How modern Liberals think - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By rik
Imagine yourself in a restaurant with an old friend. Suddenly he blurts out I hate my wife. You chuckle to yourself, because he says it every time. They've been together for 35 years. He loves his daughters and they're just like his wife. So you convince yourself that he just says that. He really doesn't hate his wife.

But then you're having dinner with him one evening, you look out the window and see his wife being bitten up. You grab your friend and say, c'mon let's help your wife. But he says, no, I'm sure she deserves it. At that moment it dawns on you, he really does hate his wife.

That's what 9/11 was to me. I would hear my friends from the left say how evil, and racist and imperialistic, and oppressive America is. I'd laugh to myself, believing they always say that, but they love America. And then on 9/11 we were beaten up. And I grab them by the collar and say, c'mon let's help America. And they say, no, America deserves it. At that moment I realize, Liberals do hate America.

It really is a puzzler. How could you live in the most free nation in the history of the world, but see only oppression?

How could you live in the least imperialist power in human history, but see it as the ultimate in imperialism?

How could you live in the least bigoted nation in human history, and as Joe Biden, see racism lurking in every dark shadow?

Without a doubt, Liberal Democrats are wrong on every issue. Always as wrong as wrong can be. They are diametrically opposed to that which is right, good, and successful.

This is not an accident. This is a philosophy that dominates the whole of western Europe.

The Democrats will invariably side with wrong over right, evil over good. They will side with behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success and prosperity.

Given a choice between Ahmadinajad and America, the modern Liberal will not only side with Ahmadinajad, but will slander America and Americans in order to do so.

Given a choice between viscous mass murdering terrorists and dictators, and the tiny democracy of Israel, the Liberal will forge documents, engage in libel (as did our former president Jimmy Carter) to side with terrorists and to attack tiny Israel.

It's not just foreign policy. It's domestic policy. It's every policy.

Given a choice between teenage abstinence and teenage promiscuity, he will promote teenage promiscuity. A good example is Hollywood. They promote teenage promiscuity in their movies, their songs, their TV shows, even the schools to promote decadence in the society. As if it's cool.

Like the movie American pie, in which you're considered a looser, unless you sleep with your best friend's mother while you're still a child.

NARAL, a pro-abortion group masquerading as a pro-choice group, would hold a fund-raising called F' abstinence. Or course, promoting vulgarity is part of the Liberal agenda as well.

So the question becomes why? How do they think they're making a better world by demoralizing America?

To be continued...

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By Prosthetic Conscience
And the relevance of this to Health and Education is ...?

Are you just describing your hallucinations to us? There is an awful lot of made-up crap in your post.
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By SomeRandom
Is there anything on earth more boring than reading an American right-winger's long-winded appraisal of what a Liberal is. :hmm:
By Wolfman
This is old. Really old. And stupid. Really stupid. I don't think any American Liberal said anything like what you posted, and you have no evidence otherwise.

NARAL, a pro-abortion group masquerading as a pro-choice group

Pro-choice is Pro-abortion, pay attention.
By Aidand
They are diametrically opposed to that which is right, good, and successful.

This is not an accident. This is a philosophy that dominates the whole of western Europe.

I really think this is a sentence is the nub of the way some conservatives like to frame liberals. As European wreckers that have come to their country to tear down the abstinent free marker, democratic republic. The silly thing is Europe is quite racist, has loads of conservatives and various right and left leaning countries. In reality its just symbolic though.
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By Orestes
Wolfman wrote:Pro-choice is Pro-abortion, pay attention.

No, you need to look deeper inside the Conservative mindset - I think it was supposed to mean that the NARAL people aren't happy with just the theoretical right to have an abortion, they actively want to see piles of dead fetuses because it gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
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By Dave
rik wrote:Imagine yourself in a restaurant with an old friend. Suddenly he blurts out I hate my wife. You chuckle to yourself, because he says it every time. They've been together for 35 years. He loves his daughters and they're just like his wife. So you convince yourself that he just says that. He really doesn't hate his wife.

But then you're having dinner with him one evening, you look out the window and see his wife being bitten up. You grab your friend and say, c'mon let's help your wife. But he says, no, I'm sure she deserves it. At that moment it dawns on you, he really does hate his wife.

That's what 9/11 was to me. I would hear my friends from the left say how evil, and racist and imperialistic, and oppressive America is. I'd laugh to myself, believing they always say that, but they love America. And then on 9/11 we were beaten up. And I grab them by the collar and say, c'mon let's help America. And they say, no, America deserves it. At that moment I realize, Liberals do hate America.

I really enjoyed this. It's a good way of introducing a subject that surprises many people, as it is easy to relate to and inherently makes sense. Liberals despise America from the bottom of their heart. They are enemies of the entire world and must be destroyed utterly.

The rest of your post, aside from the bit about Hollywood, was American Republican nonsense, showing perfectly well why Republicans are completely worthless as opponents of liberalism.
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By Takkon
You're not serious, are you Dave? :eh:

You can't possibly believe that. Liberals if anything are a product of a time and a place. Identifying as a liberal 20 or 30 years from now will probably be about as relevant as identifying as an anti-communist is now.
By Wolfman
I really enjoyed this. It's a good way of introducing a subject that surprises many people, as it is easy to relate to and inherently makes sense. Liberals despise America from the bottom of their heart. They are enemies of the entire world and must be destroyed utterly.

