Updates on Puerto Rico 2019: USA response to crisis emphasizes how bad the relationship is! - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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Drlee wrote:Well Big Steve. Your usual rude rant in lieu of an argument.

The treatment of Puerto Rico was clear to everyone watching it unfold. You can attempt to rewrite history if you want but the fact is that those of us who are having a serious discussion do not really care what yet another Trump Tool thinks. Those days are soon to be over.

If you have something to add to this discussion, talk to your mom about politeness and come back again. Until then you are just another troll trying to skirt rule two as closely as you can. :roll:

The treatment of PR was not racist, but sadly many on the left see everything thru racial lens. Why did Trump visit? He had NOTHING to gain by visiting the island. The PR people cannot vote for the presidency.
Tainari88 wrote:Well, @Godstud how dare you burst the bubble of cheap capitalist brainwashing propaganda in my Puerto Rico update thread!

There are a lot of people out there that don't know the variations of socialism. I think I blame the education system in the USA. They are deficient in discussing it. I guess they think that if you discuss it openly in high schools and colleges? You might open the door to recruiting new socialists. And you can't have that in a nation that is married to capitalism and only cedes into socialist programs when faced with total unequivocal collapse. Nelson Rockefeller used to hire communists and socialists to figure out how to negotiate with his workers in his factories and industries to avoid instability. I am surprised at the amount of these libertarians on PoFo that never study socialism at all. It is not hard. Just listen to the video of the David Pakman show I just posted and you get a good idea for the beginning of it. But they don't. I don't know why it would bring the debate up in quality if they did. You won't have to spend time explaining basics to people all the time. Julian is not the first one who don't understand it well at all. It is pervasive. I think the education system in the USA has a weak curriculum for political philosophies, economic basic stuff, and historical analysis of world systems and nations. It is problematic. My mother used to say that most problems come from a lack of education and dedication to education and being too specific and not putting the time in for very well rounded thinkers who study many fields as she did back in her times. I think she was right there. She always was with education.

Your hero, the Argentinean David Pakman is a left wing capitalist. He simply made a video explaining how social programs work in capitalist systems. Social programs paid by capitalism is not classic socialism/marxism.
BigSteve wrote:What absolute horseshit.

What do you think about the fact that relief supplies were being hoarded by the very government which was whining for aid? How about trailers which were full of relief supplies which were allowed to rot? These were things controlled by those in Puerto Rico. The powers-that-be in Puerto Rico proved to be pathetic failures.

"The response was racist".

I guess when you've got nothing intelligent to add to a conversation, you just start whining about racism hoping it'll stick...

There is and never was anything intellectual about this topic. The OP is nothing but an emotional, visceral, and bigoted attack on the USA with no facts to back these emotional statements up. It is nothing more that a communist Anti American,never Trump troll. Now there are however facts that the OP supposedly was born in PR but left PR to come to the USA now hates the USA and the people here and moved to Mexico. Must have loved the money here but I'm just guessing not making too many friends.

Tainari88 wrote: The USA is not about being responsible. It is about selfish, corrupt, low life pieces of trash exploitation in cahoots with corporations and banks to destroy all our schools, hospitals, clinics, public universities and to take over our island for a tax shelter haven for the wealthy and to hell with the regular people living there for generations.

Apparently this is what @Drlee calls polite and factual but comes across about as credible as the OP has. :lol:
Well, I call it the way I see it. If you think closing schools and hospitals badly needed after two cat 5 hurricanes because the banks need to be paid first and they lent money knowing full well it was most likely not going to be repaid at all because it is the best way to take over a nation and justify it? Don't come crying to me @Finfinder when the banksters come calling to your neck of the woods and do the same.

They are experimenting, to see what they can get away with. See if they get nothing or a slap on the wrist like with the 2008 economic meltdown. So far? No real consequences. So keep going. Eventually they-- if not stopped in impolite ways and with strong measures? Will go after everyone, not in positions of the extremely reduced amount of people who do have all the wealth and all the power seats.

What will happen with Puerto Rico if the problems continue? Were no real solutions done?

It is predictable. It will become violent and it will become hard, and it will become messy and it will become unmanageable. Who is responsible? Those who did not care, those that did not act in time, and those who only were interested in exploiting others. Very easy to know that is what will happen.

