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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By skinster
starman2003 wrote:The missile attacks are just a pinprick compared to deadly, repeated zionist attacks. They're psychos alright, and capable of another nakba.

They are capable, but I think they would've done it by now if it were possible to do. The idea Israel could get away with getting rid of 5+ million Palestinians today is absurd. Even the deaths of a a few thousand during their intermittent and psychotic bombing campaigns results in so much uproar that they're forced to stop. And they haven't got that psychotic in close to a decade. And as things continue to change in the Middle East (clearly not in Israel's benefit) the likelihood of another Nakba completely shrinks. I mean, Israel didn't start shit with Hezbollah recently when missiles came from Lebanon (even though it wasn't Hezbollah who launched them) but there was an excuse for Israel to start shit with Hezbollah and they decided against it because Nasrallah was like 'We'll fuck you up if you start shit with us' in a bunch of other words..

I don't think so. It may not last if the Houthis for example resume attacks.

The war in Yemen is effectively over as of now.

It'll go nowhere.

That's just your opinion, tho.

They've gotten away with all kinds off stuff for decades. The present zionist leadership is unprecedentedly far right and includes screwballs like ben Gvir and smotrich. They believe god gave them the land. They can't be expected to act rationally and have no concern whatsoever for the Palestinians. I think it'll happen in the West Bank maybe Gaza too. Not necessarily soon-- but maybe in 3 years, whenever conditions are deemed to be ripe.

They have got away with all kinds of psychotic shit for decades but I think they hit their peak. The current government is now also dealing with massive problems from its own population and Ilan Pappe who knows the colony more than both of us combined has claimed "it is over" for Israel based on the internal problems, the uncontrollable resistance in the West Bank, the changes in with governments in the region and the decline of the West. You need to look on the bright sides a bit more. :D

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By starman2003
skinster wrote:They are capable, but I think they would've done it by now if it were possible to do.

It takes a government as screwy as the one they have now, with people like smotrich and ben gvir.

The idea Israel could get away with getting rid of 5+ million Palestinians today is absurd.

They pulled off one nakba and can do its again now that they're at the peak of the power militarily and politically. Look at all their toadies in congress, look how US allies slavishly follow US policy set by the lobby.
I know they'd incur criticism(!) but nothing would really change as regards US policy or support. To keep opposition below a certain threshold, all they'd have to do is wait for a pretext and paint the operation as an antiterrorist campaign. Believe me, there's no shortage of politicians and commentators who'll try to exculpate Israel no matter what it does.

Even the deaths of a a few thousand during their intermittent and psychotic bombing campaigns results in so much uproar that they're forced to stop. And they haven't got that psychotic in close to a decade.

Psychosis is now at an unprecendentedly high level…Ben Gvir was a follower of Kahane.

And as things continue to change in the Middle East (clearly not in Israel's benefit) the likelihood of another Nakba completely shrinks. I mean, Israel didn't start shit with Hezbollah recently when missiles came from Lebanon (even though it wasn't Hezbollah who launched them) but there was an excuse for Israel to start shit with Hezbollah …

That's different. Hez can fight back much better than the Palestinians. Also the Israelis want what's left of Palestinian land, for their growing population.

The war in Yemen is effectively over as of now.

I hope so, but dunno if we can be sure.

They have got away with all kinds of psychotic shit for decades but I think they hit their peak. The current government is now also dealing with massive problems from its own population…

In terms of potential for psychotic actions there never was a "peak" like this before…As for "massive problems" the Iranians weathered theirs, why not Bibi?

and Ilan Pappe who knows the colony more than both of us combined has claimed "it is over" for Israel based on the internal problems, the uncontrollable resistance in the West Bank, the changes in with governments in the region and the decline of the West. You need to look on the bright sides a bit more. :D

Well, the zionist far right knows that country better than us too and doesn't concur with pappe no doubt...
By Rich
:lol: What's so funny is that no one seems to notice that Hamas are functionally no different to Fatah. Of course its important that Hamas fire a few rockets at Israel every so often and Israels blows up a few buildings in return, so everyone can pretend that Hamas are a resistance movement. I think the pretense is as much for Hamas and Israel's leadership as anyone else.
By skinster
starman2003 wrote:It takes a government as screwy as the one they have now, with people like smotrich and ben gvir.

