Poverty in Britain: Why so many are Broke? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

I always fancied a Jaguar XJ-C 5.3 V12 coupe.

In my youth, I almost bought one cheap from my brother's father-in-law (3rd wife).

Cheap to buy, too expensive to run, an ornament, the wife said.

So it was a No.

It only managed around 12 miles per gallon.


Some might say....somebody was punched? :lol: :lol:
Back to the topic of this thread--poverty in the UK:

Homelessness at Christmas? That is the new Grinchy UK.

Why have a Royal Family and a present Monarchy if you are going into a new Era of Charles Dickens Victorian Era Workhouse Poorhouse crap? Where is the great progress in exploiting half of Asia and Africa and your Colonies in Central America and the Caribbean? It is shameful shit. Imperialism for the rich who then do not do shit for the poor in their own nation.

Is the Capitalism bullshit working for you? Not even for your group. DO something about it folks. It won't go away without a fight.
Rancid wrote:Sure, it's fine for a Brit to tell me to fuck off with my opinion (i.e. that they don't agree it was a mistake). That is different from saying "you don't get to have an opinion".

Anyway, there is a big difference between me telling my neighbor I think it's a bad financial move for him to buy a Maserati given what I know about his job and personal economics, versus me locking him in his house to prevent him from going out and buying one. You are making this sound like I'm advocating for the second one.

It's not you, it's a lot of other people. You're not a dick.
Unthinking Majority wrote:It's not you, it's a lot of other people. You're not a dick.

Blaming the immigrants is an old story.

They should blame all these industries that manipulate governments to ignore the needs of the majority and only serve the needs of an elite. It is immoral, irresponsible and incredibly damaging over the long haul.

You got to stabilize the society with basics being met. Why allow hundreds of billionaires and vast 25% below the poverty line? I was shocked about the UK stats. It is really bad.

Again, not even in places like Denver is the average worker making such abysmal wages.

In the first video it stated that there are very few protesters in the street in the UK. Few and far between. That is a problem.

One thing I have always been proud of? Puerto Ricans are professional protesters that get RESULTS. If you want to see protesting done right and insistently and nonstop pressure, study the Puerto Ricans.

When the people of Puerto Rico were scandalized by the corruption and favoritism of the Ricky Rossello governorship and they read the transcript of his shit comments from hell? They hit the street like you can't believe. Some said ONE MILLION people hit Old San Juan and La Fortaleza nonstop for weeks. One million is almost 1 out of every three Puerto Rican people! A third of the island did not stay home. They hit the street.

The man was forced to resign in disgrace. They kicked his ass out of office.

You got to do something about these Tory assholes who are playing musical chairs with your lives in the UK. What the hell? The couple who are teachers said 6,000 pounds sterling a year for heating and so on energy costs? And they can't afford it. That is ridiculous shit. 500 pounds a month when these teachers are making crap salaries?

It is for hitting 10 Downing Street and that Rishi sellout man day and night!!

I thought Denver, Colorado USA was bad for teacher salaries but they are paying teachers in London this SHIT salary and expecting them to come up with 500 pounds sterling a month in heating payments? Estan LOCOS.

Pay scale for London teachers:

https://neu.org.uk/advice/your-rights-w ... es-england
Tainari88 wrote:Blaming the immigrants is an old story.

They should blame all these industries that manipulate governments to ignore the needs of the majority and only serve the needs of an elite. It is immoral, irresponsible and incredibly damaging over the long haul.

You got to stabilize the society with basics being met. Why allow hundreds of billionaires and vast 25% below the poverty line? I was shocked about the UK stats. It is really bad.

Again, not even in places like Denver is the average worker making such abysmal wages.

Workers - including teachers and nurses and people like that - have always been paid peanuts in Britain. The fundamental problem is the class system in Britain: the people who make the decisions have no relatives who are working class or even lower middle class and regard themselves as ‘a breed apart’, having nothing in common with the hoi polloi, the labouring masses. They regard the whole point of the masses as being to work for peanuts to support the lavish lifestyle of the upper class. After all, why else do the masses even exist? The working class is ‘the servant class’, by definition. And things should stay that way.

In the first video it stated that there are very few protesters in the street in the UK. Few and far between. That is a problem.

One thing I have always been proud of? Puerto Ricans are professional protesters that get RESULTS. If you want to see protesting done right and insistently and nonstop pressure, study the Puerto Ricans.

