Brazil sex education material suspended by President - Politics | PoFo

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President Dilma Rousseff has suspended the distribution and production of sex education films for schools in Brazil.

President Rousseff believes the footage is not suitable for youngsters.

The education packs contain gay and lesbian video scenes and are supposed to combat homophobia.

However, evangelical church groups and their allies in Congress threatened to block any upcoming legislation unless President Rousseff halted the films.

Nice to see such a lauded "progressive" leader bowing to evangelical morons.
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By redcarpet
More dub decisions by a politician. Less news than it's just another detestable example of the utter, unremitting, mendacity, of heterosexist pigs.
By Quantum
Brazilian society is being transformed by the adoption of American evangelicalism and the relatively tame Catholic Church is being swept aside by this rising tide of fundamentalism. It is projected that in within a few decades, the once staunchly Catholic country will have a Protestant majority and that is alarming news because evangelicals are more hostile to science and progress than Catholics. The evangelicals in Brazil are starting to flex their muscles by spending the large incomes they have generated from the members.
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By Thunderhawk
It is projected that in within a few decades, the once staunchly Catholic country will have a Protestant majority


Mostly fearmongering. The evangelicals are rather noisy and militant (they recruit a lot of new members, charge people 10% of their incomes and are organized politically), but they're not as numerous as people claim.

Citizens are just worried because they're kind of nutty and their priests are shamelessly dishonest.

Also, absolute morals don't go well with the brazilian culture. I don't know if anyone explained you that.
Very interesting stuff. Can one someone explain to be in a sort of brief run-down, which groups have aligned in support of the sex education material?

I want to know where the battle line is drawn at, and also I'd also like to know where the everyday person in the street stands on the issue, so that I can have a gauge of where the culture is at there.

Assume that I've been 'living under and rock' and that I know nothing, and basically explain from the ground up how this is playing out.
The only ones that oppose it are evangelicals.

This wasn't about sexual education.
The brazilian sexual education program is one of the most secular ones in the world. Condoms are distributed to prostitutes and pretty much anyone that wishes it for free, and people are taught to use it from an early age in school.

This was about homophobia.

Recently a rightwinged clown inspired in a few american commentators became infamous by distributing homophobic material in schools and being very loud in the media.
The government decided to respond to it and the president vettoed, saying that she wouldn't interfere in people's private lives.

There is a consistent campaign to combat homophobia from society (which is rampant), coming from left and right, and I believe the government chose to take a softer approach and not waste political capital on that one. Pragmatist decision.
There's also rumors that the president is lesbian.
No, they're not.

Garotinho, their leader, was backed in 1998 by one of the symbols (literally. The guy was a mummy) of the anti dictatorship struggle. He was only a religious nut privately back then, in the guy's defense.

I understand the problems americans face with fundies in Washington but here it's a whole different business.
The country is, at large, positivist, and questioning science does not go down well with positivism.

The politically organized ones, that is, the loudest ones that own a couple tv stations, are pentecostal.
Rather than importing ideology they export it (to the UK, as well as other countries). ... dom_of_God
They are indicted for money laundering everywhere they go amongst other things... Really some shameless people exploiting other people that are desperate.

Picture a cult, largely based on the bible and entirely focused on making the priests rich.
This is kind of old news :p

Anyway, in the start of the year, a few private companies conducted polls that showed that the Brazilian population was mainly against the distribution of the material. Unfortunately, the Brazilian population is still too conservative.

And the material itself (nicknamed the "gay kit" in Brazil) was pretty much retarded. I was never opposed to its distribution, but I do think it would be a massive waste of money. Not because I am against a better anti-homophobic policy, but because the material itself didn't help much. Anyone who has attended a public school in Brazil knows how terrible the kind of material distributed by the Ministry of Education is. The gay kit had some really stupid situations and they preferred not to include a gay kiss in the videos that accompanied it. In fact, the team that produced the kit stated they took 3 months to decide whether or not to include the gay kiss because they were not aware of how much the tongue could be inserted into the mouth in order for it not to be considered porn :roll:

And the evangelicals were not the only problem. All religious bodies and conservatives were opposed to it, even the non-religious ones. The ultra-conservative Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and the Plineo Correa de Oliveira Institute (IPCO), which are two very well known catholic ultraconservative associations, both campaigned against it. So did the CNBB, which is the main conference of catholic bishops around here.

The media just focused on the evangelicals because they have their own parliamentary front. Parliamentary politics is something really weird in Brazil. The parties don't really work properly, so the MPs gather in "parliamentary fronts", which are basically pseudo-parties, but that include politicians from multiple official parties (most of the times, including politicians from both the government base and the opposition). One of these fronts is the evangelical one, which opposed the "gay kit".

There is another front called the "Ruralist Front", which exists to support the interests of the rich farmers and landowners in the country. It is composed basically by catholic conservatives, and most ruralists also campaigned against the kit. Together, evangelicals, ruralists and some other conservatives make up a majority in Congress, and that has been the case since the current constitution was adopted. So that is another good indicator of how conservative the Brazilian society actually is.

Anyway, the biggest problem there is actually something else. How the president from a leftist party in a country that works under the presidential system can take such a conservative action? The answer is simple: Brazil is not fully presidential. The Brazilian system of government has been referred in the academia by "coalition-based presidential system" ("presidencialismo de coalisão" in Portuguese). It is essentially different from "full" presidential systems, like the US one, because coalitions are the norm around here. No president can govern without a majority in the congress. This led to this weird situation that we have been in since 2002, in which the government is led by a socialist party, but the coalition actually includes a lot of conservatives. Without the conservatives, the socialist government has no clear majority in the Congress, so they need to concede on several points. Dilma needed her budget and her programs to be approved in Congress. The conservatives (evangelicals and ruralists) threatened to block it and vote with the opposition, so she went ahead and vetoed it, guaranteeing that her most important programs (i.e. the ones that will most likely get her reelected) would continue..
They were trying to give this kind of material to kids under 12 years old.

Its content was overwhelmingly abusive to our moral. One of those videos which was included on this material shows a boy who realizes that would be easier to find someone for a commitment if his mind were open to both kind of relationships, homo and hetero.

Our society fortunately woke and stood up against this material because we understood that its content was more 'pro-homo' than a way to fight homophobia. Actually we are facing down here in Brazil a dictatorship ruled by a minority. We can be against everything: against the government and its politics, religion and whatever we think is wrong; but if we stand in a position opposite to the homosexual groups beliefs we are called homophobes...

Why try not to let our children be exposed to homosexual content make ourselves homophobes?

For your information we are not homosexual haters or anything like that, we just want to have our rights and freedom of speech preserved.

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