Cuba withdraws thousands of doctors from Brazil - Politics | PoFo

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Bolsonaro, the newly elected rightwing president of Brazil, has lately criticized Cuba's "Mas Medicos" program, which sent thousands of almost-free doctors to mostly rural areas of Brazil, with no previous access to modern medicine.

VOA News wrote:Bolsonaro, who takes office Jan. 1, said he had signaled the program could only continue if doctors directly received their salaries from Brazil, were able to bring their families during their assignments and had their credentials verified.

“We have no proof that they are really doctors and able to take on these functions,” Bolsonaro said.

In a phone interview, former Health Minister Alexandre Padilha said the decision to pull out would leave millions of Brazilians without access to doctors.

Padilha said Cuban doctors were in 2,800 cities and towns — and they were the only doctors in 1,700 of those towns. Padilha said the initiative was launched in 2013 because local doctors could not be found for many positions.

“This will have an immediate and terrible impact on the health care system,” said Padilha. “Cuban doctors are in the most vulnerable areas. They are in the Amazon, rural towns and in slums.”

The former health minister said the doctors were not only highly qualified, but specialists in rural medicine, something that Brazil's health system badly lacks. He said the salary structure was something the Cuban government had worked out with more than 60 countries that participate in the program, and not something specific to Brazil.

“Bolsonaro doesn't understand that a doctor doesn't just practice medicine for money,” said Padilha. “Doctors who work in the poorest areas are not just thinking about money.”

Across the board, right-wing governments tend to destroy health care and education because they're ideologically opposed to state support for society. Which tends to destroy... society.

For the rich (and their military dictators), if you want better health care, just whip out your VISA card, or join the army and pillage somewhere.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 08 Dec 2018 00:31, edited 1 time in total.
¡ahora! wrote:Brazil HR Commission Apologizes to Cuban Physicians

The Brazilian Commission of Human Rights and Deputies Chamber offered apologies this Friday to Cuban physicians for the questioning and disrespectful stance of president-elect Jair Bolsonaro.

'Bolsonaro's actions to discredit Cuban professionals of 'Mas Medicos' program will deprive Brazilian people from health attention, one of their main rights', Congressman Luiz Couto, president of that Commission told Prensa Latina.

He reaffirmed his gratitude to the doctors of the Island and offered apologies to the Cuban people which gave us highly-trained professionals who have contributed to our peoples' health.

Couto hopes the Brazilian people will realize the damage caused by the former military man and it is not a secret that Brazilian doctors 'don't want to work inland and in poorest areas', where the communities experienced the quality and humanism of Cuban professionals.

Not everyone in Brazil is happy about this turn of events.

Maybe the USA should send in 10,000 of its doctors to replace the Cubans? (Or would their salaries bankrupt the nation and send it into the clutches of the IMF?)
Got to love idiocy and false self-righteousness. While he does have a point (Cuban government exploiting their doctors) the fact that he is willing to screw up his own people while at the same time managed to insult both the Cuban government AND the doctors all in the same stroke is incredible.
First, it is insane that Brazil, which is a HUGE country with countless of natural resources, and they big economy yet their poor people are in the dump, forgotten, crime increasing.
Cuba is certainly a shithole, and the government certainly is abusive to its people but this does not justify Bolsonaro's actions and comments.
Eauz wrote:Unfortunate to see Cuba has become a puppet of the globalists.

Cuba offered to send Brazil's left-wing former government doctors, and there was an exchange of Brazilian workers in other needed fields sent to Cuba (like hotel builders). How does this make Cuba "a puppet," and what service is this "puppet" doing for the globalists?

XogGyux wrote:Cuba is certainly a shithole, and the government certainly is abusive to its people but this does not justify Bolsonaro's actions and comments.

The revolutionary governments of Cuba proposed revolutionary health care and revolutionary education. They now have excellent schools and lots of doctors for everyone, and they can even afford to lend some doctors to other poor nations to help out.

