Are Muslims a homosexual's worst enemy? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Race is irrelevant.

The actual ethnicity of the detected perpetrator, as compared to the victim's perceptions of the ethnicity of the offender, is relevant given your assertion that Asians are overwhelmingly responsible for homophobic hate crime.

Last edited by ingliz on 17 Jun 2017 18:03, edited 2 times in total.
ingliz wrote:The victims' perceptions of the ethnicity of the offender, as compared to the actual ethnicity of detected perpetrators, are relevant given your assertion that Asians are overwhelmingly responsible for homophobic hate crime.

No, one of the reports you linked to had those statistics. I presented it to counter your argument that white people are the biggest threat to homosexuals and I did qualify that "British Asian" as a category only loosely overlaps with the category "muslim" because many of those who get lumped into the category "British Asian" will be Hindus and Sikhs and some Muslims will fall into other categories like "white" or "black". If a Somali Muslim beats up a gay man with the intention of killing him because of his victim's sexual preferences he is not doing so because his skin colour made him do it but because of his religion made him do it.

My assertion is that the religious ideology of Islam is particularly and doctrinally hostile to the behavioural identity of homosexuals. Whether a muslim or gay also happens to be white or brown or black is not relevant.

Looking at hate crime statistics is not a bad start for looking for statistical evidence of what everyone with any experience of practitioners of the Islamic religion (regardless of skin colour) knows to be true, but statistics on "race", "age" etc aren't relevant. We need to look specifically at the religious affiliation of the perpetrators of homophobic hate crimes.

This map is wrong. Lebanon hasn't enforced punishment for homosexuality since the 70s. And once the country was fully liberated from occupation (2005) the constitution came under light in which laws prohibiting homosexuality were ruled inapplicable and judges in the supreme court ruled that it would no longer be part of the constitution.
As of last year, once the government finally formed with all ranks in the government filled (there was nearly a decade on political disorder that made pretty much nothing go through) the constitution was amended and it turned from a supreme court decision to a fully constitutional amendment legalizing homosexuality and allowing legal change of genders. And soon for same sex marriage to become official in the country as well.

Legal punishment against homosexuality has not been applied in Syria since the early 2000s under order of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad.

Death penalty has not been applied for homosexuality in Iran since 2007. Legal punishment varies between provinces. courts in multiple provinces in north east of Iran allow white marriage to same sex couples.

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan while still have fines for homosexual activities between males (females allowed), have both suspended jail sentences for homosexuality since i believe 2009 or 2010.
anasawad wrote:
Death penalty has not been applied for homosexuality in Iran since 2007. Legal punishment varies between provinces. courts in multiple provinces in north east of Iran allow white marriage to same sex couples.


Good. The international pressure worked. I remember I had a thread about those two teens who were hanged. Still remember how Qatz defended Iran, "I'm not sleeping with minor", so they deserved it. But they were minor themselves. ... az_Marhoni
Rape is punishable by death regardless of any external factor.
If you're accused of rape, you are trialed as an adult after the age of 15.

I fully agree and support death penalty for rape, specially in such cases where its rape of a kid.
Infact if it was up to me, i would take it a step further than Iran and make the punishment for rape crucifixion and burnt alive at it.
victims' perceptions

Pete & Bunter

PinkNews wrote:[M]any anti gay hate crimes come from homophobic east Europeans who attack gay guys when drunk in fast food places. Working class uneducated catholic east Europeans... these are people who have been radicalized by Putin and co. They are often involved in the anti-LGBT movements such as Manif pour touts/Besorgte Eltern, and so are the Russian-orthodox and Polish Christian communities. We have seen examples of Polish homophobes funding rallies in the LGBT friendly EU states.
Last edited by ingliz on 17 Jun 2017 16:19, edited 1 time in total.

1. It was in Ahvaz in the Khuzestan province. @anasawad said legal punishment varies between provinces so just because Khuzestan makes homosexuality illegal doesn't mean every province makes homosexuality illegal.

2. Of course they believe that since in Islam homosexuality is morally wrong. If you asked a Christian the same question of course they say that homosexuality is morally wrong. But if you asked them if it should be criminalized then answers may vary depending on the socio-economic situation of the country and the way secularism is viewed in the country by the locals (and depending on how authoritarian the country is)
Oxymandias wrote:Of course they believe that since in Islam homosexuality is morally wrong. If you asked a Christian the same question of course they say that homosexuality is morally wrong.

