Study finds 209 animals sexually abused in Sweden since 1970 - Politics | PoFo

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The numbers are irrelvant. I know the neatherlands is famous for beastiality, however I did not know Sweden had yet to outlaw beastiality. Was it just not an important issue? Usually these laws existed before the 20th century.

More than 200 animals, mostly horses, have been sexually abused in Sweden since the 1970s, the country's animal-protection agency said Friday in its first report on bestiality. The government commissioned the study after reports sexual abuse of animals could be on the rise in Sweden.

Most of the cases were reported by veterinarians and police after 2000, the study said. But it was not clear if sex with animals had become more common or if people had become more likely to report it, it said.

Authors of the report noted Sweden has not outlawed bestiality, as has Canada, Britain and some U.S. states. Abusers can only be prosecuted if the animal is physically injured.

The study found 209 cases of sexual abuse of animals, including 161 involving horses, 18 dogs and 17 cattle. ... bestiality
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I saw this documentary from somewhere in tyhe mid west us.

There basically was a small village where the people slept with their animals.

As one of the guys interviewd asked :

"what is it to society where I put my dick?"
By Tangerine
Some people it seems are born with an innate attraction to animals. I mean, why else would there be creepy animal porn sites out there?
By | I, CWAS |
Le Soldat

Thanks for that critical analysis.

Tech II Nosferatu
I saw this documentary from somewhere in tyhe mid west us.

There basically was a small village where the people slept with their animals.

As one of the guys interviewd asked :

"what is it to society where I put my dick?"

You mean the widwestern united states, there was a villiage?
By Schrödinger's Kitty
I think it is not as rampant as it sounds. It might just be the same tiny group of sick people. Aren't their American porn sites specializing in this though? I claim that American culture is a bad influence. :p
By | I, CWAS |
It's Illegal here, they don't operate in the open or for long, child porn and Beastiality is outlawed.
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By Macsen
Yes, beastiality is disgusting. But hey, I eat animals. Which do they prefer? :hmm:
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By Le Rouge
Macsen, what if the food you were eating was fudged up the arse.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
It's Illegal here, they don't operate in the open or for long, child porn and Beastiality is outlawed.

Yet, execution of minors occur now and then.

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By Rhinestone Pseudo-Commie
Everyone should be tried as an adult. If a six year old does something that carries the death sentence, they have problems that can only be solved by the most painful elimanation possible. A slow starvation/gas asphyxiation.
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By Macsen
Le Rouge wrote:Macsen, what if the food you were eating was fudged up the arse.

Well most of the food I eat has been 'fudged' up the arse by rams/bulls anyway, and spend their lives rolling about in their own defecate, so it doesn't really bother me.
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By Lokakyy
Well most of the food I eat has been 'fudged' up the arse by rams/bulls anyway

Well, maybe not the most important detail, and and I don't know how it is in Wales, but I think they normally use the artificial insemination in the livestock business nowadays.
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By Ford Prefect
Think about the men and women that do these kinds of things...

It's...weird. I do hope they got/get punished severely.
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By Lokakyy
I think psychological treatment might be a better option than downright punishment.
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By Ford Prefect
Yes, as long as it's not as slappy as it usually ends up being.

Treatment when performed the right way (so that the ones who have done horrible things understand that they are in fact being punished) is usually a better option than jail sentences and such, but if you get to wander around freely and all you need to do is to attend a few sessions every now and then - something isn't right.

I'm not for prison, at all, but sometimes it's the best solution.
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By QatzelOk
This whole thread might qualify as 'survey porn.'

I may have to forward it to Homeland Security Watch.

Here come the Men in Black
They won't let you remember...

- Will Smith
By Devlar
I wonder what kind of numbers they'd get if they did this type of study in the US. Judging by the dailyrotten, it would be 5 digit minimum.
By Devlar
Case in point, weirdos are everywhere

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