Corporate Greed - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By ninurta
Are you for it or against it? I am for it.

Why do Liberals have a problem with this? How is Coporation CEO's being greedy any worse than the poorfolk that want their moeny free out of greed?
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By Rojik of the Arctic
Indifferent. I don't care unless it affects my wallet.
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By Dr House
Corporate greed doesn't exist, as corporations are not people and are incapable of feelings. Capitalist greed is problematic because being concerned for their own bottom line above all else, the capitalist class will generally seek to politically undercut any gains the workers make from increasing productivity. Generally this means importing third-world labor into the first world. Increasing productivity, which is largely the result of capital expansion stemming from capital investment, is very positive however.
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By Potemkin
Corporate greed doesn't exist, as corporations are not people and are incapable of feelings.

The law says corporations are people, just like soylent green.
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By Dr House
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By Nandi
Liberals don't have a problem with high renumerations. Executives have often studied at the best universities and took them years of hard work to progressively advance up the corporate hierarchy. Besides that they are intelligent and ambitious, two traits liberals have a high esteem of.

It's it a different matter if these people got their positions through flagrant nepotism and favours.

I'm guessing you're an American conservative and associate a 'liberal' with the left. In American politics that might count but on a true political scale liberals have nothing to do with the left and their ideas of distributive justice.
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By Dr House
I don't see a problem with nepotism. It's a natural human impulse to want the best for those close to you, and that's as much of an incentive to excel and ascend as personal gain.
By DanDaMan
I'm guessing you're an American conservative and associate a 'liberal' with the left. In American politics that might count but on a true political scale liberals have nothing to do with the left and their ideas of distributive justice.

What is Obama for wanting wealth redistribution?
By ninurta
What I was aiming at was more:

ninurta wrote:Are you for it or against it? I am for it.

Why do Liberals have a problem with this? How is Coporation CEO's being greedy any worse than the poorfolk that want their moeny free out of greed?

Though I said corporate greed, that's only because it sums up everyone in the buisnesses being greedy.

My point was more aimed at greed itself isn't bad, its natural and good.

And that it is bad that some of the poor people think that money should be taken from the greedy rich people and given to them.

And why do some people think its bad for the rich to have their hard earned billions? Yeah millions suffer in poverty, I feel their pain, I am there too. but why take that from the rich?

Maybe this was better off in the communist section. I can hardly tell Liberalism and Communism apart, and definitely can't see a difference between Socialism and Liberalism.

DanDaMan wrote: What is Obama for wanting wealth redistribution?

I don't know if he is or not. Fox says yes and CNN says no. It's so hard to tell

though this is also where i am getting at. why should we redistribute wealth?

If you want the rich's wealth, then you must be greedier than they are if you dont want to work for it like everyone else.
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By tyler933
DanDaMan wrote:I'm guessing you're an American conservative and associate a 'liberal' with the left. In American politics that might count but on a true political scale liberals have nothing to do with the left and their ideas of distributive justice.

What is Obama for wanting wealth redistribution?

Smart. The American economy is way too focussed upon the rich and needs to give back to the people who got the rich where they are.
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By Dr House
The rich carry common people up, not the way around. Employment and wages depend on capital investment, and guess who generates capital investment?
By Wolfman
Tyler, best bit of advice you will likely ever get on this forum: Don't feed DanDaMan. He is are resident troll, and while we love him for it, he tends to cause complete insanity in anyone who even thinks of talking to him. He has that effect on people who agree with him too, thats the fun part.
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By Paradigm
Nandi wrote:Liberals don't have a problem with high renumerations. Executives have often studied at the best universities and took them years of hard work to progressively advance up the corporate hierarchy. Besides that they are intelligent and ambitious, two traits liberals have a high esteem of.

I don't mind people making lots of money per se, but one problem with the high CEO pay we see today is that CEO's have become their own aristocracy, where they relate more to one another as a class than they do to their own company. These days, the qualification for being a CEO is having been a CEO somewhere else, so there's a lot of free movement of CEO's between companies. This tends to destroy any sense of company loyalty they might otherwise have, and creates perverse incentives.
By ninurta
tyler933 wrote:Smart. The American economy is way too focussed upon the rich and needs to give back to the people who got the rich where they are. not smart at all. If the rich should give their money to everyone else, then why earn the money in the first place? Why don't we all take the money from the man sitting next to us? Why should we have to work for it when we can just take from the guy who has more? :eh:

Many people who are without like to blame an innocent person who is not without, especially when there is no one else to blame for them being without. A better solution would be either to accept being without or try to earn what it is you desire. that is why envy is a part of human nature, for you to use and know what you want to compete for.
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By tyler933
ninurta wrote:Smart. The American economy is way too focussed upon the rich and needs to give back to the people who got the rich where they are. not smart at all. If the rich should give their money to everyone else, then why earn the money in the first place? Why don't we all take the money from the man sitting next to us? Why should we have to work for it when we can just take from the guy who has more? :eh:

Many people who are without like to blame an innocent person who is not without, especially when there is no one else to blame for them being without. A better solution would be either to accept being without or try to earn what it is you desire. that is why envy is a part of human nature, for you to use and know what you want to compete for.

That's the point, most rich people do not earn their money, they exploit people to get as much money as possible. Not only that, however people are going without basic necessities such as good, health care and an education simply because they cannot afford it, that, to me, is the epitome of a failed state. When it can no longer give necessities to it's citizens.
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By Dr House
Tyler, how do the rich exploit people?
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By tyler933
Dr House wrote:Tyler, how do the rich exploit people?

The owners of companies exploit their workers all the time. On a more global scale, the USA and other capitalist nations have, throughout history, by invading smaller nations and leaving them poor and under-developed by stealing their resources. ... l_poor.htm
This is a much better argument.
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By Dr House
tyler933 wrote:The owners of companies exploit their workers all the time.

You haven't explained how.

tyler933 wrote:On a more global scale, the USA and other capitalist nations have, throughout history, by invading smaller nations and leaving them poor and under-developed by stealing their resources.

Bulk commodities in poor countries are more often than not bought rather than stolen. Most poor countries are poor because their leaders have not bothered to industrialize them, unlike the governments of Europe and Northeast Asia.
Last edited by Dr House on 01 Aug 2009 20:35, edited 1 time in total.
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By Cartertonian
Was listening to something on BBC Radio 4 the other day called 'The Money Grab', presneted by Alvin Hall.

The Money Grab

Pretty much every stockbroker they interviewed admitted that their business was ruthless, cutthroat and all about the money - along the 'greed is good' lines.

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