Tommy Robinson Sent to Prison - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Tommy is trying to expose the bullshit that the government is doing. Yes he knew he would have to walk on edge with this, he knew that he was playing with fire, but in a way it had to be done.
Albert wrote:Strictly speaking in the legal sense, they obviously had lawful leeway to to put him away. I do not know exactly how suspended sentences work, does one has to be actually proven of crime before they are put away, or suspicion and charge of one is enough.

A suspended sentence means he has already be convicted. That for me is not the problem. He was arrested for one offence but it appears to have been charged with another (naming suspects). It is as if they were trying to find any bullshit they could to justify a unjust police action and then cover up their bullshit with a media gagging order. Not that I care. The guy is a knob. But it does spit in the face of free speech.
Last edited by B0ycey on 28 May 2018 20:21, edited 1 time in total.
Suspended sentence usually comes with conditions that could reverse the suspension. Did Robinson actually breach any of the conditions and if he did which ones? Perhaps this is the main reason why there was no trail and he was send to prison right away.

And yes, it seems he was first charged with breaching of peace, then contempt of court, then he went to prison for suspended sentence. It all is convoluted and unclear what actually happened. This is not the first time this happens the legal system has been used in this way before to put away political 'undesirables'. Not just in UK but in western world in general.

This is not only a spit on the principle of freedom of speech and expression, but also on the rule of law.
B0ycey wrote:I suspended sentence means he has already be convicted. That for me is not the problem. He was arrested for one offence but it appears to have been charged with another (naming suspects). It is as if they were trying to find any bullshit they could to justify a unjust police action and then cover up their bullshit with a media gagging order. Not that I care. The guy is a knob. But it does spit in the face of free speech.

Same view of Douglas Murray


I have a sneaking suspicion that Tommy Robinson is a Russian puppet whose job is stirring up trouble and dividing British society. During the Brexit campaign, Robinson interacted with a fake Twitter account “David Jones” @DavidJo52951945 which was known to be in the pay of the Russian government. Robinson's own Twitter account was suspended in March for being part of the Russian disinformation campaign. Robinson is one of high-profile figures in the European far-right scene supported by Russia such as Marine Le Pen as he frequently shows solidarity with Russia.
Albert wrote:Suspended sentence usually comes with conditions that could reverse the suspension. Did Robinson actually breach any of the conditions and if he did which ones? Perhaps this is the main reason why there was no trail and he was send to prison right away.

What are you on about? There was a trial. He had a suspended sentence. Obviously he had to of broken the conditions of it as he couldn't name the suspects (which was a offense). So technically he could be sent to jail. But it is still bullshit. The names were already in the public domain and he was originally arrested for a different offence. So clearly there was a fuck up and a cover up. And the gagging order speaks volumes. That only prevents meaningful debate in the media that no doubt would have favoured Robinson.
Decky wrote:I would say I hope he comes out with an arsehole like a clown's pocket but he he probably enjoy's that that shit.

So you're in favor of making Britain into a Caliphate? I thought commies were against the capitalist state. Then again, I've never really understood communists in the first place.

snapdragon wrote:Not if you want those charged to have a fair trial and not allow the defence to make any claims that could jeopardise getting a good result.

Since when has protesting outside a court room prejudiced a trial? What would be a "good result" if someone is guilty as charged?

JohnRawls wrote:Why is he not allowed to pay attention/show this situation to the world?

It looks like British politicians are willing to destroy their reputations to save them.

B0ycey wrote:I'm no fan of Tommy Robinson, but you have to say this is a bullshit trumped up charge against him if you watch the 'The Rebel' video only.

They didn't charge him. They rescinded a parole. It's the same thing Obama did after the Benghazi attack. He blamed it on a film maker who made a video about Islam ostensibly in violation of his parole. So they jailed him and tried to make it seem like the attack in Benghazi was due to the film maker. Maybe Britain is doing this so they can try to acquit the Muslim sex offenders and blame it on the inability to provide a fair trial due to Tommy Robinson video recording outside of the court room.

B0ycey wrote:The gagging order seems to be a way to silence the media and discourages meaningful debate so I am inclined to believe their side actually.

They are using the British equivalent of national security letters when their is no national security matter at stake other than the fact that the British police do not protect the British people and don't want that to be known.

Albert wrote:Strictly speaking in the legal sense, they obviously had lawful leeway to to put him away.

So did Obama to that anti-Muslic Coptic Christian. Whether they should do it is another matter. Obama got away with it, but his reputation is in tatters today.

Albert wrote:I do not know exactly how suspended sentences work, does one has to be actually proven of crime before they are put away, or suspicion and charge of one is enough.

It's pretty much judicial discretion. Contempt of court charges for things that happen outside of the court room is pretty questionable as well, I would say since the contempt charges are also often given a de facto presumption of guilt when made.

jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:These are the days of reason no more. Just hate and vitriol.

The natural byproduct of a multi-cultural society...

B0ycey wrote:Not that I care. The guy is a knob. But it does spit in the face of free speech.

Well so is Count Dankula. Yet, now Tommy Robinson and Count Dankula are the most famous British people outside of the UK. I would guess as many people know about them as know that Harry married a mixed race girl--Prince Phillip probably didn't have a say in this...