They can barely get off the ground themselves with their internal problems since their new roles. :lol:

They pulled off one nakba and can do its again now that they're at the peak of the power militarily and politically. Look at all their toadies in congress, look how US allies slavishly follow US policy set by the lobby.

They cannot kill millions of Palestinians today and they're clearly not at the peak of their power. They can barely hold down the resistance in the West Bank or even Gaza. A lot of people seem to think Israel is invincible and all-powerful yada yada, it is not true.

I know they'd incur criticism(!) but nothing would really change as regards US policy or support. To keep opposition below a certain threshold, all they'd have to do is wait for a pretext and paint the operation as an antiterrorist campaign. Believe me, there's no shortage of politicians and commentators who'll try to exculpate Israel no matter what it does.

Your predictions are not based on reality. It is a guessing game. And hard to debate with. The Israelis are not going to commit another Nakba, despite the wishes of some psychotic Zionists.

Psychosis is now at an unprecendentedly high level…Ben Gvir was a follower of Kahane.

As I said, he can barely commit to his role because of the opposition within the colony by its own settlers. :lol:

That's different. Hez can fight back much better than the Palestinians. Also the Israelis want what's left of Palestinian land, for their growing population.

Hez would defend Palestinians if a Nakba occurred, so would others in the region. Israelis do want what's left of Palestinian land but it's not happening and the growing population is actually shrinking; lots of settlers in the West Bank are leaving and less Jews are making aliya.

As for "massive problems" the Iranians weathered theirs, why not Bibi?

The Iranians weathered theirs because the vast majority were onside with the government despite what you saw in Western press; they didn't show the much larger protests in defence of their government out here but those occurred and the attempts at a colour revolution in Iran AGAIN failed because the people know what the old and new fox are like, having experienced both in their parents' generations. So this comparison doesn't work.

Well, the zionist far right knows that country better than us too and doesn't concur with pappe no doubt...

They don't know shit, they believe god gave them the land ffs :lol: whereas Pappe is a Israeli historian who understands the situation without wishful thinking.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:They cannot kill millions of Palestinians today..

Didn't say they'd kill millions just enough to scare the rest into leaving, just like in the first nakba.

The Israelis are not going to commit another Nakba, despite the wishes of some psychotic Zionists.

The psychotic zionists are now in the government. As for what they can or can't actually do, I wouldn't underestimate Israel's capacity for abusing Palestinians. But time will tell….

Hez would defend Palestinians if a Nakba occurred, so would others in the region.

No arab is in any position to stop a nakba. They could fire rockets but that wouldn't stop it. Of course there would be loud noise even an end to peace agreements but at first, no real action.

The Iranians weathered theirs because the vast majority were onside with the government despite what you saw in Western press;

IF that's true, the same is probably be true in Israel, or else the far-right wouldn't be in power. Protests haven't forced Bibi to abandon his overhaul.

They don't know shit, they believe god gave them the land ffs :lol: whereas Pappe is a Israeli historian who understands the situation without wishful thinking.

Pappe has a better view of basic reality, of course, but the far-right is in power. If Israel is in trouble as pappe asserts it's precisely because of that.
By skinster
starman2003 wrote:Didn't say they'd kill millions just enough to scare the rest into leaving, just like in the first nakba.

It's not happening.

The psychotic zionists are now in the government. As for what they can or can't actually do, I wouldn't underestimate Israel's capacity for abusing Palestinians. But time will tell….

I don't underestimate it either but the new psychos in power are struggling with internal problems. Also the resistance in Palestine is living and acting today against ongoing bombardment of Gaza lately and the many raids and attacks in the West Bank. The settlement known as "Tel Aviv" has had missiles rained down it in the last few days as a response. That Iron Dome zionists and their mates rely on isn't working as well as it should be.

No arab is in any position to stop a nakba. They could fire rockets but that wouldn't stop it. Of course there would be loud noise even an end to peace agreements but at first, no real action.

You don't seem to be paying attention to what's been happening in the region lately, when missiles from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria towards "Israel" resulted in the colony backing off on its attacks.