When the people of Puerto Rico were scandalized by the corruption and favoritism of the Ricky Rossello governorship and they read the transcript of his shit comments from hell? They hit the street like you can't believe. Some said ONE MILLION people hit Old San Juan and La Fortaleza nonstop for weeks. One million is almost 1 out of every three Puerto Rican people! A third of the island did not stay home. They hit the street.

The man was forced to resign in disgrace. They kicked his ass out of office.

Historically speaking, protesting on the streets in Britain achieves nothing. For example, just before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, there was the largest mass protest in British history, demonstrating against it. What effect did this have? None whatsoever. Tony Blair went ahead and invaded Iraq, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties and costing billions of pounds of British taxpayers money, all based on lies. This is why people in Britain don’t bother protesting - it achieves nothing, and the MI5 spooks just open a file on you as a ‘troublemaker’.

You got to do something about these Tory assholes who are playing musical chairs with your lives in the UK. What the hell? The couple who are teachers said 6,000 pounds sterling a year for heating and so on energy costs? And they can't afford it. That is ridiculous shit. 500 pounds a month when these teachers are making crap salaries?

It is for hitting 10 Downing Street and that Rishi sellout man day and night!!

I thought Denver, Colorado USA was bad for teacher salaries but they are paying teachers in London this SHIT salary and expecting them to come up with 500 pounds sterling a month in heating payments? Estan LOCOS.

Pay scale for London teachers:

https://neu.org.uk/advice/your-rights-w ... es-england

Capitalism is the disease. Communism is the cure.
Potemkin wrote:Workers - including teachers and nurses and people like that - have always been paid peanuts in Britain. The fundamental problem is the class system in Britain: the people who make the decisions have no relatives who are working class or even lower middle class and regard themselves as ‘a breed apart’, having nothing in common with the hoi polloi, the labouring masses. They regard the whole point of the masses as being to work for peanuts to support the lavish lifestyle of the upper class. After all, why else do the masses even exist? The working class is ‘the servant class’, by definition. And things should stay that way.

Historically speaking, protesting on the streets in Britain achieves nothing. For example, just before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, there was the largest mass protest in British history, demonstrating against it. What effect did this have? None whatsoever. Tony Blair went ahead and invaded Iraq, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties and costing billions of pounds of British taxpayers money, all based on lies. This is why people in Britain don’t bother protesting - it achieves nothing, and the MI5 spooks just open a file on you as a ‘troublemaker’.

Capitalism is the disease. Communism is the cure.

I find that entire society extremely resistant to change. It is incredibly rigid. I find it very curious. Why do they put up with that lack of change so much?

The US government had to get tough on the Puerto Ricans in the 1930s during the Great Depression, and they had to get violent, do massacres, and bomb towns. They arrested a lot of people took the leadership of the Nacionalista movement into custody and exposed him to radiation experiments. They had mass sterilization of Puerto Rican women. The reason behind that was that the reason why poverty existed on the island and Puerto Ricans kept protesting even though they were US citizens since 1917 was because they had too many children and the authorities in Washington DC found us very rebellious in nature. Had to stop reproducing rebels. The women were targets of sterilization campaigns.

No, Potemkin darling, the problem in the UK is complacency. If one third of the entire society would hit the street in front of 10 Downing and chase down the PM an the Lords in the House of Lords in Parliament and etc and pressure for months and they shouted down the ability to hold press conferences, and did what the Ricans did for months to oust Ricky Rossello? The top elite in the UK would have to do something about it.

That is why I know for a fact if all of us UNITE as one against the US government and we want change and demand it nonstop? It will happen. The US government could get violent again. I expect it. But that the Boricuas are going to be passive lambs while they lose it all because the American government just is more powerful than we are? It is not going to happen.

The American Government underestimated the Cubans, the Nicaraguans, and many others over time Potemkin. I read the files they kept on these 'rebels' and even Henry Kissinger said that the reality is that the Latin Americans are not the kind of people to be accepting things passively. After all most of our nations adopted very radical constitutions with full civil liberties. What is impeding progress is sellout behavior through an elite. And even in Mexico (right next door to the USA), the Left is going for another six year term. My doctor is pro MORENA, but others prefer the PT which are more radical. Mexico like most of Latin America has a very well developed Leftist movement. People do pressure and organize according to their class identifications.

I find the UK far too conformist in thinking for my liking Potemkin. That has to be dealt with to build a good movement. No government if pressured very very hard and forced to take action will have the luxury of ignoring one third or more of constantly protesting Britons.