Christians in the West are far less likely to say that. You could argue they're not real Christians anymore. That's fine with me. Your claim that attitudes towards morality are independent of the law is ridiculous. The map of the legal situation has already been posted. Look for the correlation.

Here's another poll:


There are few openly gay imams in the world, including Daayiee Abdullah. If you go to the most conservative areas of the Muslim world such as Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, you could get shot for being gay. But cosmopolitan areas of the Muslim world tend to be more tolerant. In Malaysia, it's not Islam but a British Empire colonial era law which outlaws sodomy. Britain used to have the same law until the 1960s.
Well, here is the thing. I am still looking to check it and i still don't find any cases that actually did happen where someone was executed for being a homosexual in Iran after the year 2007. And 'm searching in the local records not in western media.
And even then, those executed are pretty much always punished for other crimes that they were convicted of and almost never for being a homosexual.
For the case you mentioned. I am still unable to find it since i need names or charges to look for and it was not given. Which not very surprising, since when ever there is a media campaign against Iran in the west the sources and names and cases are all of a sudden all anonymous.

But here is the information we have about the year 2011 according to Iranian records.
Along the entire year there were 612 recorded executions.
488 of those executions were carried against mainly Afghanis for mainly charges of smuggling hard drugs or weapons into Iran. (punishment differs based on what type of drugs it is, but usually hard drugs like cocaine and such get death penalty)
Edit: note; Iranian authorities has been conducting a large security operation on the southern borders with Afghanistan since several years now, specially with intensifying efforts by Islamists to enter the country or smuggle weapons to local groups of separatists and terrorist groups.
The other 124 executions vary for reasons, in that year the causes includes rape, child molestation, corruption and stealing from public funds, murder, involvement in terrorist activities (mainly kurds this one),and honor crimes.
There is no mention of any execution in that year taking place under the charges of sodomy, nor is sodomy mentioned as one of the reasons of the death penalty in any recorded case.
Last record of sodomy being recorded as one of reasons of death penalty being dealt is in 2007 in west Azerbaijan province.

And don't try to use the bullshit excuse some western media agencies are using that Iran is doing "secret off the record executions".
This is like when the US media accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and worst sponsoring ISIS. in which the report was basically, anonymous intelligence officers stated that an anonymous source in Iran has reported than Al-Khamenei has given orders to unnamed generals in the revolutionary guards to do terrorist attacks against Europe.

Yes, because the Christians in the West live in a socio-economic situation and have a socio-economic background (Enlightenment and Renaissance) that is distinct from the Middle East. Note that the Middle East had a movement similar to that of the West however all the fruits of such a movement are all burned down by the Mongols therefore the Middle East doesn't have an intellectual movement nor a socio-economic background to give it guidance. The West had the Golden Age of Athens while the Middle East had the Abbasid Golden Age. One of these movement's literature and ideas survived, the other's were burned to the ground.

When did I say that? I said that the morality of a country is defined by it's socio-economic situation followed by how long they have been in this socio-economic situation. The Middle East has been a shithole for a very long time and the people of the Middle East have no hope that it's getting better. If West was the same, the West would be in the exact same place as Latin America (not the Middle East since it doesn't have that same religious background although Eastern Europe can potentially become like the Middle East).

Legal situation? What legal situation? The poll results you posted before aren't legal situations, they reflect opinion. Correlation does not equal causation..

Socio-economic situation and background. Remember. The polls could've also been answered unhonestly given that many of these states are authoritarian regimes.
Last edited by Oxymandias on 17 Jun 2017 22:55, edited 1 time in total.
1- The article sites zero sources. Not an article from local news sources, and by far nothing near showing any actual records.

"Iranian" human rights watch, located in Norway.
And Iranian students news agency posted several articles about the controversy of 2 others being executed for rape whom also happened to be homosexuals.
But hardly any mention of this case, because it appears to have no sources what so ever.
If you have any actual sources, please provide. Maybe 'm wrong.

No offense but I trust them more than your individual research/opinion.

And no offense, but your media agencies have a reputation for lying to its teeth no less than 90% of the times and has made false claims and pushed propaganda campaigns for political purposes against other countries and groups and even in their own countries countless times, and have been shown for their lies again and again.
Its not about personal opinion, rather its common sense to at the very least take whatever western media says with a grain of salt.
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