Russian armor heading towards border with Ukraine - Page 16 - Politics | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:[usermention=78111]

Iron Felix,

Ukraine has a serious problem that the media may be overlooking. The worse possible person to cross swords with Putin may be occupying the seat of the Ukrainian Presidency. Think for a moment. Lets say a serious existential crisis is confronting the US; imagine for a second that the White House is occupied by a Charlie Chaplin, or a Luis de Funes, or a Eddie Murphy, or a Pee Wee Herman!

What got me thinking was that it was impressing upon me more and more that Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky lately has been acting less and less like the Titan Ukrainians hope will pry them loose from Putin's iron grip. As a matter of fact Volodymyr has been running around in a confused fashion like a chicken that just had its head chopped off. He rushed off to Turkey, rushed off to France, will rush off to the White House if senile Joe will let him. Anywhere but Kiev. It is almost as if he already feels the presence of the grim Putin in Kiev. Volodymyr is rattled. He cannot inspire much confidence.

How did Vladimir Aleksandrovich wind up President of Ukraine?

I read the man's curriculum vitae. He has never held office before. The man is a comedienne! A comedienne! A comedienne, a journalist, a clown, a screen writer. That is who Ukrainians, tired of thieves, elected as President! They must have taken leave of their senses. With Putin as neighbour! Ukrainians placed their hopes in Vladimir the comedienne to protect them from Vladimir the ex KGB! Go Figure.

I am convinced Putin took the measure of the man and found him wanting. Volodymyr is an invitation to attack. I am sure Moldova and Belarus be chomping at the bits as well.
Last edited by Juin on 17 Apr 2021 03:41, edited 1 time in total.

I think Putin, if he decided to invade Ukraine would have already done so and it would have been much quicker and with the element of surprise. However, Ukraine should still be prepared regardless just in case. But I think Putin is trying to test Joe since he is the new guy on the block. Everybody wants to pick on the new guy to see what he is made of. He wants to know where Joe's boundaries are too. He is seeing how Joe will react and once he knows the boundaries he will know what he can and cannot get away with when it comes to dealing with the U.S. But if Russia decided to invade Ukraine, I think it would have been very rapid, fast, unexpected and with the element of surprise. I also think Putin is trying to intimidate the Ukrainians and scare em. The Ukrainian president is trying to get all the help he can get because he knows he doesn't stand a chance without international help.
@Juin @ingliz @noemon

One of the things I have really enjoyed reading and watching were interviews of Soviet Surface to Air Missile crews that fought in Vietnam as "advisors" (to me they were actual combatants) and interviews of the US Air Force crews that fought them. Soviet assistance to North Vietnam was massive but they didn't have like average grunts on the ground helping the North Vietnamese. Their primary contribution to the North Vietnamese side was air defense. So, you listen to the interviews of these Soviet SAM crews and some of the tactics they developed and then there interviews of the US Air Force crews who specialized in hunting down and destroying these Soviet surface to air missile radars and you listen to them talk about their tactics from the time.

It was like an arms race of tactics and a cat and mouse game between the two sides. At first, the SAM crews were the hunters, but then the US Air Force developed new combat tactics and flipped the script on the Soviet crews and began to hunt them down. The Soviets in turn developed new tactics to counter the US Air Force's new tactics and then the US Air Force would notice the change in tactics of the Soviet SAM crews and change their tactics. In addition, there were very effective tactics employed by both sides of this cat and mouse game the other side never knew about.

The Soviet SAM crews weren't always aware they were successfully suppressed by US Air Force crews so that the bombers could successfully complete their missions and sometimes the US Air Force crews might have thought they destroyed a Soviet SAM site when in fact it was a mock up. So there effective tactics employed by both sides that the opposing sides never knew about and that succeeded.

It was very interesting to read about and listen to the interviews and the concept of hunting down Soviet SAM air defense systems and the cat and mouse games that ensued between US air crews and Soviet SAM crews and the various tactics employed by each side. It's great read and pretty awesome listening to each side be interviewed. Its interesting how each side were not always aware of the other side's successes too. Both also developed tactics to trick the other side into traps too.
Juin wrote:Iron Felix,

Ukraine has a serious problem that the media may be overlooking. The worse possible person to cross swords with Putin may be occupying the seat of the Ukrainian Presidency. Think for a moment. Lets say a serious existential crisis is confronting the US; imagine for a second that the White House is occupied by a Charlie Chaplin, or a Luis de Funes, or a Eddie Murphy, or a Pee Wee Herman!

What got me thinking was that it was impressing upon me more and more that Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky lately has been acting less and less like the Titan Ukrainians hope will pry them loose from Putin's iron grip. As a matter of fact Volodymyr has been running around in a confused fashion like a chicken that just had its head chopped off. He rushed off to Turkey, rushed off to France, will rush off to the White House if senile Joe will let him. Anywhere but Kiev. It is almost as if he already feels the presence of the grim Putin in Kiev. Volodymyr is rattled. He cannot inspire much confidence.

How did Vladimir Aleksandrovich wind up President of Ukraine?

I read the man's curriculum vitae. He has never held office before. The man is a comedienne! A comedienne! A comedienne, a journalist, a clown, a screen writer. That is who Ukrainians, tired of thieves, elected as President! They must have taken leave of their senses. With Putin as neighbour! Ukrainians placed their hopes in Vladimir the comedienne to protect them from Vladimir the ex KGB! Go Figure.

I am convinced Putin took the measure of the man and found him wanting. Volodymyr is an invitation to attack. I am sure Moldova and Belarus be chomping at the bits as well.

Perhaps all is not as it seems, @Juin. Perhaps the Ukrainian people elected a comedian as President because they know he has a secret up his sleeve... a Wunderwaffe which can devastate Ukraine's enemies....


If they move, why do you think they will invade Ukraine proper? Why would they? It's not necessary. They can support the People's Republics, well enough, without that. If you don't take territory, you don't need troops to hold it. They can fight a wholly defensive action within the Donbas, punitively taking out infrastructure in Ukraine at will.

Note: Deputy Kremlin Chief of Staff, Dmitry Kozak, said that Russian forces could intervene to "defend" Russian citizens.


So you think those troops are massed to stop and deter a Ukrainian attack on what the Russian separatists currently hold in Ukraine, correct? If so, that might be one out of several reasons why Putin has massed his troops. It certainly does deter any Ukrainian attack on any territory held by Russian separatists. If Putin wanted to attack, I think he would have done so really fast and with surprise on his side.
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