Are modern Liberals just disciples of the State? - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Are modern Liberals just disciples of the State?

I ask this because they are fervent preachers of the Church of the State.
They want you to follow them religiously and donate a large percent of your income to feed the poor.

They basically believe the Church of the State is the only savior and all must heed their calling.

And like any church... it takes a dim view on other religions.
Which is why you cannot pray in schools today.

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By Nattering Nabob
Are modern Liberals just disciples of the State?

I ask this because they are fervent preachers of the Church of the State.
They want you to follow them religiously and donate a large percent of your income to feed the poor.

They basically believe the Church of the State is the only savior and all must heed their calling.

And like any church... it takes a dim view on other religions.
Which is why you cannot pray in schools today.


I don't see many liberals with American flags in their yards like I do in the yards of Republicans...

And you say liberals worship the state? :roll:

Republcians are just angry they lost the'll all go back to waving the flag and singing God Bless America when a Republcian is back in oiffice claiming that God told him to invade Iraq/Cuba/insert your paranoid WMD fantasy here...
By DanDaMan
I don't see many liberals with American flags in their yards like I do in the yards of Republicans...

And you say liberals worship the state? :roll:

Yes I do.
Just not the "state" as it is in it's smaller form.
They want it bigger and more intrusive in health care and caring for the poor by redistributing money from those that earned it to those not so ambitious.
A lot of them also want global state too. They want a new worlds order to solve all the injustice of what capitalism has done by robbing the poor of equal living conditions.
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By Nandi
Please don't tell us what we think. Neocons love the state just as much.
By DanDaMan
Please don't tell us what we think. Neocons love the state just as much.
But do they love it smaller or larger than it is today?
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By Guillotine
Which is why you cannot pray in schools today.

Children can pray in schools as long as it is private and doesn't disturb class time.
By ninurta
DanDaMan wrote:Are modern Liberals just disciples of the State?

I ask this because they are fervent preachers of the Church of the State.
They want you to follow them religiously and donate a large percent of your income to feed the poor.

They basically believe the Church of the State is the only savior and all must heed their calling.

And like any church... it takes a dim view on other religions.
Which is why you cannot pray in schools today.


Glenn Beck is getting to you, I'm telling you he is a nutcase. He is a real moron, you don't want to start sounding like him, or you'll be like that woman in massatchussettes "why do you support a nazi policy" to a person of jewish ancestry.

As for being disciples of the state, sounds to be rediculous, though you make a point, its more them being politcally correct.
By DanDaMan
As for being disciples of the state, sounds to be rediculous, though you make a point, its more them being politcally correct.

What does the far left advocate?

i say they advocate more statism by controlling our health care.
Controlling our retirement.
Controlling our religion. (take for example that teacher being fired for praying in school)

Where am I wrong?
By ninurta
DanDaMan wrote:[]As for being disciples of the state, sounds to be rediculous, though you make a point, its more them being politcally correct.[]
What does the far left advocate?

i say they advocate more statism by controlling our health care.
Controlling our retirement.
Controlling our religion. (take for example that teacher being fired for praying in school)

Where am I wrong?

You are not wrong in that, you are wrong in calling it a religion, because they would be fired for even praising the president in their worship of their dear leader. North Korean Citizenship is what a religion-state that worships the State looks like. No where's close to the liberals, they are just a herd of cattle following their shepherd.
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By Guillotine
Where am I wrong?

Controlling our religion. (take for example that teacher being fired for praying in school)

Did you know that there is more than one religion? You can't have the head of the class organizing prayers for one specific faith. Ironically, that is more controlling than whatever you're going on about now.

Plus, school is for teaching students about real subjects not spreading that opiate of the masses.
By ninurta
Guillotine wrote:Did you know that there is more than one religion? You can't have the head of the class organizing prayers for one specific faith. Ironically, that is more controlling than whatever you're going on about now.

Plus, school is for teaching students about real subjects not spreading that opiate of the masses.

Still, you should be allowed to pray. My friend couldnt face Mecca and bow to pray in school as she wanted, she was told she was starving herself when she never ate at Ramadan. The problem the system has with religion, is that religion limits the State, thats why its against it. No one wants to organize prayers, they just on their own want to pray.
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By Guillotine
Still, you should be allowed to pray.

You can. But the teacher can't call the class together and ask them pray to jesus that he didn't knock up his girlfriend.

My friend couldnt face Mecca and bow to pray in school as she wanted

The Islamic population at my school was allowed to do this considering the times were consistent with our breaks (after lunch and after classes ended). They usually did this in the courtyard opposite of the cafeteria in private. They didn't bother any classes or any of the other students.

Your friend should have pushed her case.
By DanDaMan
You are not wrong in that, you are wrong in calling it a religion, because they would be fired for even praising the president in their worship of their dear leader. North Korean Citizenship is what a religion-state that worships the State looks like. No where's close to the liberals, they are just a herd of cattle following their shepherd.
Then explain this....
That looks identical to North Korean propaganda to the state.

IE the state is the creator and giver of all.
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By ThereBeDragons
North Koreans don't have a choice.
By DanDaMan
North Koreans don't have a choice.

You are correct.
Now watch this and discuss with regard to "choice".
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By Gommi
Obama's plan is not designed to nationalize healthcare, contrary to the paranoid assertions of conservative critics. Rather it allows the government to subsidize private insurance, reducing premium costs and increasing affordability. Government officials will not be determining what treatments are appropriate, as such decisions will remain the responsibility of patients and doctors.

That video you posted is a total misrepresentation of the Obama health plan.
By DanDaMan
Rather it allows the government to subsidize private insurance, reducing premium costs and increasing affordability.
Please tell us what the government has subsidized that led to lower costs in the end?

Education maybe? Hmm.. No.. that went up.

Also... how does the government lower costs when the government can only give what it takes from others?
Is that not really raising the costs of everything else because you have less money to keep?

Or do you like the current method of printing money out of thin air?
Which by the way increases the cost since it devalues the dollar.

Looks to me like you are wrong!

Plus, school is for teaching students about real subjects not spreading that opiate of the masses.
Hmm... seems to me the opiate of the masses coming out of our government run schools is statism under the guise of progressive agendas.
IE the state is the savior of the weak through wealth redistribution, heath care and education.
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By Guillotine
I'm sorry your religion isn't forced on students in school. How dare they make your children read books about science and Shakespeare.

Playing make believe is for recess.
By DanDaMan
I'm sorry your religion isn't forced on students in school. How dare they make your children read books about science and Shakespeare.

Playing make believe is for recess.
I have no problems with those books or science.
I do have a problem of the secular dogma that teaches children that the state is only capable of curing mans ailments.
All that leads to is dependents of the state incapable of being independent self sufficient adults.

As it is, we are getting a generation of children thinking salvation can only come from a bureaucrat.

Hell, even our founding fathers knew not to say that "they" handed down our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
For they knew if "men" are only capable of granting that, then men are capable of removing it.

And as an American (if you are one) do you want a bureaucrat telling you you no longer have the right to life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

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