U.S. Media Blatantly Lies About Sandinistas - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I would've imagined I'd be used to blatant media lies by now, but apparently not. The idea that people can get paid for such nonsense is still odd.

Today, the United States has a unique opportunity to extend its hand in solidarity to Central America — in a form of aid that surpasses monetary donations.

How noble of America! Perhaps if America hadn't ruined the country in the '80s, this wouldn't have been necessary.

These nations have suffered all types of political and economical turmoil in the past — and they have mended their ways through government reforms and democracy.

The extent of this misinformation is disgusting. The Sandinistas were doing an excellent job in Nicaragua -- redistributing the idle land (nearly 20% of Nicaragua's arable land) from the corrupt, exiled Somoza family and giving it to landless peasants! This, of course, was a threat to America, and so must be destroyed.

Nicaragua is a textbook example of this transformation. It was a country that suffered from a dynastic dictatorship for 40 years.

Mention how they suffered, and the U.S. government's response. Mention Somoza bombing civilian towns with planes, and Carter sending him a letter congratulating him on his improved human rights record. Mention how it would be "imprudent" to quit supporting the contras as they destroyed villages and killed the inhabitants.

After a scarring internal revolution in the late 1970s, Nicaraguans suffered under a Marxist, totalitarian regime in the 1980s, a product of the Cold War.

The Sandinistas were hardly totalitarian, though had Marxist tendencies. Even so, this was not what America was concerned about. America was concerned about its power and influence, and its tarnished influence in the region. If the deaths of tens of thousands of peasants and the ruining of millions of lives serve this purpose, so be it.

Finally, in 1990, through free elections, the country was able to redirect its future and a true democratic government was established.

Even a glance in the encyclopedia would show this was wrong! Nicaragua had elections in 1984 that was judged fair by international observers. America didn't like it because the Sandinistas recieved well over half of the vote.

CAFTA has the potential to serve as the foundation for the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, legal accountability and the modernization of public institutions.

Reagan would be rolling over in his grave. "Democracy in Nicaragua! Damnit. We have truly failed."

The Globalist
By Crazyvichistan
there is a really good program called 'Despues de las Guerras' on the negative effect of America in Central America, and the current conditions there. No "totalitarian" lies, and no 'glorious revolution' stuff. Just good reporting. I was blown away. Their website is afterthewars.org
Segment six is the one about sandanistas
By | I, CWAS |
Yea, no doubt we fucked Nicaragua royally. Meh, I hardly think the globalist constitutes the u.s. media. Your conspicuous tendentiousness however is just as dishonest as the article itself. "The Globalist" indeed is off, not the U.S Media. For the globalist is not even one percent of the media.
By The Decay of Meaning
there is a really good program called 'Despues de las Guerras' on the negative effect of America in Central America

Please, just say the United States.... :roll:

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