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Corruption, bad government, lack of rule of law, not focusing on developing economy, and not encouraging foreign investment are big reasons why Russia is so poor. It has a ton of vast resources and a lot of brainpower. Some of that brainpower or perhaps a lot of the brainpower could be leaving Russia since they invaded Ukraine and passed draconian laws within the Russian Federation. If Russia actually had a decent political system, cracked down hard on corruption, had a strong rule of law, and foreign investment, and focused on developing their economy, they would be a super-power in my opinion. I would also think they would be the breadbasket of the world given all the land they have and how that land can be farmed. But at the end of the day, only the Russians can fix those problems.
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By Wels
Scamp wrote:Russia's GDP is less than Italy. What are they doing wrong?
Is communism or socialism to blame? Or, are they just retards?
Enlighten me.

Whatever happened in Russia after 1920 had nothing to do with communism or socialism. From Stalin on it has been a dictatorship, with temporary exception from 1990 to say 2004, when Putin dropped his maskirovka of being the "president" of a "democratic" country.

Not retards, just good old human corruption and cleptocracy of a dictatorship.

Putin is retarded inasmuch that he thought 19th century thinking and ignoring reality will be honoured by his own population. He is an egomaniac, a dictator and completely free of empathy or responsibility. It is all a game for him, while he sits in his splendid isolation, far away and safe from fighting and danger.
Russia is poor because of rampant corruption at all levels, particularly at the top. We're seeing the effects of this corruption in the shitty performance(thankfully) of their military in Ukraine.
You can blame corruption, combined with a totalitarian dictatorship, which is the case in Russia. The veneer of "Democracy was always a sham.

US Quietly Urges Russia Fertilizer Deals to Unlock Grain Trade
June 13th, 2022, Bloomberg

The US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, fueling spiraling global food costs.

Full story: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... f=ZMFHsM5Z
Scamp wrote:Russia's GDP is less than Italy. What are they doing wrong?

Following the advice of mainstream neoclassical economists.
Is communism or socialism to blame?

Or, are they just retards?

No, they just refuse to know the same indisputable fact of objective physical reality that all socialists and capitalists have to refuse to know.
Enlighten me.


https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Open_let ... chev_(1990)
When you have a bunch of like Igor running the country, this is the what you get in Russia.

If we allow jackasses like @BlutoSays run America, it will be like Russia in no time.
Beren wrote:They're Eastern European, it's their Eastern Europeanness. The difference between East and West isn't only institutional, it's rather cultural and can be found in the value-systems. So it's not only corruption, lack of rule of law, or military spending, it's an inherent cultural difference affecting all facets of society. So their whole society is culturally different, has a different value-system, and it's less efficient economically. Their society or social life as a whole is inherently different from societies or social life in the West. It's the same kind of problem as why Mexico is so poor, for example. Some elements of the elites understand that and always mean to westernise society, but it's never so easy, of course.

Now, I know why you think the way you think.

You are a cultural elitist and a cultural imperialist as well.

Not only are you scientifically wrong on almost everything. But since you are brief and shallow in analysis? You are not worth debating. For sure. A total waste of time. I prefer blackjack21's far right intelligence and honest racism to your totally false underlying beliefs. Because that is all they are beliefs. You know next to nothing about culture and what it means for a society. And you can't separate economic government policies from power structures designed to keep people with different values from being included in financial and economic policies in societies that are being repressed externally by world global capital.

I have never understood your hostility before. Now it makes sense. But you fucked up with this post. It means you are worthless to spend debating time on. I was hoping you had more substance.

it all makes sense now.

I discard you as objective. For sure. You believe culture is the defining factor about who is wealthy as a society or not.

You are shallow as hell.

Te jodistes conmigo. :lol:
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By Wels
a bit OT, but not so much regarding poverty in Russia and Putin's oligarchs 8)


"Sunday night I rode my bike from a dinner home across the October Square, on which a fat cast-iron Lenin stands and points the direction with his arm, although after all sorts of historical experiences one is rather suspicious of Lenin's directional indications.

Fortunately, I had to go in another direction. A remarkable car crossed my path, a GAZ 21 Volga from the 1960s, clanking and loud and smelly, but rolling very straight. The driver, a young guy with a goatee and a bright orange hoodie, had completely worked on his car with a grinder, resulting in a Beuys-like work of art made of chrome, rubber, rust, and a touch of residual blue.

"Hot vehicle", I thought to myself, and so thought probably also two women around 30, who stood next to me at the traffic light, each with a bottle of beer in the hand. We looked after the vehicle quite fascinated and said "kruto", which in the context means something like "horny".

But then something happened that always happens when someone in Putin's Moscow drives a "kruto" through the area. The police officer, who is unavoidable at every intersection, raised his baton and waved the Volga and his driver over. The Mercedes and BMW drove through, the driver of the patriotic GAZ 21 Volga was frisked. I was as outraged as the two women.

But unlike me, they took action. They walked straight up to the policeman, beer bottles at the ready, and confronted him. What did he want from the driver? That's not the way to do it.

"Any oligarch mafioso can drive through here, but the average people are being harassed. Let the Volga drive on immediately!"

The policeman was quite surprised, but hardly got a word in edgewise, as he was immediately interrupted by the tall, resolute one of the two.
"What the hell. Don't make excuses and let the man drive on!"

Silently, the policeman handed the papers back to the driver. The Volga jerkily picked up speed, the policeman stared at the ground, the women continued walking.

And I thought to myself, if anyone ever overthrows the gangster regime here, it won't be the Americans, but women with beer bottles in their hands.
That was already the case in February 1917, when the tsar toppled from his throne. Lenin was still in Switzerland then, warming his butt."
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By Skynet
Europe will also become poor.

Cheap Russian Gas one of the reasons why the EU has still a large industrial sector... You can simply not melt steel on lower temperature, the process of steelmelting is over thousands of years optimized, you can not optimize more in forseeable future.

Without Gazprom can the EU not switch to renewables smoothly. Do not forget the gas piplines were built in the Cold War.

Putin will halt the supply this year! Effect on the EU will be comparable to carpetbombing of the industry zones all over Europe.

Nearly 10% of your Wealth dissappeared within a year... (called inflation)

I doubt the West is ready to offer it but I think a compromise might be possible like all sactions lifted for peace Some would call it appeasement, but it is pragmatism Hitler had not 6000 nukes... Therefore Moscow can never be bombed by the West it is not Belgrade, or Damascus...

There is a Mafia saying: War is bad for business!
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By Wels
^ this is right, this russian war of aggression has a negative impact everywhere.
But Putin underestimated the will to withstand and the rest of the world not letting itself being blackmailed by his nuclear war threat.
A bit less luxury, a bit less comfort overall after seeing what Russia does to Ukraine? For the mostly well-off free countries losing money is the lesser evil.
So Putin stacked up his blackmailing with a worldwide famine that will mostly hit Africa. Go on, pariah.

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