So far all you do Fin is complain about tones and polite or impolite. Nothing with depth to say yes or no? :knife: :roll:

And Fin I am supposed to be what grateful to the USA for what? Lol. For making me a USA citizen and giving away money for free without labor and without effort on my part, and for making it easy for me, and loving who I am and what I do for a living. Lol. For being the greatest nation to invade little places and not giving them rights. For being racists and despite all the shit they throw my way I still can get my act together and move around and do what I want with my life. Lol. I don't have to be pro-Trump, or pro-American bullshit system my man Fin. Get used to it. Many people are in the USA an don't feel the love for the government there. It is not just me. Lol. Get used to it and stop acting like a spoiled one that everyone has to think as he does. Go and cry to a moderator Fin. That is effective, isn't it? No wonder they love acting like a spoiled child and admire that daycare camp in the White House. Lol.

I think I am sitting here in my living room in Mexico and looking at a starfruit tree thinking is this Fin dude ever going to say something of substance? Hmmm. No creo. :D
Julian658 wrote:Your hero, the Argentinean David Pakman is a left-wing capitalist. He simply made a video explaining how social programs work in capitalist systems. Social programs paid by capitalism is not classic socialism/marxism.

Hee hee, left-wing capitalist? Ok, I now officially know...you are not good at political stuff or philosophies. So I can safely think you don't know what you are talking about anymore.

Liberals can be capitalists. Like Harari. Are they socialists the liberals? No, they are not. You finally figured it out. I think in this thread you figured it out after how long thinking wrongly about a bunch of stuff? Years most probably.

I think you need to do some homework. Figure out classic Marxism, versus social democrats, versus socialistic tendencies, versus Christian Socialists and liberation theologists, versus Anarcho-socialists, versus National socialists, versus classic conservative moderates, versus libertarians, versus socialist libertarians, versus classic Anarchists versus Scientific Socialists aka Communists, versus x, y and z...and when you figure all that out....

Come back and debate with some attention being paid to what is posted. Until then?

Adios...Vaya con Dios. ;)
Well folks if you are wondering what the PIP is up to in Puerto Rico I can give you hints. Standard Operating procedures are burn USA flags and talk about how we want a Puerto Rican republic. Then say some anti American slogans. Get riled up with passion and some music. Then make a plan for some legislation since we got some senators and congresspeople in the Puerto Rican congress and senate and the PNP and the PDP argue with us incessantly.

Then? X and y and z. Do you know how many American Republicans keep saying, "Get rid of the independentistas." Then the PNP and the PDP try to please the Americans but everyone in Puerto Rico has some family members that are pro-independence and usually the ones most people kind of like....so they don't get rid of us....the Americans get mad about that and they say, got to get the Puerto Ricans pro independence off of Puerto Rico and try them in the states. That is unconstitutional but hey....who cares about the constitution...got to make sure the colonized don't run around going against the rules.

Oh nostalgia...Fin reminded me of the good ole days of American flag burnings and "Yankee Go Home!" FUN TIMES in Borinquen.

Let us go down the road of memory lane......

Tainari88 wrote:
I think you need to do some homework. Figure out classic Marxism, versus social democrats, versus socialistic tendencies, versus Christian Socialists and liberation theologists, versus Anarcho-socialists, versus National socialists, versus classic conservative moderates, versus libertarians, versus socialist libertarians, versus classic Anarchists versus Scientific Socialists aka Communists, versus x, y and z...and when you figure all that out....

That is as complicated as the LGBTQIA. :knife: :knife: :knife: :knife:

The definitions are endless and they are basically BS. Or trying to get capitalism to finance social programs for those that are low in the hierarchy. How about marxism? Are you in favor of marxism?
Drlee wrote:I am a conservative, life long, republican. Is that the left? :roll:

Trump visited Puerto Rico even though the islanders cannot vote in presidential elections.
Trump is not a racist. He says racist remarks to win elections. No different than when the left uses anti white straight male rhetoric to get sympathy from the so called colored people in the USA.
The OP is making the point that when the going gets tough in Puerto Rico, best thing to do is turn your back on your people. Go go hide and prosper in another country, and anonymously and righteously lob rocks.

I am making the point that when someone pretends to start open discussion that is factless, by calling an entire country "low life pieces of crap" they really have no intellectual argument or credibility to begin with.

But I am emotional :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Trump visited Puerto Rico even though the islanders cannot vote in presidential elections.
Trump is not a racist. He says racist remarks to win elections. No different than when the left uses anti white straight male rhetoric to get sympathy from the so called colored people in the USA.

Holy shit :eek: You think this is a good thing? What (and I ask this with all the respect I can muster) in the fuck is wrong with you?

By the way. What you describe as Trump's behavior would be the very definition of racist.

Can you give us an example of some "anti white straight male rhetoric"?
Drlee wrote:Holy shit :eek: You think this is a good thing? What (and I ask this with all the respect I can muster) in the fuck is wrong with you?

