Liberalism, Coercion, and Pornography - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Well, my thinking didn't go to "private property" as a factor. I was thinking that the fictional world in which pornography takes place is fantasy and a lie, a giant orchestrated faked orgasm. There is a domination aspect implicit to sexuality - to love which forces us to compare and be compared on a rigid pecking order. All of these base forces push us toward competition and false fronts and status object veneration. This is why we can think of it as "baser" or "degraded" - the entire influence leads away from cooperation and appreciation, contentment and compassion. All the things that hold a community together really.

I wasn't thinking, nor have I said that "poverty coincides with lies" though for the above reasons, when our Oligarchs are not enlightened gentleman we have bigger problems than when our working class is not.

The entire classification system of alpha/beta is a lie against justice and a dig against cooperative community. It's not about actual sexual pleasure but image. The best producer of public image is "alpha" and this has so little to do with actual sexual satisfaction one may suspect an inverse relationship.

We are not animals.

You use the term "Freedom of Speech" very loosely. If a breeze arose it would slip away and disappear into the blue like a balloon.
Pornography - I have no opposing opinion on, as I believe viewing pornography is as normal as it was when we all slept on a cave floor together.

What bothers me and what I feel is the most degrading toward women - is beauty contests. There is something about those that disgust me, but I really can't pinpoint it.

I asked my wife her opinion on them just the other day and she replied she liked them. So, I remain confused about my feelings toward such. To me they would seem degrading toward women - yet my logic also tells me that flaunting sexuality is a natural thing. I just can't bring myself to enjoy watching them.
Publius wrote:Bullshit.
You are welcome to try. I think parts of Antarctis arent actually occupied by any human society. Space would also be a possibility, if you care to develop a cheap enough rocket drive that you could afford it.
The Gospel of Wayne wrote:And Lo, Jesus came unto the house of Simeon the Web Developer and the Pharisees said to him why do you consort with these purveyors of unclean things. And then Jesus saith, let him who wants to suck cock, suck cock and let him who does not want to suck cock, not suck cock, and let them be free even unto those that wish to record these matters on their mobile phones. But woe unto the liars and hypocrites. Do not judge lest you be judged.

And at the sixth hour there was a darkness covering the Web and even Wikipedia could not be accessed and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth
A completely free market is only free when you take the stance that it's reasonable to present someone with two choices, slave wage or starvation. I'll be a Libertarian the day we enforce a Georgist land tax and socialize the world's resources, thus making original appropriation equally available to everyone who is willing to work.

Being unable to see a difference between "soft coercion" and soft-core porn (sic) is only possible when you buy into the Libertarian fantasy that the free market is free for everyone.
myrmeleo wrote:This position is found in various anti-freemarket maxims (e.g. "economic freedom is the freedom to choose between bosses"). This runs contrary to libertarian thought that would argue that all economic exchanges are voluntary.

You're right, all economic exchanges are voluntary and the anti-freemarket rant is stupid!

myrmeleo wrote:Pornography, by many feminist and anti-sexist critiques, has been noted as (in the large majority of cases) degrading to women. Women, in much pornographic material, are humiliated, degraded, objectified and dehumanized.

Only stupid people can believe such a thing, and most feminists in western countries are unbelievable stupid!

There's absolutely nothing humiliating or degrading in pornography! The vast majority of pornographic actresses/actors are happy with what they are doing. The idea of "humiliation" only exists in the heads of those who can't stand pornography (usually, indoctrinated religious retards who lack the intellectual ability to rationally think for themselves and who simply cannot understand that other people don't think like them and don't share the same so called "values")
Blue Puppy wrote:A completely free market is only free when you take the stance that it's reasonable to present someone with two choices, slave wage or starvation.

No, a free market is free when there are no external interventions/restrictions/etc. in the economic process. In a free market all the possibilities are present: you can (theoretically*) starve, you can have an "average" standard of living, you can get rich. It all depends on your abilities to become useful to the others in the market. If you're stupid, lazy, unrealistic, overly-idealistic, your life can be difficult.
*-in practice, in countries with high degrees of economic freedom, people don't really starve, on the contrary... and contrary to what retarded socialists/communists (sorry for the pleonasm) like to believe, people did and do starve in countries without too much economic freedom...
Publius wrote:There is nothing stopping me from leaving the US if I so desired.

Correct, but I never claimed that. I said you cant leave SOCIETY. There are other human societies which are outside the USA. In fact, they are pretty much everywhere. No matter where you live, you still have to pay taxes.

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