French woman arrested for calling Macron 'Trash' - Politics | PoFo

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Woman Arrested for Calling French President Macron "Trash"

Hard to believe this is happening in France. I thought France was supposed to be a bastion of free speech.

Valérie first came onto the police’s radar after she was pictured in front of some graffiti calling the French leader “trash”, which officers believed she was responsible for writing, a claim she denies.

The police went on to confront her with a post on Facebook that she wrote on Tuesday of last week, which said ahead of a Macron press conference: "The trash will talk tomorrow at 1 p.m., for people who are nothing, it is always on TV that we find the trash."

Valérie is a middle-aged woman in the Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem commune of the Calais region of France, and has long been a Gillet Juanes (Yellow Vest) protester.

She was greeted at her home by three police officers, who arrested her for supposedly insulting French President Macron on Facebook under the controversial criminal code that criminalises spreading “contempt of public officials”.

For this, she was arrested and will be tried on June 20th, when she faces up to a year in jail and a fine of up to €15,000. The vaguely worded statute under which she will be charged, criminalises statements deemed to “affect the personal dignity or the respect owed to a public official”. ... ial-media/
Kurt Zindulka, March 31, 2023
Unthinking Majority wrote:Did she call him "trash" or "le trash"?

The woman now claims that she typed "l’or dur" (hard gold) but the autocorrect feature automatically changed it to "l’ordure" (the trash, the filth) before she hit the button to post it.
It's a common insult in French and carries a similar meaning to that of calling someone a bastard in English, similar to how some of those on the Left were calling Trump "the orange stain".
Puffer Fish wrote:The woman now claims that she typed "l’or dur" (hard gold) but the autocorrect feature automatically changed it to "l’ordure" (the trash, the filth) before she hit the button to post it.
It's a common insult in French and carries a similar meaning to that of calling someone a bastard in English, similar to how some of those on the Left were calling Trump "the orange stain".

Does anyone believe her? Lol.
A year in prison for trash talking...not bad. She'll be okay. Now if she was guilty of harming children, she'd have to be nervous during her prison stay. That should teach her to be careful when typing and to turn off auto correct. I hate auto correct. I find I am correcting auto correct like 99.9% of the time.

And your source is breitbart...funny, an alt-right source. I'm not about to click the link and get a popup to subscribe. They can beg someone else to be a reader.
Puffer Fish wrote:Woman Arrested for Calling French President Macron "Trash"

Hard to believe this is happening in France. I thought France was supposed to be a bastion of free speech.

Valérie first came onto the police’s radar after she was pictured in front of some graffiti calling the French leader “trash”, which officers believed she was responsible for writing, a claim she denies.

The police went on to confront her with a post on Facebook that she wrote on Tuesday of last week, which said ahead of a Macron press conference: "The trash will talk tomorrow at 1 p.m., for people who are nothing, it is always on TV that we find the trash."

Valérie is a middle-aged woman in the Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem commune of the Calais region of France, and has long been a Gillet Juanes (Yellow Vest) protester.

She was greeted at her home by three police officers, who arrested her for supposedly insulting French President Macron on Facebook under the controversial criminal code that criminalises spreading “contempt of public officials”.

For this, she was arrested and will be tried on June 20th, when she faces up to a year in jail and a fine of up to €15,000. The vaguely worded statute under which she will be charged, criminalises statements deemed to “affect the personal dignity or the respect owed to a public official”. ... ial-media/
Kurt Zindulka, March 31, 2023

Well have you made any attempt to verify these cliams from another source?

BrietBart. They simply are not reliable in reporting things.
pugsville wrote:Well have you made any attempt to verify these cliams from another source?

BrietBart. They simply are not reliable in reporting things.

Here are other sources who have picked up the story. , , As to my opinion, while I might feel schadenfreude if something like this were to be used to suppress malicious propagandists , especially on the political right, unfairly maligning people , I don't feel that it is sound policy to infringe upon civil liberty , so far as it's not posing a substantial threat to public order at least. I mean there does need to be some reasonable limits to free speech , as even the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized. However , in this case it would seem that the French government is simply wanting to uphold its sense of honor , rather than preventing harm to the popular good.
Unthinking Majority wrote:If this case is for real this is disturbing.

