.

He actually looks a lot like Harry.
By B0ycey
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Honestly, it is beyond me why people think a ceremonial head of state who is elected is better and actually feel strongly about it. Especially in a European context how can you not come to the conclusion that constitutional monarchies are at least as good as or better than republics?

The same way the lords needs banishing. You are giving power to unelected tax dodgers who happen to be born into nobility. If you are elected, you have at least earned your status.

As for monarch success in Europe, that is debatable. Wilhelm II and Nicholas II were European failures. The only thing keeping the Windsor going the same way is economics. During hard times, as proven throughout history, the poverty poor will go against the ruling elite if they can't put food on the table. And the fact the Royals are nothing more than figureheads for glossy magazines to idolise over, means they are just as useless as the Kardashians btw. I can't see any way of distinguishing differences between them. But at least Kayne keeps things interesting. And that is a plus on their part.

Additionally, it's pretty clear that a substantial part of the population loves their respective royals. I'd rather have them follow and be fascinated with them than the Kardashians or similar. Royals make far superior role models than pretty much any celebrity or pop star I can think of.

Yes, but a substantial part of the population love football too. Perhaps we should have King Beckham or King Southgate. At least they provide entertainment for ninty minutes rather than going around the Commonwealth offending the natives.

Then you have the history, continuity and tradition of the royal houses.

Big woop. Just proves they are all imbreds. At least Harry has Hewitt blood and so isn't plagued by unlikeability like Charles.

I think it was certainly a mistake to get rid of the Austrian royals or at least nothing was gained from it.

But nothing is lost from it either. If the Royals died off tomorrow, people would still come to visit royal building because people like history. Do you think people don't visit Bastille anymore or something?
By Rich
We accept the unconditional surrender of the British Monarchy to Cultural Marxism. We have seen nothing like this since the King of England last made homage to the King of France for his French domains.

I trust that Meghan will remain loyal to the House of Windsor for as long as they remain useful to her.
B0ycey wrote:As for monarch success in Europe, that is debatable.

Look at the constitutional monarchies and the republics in Europe today and tell me with a straight face that the republics do better on average.

As for the rest, you just confirm my impression of republicans. Do you have to be such a stereotype? :lol:
By B0ycey
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Look at the constitutional monarchies and the republics in Europe today and tell me with a straight face that the republics do better on average.

France have Macron. That alone means they are better off than the UK currently are with their tax dodgers. The most successful economic nation in Europe got rid of their Kaiser and the biggest European military superpower got rid of their Tsar. So please explain how you can keep a straight face and say monarchies are better off than Republics again.
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