By the way. What you describe as Trump's behavior would be the very definition of racist.

The only racism I know is to judge a person according to the color of the skin. Trump is just trolling. To say those four women are anti-american and should go back home is not racist. It seems racist because people assume WHITE is the standard of reference. I believe that anyone can be racist if they judge according to group membership. Anything else is not racism.

Can you give us an example of some "anti white straight male rhetoric"?

You must live under a rock.

White men are the biggest threat to America
My guess is that he didn't Godstud. There were quite a few big words.

No doubt he thinks that those four women are just, by chance, not white.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day (again) when an American official would deliberately make racist and misogynist comments and the Senate majority leader, who is married to a brown immigrant would back him up? You would think the guy would at least defend women like his wife.

These four women were elected by the people of their state. He is not just disrespecting them he is disrespecting the very fiber of our political system. And he is insulting every woman in the country and every citizen of their respective states.
Drlee wrote:My guess is that he didn't Godstud. There were quite a few big words.

No doubt he thinks that those four women are just, by chance, not white.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day (again) when an American official would deliberately make racist and misogynist comments and the Senate majority leader, who is married to a brown immigrant would back him up? You would think the guy would at least defend women like his wife.

These four women were elected by the people of their state. He is not just disrespecting them he is disrespecting the very fiber of our political system. And he is insulting every woman in the country and every citizen of their respective states.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day where a Democrat candidate for president would call another Democrat candidate for president a racist on live tv? Some time we live in.
@Drlee Trump did not get elected appealing to politically correct multiculturist liberal establishment people. He exploited the disaffected. That was his strategy. He is gearing up to do it again for the 2020 campaign. It might just work.

The truth is the establishment mainstream of both major parties in the USA (Republicans and Democrats) don't appeal to many voters anymore. Time to make some changes. That is the truth. If you can't make the necessary adjustments in time? Another four years of Trumpland Drlee. Got to face the facts.
Another four years of Trumpland Drlee. Got to face the facts.

I think you are right. I believe he has a really good chance of being reelected in 2020. The democrats are in their usual circular firing squad and he is lining up his base maybe better than before.

The key is women and very frankly I do not see them exercising their political power in any big way. If women decide he will go, he will go. If they vote like last time he is in. Simple as that.
Godstud wrote:White men are the biggest threat to America :lol: Did you even watch it? Context is important.

Don Lemon said White men are the biggest threat in America after a white person did a mass shooting. Does that give Lemon license to judge men according to skin color?

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellect and traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.
Ayn Rand

That is the definition of racism and hence Don Lemon is a racist.
That Trump said those four women should leave the USA is not racist.
Drlee wrote:My guess is that he didn't Godstud. There were quite a few big words.

No doubt he thinks that those four women are just, by chance, not white.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day (again) when an American official would deliberately make racist and misogynist comments and the Senate majority leader, who is married to a brown immigrant would back him up? You would think the guy would at least defend women like his wife.

These four women were elected by the people of their state. He is not just disrespecting them he is disrespecting the very fiber of our political system. And he is insulting every woman in the country and every citizen of their respective states.

If Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination for the Dems Trump will call her names and make fun of her so called Indian heritage. Since Warren is white the media will not play the race card. The people that call racism when a so called colored person is the object of abuse are racists.
Finfinder wrote:The OP is making the point that when the going gets tough in Puerto Rico, the best thing to do is turn your back on your people. Go go hide and prosper in another country, and anonymously and righteously lob rocks.

I am making the point that when someone pretends to start open discussion that is factless, by calling an entire country "low life pieces of crap" they really have no intellectual argument or credibility to begin with.

But I am emotional :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: Finfinder thinks that his nation is what? Fair? Just? Democratic? Respectful? Lol. To that notion of crap thoughts. But, aren't I a loser food coupon person or not? I wonder who educated me? Hmm. Puerto Ricans. Mexicans. Latin Americans. That is who. I am an international socialist. Which means I should be consistent with that and go and live in a country that speaks Spanish, votes for a socialist president and make sure I am not on food coupons living off of taxpayers and instead spending my money with other Latin Americans who don't have enough jobs and employment and dedicate myself to productive activity that won't benefit American racist ole men in the USA who love hard working people with advanced degrees paying for their wars and games. Lol. Like you.

Lol. Ave maria. I don't disciminate my man....I don't mind living in a bunch of different countries. For me all human beings are equal and have the same rights. To feed their families and work, and to be free to choose how they want to live their lives. You might think the only life worth living is in Trumpland? I don't. End of the story.

Lol. You make such foolish statements Fin. You are just a sore loser. :D
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