It’s just the French being French again, @Unthinking Majority. Nothing to see here. :|
@Potemkin I need to take advantage of my free speech rights in Mexico. My son asked me who I disliked intensely in politics. For some reason Carlos Fuentes ex wife a pedantic, arrogant super bourgeois woman I really despise and who I have no idea if she is still alive or not? Silvia Lemus. Can't stand that Mexican woman.

But in the Republican column? I really can not cope with Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham who is bizarre lately, Pat Robertson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, Orrin Hatch from Utah, that idiot from Colorado Boebart woman, and the list is long of the amount of total dummies in the Repuke party I dislike intensely.

Ted Cruz though I wish I could just slap hard for an hour or two.

Will they arrest me in Mexico for calling them trashy? Who knows...anything is possible with the Fascist Brigade from the USA. Hee hee.

French people screaming about Macron and calling him BASURE. Is ok by me. Hee hee. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:@Potemkin I need to take advantage of my free speech rights in Mexico. My son asked me who I disliked intensely in politics. For some reason Carlos Fuentes ex wife a pedantic, arrogant super bourgeois woman I really despise and who I have no idea if she is still alive or not? Silvia Lemus. Can't stand that Mexican woman.

But in the Republican column? I really can not cope with Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham who is bizarre lately, Pat Robertson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, Orrin Hatch from Utah, that idiot from Colorado Boebart woman, and the list is long of the amount of total dummies in the Repuke party I dislike intensely.

Ted Cruz though I wish I could just slap hard for an hour or two.

Will they arrest me in Mexico for calling them trashy? Who knows...anything is possible with the Fascist Brigade from the USA. Hee hee.

French people screaming about Macron and calling him BASURE. Is ok by me. Hee hee. :lol:

I think being allowed to disrespect politicians is very important, @Tainari88. It keeps them humble, which is what they should be. A politician is meant to serve the public, not lord it over them. If the public can’t criticise them or insult them, then the politicians are not the servants of the people but their masters. And that would attract altogether the wrong sort of individuals to become politicians…. :hmm:
Potemkin wrote:I think being allowed to disrespect politicians is very important, @Tainari88. It keeps them humble, which is what they should be. A politician is meant to serve the public, not lord it over them. If the public can’t criticise them or insult them, then the politicians are not the servants of the people but their masters. And that would attract altogether the wrong sort of individuals to become politicians…. :hmm:


The history of freedom of speech rights stems from centuries ago where kings and queens would lock people up for daring to criticize them or saying anything contrary to their agenda, just like any current dictator does too. We should be able to criticize any public servant or politician any way we want (except threats of violence etc). Like you say, the tables have flipped 180, they're our employees and work for us.

What really bothers me too is when you when you see a member of the public start hollering something at a politician in public and immediately their body guards will get right in their face and put their hands on the person and drag them off. They didn't commit any crime they were just an inconvenient annoyance but they have to start assaulting citizens for peacefully protesting.
Potemkin wrote:I think being allowed to disrespect politicians is very important, @Tainari88. It keeps them humble, which is what they should be. A politician is meant to serve the public, not lord it over them. If the public can’t criticise them or insult them, then the politicians are not the servants of the people but their masters. And that would attract altogether the wrong sort of individuals to become politicians…. :hmm:

Can I slap around Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colón though? Quoting Ronald Reagan and yet being rejected by the Republican party because they do not agree with her PNP loyalties of statehood equality for Puerto Rico and human rights? She then has to side with a bunch of liberals and socialists like AOC and Nydia Velazquez also a liberal from Manhattan, and is stuck with the political opposition to her that want independence and she does not for Puerto Rico....but shit no one else is doing shit for Puerto Rico in the conservative side so she has to switch to get her agenda to have half a chance. I can't stand people who refuse to read the writing on the wall. They are going to have to confront those Republican racist fucks.

But they can't. Because they are from the same mentality and are cowards. Worried about alienating the people who loved Reagan the same as the ones who love those idiotic political philosophies full of elitist exclusive club people.

