Irish abortion referendum: Ireland overturns abortion ban - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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You should know that there once were such welfare programs in the US. They were dismantled because they just encouraged "welfare mothers" to have more babies. I knew one black family that had 5 kids, the eldest being just 7 years old. The Mother drove a new Cadillac while the father lived in someone's basement across the street so Mom could claim abandonment. Aside from the $$$ she collected she got more in Food STAMPs than a lot of working people made in a month.

I assume it was important to your narrative to mention that they were black. That is why I put the "welfare mothers" in quotes. It is a notorious dog-whistle.
Zamuel wrote:The Mother drove a new Cadillac

You still believe that bullshit?!? lol

Encouraging people to keep their babies is what being pro-life means. You promote life. But of course in the US everything is upside own so the "pro-life" politicians are the ones promoting bombs and bullets and economic warfare that kills millions of people every year whilst paying huge subsidies to farmers who slaughter billions of animals every year and denying healthcare that would save millions of lives, each year.
AFIK: Encouraging people to keep their babies is what being pro-life means. You promote life. But of course in the US everything is upside own so the "pro-life" politicians are the ones promoting bombs and bullets and economic warfare that kills millions of people every year whilst paying huge subsidies to farmers who slaughter billions of animals every year and denying healthcare that would save millions of lives, each year.

Just right. Every word true.
Drlee wrote:So JJJ, check your own belief system. Start by changing your avatar to reflect that of someone who really does value human life. You can't feed a baby with an AK-47.

No but you can protect a baby from foreign invaders with an AK47.

And I'm not sure what my belief system has to do with the US Republican part?

Ireland has a substantial social welfare system, single mothers and their babies don't go hungry here. They may not be able to afford new Mercedes and apartments in the south of France but neither can i and I work full time.
AFAIK wrote:You still believe that bullshit?!? lol

I rode in Essie's Cadillac on several occasions. My daughter played with her kids, they went to the same daycare center. Her husband once played Harmonica with my band. Your question is facetious.

Political Interest wrote:I actually think my statements are quite insightful and wise if I do say so myself. :lol:

Do you now :

Political Interest wrote:
Wonderful, more selfish individualism and an affirmation of a person's right to do anything without considering the consequences.

So is this about abortion or the merits of adding whipped cream to a piece of pie?

Zam ;)
Political Interest wrote:Why are you in favour of abortions?
You misunderstand me. I am not in favour of abortions. I do, however, recognize that it is not MY decision to have an abortion, but the woman who gets pregnant. I said NUMEROUS TIMES that it is a decision best left to the woman and her doctor.

I am for the freedom for the woman to decide, not people like you, or people who absolutely have no stake in it. Why should others decide what is best for a woman?

I am all for counseling and assistance to help a woman make the most informed decision, but many times having a child is not the responsible decision. A single woman, raising a child in poverty just to keep some pro-lifer happy is not good for the woman, child, or society.

Education and birth control can make the necessity of abortion almost 0, but the people who are against abortion are often the ones against sex education and birth control. It's ironic, really, and not just a bit disturbing.

As I hear often now, people who are pro-life are really just pro-birth. Once the woman has a kid, they couldn't care less what happens. The post by @Drlee demonstrates this admirably.
Godstud wrote:As I hear often now, people who are pro-life are really just pro-birth. Once the woman has a kid, they couldn't care less what happens. The post by @Drlee demonstrates this admirably.


Anyone who (at the very least) does not support a state owned healthcare system free at the point of use (funded via taxation), a decent social welfare system and a well funded universal education system is not in anyway pro life and does not give a shit about anyone who has been born.
No but you can protect a baby from foreign invaders with an AK47.


You really have to do better than that. Your avatar is a disgrace to someone so soft inside about the sanctity of human life.
Zamuel wrote:I rode in Essie's Cadillac on several occasions.

That anecdote is totally representative of millions of BLACK Americans. We must all picture BLACK Americans driving fancy new cars to the welfare office and ignore the fact that only 0.00000017% of them drive Cadillacs.

People who call themselves pro life are more often than not against women's rights in general and not really pro life at all.
I've never argued ( I can't say debated ) online with anyone who opposes a woman's right to choose abortion as a method of birth control who hasn't eventually used the old "she should have kept her legs together" thing.
They regard an unwanted pregnancy as punishment for a woman daring to enjoy recreational sex.
I haven't seen it used on here, yet, but it's come pretty close to it.

Still, at least nobody's foolish enough to argue for abortion rights for men, so one should be grateful for small mercies, so one is.

It's quite simple. You either support a woman's right to choose, or you don't.

If you do, restrictions such as time limits achieve nothing except to demean women.

Don't support them. None of them.

The reason the vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester is because that is what the woman concerned has freely chosen to do, and not because of the law.
At least, that is the case in countries where abortion is legal.

For women living in Ireland it wasn't so simple, so they tended to have later abortions.

They needed time to save up for the cost of the procedure, travel and living expenses, which was disgusting and disgraceful.

