Why Liberals and Christians tend to be incompatible - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By SpecialOlympian
Because then everyone is stuck living that losers lifestyle.

But the nature of capitalism demands that a significant portion of the population be permanently relegated to the loser lifestyle. If someone were part of that lifestyle, why should they care if standards they'll never achieve are lowered for everyone else?

No. I'm saying the entire nation is a slum because redistribution allows for no improvements in the society. It's an eternal slum.

But you just said Cuba needs rich people to enact wealth redistribution, a socialist/Nazi/Beck tenet.

Yes. Competition for women with the biggest tits is always at the top of our list.

What do tits have to do with class warfare? I suggest you close some of the tabs in your browser if you are having trouble concentrating.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

Then why do you spend so much time demonizing the poor and worshiping the wealthy?

* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

Of course you can. What an absurd notion.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.

There are no little or big men. It is all about the redistribution of wealth. I like it down the chain and you appear to prefer that very few have it.

* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

Yes you can. You can force the wage-payer to pay a reasonable wage and provide reasonable benefits.

* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.

Character? You think this is about character? Tell me all about Enron and Uncle Bernie.

Unload that shit somewhere else. I will admit. Your platitudes would play very well at a wide variety of trailer parks.
By DanDaMan
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

Then why do you spend so much time demonizing the poor and worshiping the wealthy?

* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

Of course you can. What an absurd notion.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.

There are no little or big men. It is all about the redistribution of wealth. I like it down the chain and you appear to prefer that very few have it.

* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

Yes you can. You can force the wage-payer to pay a reasonable wage and provide reasonable benefits.

* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.

Character? You think this is about character? Tell me all about Enron and Uncle Bernie.

Unload that shit somewhere else. I will admit. Your platitudes would play very well at a wide variety of trailer parks.
For a Christian, you sure do worry and envy an awful lot about what others have.
For a Christian, you sure do worry and envy an awful lot about what others have.

On the contrary. I am very well paid and my wife is paid even better. I am more than comfortable. My needs are met, retirement is in-hand and more would not dramatically change my lifestyle. In other words I am one of the people who stand to loose from the inevitable higher taxes that are coming to pay for our profligate spending for the past 5 decades.

Nevertheless I can see the greed and avarice that is commanding our system as it is. I can see the undeniable FACT that the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I can see what our hands-off attitude has done to our now almost disappeared middle class.

So as a Christian, an American and a human being I am all for metaphorically 'running the money changers out of the temple.'
By KPres
Then why do you spend so much time demonizing the poor and worshiping the wealthy?

Your platitudes would play very well at a wide variety of trailer parks.


Wow. Staggering elitist hypocrisy. In the same post, no less.
By DanDaMan
Nevertheless I can see the greed and avarice that is commanding our system as it is. I can see the undeniable FACT that the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I can see what our hands-off attitude has done to our now almost disappeared middle class.

So as a Christian, an American and a human being I am all for metaphorically 'running the money changers out of the temple.'
Which is your temple... the White House?
If you're for that, I'm with you.

And in America, when the rich get poorer the poor get poorer.
This we know as fact because if the rich get poorer the poor will have to be taxed more in order to sustain the government employees salaries.
Not to mention the rich create jobs that are not a burden on the taxpayer.

Character? You think this is about character? Tell me all about Enron and Uncle Bernie.
Describe to me your Utopian government free of such men?
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By SpecialOlympian
And in America, when the rich get poorer the poor get poorer.

The poor continue to get poorer when the rich are getting richer as well. Since the poor get screwed either way, why should the poor hold any attitude other than, "fuck the rich"? It seems that supporting the rich only slows the continuous decline of the poor's purchasing power and living standards. I don't see why the poor owe any allegiance or support to the rich in such a case.
By DanDaMan
And in America, when the rich get poorer the poor get poorer.
The poor continue to get poorer when the rich are getting richer as well. Since the poor get screwed either way, why should the poor hold any attitude other than, "fuck the rich"?
Odd... All I see the government do is take more and more from the rich to give more entitlements to the poor!
Can you show me otherwise?

Personally, I think it would be fun to sack some random guy's mansion with a bunch of torch and pitchfork wielding yokels.
Small petty men that envy like that.
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By SpecialOlympian
Odd... All I see the government do is take more and more from the rich to give more entitlements to the poor!
Can you show me otherwise?

Sure, once you posit a statement you back up your statement. You always demand people to prove things to you without backing up your own statements.

Small petty men that envy like that.

Why do you assume it's envy? You don't see the fun in participating in a group activity like smashing and burning stuff?

It seems silly to try and fit a mob into a small house. It makes more sense to lead an angry mob to a mansion.
By Umorrian
OK so let me see if I understand the point of the minimal govt. + kapitalism people:

If the U.S. were reformed after your ideas - and the 20+ millions of people that can't afford medical care or even food well, DIE, it's not your fault because you didn't kill them, you just dont care.

"So you're unemployed - well good luck out there. MAYBE someone will help you - and if not, well soon we wont really need unemployment statistics anymore I guess."

The one (and only) thing you people are is narcissists.
By DanDaMan
Why do you assume it's envy? You don't see the fun in participating in a group activity like smashing and burning stuff?
I'm no longer 7 years old.
Small petty men that envy like that.

Wrong. Large angry men are not to be trifled with.

Odd... All I see the government do is take more and more from the rich to give more entitlements to the poor!

You mean take from the rich like everyday folks and give to the poor like General Motors and AIG? :roll:

Stop trolling and do as SpecialOlympian says. Post your proof.

I'm no longer 7 years old.

I'm not suprised. I thought you were twice that.
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By SpecialOlympian
And age detracts from one's ability to enjoy pointless violence? I beg to differ, as monster truck shows, wrestling, and mixed martial arts all enjoy large adult audiences.