Peace agreements? What peace agreements? :lol:

Pappe has a better view of basic reality, of course, but the far-right is in power. If Israel is in trouble as pappe asserts it's precisely because of that.

It might be hard to say it isn't in trouble when daddy in Washington has orchestrated a colour revolution against it.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:It's not happening…..I don't underestimate it either but the new psychos in power are struggling with internal problems.

It's not happening yet.. Eventually internal problems will get sorted out and they'll turn their full attention to their real agenda.

Also the resistance in Palestine is living and acting today against ongoing bombardment of Gaza lately and the many raids and attacks in the West Bank. The settlement known as "Tel Aviv" has had missiles rained down it in the last few days as a response. That Iron Dome zionists and their mates rely on isn't working as well as it should be.

Those rocket attacks are just pinpricks compared to Israeli precision attacks, which are far deadlier, and thus far minor compared to what the zionists could do. Don't get me wrong; that's not how I want it--and I think someday it'll be different--but for now it's the reality.

You don't seem to be paying attention to what's been happening in the region lately, when missiles from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria towards "Israel" resulted in the colony backing off on its attacks.

Again just pinpricks resulting in minimal if any damage or fatalities, whereas zionist attacks have caused vast destruction and loss of life in Syria, Iran, Gaza and elsewhere. Israel didn't back off because of pinpricks but because of pressure from other nations.

Peace agreements? What peace agreements?

Those involving Egypt and Jordan also the recent "Abraham accords.'
By skinster
starman2003 wrote:It's not happening yet.. Eventually internal problems will get sorted out and they'll turn their full attention to their real agenda.

I don't view things by hypotheticals, but I suppose you're welcome to yours.

Those rocket attacks are just pinpricks compared to Israeli precision attacks, which are far deadlier, and thus far minor compared to what the zionists could do. Don't get me wrong; that's not how I want it--and I think someday it'll be different--but for now it's the reality.

It is not about the coulds or woulds, as above, it is about what is occurring. And the situation has changed significantly just in the last few months alone. These many missiles that swerved past the iron dome is significant. The missiles that came from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine a week ago was a new reality and resulted in Israeli attacks in empty fields to avoid any escalation. Residents all over occupied Palestine, such as in "Tel Aviv" and other settlements were forced to live in their bomb shelters over days. They don't want to live like that either.

Again just pinpricks resulting in minimal if any damage or fatalities, whereas zionist attacks have caused vast destruction and loss of life in Syria, Iran, Gaza and elsewhere. Israel didn't back off because of pinpricks but because of pressure from other nations.

And those "other nations" are the Syrians, Lebanese and those within occupied Palestine. As you seem clearly unaware of. Here's a report to someone paying attention on what's occurring, rather than playing guesswork on what might be.

Those involving Egypt and Jordan also the recent "Abraham accords.'


None of the "peace" deals were about peace. They were distractions and stalling tactics to steal more homes and lands belonging to Palestinians, particularly in the West Bank. That is the reality on the ground. There will be no two state, that is liberal mythology. There is just one state, which subjugates and imprisons more half of the people under its rule for not being Jewish, via military occupations and economic blockade.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:These many missiles that swerved past the iron dome is significant.

The zionists claim 96% intercepted, and just one fatality, some old guy. Whereas islamic jihad lost 5 top figures and many others besides a lot of property...

The missiles that came from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine a week ago was a new reality and resulted in Israeli attacks in empty fields to avoid any escalation.

"New reality"?? There have been many previous missile barrages. Essentially they changed nothing except to induce the zionists to bolster their defenses and elect psychos like ben gvir.

Residents all over occupied Palestine, such as in "Tel Aviv" and other settlements were forced to live in their bomb shelters over days.

Big deal, that happened before and was nothing compared to what happened in gaza (and Lebanon at times).

None of the "peace" deals were about peace.

Separate peace. Egypt and Jordan essentially opted out of the arab-Israel dispute or threw the palestinians under the bus, for now.