You judging of Cuba as "a shithole" and "abusive" ignores its capacity to be actually useful to other nations - to provide other things than propaganda and wars like the rich nations who suck the blood out of the rest of the world do.
QatzelOk wrote:Cuba offered to send Brazil's left-wing former government doctors, and there was an exchange of Brazilian workers in other needed fields sent to Cuba (like hotel builders). How does this make Cuba "a puppet," and what service is this "puppet" doing for the globalists?

The revolutionary governments of Cuba proposed revolutionary health care and revolutionary education. They now have excellent schools and lots of doctors for everyone, and they can even afford to lend some doctors to other poor nations to help out.

You judging of Cuba as "a shithole" and "abusive" ignores its capacity to be actually useful to other nations - to provide other things than propaganda and wars like the rich nations who suck the blood out of the rest of the world do.

Cuba is a shithole. It is not as much as a shithole as lets say Haiti, Guatemala or Ecuador but it is certainly a shithole. Cuba used to be a wonderfully advanced country with relatively high resources compared to its size before Fidel came into power. It’s wealth and influence have slowly come down in part due to the scaffolding created prior to fidel’s Revolution and later the pumping of resources into the island by the USSR. When the USSR came down that’s when Cuba really was at its worse. Since then the country had seen slight improvement, very slowly as the government has allowed the population to pursue more and more business ventures but it is FAR from being a half decent place. The “medicine” powerhouse that the government tries to portray is a utter sharade. While it is true that the doctors that were trained decades ago were amazing, as time goes own, the quality have decreased and evidence based medicine is far from ideal.

I certainly would not trust government reported infant/mother mortality for instance, further more these numbers are grossly inaccurate due to cultural difference regarding abortion. In Cuba, an abortion is neither illegal nor taboo so aborting a complicated or malformed fetus will mitigate a great deal of mortality for both the mother and fetus.
Medical equipment in Cuba is a neightmare. I don’t know if it has improved but 10 years ago, getting regular ultrasounds for a pregnancy was difficult even in Havana (capital) if you did not have the right connections. While in the US it is routine to have a few US through the pregnancy, that is not customary in Cuba simply because of lack of resources.

I come from a long family of Cuban doctors. My aunt is a doctor, my mother is a doctor. Because of this, my mother who worked in an obstetrician hospital in Cuba and had the connections, and my aunt had FAR above average care. Basically it was a pain in the ass to get my aunt ultrasounds, the fetus was in breach position and she had to go for a c-section. During the operation the OB doctor had to switch scalpels 3 times because each and everyone of them were dull. You’d see, in Cuba they were using autoclaved (e.g. recycled) scalpels and they lost their edge (my closin got a tiny nick on one of her buttocks as a result since the OB doctor kept using the dull blade forcefully and as result by accident my cousin got cut).

My grandfather used to be the director of one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Cuba. He died a few years ago and he was hospitalized in the very same hospital that he was once the director off. The doctors that were taking care of him were at some point in the past trained by either my grandfather, or by doctors that my grandfather taught. By any stretch of the imagination, my grandfather should have received the absolute best care that that hospital could provide. That “best care” boiled down to a shitty room, with water leak, rusted beds, no medications and no matress. My mother had to send the meds from the US to Cuba and had to pay someone to buy the matress. Also she had to pay for people to actually do nursing for my grandfather.
In any other country in the world, I would have lived in palace, since everyone in my family up to both of my grandparents were doctors (and like I said, my grandfather himself was kind of a big deal in Cuba). But that is not what actually happened as a doctor’s salary is not much higher than a policeman or garbage man. When my mother left Cuba she was doing short of $600 pesos per month which translate into $25 USD at that time, our electricity bill alone was close to $300pesos (we were lucky enough to have AC at home and thus the electricity bill was a little bit higher than average).
Education is not much better either. I have always appreciated education because my parents did a great job of teaching me but the Cuban government really does not deserve much credit either. My books were at the time 30-40 years old, recycled, from the USSR era. Keep in mind I was privileged as I lived in Havana, I can only imagine what people from the country would use but chances are not much better. Even those shitty, recycled old books were often not enough and sometimes we would have to share them.

