Tories Fail to make significant gains. - Politics | PoFo

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Once more the Tories are staring defeat in the face. Yet another leader resigns and the process of backstabbing will no doubt begin again. Despite all the vitrol about immigration and Tony Blair being a Liar the Tories only had a swing of 3% (Therefore increasing thier vote by 1.5% of what it was from last itme. The Lib Dems on the other hand had a swing of over 8% from thier 18.3% share last time to 22.6%. It is only because of the utterlly undemocratic voting system that we arent seriously gaining more seats, but +11 wasnt a bad result considering the dirty tactics employed by Tories and Labour in trying to scare thier voters not to vote for us.

I dont really see how any Conservative could see this as a good election? They failed to break through thier core vote, and only really gained on Tony Blairs unpopularity. It will be interesting to see how thier leadership contest goes in the next few weeks.
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By Ombrageux
The Conservatives got their votes because the Lib-Lab vote was split. Really they have lost all appeal. The great thing about the Conservatives was that you could trust them with the economy. You voted Tory to stop the loonie lefties from running amok with an overbloated state and nationalising left and right. Now that the Left, both lib and lab, have responsibilized themselves, there simply is no reason to vote Tory except xenophobia and the will to lock ourselves into our undemocratic constitution.
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By Tim
Oh please!

There were some sizeable, if patchy swings to the Conservatives in the key marginal seats.

The whole vote share shows a stagnation because of the decline in the vote in Labour heartlands. But when we take the marginal seats into account, there are now a lot of very very shaky labour seats going into the next election.

Yes, the vote has not increased that much nationally, but in the places that matter, the swings are significant.

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