Don't be an ignorant idiot. Understand the character of the people you are siding with politically. What the objectives are and what the philosophy is about. The history of colonial rule in Puerto Rico. You can't sympathize with the oppressive people fucking over your island. You need to not think you are equal to them. Because the treatment they dole out is about inequality, racism, and injustice. So if you are soft on them and always give in and do not resist their bullshit with tough and strong action? You get NOWHERE FAST. Which is what is happening to Gonzalez and Ricky Rossello and others.

They won't be shooting up Congress or chaining themselves to the hallways of Congress in the hundreds of thousands. Because the truth is that they are unable to muster the force of will to make it happen. They just want money and to be bribed off and live well and fuck the rest of Puerto Rican society. They are not activists or human rights agents. They are just sellouts and brown nosers. Those never get to first base in changing a damn thing with unjust conditions.

Not a single case of Stockholm syndrome or sellout character has ever done a damn thing in changing the conditions of a society that is being oppressed in human history. Moses never wanted to become the Pharoah of Egypt. He wanted to get the Jews out of Egypt even if it meant wandering the desert for 40 years homeless. The important thing was leaving the Egyptian Pharoah without slaves and letting them suffer the consequences of being unjust. If he had said, just pay me off and let the Jews become Egyptians the story in the Bible would be very different eh? Lol.
Tainari88 wrote:Can I slap around Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colón though? Quoting Ronald Reagan and yet being rejected by the Republican party because they do not agree with her PNP loyalties of statehood equality for Puerto Rico and human rights? She then has to side with a bunch of liberals and socialists like AOC and Nydia Velazquez also a liberal from Manhattan, and is stuck with the political opposition to her that want independence and she does not for Puerto Rico....but shit no one else is doing shit for Puerto Rico in the conservative side so she has to switch to get her agenda to have half a chance. I can't stand people who refuse to read the writing on the wall. They are going to have to confront those Republican racist fucks.

But they can't. Because they are from the same mentality and are cowards. Worried about alienating the people who loved Reagan the same as the ones who love those idiotic political philosophies full of elitist exclusive club people.

Don't be an ignorant idiot. Understand the character of the people you are siding with politically. What the objectives are and what the philosophy is about. The history of colonial rule in Puerto Rico. You can't sympathize with the oppressive people fucking over your island. You need to not think you are equal to them. Because the treatment they dole out is about inequality, racism, and injustice. So if you are soft on them and always give in and do not resist their bullshit with tough and strong action? You get NOWHERE FAST. Which is what is happening to Gonzalez and Ricky Rossello and others.

They won't be shooting up Congress or chaining themselves to the hallways of Congress in the hundreds of thousands. Because the truth is that they are unable to muster the force of will to make it happen. They just want money and to be bribed off and live well and fuck the rest of Puerto Rican society. They are not activists or human rights agents. They are just sellouts and brown nosers. Those never get to first base in changing a damn thing with unjust conditions.

They seem to have been brainwashed into believing in conservative American values - value status and money, devote your life to acquiring both, and the Americans will like and respect you. Except they don’t, because most wealthy conservative Americans are racist fucks who think Latinos should be mowing their lawn, not making speeches to them in Congress. Lol. It renders them powerless and ineffectual as politicians, as you say. They end up just selling out for a comfortable life.

Not a single case of Stockholm syndrome or sellout character has ever done a damn thing in changing the conditions of a society that is being oppressed in human history. Moses never wanted to become the Pharoah of Egypt. He wanted to get the Jews out of Egypt even if it meant wandering the desert for 40 years homeless. The important thing was leaving the Egyptian Pharoah without slaves and letting them suffer the consequences of being unjust. If he had said, just pay me off and let the Jews become Egyptians the story in the Bible would be very different eh? Lol.

What Moses did took tremendous courage. He was literally risking his life. And for what? Wandering for 40 years in the wilderness, and then dying without ever setting foot in the Promised Land. Yet it was worth it, because he succeeded in freeing his people from bondage, and giving them a glorious future as an independent and free people. He didn’t sell out to the Pharaoh for a safe, comfortable life. He recognised there was a cause greater than he was, a cause worth living and dying for - the independence and freedom of his own people.

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