Now, I know your whole anti-any-social-concept-developed-after-the-14th-century thing, but the quoted part is complete horse shit. No one of any relevance in America said that America deserved 9/11. Some may have said that America's actions led to 9/11 (which is objectively true), but none said America deserved it, and you know it.
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By Dave
Takkon wrote:You're not serious, are you Dave? :eh:

You can't possibly believe that. Liberals if anything are a product of a time and a place. Identifying as a liberal 20 or 30 years from now will probably be about as relevant as identifying as an anti-communist is now.

I am quite serious, but that doesn't mean I disagree with you. Most liberals are intelligent and thoughtful people and thus useful assets. What is necessary is to destroy all social respectability that their ideology has, and then most of them will fall in line with the new paradigm and lend their talents to it. Sort of how men who were once thought ardent Nazis and Communists rapidly discarded their failed ideologies and got on with it.
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By nucklepunche
Liberalism has failed because it has become inherently conservative. It merely sits around fighting to defend a 70 year old welfare state set up for a bygone industrial era rather than proposing any 21st century alternatives to corporate capitalism. Liberals are currently stuck in 1932.
This is a problem, NON-Liberals who feel they can understand and label Liberals correctly.

One main reason Liberals tend to point out America's mistakes is they are America, thus have the right to say what they see as wrong. Someone claimed they will side with Iran over America. Fact is none of us have a right to tell or dictate to Iran how they do or don't run their own Nation.

Many of us know that America interfering in other regions is a large reason we aren't liked or respected. We all like to talk about how great we are yet..if we truly are great we wouldn't need to interfere would we?? We could simply trade on the Free Market we claim to champion. 9-11 should have been a wake up call, the M.E is tired or Westerners manipulating their Region. But instead what happened is many feel we were attacked first..unprovoked even.
Hmm, well I think the problem is liberalism has become equated with critical theory. What the OP is railing against isn't liberalism, but rather Habermas, the Frankfurt school, and their annoying critical theorist American followers.

Certainly this way of thinking did arrive in American in the 1930's when certain German/Jewish interlectuals sort refuge in America, so saying liberals are stuck in 1932 isn't too far off. The critical theorists do indeed hate everything western. Their stated goal is bringing down western civilization. Why? Well, they are neo communists who were really peaved when the masses of western Europe didn't rise up like the theory said they should. So instead of taking a long hard look in the mirror, the european left wing intelligensia choose to reject western society.

Today critical theory has premited university educated middle class thinking on social justice issues. So it is not suppirsing opponents of the so called liberal left would see modern liberals as anti American. In a sense they are.

To my mind, modern American liberalism is not really liberal at all. The liberal mind seems to have been on the retreat in America since to counter cultural movement in the 1960's. Liberalism has been eating from within a bit like when wasps lay their eggs on paralysed spiders and the larva eat the spider inside out. I guess the lack of effective opposition to the critical theorists might be due to most conservatives being ignorant to their origin and thinking.
I honestly had to apologize to my roommate for how hard I was laughing when I read the OP, and watched the video he linked. I just had to tell him that I appreciate great comedy.

The analogy in the OP and in the video is inept, and the maker of it is incompetent.

Liberals do not hate America. I am an American, and I love my country. I don't hate the country. I am simply not able to grasp the insanely baseless things that conservatives believe. If being a liberal, and being skeptical of ludicrous claims is something that should be considered a negative thing, then I have seriously misunderstood what being an American is.
Any ideology which seems to be going backwards, or in the wrong direction, is likely to become a failure. However, most liberals, if not all, would never say America deserved 9/11.

I mostly disagree with liberals on moral/cultural relativism, which is a perpetuated lie. How can you say there is a War on Women in America, but be completely blind to the oppression of women in the Arab world? It's insulting.
rik wrote:That's what 9/11 was to me. I would hear my friends from the left say how evil, and racist and imperialistic, and oppressive America is. I'd laugh to myself, believing they always say that, but they love America. And then on 9/11 we were beaten up. And I grab them by the collar and say, c'mon let's help America. And they say, no, America deserves it. At that moment I realize, Liberals do hate America.

Why should anyone help a hyper-capitalist society that imprisons millions of people for vice crimes, deprives tens of millions of people of civil and political rights (while having the gall to pretend it derives its legitimacy from democracy), exploits billions of people in the Third World and pressures other countries to join her in its downward slide towards reactionary dystopianism? Whatever that society deserves when it's down, it surely ain't support.
Bismarck wrote:Any ideology which seems to be going backwards, or in the wrong direction, is likely to become a failure. However, most liberals, if not all, would never say America deserved 9/11.

I mostly disagree with liberals on moral/cultural relativism, which is a perpetuated lie. How can you say there is a War on Women in America, but be completely blind to the oppression of women in the Arab world? It's insulting.