I went to a boarding school. When my friends here in the US hear this, they think it was some kind of rich and powerful fancy school. It was not. It was a school in the country and the idea was that students (high-schoolers) would work for half of the day in the country planting or collecting crops and then go to class the other half of the day. The theory was “work forge a man” and I’m paraphrasing but that is what the government ideologically used to justify this. In practice I believe they just wanted inexpensive labor and a sort of population control (e.g. high schoolers tend to be problematics in any country, at this time is when some start doing crimes, drugs and perhaps this was a way to mitigate this problem by separating them from family and putting them in a vulnerable position.

I went to boarding school for 2 years prior to coming to the US. The “meals” were white rice and some vegetables and some old bread. Sometimes they would have beans. For fluids always water, WARM water (no fridge in boarding school). We would sleep in large hangars with bunk beds, 70 or so of us living in the same large hangar-sized room. No privacy what so ever. Our “restroom” was a large room split in half and half the room was showers (only 3-4 would work) and the other half had 3-4 toilets all of which were permanently clogged and would only sometimes flush if you threw a bucket of water at it (no high schooler takes the time to throw a bucket of water at a toilet after pooping) as a result they would often be filled with 6-7 students poop at all times. Most students would actually prefer to go to the open field (since we were in the countryside) and poop on the ground or something. I myself developed the ability of only poop once per week (we were allowed to return home during weekends, so I could poop at home peacefully during weekends).

The transport from the city to the school was at the beginning by train. During the first year, one of those trains de-railed, there were a few deaths. High schoolers, dead because the fking government put them in a shitty safety train to exports them to work in the country side with sub-human conditions. How many times did this was reported over the news? Over the radio? Maybe on a tiny footnote on the newspaper? No... never reported. I don’t know how many accidents like this happened because in Cuba that Is not reported. Maybe this was the only one (although I doubt it) of such magnitude but more likely than not it was not and simply they just go unreported. The transport that moved students from the actual building to the fields where we were supposed to work was a large flat-bed truck. My class group was large, and usually they would use 3 trucks for the movements. One time there was only 1 truck available and the “boss” forced the students to cramp into the flatbed truck... about 60+ students packed very tightly on the back of a truck, on bad roads of the country side. Off course, halfway through the trip, the door in the back snapped and 20+ of so students felt from a moving truck into the asphalt. Many of my friends were injured. Fractured pelvis, fractured femurs and fractured arms.

One of my best friends, he used to sleep in my bunk bed below me. Onetime he did some kind of prank (I believe he was dancing on a bridge that connected the two building complex during an afternoon that was raining, nothing really serious but was not allowed). As punishement he was put on duty to clean the areas around the school (garbage pickup). One day he woke up at 5am to do this job, touched some kind of exposed wire (because infrastructure is so fking bad in Cuba) got electrocuted and died. 16 year, nice guy always smiling and good person died.

This was one of the shittiest experiments ever done by Cuba. This went for decades (my father also attended one of these schools 30 years prior to me. This went on for a very long time and my understanding is that a few years ago this stoped and Cuban students no longer have to go to boarding schools. I don’t know how it works now, hopefully it is much better.

Teachers? When I was in middle and high school there was a severe shortage of teachers. First they tried to “import” teachers from the east (oriental) side of the country. This brings me into a very interesting point. I bet you did not know that people born in the east side of Cuba were considered “illegals” in the capital, and they would not be allowed to work or even come into the capital and if caught they would be sent back to “Oriente”. Imagine that, you were born in New York, and if you got caught in Texas they would arrest you and deport you back to New York. Because of this, every time there was a shortage of work personnel in Havana, they would often “Import” them from the oriental side of the country. During a period, the government brought “teachers” from Santiago de Cuba to teach into the schools in Havana. This was atrocious, for one, Havana people hate people from Santiago and sees them as dumb and uneducated and also oriental people also feel inferior because they have been mistreated for decades. So what could go wrong when you put a bunch of misbehaved hormonal teenagers to being taught by someone who is considered (unfairly) as inferior? If you guessed “A freaking mess” you are correct. Furthermore, this was not even close enough as a solution, so the government later implemented a different strategy. Instead of actually having teachers teach in classes, they started recoding “lectures” and would later broadcast them during school hours “tele-education” if you will. So, for many-most of my classes, the teacher was a 20” CRT TV with poor reception, poor audio that was 20’ away from me (I am kind of tall so I was destined to sit at the back of the class). As you can imagine, this makes for no education at all.