The Irish got their Republic because they were violent, and constantly violent and nonstop troubles. Why? Because sitting on your ass thinking the British are going to give you concessions without pressure is not realistic. Eventually it becomes an impossible thing to administer. People who do not want you there and do not want your rule. It depends on the will of the people to fight the problems. Otherwise it is all ceding to the powerful over and over again. Things never change.

The Anglo working class are horribly conformist is my conclusion.
Tainari88 wrote:I find that entire society extremely resistant to change. It is incredibly rigid. I find it very curious. Why do they put up with that lack of change so much?

Brainwashing, and complacency.

The US government had to get tough on the Puerto Ricans in the 1930s during the Great Depression, and they had to get violent, do massacres, and bomb towns. They arrested a lot of people took the leadership of the Nacionalista movement into custody and exposed him to radiation experiments. They had mass sterilization of Puerto Rican women. The reason behind that was that the reason why poverty existed on the island and Puerto Ricans kept protesting even though they were US citizens since 1917 was because they had too many children and the authorities in Washington DC found us very rebellious in nature. Had to stop reproducing rebels. The women were targets of sterilization campaigns.

They intended, and probably still intend, to replace the Puerto Rican people. As Brecht joked rather mordantly about the East German government in 1956, “The government has lost confidence in the people, and intends to dissolve the people and elect another.” The US government did this to the Native Americans, after all. But the population density of the Puerto Ricans is too great for this to work on them.

No, Potemkin darling, the problem in the UK is complacency. If one third of the entire society would hit the street in front of 10 Downing and chase down the PM an the Lords in the House of Lords in Parliament and etc and pressure for months and they shouted down the ability to hold press conferences, and did what the Ricans did for months to oust Ricky Rossello? The top elite in the UK would have to do something about it.

I absolutely agree, querida. The British are a deeply complacent people, and will put up with almost anything from their ruling class.

That is why I know for a fact if all of us UNITE as one against the US government and we want change and demand it nonstop? It will happen. The US government could get violent again. I expect it. But that the Boricuas are going to be passive lambs while they lose it all because the American government just is more powerful than we are? It is not going to happen.

The American Government underestimated the Cubans, the Nicaraguans, and many others over time Potemkin. I read the files they kept on these 'rebels' and even Henry Kissinger said that the reality is that the Latin Americans are not the kind of people to be accepting things passively. After all most of our nations adopted very radical constitutions with full civil liberties. What is impeding progress is sellout behavior through an elite. And even in Mexico (right next door to the USA), the Left is going for another six year term. My doctor is pro MORENA, but others prefer the PT which are more radical. Mexico like most of Latin America has a very well developed Leftist movement. People do pressure and organize according to their class identifications.

I find the UK far too conformist in thinking for my liking Potemkin. That has to be dealt with to build a good movement. No government if pressured very very hard and forced to take action will have the luxury of ignoring one third or more of constantly protesting Britons.

The Irish got their Republic because they were violent, and constantly violent and nonstop troubles. Why? Because sitting on your ass thinking the British are going to give you concessions without pressure is not realistic. Eventually it becomes an impossible thing to administer. People who do not want you there and do not want your rule. It depends on the will of the people to fight the problems. Otherwise it is all ceding to the powerful over and over again. Things never change.

The Anglo working class are horribly conformist is my conclusion.

No arguments there. The British working class have basically given up, after the political defeats of the 1980s. Protesting achieves nothing, and the ruling class have consolidated their authority under Thatcher and her successors. They will do nothing for the foreseeable future.
Rugoz wrote:Should it achieve something though?

If democracy is to be more than an empty formalism, then yes. Does power come from the people, or from the ruling elite?
Sandzak wrote:The Brexit is a huge setback for the UK.
Rancid wrote:Britain shot itself on the foot.

You can try to argue that, sure. The increase in British economic prosperity does coincide with joining the EU, 1993 to perhaps 2004.
But I'd argue the British economy was already showing signs of growing prosperity before joining the EU.
And that prosperity didn't really seem to last. I mean, is economic prosperity for the average person in Britain really the same at any point after 2007 (up to 2023) as it was in 1999 to 2004 ?

In fact I would say that the comparative ups and downs of the British economy seems to compare to what the American economy was doing at those times. The United States also had a peak of prosperity during this exact same time period, and was obviously not part of the European Union. (though you can argue had entered a big trade deal with China, though some argue that trade deal may have hurt America in the long run)

So it's difficult and complicated to try to point to any correlation between real economic growth and joining the EU.

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