B0ycey wrote:What are you on about? There was a trial. He had a suspended sentence. Obviously he had to of broken the conditions of it as he couldn't name the suspects (which was a offense). So technically he could be sent to jail. But it is still bullshit. The names were already in the public domain and he was originally arrested for a different offence. So clearly there was a fuck up and a cover up. And the gagging order speaks volumes. That only prevents meaningful debate in the media that no doubt would have favoured Robinson.

He didn't have to break the conditions by any meaningful standard of evidence. It's basically up to the court. So it was very obviously a political matter that the government of the UK thinks is going to intimidate the UKIP folks, and it is having the opposite effect.

Britain can hardly trash someone like Vladimir Putin after what they've done to Count Dankula and now Tommy Robinson. Clearly, the UK does not stand for freedom of expression any longer, as the people of Britain do not agree with their government. That's what happens when politicians are bought and paid for with petro-dollars.
B0ycey wrote:What are you on about? There was a trial. He had a suspended sentence. Obviously he had to of broken the conditions of it as he couldn't name the suspects (which was a offense). So technically he could be sent to jail. But it is still bullshit. The names were already in the public domain and he was originally arrested for a different offence. So clearly there was a fuck up and a cover up. And the gagging order speaks volumes. That only prevents meaningful debate in the media that no doubt would have favoured Robinson.
I'm just trying to figure out what happened legally. There was a trial before where he got sentence for contempt of court (filming on court property stairs). That sentence was suspended. This time around there was no trial and he was streamlined to prison. I suspect it had to be because there was a breach on his suspended sentence. What was it we do not know because of media blackout. As Blackjack suggested, breach of suspended sentence could be broadly defined thus susceptible to be solely determined by a judge.

blackjack21 wrote: So did Obama to that anti-Muslic Coptic Christian. Whether they should do it is another matter. Obama got away with it, but his reputation is in tatters today.
Wow, I did not know Dems under Obama did this crazy stuff. Also in regards to the whole Benghazi incident. I need to look into that more as well.

It's pretty much judicial discretion. Contempt of court charges for things that happen outside of the court room is pretty questionable as well, I would say since the contempt charges are also often given a de facto presumption of guilt when made.
Indeed, it seems this is the legal mechanism that is being used here. Robinson was outside of the court filming, as far as I understand in Britain to expose accused is against the law if gag order is issued. He did film some accused who were entering court (if you see the Rebel Media video here). Yet this is where it gets really confusing, their names were already publicized, so filming them is not that much of a breach. Perhaps even legally this whole thing does not make any sense.

He didn't have to break the conditions by any meaningful standard of evidence. It's basically up to the court. So it was very obviously a political matter that the government of the UK thinks is going to intimidate the UKIP folks, and it is having the opposite effect.

Britain can hardly trash someone like Vladimir Putin after what they've done to Count Dankula and now Tommy Robinson. Clearly, the UK does not stand for freedom of expression any longer, as the people of Britain do not agree with their government. That's what happens when politicians are bought and paid for with petro-dollars.
The thing here is that they have really outdone themselves this time around. It has been exposed for a lot of people to see how the legal system has been comprised by political ideologues. It is for a lot of people to see now, that Robinson was put in prison because he exposes things that threaten the establishment.

And indeed this is no different in principle to the communist oppression of the past or Putin's regime in Russia today.
The round-up are becoming routine now. Interview that Tommy Robinson did with US journalist on the police persecution he has endured, they even banned her from entering the UK to try to prevent her conducting the interview.

More lumpen scum in prison, the British public are safer today than they where before. :lol:

A man with previous convictions for common assault, mortgage fraud, and trying to enter a country on a false passport is back in prison where pieces of shit like that belong. No doubt the criminal underclass is upset but nobody else it.
Decky wrote:A man with previous convictions for common assault, mortgage fraud, and trying to enter a country on a false passport is back in prison where pieces of shit like that belong.

Well, it's good to see you've given up the ghost on violence, misappropriating the land of others and open borders. :D I knew you'd come around.
Hong Wu wrote:UK woman asks why Muslims are allowed to break the law against praying in public parks, gets arrested in her home for it a couple days later:

You can't pray in public parks in the UK? WTF? Why are the UK and Europe so backwards on civil liberty?
Sivad wrote:You can't pray in public parks in the UK? WTF? Why are the UK and Europe so backwards on civil liberty?

We can drink beer in public and even on the beach. We win.
ThirdTerm wrote:
I have a sneaking suspicion that Tommy Robinson is a Russian puppet whose job is stirring up trouble and dividing British society. During the Brexit campaign, Robinson interacted with a fake Twitter account “David Jones” @DavidJo52951945 which was known to be in the pay of the Russian government. Robinson's own Twitter account was suspended in March for being part of the Russian disinformation campaign. Robinson is one of high-profile figures in the European far-right scene supported by Russia such as Marine Le Pen as he frequently shows solidarity with Russia.

Do you have any source for that or your source is disinformation? Judging by the long list of round ups it seems like "divide and conquer" tactic by the certain "human rights" lawyers. Britain will never be "anti racist" enough to their taste.

Tommy's life is in danger: "Pakistanis are waiting for you in prison"

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