If my US family did not send my family in Cuba US $$ so that my parents could take me to private lessons, today my education would be shit.
So when you talk about Cuban “excellent doctors” and education I think you are clearly very uninformed of what is actually going there.
Do me a favor, next time you have the urge to imply Cuba is great, sell all your properties and move to the island and get back to me in 10 years with what you think.

Now, this is not to say that there are not good things from Cuba.The truth is there are many great things. People there have great character and integrity. But please don’t come with your i’ll Informed propaganda either. You can probably tell from my other posts that I am not some kind of right-winger. In fact I am a very liberal guy and I see many progressive ideas favorable but Cuba is not an example of liberalism or even socialism. Cuba is a sort of left-wing fascism. The government is authoritarian and abuses the people.
XogGyux wrote:Now, this is not to say that there are not good things from Cuba.The truth is there are many great things. People there have great character and integrity. But please don’t come with your i’ll Informed propaganda either. You can probably tell from my other posts that I am not some kind of right-winger. In fact I am a very liberal guy and I see many progressive ideas favorable but Cuba is not an example of liberalism or even socialism. Cuba is a sort of left-wing fascism. The government is authoritarian and abuses the people.

That is the way most communist and socialist governments turn out in the end.
Hindsite wrote:That is the way most communist and socialist governments turn out in the end.

It seems it is not only shithole countries like cuba that brainwashes with nonsense. You yourself have also fallen victim to this. For instance, communism is often summarized as "dictatorship of the proletariat" meaning working class rules. It does not take a genius to put 2 and 2 together and realize the working class is shit in Cuba. Cuba is a dictatorship, but not of the proletariat, it was a dictatorship of Fidel, now it is a dictatorship of the few followers that have the power. It was never communist, nor socialist (neither was the USSR or China today for similar reasons). It is a masked amalgamation of lies as to control the people. Communism, at least in theory, is a good social system. Perhaps the holy grail at some point in our social development although unattainable at this point (or anytime soon) because of scarcity and human selfishness and greed (something that has evolved to protect us as a species and it is nothing to be ashamed of). But don't be fooled. No country has really genuinely attempted this, they have all wrapped their dictatorships under a communist umbrella because when people actually read and study the communist theory, it makes sense and it is not the scary shit you hear Rush Limbaugh and sean hannity cry about.
For the record, capitalism is also awful. In the late 1800's and early 1900's when capitalism was at its purest the abuse of the working class was at its peak. You had billionaires like Rockefeller and Carnegie controlling the country and abusing their power. ... ustrialist)
So don't be fooled. He is wrong praising cuba, but so are you condemning it as something Cuba is not.

The world is of many shades of many colors. Those that can only see in black and in white might as well be completely blind as they cannot understand the nuances of life. This goes both for left and right leaning people.
XogGyux wrote:Cuba is a shithole. It is not as much as a shithole as lets say Haiti, Guatemala or Ecuador but it is certainly a shithole. Cuba used to be a wonderfully advanced country with relatively high resources compared to its size before Fidel came into power.

If Fidel hadn't come to power, Cuba would probably be a lot like Haiti, Ecuador, or Guatemala by now. Western colonial powers have sucked the blood out of virtually every country where they're allowed to operate in. What makes you think Cuba would have done any better than say Argentina or Colombia? Drug dealers, rural illiteracy, constant assasinations, and rich white oligarchs... are the rule in non-communist Latin American countries. Cuba is one of the wealthiest nations in Latin America in terms of lifespan, health care, education and housing - these are the basics of life that most of the poor in other Latin American countries can only dream of (when they're not watching American media and dreaming of white hegemony).

Your "imaginary time when everything was perfect in Cuba" sounds like the wax-on-camera-lens rememberings of a former vassal - a white Rhodesian remembering that perfect time when "Africa worked" (for me and my associates).

