Trump: Bomb the hell out of ISIS - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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Godstud wrote:Yeah, sure. The bible means whatever you want it to mean, according to Hindsite. It's a fuckjing trumped up comic book with stupid obsolete rules, like not eating pork, or wearing cotton/polyester blends. Your god can't judge me because I don't believe in that idiotic, and childish, fairytale.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
(John 3:16-18)

Praise the Lord.
Godstud wrote: Bombs will only make more terrorists, and Ter is absolutely WRONG about them not being able to "meet" in an age of instant communication and Skype.

As you have used my good name in vain once again, I have to say that the physical danger of person-to-person meetings are but one of the advantages of bombing the Islamic terrorists. For the other advantages, see my earlier post.
I also draw your attention to the fact that the theatre of operations in Syria does not often allow digital communications. To conduct military operations, the commanders of ISIS need to have physical meetings. But even then, they cannot move without danger and worries because of the drones high in the sky.
As much as those criminals are not affraid to die, it must be psychologically taxing to know that every second can be their last.
We have to continue to attack them everywhere by any means available and that includes bombing. We should not fear them because fear is a bad advisor.

Peace for Syria.
Please note that all of these fears of not knowing when a drone will randomly kill you is not just a fear for the terrorists. All the people in the area fear it.

After all, US drone operators are not known for their discernment.
Ter wrote:This video is strangely appropriate in this thread:


Who is this lying piece of filth? OK Ok, maybe that's not fair, maybe he just an ignorant leftie cretin, who really doesn't know any better. We didn't just bomb Germany amongst White countries, we bombed France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Romania. Maybe Denmark and Czechoslovakia as well.
Rich wrote: We didn't just bomb Germany amongst White countries, we bombed France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Romania. Maybe Denmark and Czechoslovakia as well.

Yep, and maybe more civilians died during these American bombings than during the entire time of German occupation.
Rich wrote:Who is this lying piece of filth? OK Ok, maybe that's not fair, maybe he just an ignorant leftie cretin, who really doesn't know any better. We didn't just bomb Germany amongst White countries, we bombed France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Romania. Maybe Denmark and Czechoslovakia as well.

His name is George Carlin, a crazy leftist, who stayed crazy to his death.
George Carlin was an insightful man, who was very wise and used it in his humour. You're being a supersize douchewad, by suggesting he was crazy.

Grow up already Hindsite!
Godstud wrote:George Carlin was an insightful man, who was very wise and used it in his humour. You're being a supersize douchewad, by suggesting he was crazy.

Grow up already Hindsite!

You have your opinion and I have mine.

Praise the Lord.
Your opinions are shit because of the source. They're also shit because of the the ignorance and lack of education involved in your conclusions. Beyond George Carlin's name, you probably know little or nothing about him, since he wasn't involved in your stupid ass religion.
Yes, since he wasn't exactly fond of religions for exactly this reason.

George Carlin --- Religion is Bullshit

And now back to your regularly scheduled topic.
Personally i don't know about these things any more.
I believe in god, but 'm having an internal struggle on religion recently.

For the general topic. I said it before and 'll say again.
Look at history, put a group of people under severe poverty, prosecution and oppression, and deprive them of the most basic needs. And you'll have militant groups or atleast violent groups like gangs for example rising among them in no time.
This is shown in all sorts of cultures, religions, races, ideologies, etc.
To remove groups like ISIS, 3 things are needed; 1- heavy anti-poverty programs. 2-Democracy. and 3- cultural reformation programs.
With the current militant groups being dealt with by special forces and not bombings, since bombing an area would destroy infrastructure, homes, basic services, etc and push more people into such conditions where the cycle starts again as some of them would pick up arms and start fighting to get something for them selves.

Are there some rich people who use people's conditions to seek power ? yes, and those should be killed off as soon as caught. nevertheless the conditions that creates such opportunities should be handled as well.

Anyone who thinks bombs would solve the problem rather than exacerbate the problem is either completely detached from reality or simply an idiot.
anasawad wrote:Personally i don't know about these things any more.
I believe in god, but 'm having an internal struggle on religion recently.

For the general topic. I said it before and 'll say again.
Look at history, put a group of people under severe poverty, prosecution and oppression, and deprive them of the most basic needs. And you'll have militant groups or atleast violent groups like gangs for example rising among them in no time.
This is shown in all sorts of cultures, religions, races, ideologies, etc.
To remove groups like ISIS, 3 things are needed; 1- heavy anti-poverty programs. 2-Democracy. and 3- cultural reformation programs.
With the current militant groups being dealt with by special forces and not bombings, since bombing an area would destroy infrastructure, homes, basic services, etc and push more people into such conditions where the cycle starts again as some of them would pick up arms and start fighting to get something for them selves.

Are there some rich people who use people's conditions to seek power ? yes, and those should be killed off as soon as caught. nevertheless the conditions that creates such opportunities should be handled as well.

Anyone who thinks bombs would solve the problem rather than exacerbate the problem is either completely detached from reality or simply an idiot.

None of that will work for groups like ISIS because they are ruled by the Devil and his demons.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Please note that all of these fears of not knowing when a drone will randomly kill you is not just a fear for the terrorists. All the people in the area fear it.

After all, US drone operators are not known for their discernment.


They should have a drone licensing exam after a person takes drone driver's ed.

I want a drone. :D
MistyTiger wrote:True.

They should have a drone licensing exam after a person takes drone driver's ed.

I want a drone. :D

The drone is new in the science of war. Larger drones are needed to drop nuclear bombs.
The dropping of bombs ended World War II and we have not had another world war since.

Praise the Lord.
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