People think that abortion is so easily available to women living in Great Britain that it's unrestricted, but it's not at all.

The woman has to pretend she's more or less suicidal and two doctors have to pretend to believe her.

AFAIK wrote:That anecdote is totally representative of millions of BLACK Americans. We must all picture BLACK Americans driving fancy new cars

No, we must remember that turning unwanted children into a paying commodity is not in societies interest.

Decky wrote:This.

Anyone who (at the very least) does not support a state owned healthcare system free at the point of use (funded via taxation), a decent social welfare system and a well funded universal education system is not in anyway pro life and does not give a shit about anyone who has been born.

And what do you say to people who support all those things and are pro life?

@Drlee my avatar is a symbol of opposition to modern imperialism, one of the greatest unnatural causes of death aside from abortion.

This is what it boils down to at the end of the day. You can deflect the argument all you want talking about avatars and criticising a section of pro lifers but abortion is killing human beings. It is taking the life away from human beings who have done nothing wrong.
Congrats, Ireland. You made it to the modern era. Maybe not being the white version of a Carribean island corporate tax shelter will be your next step.

jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:This is what it boils down to at the end of the day. You can deflect the argument all you want talking about avatars and criticising a section of pro lifers but abortion is killing human beings. It is taking the life away from human beings who have done nothing wrong.

This is such a disingenuous and bullshit argument. Women absolutely have the right to not carry a child to term if they choose to. Calling them murderers just places the responsibility for having sex on one gender.

People like to get their fuck on and I don't see a reason to punish one gender because of it. Hooray for Irish women and allowing them to have more control over their lives!

And just before you get your ire up and come back at me: I am totally down with killing proto-people who have no souls, identity, or ideology before they are born. In fact, I think it's awesome and we should be doing a lot more of it. We live in an era where large swathes of humanity can plan how to have a family and we should absolutely be encouraging them to do so.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:And what do you say to people who support all those things and are pro life?

I'm going to butt in here. I'd say to them the same thing I say to anyone who believes they should have the right to pick and choose who has access to universal healthcare for medical procedures of which they don't approve - and that includes myself.

It's quite simple. You either support a woman's right to choose, or you don't.

If you do, restrictions such as time limits achieve nothing except to demean women.

I disagree with this. I support a woman's right to choose. I do not support their right to abort the child the day before it would be born naturally. I am not alone. The overwhelming majority of Americans take my position.

But even at that point, the day before a natural birth would occur, I support a woman's right to choose. I simply change that choice from killing a viable baby to putting it up for adoption. Indeed in my state all hospitals must accept, without question, any child a parent might choose to abandon. The state, quite correctly, takes responsibility for these children until they can be placed for adoption.

ZAM SAID: No, we must remember that turning unwanted children into a paying commodity is not in societies interest.

Nonsense. We do that already. Foster programs are filled with unwanted or abused programs and they are largely paid for using tax money. The fault in your argument is that you are arguing some theoretical societal interest. One could argue that beyond a certain point, having children at all is not in societies interest. But your argument fails on two additional levels.

1. Societies take on moral responsibilities (such as the protection of children) even when the expense to the society in inconvenient. Whether that child is born to two parents killed in a car or abandoned by a woman suffering the consequences of a drunken Saturday night is irrelevant. The decision is not based upon some moral judgment about the mother or father but rather about a societal interest in all children who live in that society.

I know that you are arguing that some women may choose to have a child in order to get money to live on. I would like to ask you to articulate an alternative to that. Please include in your plan how you intend to guarantee that mother a job that pays enough for rent, utilities, insurance, daycare, and so forth. Please do not insult us by proposing that the mother be paid minimum wage. My guess would be that to successfully raise a child, without government help, in most of the US's larger cities, would take a job that pays her about $30.00 an hour. That is $60K per year before taxes and in LA that would probably not be near enough. Also spare us some moral hazard argument. This is not about naughty mothers but rather about what is best for children. Simply put, if you want to talk money, it is where the government can best have the child cared for at the least expense to the taxpayers.

2. And, of course the second factor is that of the child. I could make a very good case for taking children away from destitute and uneducated mothers/fathers and putting them in "affluent foster homes". We place these kids, who would otherwise be raised in poor and dangerous environments, with middle to upper middle class families, where both parents have college educations, and pay these parents to raise them. Then when they are old enough to attend college, we pay that at the expense of the state. This way we break the cycle of poverty. Sad for the parents who might actually love their child but what the fuck. That is life in the food chain and besides....we are doing what is best for the child. Instead of becoming a crack whore with bastard children of her own, the baby becomes a doctor with children of her own.

I hear your argument all of the time Zam but it is simply shallow. A mere platitude. But if you actually have that magic wand that can cure generations of poverty without costing "society" a cent, I am all ears.
Albert wrote:Father and mother should both have equal say if the child is to live or not, at least if there will be abortion laws.

Placing medical decisions in the hands of a party who is not the one receiving treatment sounds problematic, to say the least.

It sounds like the exact kind of law the GOP would love to pass to give men more control over womens' lives.
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