Why Liberal Political Correctness is ruining America - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Infidelis
You have to love that the right has a double standard on this...don't be politically correct unless you're talking about war, religion, or right-winged political figures :lol:
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By Stormsmith
I would argue that this enviroment of political correctness we have today is far more oppressive than the morals focussed society of the 50's.

I think that depends on perspective. In the 50's, PC was simply called good breeding. It meant to be brought up right. You tried to make those around you comfortable. Well bred people didn't use the N word, yet racism was still pretty widely practised, and in some areas, in very unpleasant ways. Women were treated rather poorly in a legal and economical sense. Children didn't have the same degree of protection they have now, and everyone downed 'one for the road'.

50 years and a lot of legislation later, some of the worst behaviours are being replaced with better understanding, better laws, better education, fairer practices. The world is far from perfect. We still see people behaving rather badly, and it is true that some instances of political correctness are over the top, but overall, I think there's fewer drunks on the road killing people, a greater regard in the work place for workers who aren't white guys, and fewer bconngeminis acting like a bunch of spoilt little stinkers than there was years ago. Maybe like dinosaurs, they're becoming extinct.

You have to love that the right has a double standard on this...don't be politically correct unless you're talking about war, religion, or right-winged political figures

Then again, I've never met the children of Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter. I might have to reconsider! :lol:
By Kman
I think that depends on perspective. In the 50's, PC was simply called good breeding.

What??? I never in my life heard about people from the 50's talking about ''good breeding'' dont make stuff up please.

50 years and a lot of legislation later, some of the worst behaviours are being replaced with better understanding

No people have less understanding these days, so many people are dum as fuck because they have been brain washed by the PC media and their PC schools/parents.

better education

No, the education system today is totally messed up today, its dominated by hippie teachers that brain wash their students into not thinking for themselves and make intelligent judgements but instead rely on what the ''majority'' think is right or wrong.

fairer practices

Like affirmative action ? programs that make white students lose their education spots even tho they had higher scores than their fellow minority students.
I wouldnt exactly call that ''fair''.

The world is far from perfect. We still see people behaving rather badly, and it is true that some instances of political correctness are over the top, but overall, I think there's fewer drunks on the road killing people

Crime rates in the 50's where much much lower than they are in todays modern society and yeah the world wasnt perfect back then either, but they where alot closer to that dream than we are now.

and fewer bconngeminis acting like a bunch of spoilt little stinkers than there was years ago

Yeah how horrible to have people actually telling the truth instead of covering things up and making excuses 24/7 for bad and evil behavior like todays Modern Liberals.

Maybe like dinosaurs, they're becoming extinct.

And if people like us really did become extinct you would weep over it pretty fast, it is us free thinkers that stop the west from turning into a new Zimbabwe or Saudi Arabia.
By Wolfman
No, the education system today is totally messed up today, its dominated by hippie teachers that brain wash their students into not thinking for themselves and make intelligent judgements but instead rely on what the ''majority'' think is right or wrong.

No. The educational system has had about the same average test scores and graduation rate as it did 30 years ago. As far as the rest -- My high school was full of the teachers that told the students how insane the subject was. Hell, I had a teacher that outright told us he didn't even believe that what he was teaching was even remotely useful. My school was great -- maybe yours just sucks.
By DanDaMan
Political Correctness (or PC) is the latest intellectual liberal craze,

It's not political correctness.
It's an incompetentence to discriminate good from bad.

Go to youtube and watch How Modern Liberals Think by Evan Sayet.
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By Infidelis
Or, alternatively if you want to know how one thinks, you could pay attention to them instead of being fed bullshit interpretations from opposing, but more convenient views.
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By Gitana
In the 50's, PC was simply called good breeding. It meant to be brought up right. You tried to make those around you comfortable. Well bred people didn't use the N word,

Thank you.
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
I agree that PC can go overboard. I don't want to ban Huck Finn for using the N word in a 19th century context, or make it illegal to say "merry Christmas." At the same time I acknowledge that Christmas is only one of many holidays during that time of year and that the phenomenon in our culture is a holiday season, with Christmas happening to be the most popular of those holidays. I save my Merry Christmases until after about the 21st of December when it really is getting to the appropriate date.

(I'm actually far more offended by snowflake decorations in mild-winter climates than anything else that has to do with the holiday season; this whole notion that it's supposed to be icy and snowy at Christmas time is based on the idea that everyone lives in the upper Midwest or Northeast. We need climatic correctness, not political correctness!)

To claim that acceptance of homosexuality is a threat to American principles or freedom is about as Orwellian as you can get. It's all about the freedom for gay people to live openly without discrimination or persecution or violence. Equal rights extended to everyone, can't get much more American than that.
By Aido86
Perhaps your school had a large number of black and Hispanic outliers which significantly higher levels of general intelligence than their respective populations, but this hardly changes the fact that blacks and Hispanics are roughly one standard deviation lower than whites in general intelligence.

To me, genetics is a cop-out. It's a way to identify a reason for a group's poor social performance and accept it and weed out the problem population, instead of attempting to raise the group's performance.

Indeed genetics is a cop-out. People used to say the irish and various other subjegated races have poorer IQs because they were a poorer breed. As it turns out that upon social and economic improvement IQ improves. Also it has been shown that black people adopted into. Black children reared by German women post war have also been shown to have closed the IQ difference with whites. To top it all off the South African economy has consistently performed better since the population was emancipated and social and economic freedom achieved. Sociological effects contribute much more.

http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/course ... eball.html

Apart from this I think that the problem in America goes beyong 'PC think' to a kind of politics which is guided by loyalty to the party line rather than reason. This manifests in childish behaviour like comparing liberal and republican state performance, claiming that they should just form separate nations, certain ways of thinking arent argued against rationally or certain rights which are practiced they are simply called unamerican.

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