Neoliberal obesity and coronavirus in Mexico - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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Robert Urbanek wrote:If people lack the intelligence to put the proper food in their body, then they are unlikely to have the intelligence to choose leaders of a complex society, and they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

I disagree. Clearly McDonald's forces Mexicans to buy their food at gunpoint, and then a mechanical arm pops out of the Happy Meal box and rams in down their throats.
Robert Urbanek wrote:If people lack the intelligence to put the proper food in their body, then they are unlikely to have the intelligence to choose leaders of a complex society, and they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Lots of really high-IQ people eat an unhealthy diet.

It has to do with habits and tastes that are formed in your youth.

Advertising to children, as in the above example, exploits the natural "imitation of admired adults" that is part of child psychology.

If you think it's okay to exploit child psychology to get them to desire fastfood, then say so. Let us know just how low you set the bar for moral conduct.

This is Jeffrey Epstein level immorality, applied to recruit children into the world of dietary self-poisonning.
QatzelOk wrote:Lots of really high-IQ people eat an unhealthy diet.

It has to do with habits and tastes that are formed in your youth.

Advertising to children, as in the above example, exploits the natural "imitation of admired adults" that is part of child psychology.

If you think it's okay to exploit child psychology to get them to desire fastfood, then say so. Let us know just how low you set the bar for moral conduct.

This is Jeffrey Epstein level immorality, applied to recruit children into the world of dietary self-poisonning.

A meta-analysis published in 2010 summarized 26 different research on this topic. The main conclusion of this analysis was that there is a sturdy link between lower IQ level in childhood and the development of obesity in adulthood.,participating%20in%20a%20study%20conducted%20in%20Great%20Britain.

So perhaps stupid people become fat, either because of bad habits in childhood or simply genetics. In either case, they are less competent to make decisions regarding who should be in government.
Robert Urbanek wrote:...there is a sturdy link between lower IQ level in childhood and the development of obesity in adulthood.[/i]
So perhaps stupid people become fat...

1. Any idea if McDonalds funded a lot of the studies that you got your "facts" from?

2. Also, childhood "IQ" is an interesting concept. Do children who watch a lot of TV and McDonalds commercials ALSO experience lower IQs?

3. Does McDonalds food lower IQ?

These questions will never be answered by studies funded by the food industry. Which is who manufactures all the McFacts that low-IQ people use to prove their low-IQ points. :lol:

Rancid wrote:If it's not McDonalds, it's someone else. If not coke, someone else. Homegrown or foreign.

If a population allows giant corporations to utlilize psychological manipulation on children to get them to desire very unhealthy things, the children will grow up to be less healthy.

But McDonalds is a giant multinational. They can do whatever they want to losers like you and me.

And by hurting our children, they open the door to the same kind of abuse by local "heroes**."

** Elvis Gratton is a caricature of those French-Canadians who imitate American culture because they admire it more than their own history or culture
QatzelOk wrote:If a population allows giant corporations to utlilize psychological manipulation on children to get them to desire very unhealthy things, the children will grow up to be less healthy.

But McDonalds is a giant multinational. They can do whatever they want to losers like you and me.

And by hurting our children, they open the door to the same kind of abuse by local "heroes**."

** Elvis Gratton is a caricature of those French-Canadians who imitate American culture because they admire it more than their own history or culture

There are French-Canadians that actually like America? :?:
Rancid wrote:There are French-Canadians that actually like America? :?:

Of course! It's an entire genre here.

But one of Québec's most political filmmakers- shit-disturbers made a few movies that mock the typical USA-imitating Federalist (favors staying in Canada for the cash).

The character is Elvis Gratton, and he eats french fries, drinks Coca Cola, spends winters in Florida, and has a giant gut and very little culture or the ability to think for himself. He lives in the suburbs and drives a convertible.

This "pro-USA" type of French-Canadian was a very normal animal in the 60s and 70s, and it was obese, uncurious Elvis Grattons who ruined our ecosystem with ugly suburban crap.

This "neoliberal obesity" was a huge issue in Quebec AFTER the Quiet Revolution, but not before. You have to respect yourself and your own culture before you can take care of your own health.

"A pack of smokes, a few hamburgers, some Pepsi, and a whole lot of American TV please!"
This is off topic but obesity is one of my pet peeves so …. please indulge me. I don't live in Mexico but, it seems, the same dynamic operates wherever humans and mindless corporations exist. I see people in grocery stores who are so obese that they literally cannot walk. They scoot around on scooters their bodies so fat that the fat is bulging over the seats of their scooters and guess what ………. their carriages are piled high with a few dozen sugar drinks, doughnuts, candies and strange looking pink or red things that I have no doubt are dripping with sugar. This was a rare sight years ago. Now? Common. Sugar, IMO, is the most addictive thing available without a script with the possible exception of money. Corporate America's strategy is rather obvious ……. addict people to their sugar (and salt) laden poison masquerading as food. They are literally killing people for profit.