It seems as if you have trouble letting go and having fun. I pity you.

Anyway, back to my original question: if the poor are fucked regardless of how well the rich are doing, why should they sympathize with and support the rich?

Stop trolling and do as SpecialOlympian says. Post your proof.

He never will. DDM argues from feeling, not fact. That's why he enjoys Glenn Beck so much. Glenn Beck continually asks his audience, "How do you feel about the series of leading questions I just asked?"
By DanDaMan
Odd... All I see the government do is take more and more from the rich to give more entitlements to ;) the poor!
You mean take from the rich like everyday folks and give to the poor like General Motors and AIG? :roll:
You are correct. I had forgotten to mention Socialism-Progressivism also steals from the taxpayer class in order to keep the rich and the unions in their comfort zones.

And age detracts from one's ability to enjoy pointless violence? I beg to differ, as monster truck shows, wrestling, and mixed martial arts all enjoy large adult audiences.

It seems as if you have trouble letting go and having fun. I pity you.
You were talking about purposely destroying the property of others earlier.
Anyway, back to my original question: if the poor are fucked regardless of how well the rich are doing, why should they sympathize with and support the rich?
Because the rich inevitably spread their wealth to others. Unlike the government which only takes wealth and never actually creates any.
But that subtle difference is lost on you isnt it?
I would have to think that since you seem unable to discriminate the realities of the system you seem to support.
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By SpecialOlympian
You were talking about purposely destroying the property of others earlier.

And this makes it somehow less fun?

Because the rich inevitably spread their wealth to others.

Judging by the increasing disparity between the rich and poor, this doesn't seem to be true.
By DanDaMan
Because the rich inevitably spread their wealth to others.
Judging by the increasing disparity between the rich and poor, this doesn't seem to be true.
In what country is that? Here in America the poor have cars, cell phones and TV cable just like the rich.
It looks clear to me that this "disparity" is no where near as what it used to be or what you make it out to be.

You need to stand back and reflect upon how much you envy what other men have and ask if it's healthy for you to keep feeding that envy?
Because the rich inevitably spread their wealth to others.

Source? Show us proof of this DDM.

Unlike the government which only takes wealth and never actually creates any.

Quite untrue. Look at all the money Microsoft, Boeing and Raytheon get from the government every year. The government has created countless personal fortunes.

But that subtle difference is lost on you isnt it?
I would have to think that since you seem unable to discriminate the realities of the system you seem to support.

Nice troll DDM. Now where is that darned evidence I know you are eager to present for all of us to see.

Surely you are not as vacuous as that Cassandra Glen Beck you follow so blindly.

Maybe if you don't believe me you could believe him. I mean. Anyone worthy of worship should be believed, right? Here's what Glen has to say to you:

I say on the air all time, "if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot."
New York Times, March 29, 2009

And just 10 days ago he said: "I could give a flying crap about the political process.... We're an entertainment company."
Forbes interview; April 26, 2010;

Classic redistribution of wealth. SOCIALISM! Dumbshits who believe that Glen Beck (who is an entertainer just like like...say fiddy cent) anyway they believe he has the intelligence of an ice cube, transfer their money through the advertizers, then through Beck and then on to the IRS who puts it to good use. Think of all the tax revenue he generates. What an American.

In what country is that? Here in America the poor have cars, cell phones and TV cable just like the rich.
It looks clear to me that this "disparity" is no where near as what it used to be or what you make it out to be.

You need to stand back and reflect upon how much you envy what other men have and ask if it's healthy for you to keep feeding that envy?

We are getting impatient. You still can't present the facts. I see you have jumped in with another post and yet again avoided stating any facts. We are laughing at you DDM. Could it be we are just too much for you.
By DanDaMan
Because the rich inevitably spread their wealth to others.
Source? Show us proof of this DDM.
Henry Ford raised the wages of his employees in order for them to afford his cars.
Unlike the government which only takes wealth and never actually creates any.

Quite untrue. Look at all the money Microsoft, Boeing and Raytheon get from the government every year. The government has created countless personal fortunes.
True. But state never actually created that wealth themselves. They took it from others to give to the rich their own special interests. Is that the "just" system you endorse?

But that subtle difference is lost on you isnt it?
I would have to think that since you seem unable to discriminate the realities of the system you seem to support.

Nice troll DDM. Now where is that darned evidence I know you are eager to present for all of us to see.
The evidence is in his inability to address the fact that the state only takes wealth from the system.
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By SpecialOlympian
Henry Ford raised the wages of his employees in order for them to afford his cars.

That was an excellent marketing tactic, but not necessarily an act of charity. Further, Ford was a nazi sympathizer. Not exactly the best guy to put forth as the face of capitalism.

True. But state never actually created that wealth themselves.

All they did was make the money people consider wealth. The same way Chuck E. Cheese prints its own prize tickets.

In what country is that? Here in America the poor have cars, cell phones and TV cable just like the rich.

By DanDaMan
Henry Ford raised the wages of his employees in order for them to afford his cars.

That was an excellent marketing tactic, but not necessarily an act of charity. Further, Ford was a nazi sympathizer. Not exactly the best guy to put forth as the face of capitalism.
I never tried to imply Ford was being altruistic. I was showing you how his wealth and desire for more got handed down to his own employees.
And the truth is the Progressives and other leftist's loved Hitler right up until he attacked Russia.
Then they stopped having nazi rallies in Madison Sq Garden.

True. But state never actually created that wealth themselves.

All they did was make the money people consider wealth. The same way Chuck E. Cheese prints its own prize tickets.
:lol: We agree. :lol:
The only problem is that "printing" is an inflationary tax upon us. it's still 'taking" from us.
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