You wouldn't happen to be a Catholic, would you Bismark? I only ask because of your comment in regards to Moral Relativism.
rik wrote:Imagine yourself in a restaurant with an old friend. Suddenly he blurts out I hate my wife. You chuckle to yourself, because he says it every time. They've been together for 35 years. He loves his daughters and they're just like his wife. So you convince yourself that he just says that. He really doesn't hate his wife.

But then you're having dinner with him one evening, you look out the window and see his wife being bitten up. You grab your friend and say, c'mon let's help your wife. But he says, no, I'm sure she deserves it. At that moment it dawns on you, he really does hate his wife.

While I'll grant you that leftists really do hate the US government (for entirely valid and justifiable reasons), the same is not true of liberals.

That's what 9/11 was to me. I would hear my friends from the left say how evil, and racist and imperialistic, and oppressive America is. I'd laugh to myself, believing they always say that, but they love America. And then on 9/11 we were beaten up. And I grab them by the collar and say, c'mon let's help America. And they say, no, America deserves it.

Leftists would have said that "America deserves it." Liberals were simply pointing out to you that your proposed plan of action would not, in fact, help America at all.

At that moment I realize, Liberals do hate America.

Leftists hate the US Government while not hating the American people. Liberals very much support both the government and the people.

It really is a puzzler. How could you live in the most free nation in the history of the world, but see only oppression?

"The most free nation in the history of the world" is a really low bar to jump. All states are oppressive; the United States simply cares somewhat less about the trivial freedoms than some other states. It's quite oppressive when it comes to meaningful freedoms.

How could you live in the least imperialist power in human history, but see it as the ultimate in imperialism?

All state "powers" are imperialist. And being an imperialist isn't some position on a spectrum; your state is either imperialist or it is not. And the US has one of the most extensive empires ever built in the history of mankind. It exerts control over a greater portion of the world than any previous empire--it controls all trade on any ocean in the world, and directly controls policy over more territory than any other "power" in history.

To say the United States is the "least imperialist power in human history" is ludicrous given that the United States has successfully built a genuinely global empire. It has laid low all of its globally relevant opponents, and exerts a finer control than any measure of military force could manage in the past. It has no real geopolitical competition, only the remnants of defeated empires that is has surpassed. It deserves the title of "superpower" more than any other state in human history. It is the pinnacle of state capitalism, the finest achievement that state capitalism is ever likely to manage. It has oppressed more people, plundered more loot, controlled more ideologies than any empire has ever done or is likely to do again.

How could you live in the least bigoted nation in human history, and as Joe Biden, see racism lurking in every dark shadow?

Another low bar to jump.

Without a doubt, Liberal Democrats are wrong on every issue. Always as wrong as wrong can be. They are diametrically opposed to that which is right, good, and successful.

Probably, but who cares about liberal democrats? They're a spent force; they are nothing but soulless technocrats who are content to facilitate a slide towards domination by the ruling class. Leftists are your genuine opponents, and we are not wrong. Not perfect, but generally correct.

This is not an accident. This is a philosophy that dominates the whole of western Europe.

The Democrats will invariably side with wrong over right, evil over good. They will side with behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success and prosperity.

How so? The Democratic party has led the United States to most of its most successful periods. They are the source of the might that you Republicans so flippantly disregard. They're the ones who've built the empire that you Republicans desperately cling to, the source of the riches you are happy to squander. They are the best weapon the right has ever found in your fight to oppress the workers of the world.

Given a choice between Ahmadinajad and America, the modern Liberal will not only side with Ahmadinajad, but will slander America and Americans in order to do so.

Not even remotely close. The modern liberal will ruthlessly exploit the situation to build tension in the region and draw our strategic partners closer; they would use the threat of Iran to bring the Saudis in line through fear and our offer of protection. The modern liberal will see that the media messaging matters only to the proles--who the modern liberal will see as a class to be exploited--and that the truth of the matter must be concealed. A leftist would see such behavior and be disgusted; a natural revulsion that would occur in all moral people. The right will simply slaver and cower over the "threat" of Iran, a country so insignificantly weak compared to the United States that it poses absolutely no territorial or economic threat whatsoever.

Given a choice between viscous mass murdering terrorists and dictators, and the tiny democracy of Israel,

The tiny superpower-supported apartheid state of Israel.

the Liberal will forge documents, engage in libel (as did our former president Jimmy Carter) to side with terrorists and to attack tiny Israel.

If American Liberals had any interest in "attacking" Israel whatsoever it would be a smoking crater on the map. The only thing keeping Israel around is its utility to the United States--namely its utility to American liberal administrations as a rabid dog on a leash in the region. Israel terrifies the countries around it, and our seemingly tenuous control over their actions is a useful wedge for US geopolitical maneuvering.

Given a choice between teenage abstinence and teenage promiscuity, he will promote teenage promiscuity. A good example is Hollywood. They promote teenage promiscuity in their movies, their songs, their TV shows, even the schools to promote decadence in the society. As if it's cool.

As if it isn't as natural and American as apple pie. Teenagers have been having sex since, well, since teenagers have existed I suppose.

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