Cuba was able to retract its thousands of doctors (from non-communist Brazil) because... it has thousands of extra doctors. This fabrication of unlimited doctors was made possible by revolutionary medicine. No other country in Latin America exports thousands of doctors, and the recipients of these doctors have been living poor under the capitalism (that you remember as being "so good for you and your family").
QatzelOk wrote:If Fidel hadn't come to power, Cuba would probably be a lot like Haiti, Ecuador, or Guatemala by now. Western colonial powers have sucked the blood out of virtually every country where they're allowed to operate in. What makes you think Cuba would have done any better than say Argentina or Colombia? Drug dealers, rural illiteracy, constant assasinations, and rich white oligarchs... are the rule in non-communist Latin American countries. Cuba is one of the wealthiest nations in Latin America in terms of lifespan, health care, education and housing - these are the basics of life that most of the poor in other Latin American countries can only dream of (when they're not watching American media and dreaming of white hegemony).

Your "imaginary time when everything was perfect in Cuba" sounds like the wax-on-camera-lens rememberings of a former vassal - a white Rhodesian remembering that perfect time when "Africa worked" (for me and my associates).

Cuba was able to retract its thousands of doctors (from non-communist Brazil) because... it has thousands of extra doctors. This fabrication of unlimited doctors was made possible by revolutionary medicine. No other country in Latin America exports thousands of doctors, and the recipients of these doctors have been living poor under the capitalism (that you remember as being "so good for you and your family").

Dude, you are arguing a losing point. Open your eyes, its been 6 decades and that place is a shithole. You can play the "what if" game all you want but unless you have a time machine that we can go a test your hypothesis it is pointless. I am the first to admit that Fidel's revolution had a point. Batista was a corrupt motherfucker dictator and perhaps you are right and he would have ended being as bad or worse. Perhaps not, perhaps his ruling would have eventually faded due to pressure from the international community or even from inside or due to some other revolutionary. That is not the point. Cuba, despite plenty of help from the Russians due to its strategic location, failed miserably. Fidel exploited its own citizen. Cuba is not the medical powerhouse you painted it to be. Sure, it has the human resources but that's about it, it has no other resources. In cuba, you have doctors, teachers, engineers driving taxis to make $$ or renting a spare room to get $$ to feed their families. That is something that should never be the case.

Cuba was able to retract its thousands of doctors (from non-communist Brazil) because... it has thousands of extra doctors. This fabrication of unlimited doctors was made possible by revolutionary medicine. No other country in Latin America exports thousands of doctors, and the recipients of these doctors have been living poor under the capitalism (that you remember as being "so good for you and your family").

No other country have their own population on the brink of starvation and economic despair and sends their most trained minds to other countries to export propaganda.
XogGyux wrote:Dude, you are arguing a losing point. Open your eyes, its been 6 decades and that place is a shithole.

It's the same year all over Latin America - currently 2019. The countries you named as "other shitholes" are all living in 2019. They didn't have the same revolution as Cuba, and they are living at lower living standards regarding the basics of life.

Haiti, for example, has gotten much worse in the last 60 years, with lots of "help" from capitalists from big rich countries. Cuba hasn't experienced this, and it has doctors to export because of it.

Having doctors to export is both benevolent and developed (in the most important sense of the word).
QatzelOk wrote:It's the same year all over Latin America - currently 2019. The countries you named as "other shitholes" are all living in 2019. They didn't have the same revolution as Cuba, and they are living at lower living standards regarding the basics of life.

Haiti, for example, has gotten much worse in the last 60 years, with lots of "help" from capitalists from big rich countries. Cuba hasn't experienced this, and it has doctors to export because of it.

Having doctors to export is both benevolent and developed (in the most important sense of the word).

Look at the Dominican Republic, and your argument completely falls flat on its face. The standard of living in the DR is better than it has ever been in the entire existence of that country. The amount of development from the time I was a kid to now (I was just there a few months ago) is mind blowing. That country has never had a socialist type of government.

