Germany: Causa Maassen: sent to retirement - Politics | PoFo

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So funny ! :lol:

So we have a secret service in germany called "Verfassungsschutz" (constitution protection). This secret service overviews local extremists, i.e. nazis, extreme religious groups (such as salafists) and the extreme left (of which, since the fall of the soviet union, there are hardly any). The leader of that organisation is [well, was] Hans-Georg Maaßen.

Maaßen has recently violated his obligation to exercise due care because he has publically called a video showing nazis hunting victims in Chemnitz (a city in east germany) as "fake", when later it turned out neither Maaßen himself nor his secret service had actually examined that video and determined if it was fake or not.

In consequence he was no longer tolerable in his position. His boss, interior minister Horst Seehofer, of the democratic christians, fiercely protected him and managed to get him a position in his ministry. There was another scandal that it turned out that Maaßen would receive higher pay in this new position, which lead to all kinds of jokes about how people should fail at their job to receive higher pay. Maaßen would also have replaced the only social democrat in that ministry that would oversee a currently very important issue to germans (housing). This was rectified by giving Maaßen a different position in the same ministry, in fact a new position just created for this purpose, for which he would receive the same pay as before.

But now ... Maaßen was sent into early retirement instead.

So what the hell happened ?

Well Maaßen has made ANOTHER public statement that he was the victim of "left radicals" of the social democrats. :lol:

German source: ... 20545.html

German original:
"Hintergrund der Entscheidung Seehofers ist eine Rede Maaßens vor europäischen Geheimdienstchefs am 18. Oktober in Warschau, in der er von linksradikalen Kräften in der SPD gesprochen hatte. Seine Äußerungen zu den Vorfällen in Chemnitz im August seien für diese Kräfte willkommener Anlass gewesen, einen Bruch der großen Koalition zu provozieren, sagte er dort."

English translation:
"Cause for the decision of Seehofer is a speech Maaßens in front of european secret service bosses on Oct 18 in Warsaw, in which Maaßen talked of left radical forces inside the social democrats. Maßen claimed that his statements about the events in Chemnitz in August have been a welcome chance for these forces to try to break the coalition."

OMG ! :lol:

At this point it really needs to be pointed out that Maaßen is a laywer by education and considered (by some) as "very competent in his field". :eek: But apparently still not bright enough to understand what "obligation to exercise due care" means. :eh: Or why you really shouldnt insult one of the governing parties like this if you're working for the government. :lol:
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