I eliminated liquid sugar (soft drinks) from my diet a long time ago but was literally addicted to sugar. Ice cream every day along with cookies and my favorite: peanut butter cups. All I had to do was see a peanut butter cup and, before I knew it, it was in my belly …… pathetic in the extreme. I kidded myself by jogging a few miles a day but I had a serious addiction. My belly was soft. I broke my addiction some time ago and feel much better. That shit is forbidden in my house.
jimjam wrote:This is off topic but obesity is one of my pet peeves so …. please indulge me. I don't live in Mexico but, it seems, the same dynamic operates wherever humans and mindless corporations exist. I see people in grocery stores who are so obese that they literally cannot walk. They scoot around on scooters their bodies so fat that the fat is bulging over the seats of their scooters and guess what ………. their carriages are piled high with a few dozen sugar drinks, doughnuts, candies and strange looking pink or red things that I have no doubt are dripping with sugar. This was a rare sight years ago. Now? Common. Sugar, IMO, is the most addictive thing available without a script with the possible exception of money. Corporate America's strategy is rather obvious ……. addict people to their sugar (and salt) laden poison masquerading as food. They are literally killing people for profit.

I eliminated liquid sugar (soft drinks) from my diet a long time ago but was literally addicted to sugar. Ice cream every day along with cookies and my favorite: peanut butter cups. All I had to do was see a peanut butter cup and, before I knew it, it was in my belly …… pathetic in the extreme. I kidded myself by jogging a few miles a day but I had a serious addiction. My belly was soft. I broke my addiction some time ago and feel much better. That shit is forbidden in my house.

Now just imagine living in a country where people are pressured into IDOLIZING this kind of sick lifestyle.

It's one thing to be brainless garbage, but it's even more indignant to be forced to admire and imitate brainless garbage.
QatzelOk wrote:1. Any idea if McDonalds funded a lot of the studies that you got your "facts" from?

2. Also, childhood "IQ" is an interesting concept. Do children who watch a lot of TV and McDonalds commercials ALSO experience lower IQs?

3. Does McDonalds food lower IQ?

These questions will never be answered by studies funded by the food industry. Which is who manufactures all the McFacts that low-IQ people use to prove their low-IQ points. :lol:


I don't see how links between stupidity and obesity helps McDonalds. You have no evidence that the studies I cited were funded by the food industry.
Robert Urbanek wrote: You have no evidence that the studies I cited were funded by the food industry.

And you have no evidence that the "link" between them is causal.

You seem to have used this unexplained and possibly unimportant link... to permit corporations to indulge in horrendous behavior. Brainwashing children who are - to quote you - low IQ.

Are low-IQ people a valid target for corporate lies, in your opinion?

And are there many low-IQ people who eat well and train? Why aren't they eating at McDonalds if they are dumb?
QatzelOk wrote:You seem to have used this unexplained and possibly unimportant link... to permit corporations to indulge in horrendous behavior. Brainwashing children who are - to quote you - low IQ.

Are low-IQ people a valid target for corporate lies, in your opinion?

If it can be done with food, it can be done with politics.
jimjam wrote:Sugar, IMO, is the most addictive thing available without a script with the possible exception of money.

Well this is in essence true, although you can add fats to that list as well. I read a paper on this a few years back where our brains and bodies know when to stop eating sugar (by feeling full) and when to stop eating fats (by again feeling full), but the dynamics of the brain are seperate from each other. That is to say it doesn't matter how many burgers you eat, you can still down 2 litres of Coke despite feeling full. And that this loophole in the brain is what is causing the obesity problem by eating twice as much as we should. Sugar or fats aren't actually an issue in the sense both are important for our diets in moderation. And in many ways sugar gets a raw deal being we seem to find substitutes for sugar whereas we seem to leave fats alone. But until governments and the populous understand that this issue can only be addressed with a balanced diet and self control, we will always be debating this obesity epidemic in years to come being that eating until feeling full is a human instinct trait.
Robert Urbanek wrote:If people lack the intelligence to put the proper food in their body...

This thread featured an advertisement aimed at young children.

Do you think that young children DESERVE to be brainwashed because of their relatively low child IQs?

Do you also support child labor in mills?

QatzelOk wrote:If a population allows giant corporations to utlilize psychological manipulation on children to get them to desire very unhealthy things, the children will grow up to be less healthy.

Unless their parents don't buy it for them, and teach their kids it's unhealthy.

But McDonalds is a giant multinational. They can do whatever they want to losers like you and me.

All McDonalds can do is advertise. They can't make you buy anything or make you eat anything.

The problem is that people enjoy eating their tasty dog poo. I guess people are fat dumb slobs and easily manipulated.

People know they shouldn't eat it, but many they do. They know they should use proper birth control during sex, but many don't. They know they shouldn't smoke or do drugs, but they do. People are stupid.

The only positive here is that it's really easy to get ahead in life because most everyone else is a fat dumb lazy slob addicted to drugs.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Unless their parents don't buy it for them, and teach their kids it's unhealthy.

You are saying that corporations should be able to throw whatever poisons they want at populations, and then it's up to the populations to "defend themselves" against these mafias.

All McDonalds can do is advertise. They can't make you buy anything or make you eat anything.

Brainwashing techniques are aimed at changing behaviors through psychological prompts on mass media. Are you actually in favor of these being used on young children? :eh:
QatzelOk wrote:You are saying that corporations should be able to throw whatever poisons they want at populations, and then it's up to the populations to "defend themselves" against these mafias.

Hey, that's what the free market is all about @QatzelOk. Let freedom ring!! :excited:

Brainwashing techniques are aimed at changing behaviors through psychological prompts on mass media. Are you actually in favor of these being used on young children? :eh:

The entire concept of the "free market" is based on an extreme voluntarist model of human behaviour. This makes it very easy to slip in brainwashing and propaganda techniques through the back door, since by definition consumers in a "free market" cannot be manipulated; and if they can, then it's because they "want" to be manipulated. Lol.

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