Sidenote: One thing they do have is socialized healthcare though. The US could learn something from the DR.
QatzelOk wrote:It's the same year all over Latin America - currently 2019. The countries you named as "other shitholes" are all living in 2019. They didn't have the same revolution as Cuba, and they are living at lower living standards regarding the basics of life.

Haiti, for example, has gotten much worse in the last 60 years, with lots of "help" from capitalists from big rich countries. Cuba hasn't experienced this, and it has doctors to export because of it.

Having doctors to export is both benevolent and developed (in the most important sense of the word).

Again, you are not really seeing the whole picture. Unlike Haiti, before the revolution, Cuba was doing great economically way before Fidel arrived. Cuba enjoyed Latin America’s highest per capita consumption of meats, fruits, and vegetables along with high levels of ownership of cars, telephones and radios. By the late 1950s, Cuba had more doctors per capita than the U.K. and the lowest infant-mortality rate in Latin America and the 13th lowest in the world. So if anything, fidel managed to seriously cripple all the success of pre-revolution Cuba if you want to get technical here.
XogGyux wrote:Again, you are not really seeing the whole picture. Unlike Haiti, before the revolution, Cuba was doing great economically way before Fidel arrived. Cuba enjoyed Latin America’s highest per capita consumption of meats, fruits, and vegetables along with high levels of ownership of cars, telephones and radios. By the late 1950s, Cuba had more doctors per capita than the U.K. and the lowest infant-mortality rate in Latin America and the 13th lowest in the world. So if anything, fidel managed to seriously cripple all the success of pre-revolution Cuba if you want to get technical here.

Everything was great for everyone in Cuba under Batista?

Your history book has a lot more liquid paper on it than printed words.
QatzelOk wrote:Everything was great for everyone in Cuba under Batista?

Your history book has a lot more liquid paper on it than printed words.

Is that really what you understood from my statement? Have you fallen victim to the idiocy of people such as hindside and onedegree? Didn't you read my previous posts? I clearly acknowledged before that batista was a tyrant and that precisely is why Fidel actually had such overwhelming support with his revolution. But just because you oppose and fight a tyrant does not mean you are the good guy. In fact, most of the times 1 dictator is overthrown, another dictator takes over as it was the case for Cuba.
Here... This short clip is pretty accurate.
XogGyux wrote:Is that really what you understood from my statement? Have you fallen victim to the idiocy of people such as hindside and onedegree? Didn't you read my previous posts? I clearly acknowledged before that batista was a tyrant and that precisely is why Fidel actually had such overwhelming support with his revolution. But just because you oppose and fight a tyrant does not mean you are the good guy. In fact, most of the times 1 dictator is overthrown, another dictator takes over as it was the case for Cuba.
Here... This short clip is pretty accurate.

Nothing weird at all about being criticized in a thread where I agree with you. Lol
You are so blinded by bias you can’t separate views. It’s all about labeling people with you. Really sad.
Also funny since apparently my ‘idiocy’ is agreeing with you. Lol
One Degree wrote:Nothing weird at all about being criticized in a thread where I agree with you. Lol
You are so blinded by bias you can’t separate views. It’s all about labeling people with you. Really sad.
Also funny since apparently my ‘idiocy’ is agreeing with you. Lol

Agreeing with me in 1 topic does not absolve you from not using your brain on everything else. Once I see progress on your cognitive abilities, I might re-assess the situation. As for now, you continue to be a brilliant example of an internet troll :D.
XogGyux wrote:Agreeing with me in 1 topic does not absolve you from not using your brain on everything else. Once I see progress on your cognitive abilities, I might re-assess the situation. As for now, you continue to be a brilliant example of an internet troll :D.

When you learn to debate ideas instead of people, you will be on your way to adulthood. :)
XogGyux wrote:a video about well-paid Cuban cab drivers as a point

This is true of most developing countries. Kissing tourist ass pays better than serving your own people with the basic services of life.

The difference is that Cuba has tons and tons of medically-trained people, while capitalist third-world tourist-ass-kissers have only their drivers licenses and no other "unnecessary for the 1%" skills.

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