Mexico Elects a Socialist in a Landslide - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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Sivad wrote:It promises prosperity for all who are willing to work, and it always fails.

I don't think it even promises that. It does promise efficient allocation of resources and maximizing of the production possibilities curve. It seems to do fairly well at that.

Sivad wrote:The Amish are capitalist as fuck.

They're hard working and industrious. They generally don't play the stock market.

Sivad wrote:Capitalism is promoted as the best way to achieve general prosperity, if it fails to provide general prosperity then it's a failure.

You may think 4k television sets are a basic necessity. They aren't. People generally have better living standards now than 30 years ago.

Sivad wrote:Denmark and Norway have much more expansive social programs and they have comparable levels of public control of industry.

That's wonderful. I'm sure they are very happy. Try replicating that in the Congo and see where it gets you.

I don't understand why socialists don't just move to a socialist country and be happy there. It seems to me that socialists really want capitalists to live according to socialist principles, even though we prefer not to.
It is simple @blackjack21 . Humans live in society--ask yourself how meaningful your life would be if you were completely alone with no other humans around at all? If you don't realize that only the group evolves and individuals are only happy if connected to group endeavors? Then the failure at understanding the essential nature of what it means to be a human being escapes you. Capital is about property, commerce,trade etc not about society. Society and human connections is far more important. If you don't care at all about humans? You are a failure at your primary reason to live in society as a human..that is the truth of it.

Socialists have to deal with group concepts of well being. Capitalists live off of group efforts and lie to themselves thinking they became rich with some lying concept of individualistic magic The smart ones know they have to negotiate with workers and be inclusive. Wealth has always been based on groups.
About the massive state interventions in the economies of Denmark and Nprway, blackjack21 wrote:That's wonderful. I'm sure they are very happy. Try replicating that in the Congo and see where it gets you.

I don't understand why socialists don't just move to a socialist country and be happy there. It seems to me that socialists really want capitalists to live according to socialist principles, even though we prefer not to.

Patrice Lumumba tried to get this for his people, and was killed by capitalism in the process.

Capitalism has been using Africa as a resource gulag even since Europeans and their colonies (USA) got a claw-hold there during its scientific-racism-driven colonial period.

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