They were distractions and stalling tactics to steal more homes and lands belonging to Palestinians, particularly in the West Bank. That is the reality on the ground. There will be no two state, that is liberal mythology. There is just one state, which subjugates and imprisons more half of the people under its rule for not being Jewish, via military occupations and economic blockade.

Yes indeed! But the enemy is getting worse than this. That's why the present government is unprecedentedly far right. Since the zionists have no intention of giving the Palestinians rights, and want their land for themselves, the logical outcome is eventual, total suppression and expulsion of the Palestinians. The zionists won't live forever with a large arab population, seething with hostility since it has no rights.
By Rich
The great mistake the Israelis made was pulling out of Sinai and south Lebanon, under the delusion that doing so would bring them peace. No surrender of territory will ever satisfy the Arab nationalists and Sharia Muslims, short of removing , what they call the Zionist entity from the map. Expecting Palestinian nationalists to permanently accept the loss of land to the Israelis is like expecting Russian nationalists to give up Crimea.

Its very simple, just ask a member of Hamas, or Fatah or one of their western supporters whether they accept the Israeli acquisition of land in 1948 as just and legitimate. :lol: I mean seriously what would be the value of Palestinian leaders promises even if they did strike a peace deal. About the same as NATO leader's promises to Russia and Ukraine in 1991.
By skinster

starman2003 wrote:The zionists claim 96% intercepted, and just one fatality, some old guy. Whereas islamic jihad lost 5 top figures and many others besides a lot of property...

What a strange thing to compare when one side is able to do the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel (if those fish were called 'Palestinians' and the barrel was called a 'prison camp called Gaza'). The Iron Dome is meant to intercept any missile sent towards racist Zionists but there have been many hits of late and those that have are not necessarily about killing people. but destroying property and forcing the settlers within "Israel" to live in bomb shelters and all-around make Israelis feel a fraction of what Palestinians have been suffering since their country got stolen from them about 75 years ago this week. The settlers are privileged bastards who get to live in relative peace, once that situation changes for them, as it increasingly has, the apartheid colony will be forced to hold back its fire.

"New reality"?? There have been many previous missile barrages. Essentially they changed nothing except to induce the zionists to bolster their defenses and elect psychos like ben gvir.

Yes, new reality. There have never been attacks like what happened recently where Israel was forced to back off and then attack a fruit field in an attempt to save face. Nasrallah has straight up threatened them in that video I shared - which you should watch - about trying any shit with Lebanon and the Zionists will not..because they don't want to have to actually fight and potentially lose people. Shooting fish in a barrel is what those cowards are about.

Big deal, that happened before and was nothing compared to what happened in gaza (and Lebanon at times).

It's a big deal for Palestinians even if arrogant pessimists shrug from a distance. I am very aware that the Zionists have committed horrific massacres in Lebanon and Palestine, but we're not talking about that.

Separate peace. Egypt and Jordan essentially opted out of the arab-Israel dispute or threw the palestinians under the bus, for now.

That's been a thing for ages and reinforces my point that there are no peace plans. The peace plans were a charade because the settlers want all of Palestinian land, and that's observed in the seizures and demolitions of homes and land in the West Bank that never stopped. Palestinians have understood there is no option of peace and that explains the popularity of The Lion's Den at the moment, who continue to wage resistance against their occupiers. Some have called what's going on in Palestine right now a third intifada, which is what I'd rather talk about here but you are talking "peace plans". :D

But the enemy is getting worse than this. That's why the present government is unprecedentedly far right. Since the zionists have no intention of giving the Palestinians rights, and want their land for themselves, the logical outcome is eventual, total suppression and expulsion of the Palestinians.

That government being far right is not going to make things "worse" for Palestinians. How absurd. Zionists are way past "worse" for Palestinians. It is Zionists that feel things are getting worse right now since the likes of Ben-Gvir came strutting along. Israelis are protesting in massive numbers because they don't want to be associated with overt fascists like Ben-Gvir, even though these same people are silent about what's been happening to Palestinians for decades. That's not serious activism. It's virtue signalling.
By skinster
Netanyahu’s Tactical Mistake: A Fragmented Israel Faces Palestinian Unity
All Israeli wars on the Palestinians throughout the years have been promoted and justified by Tel Aviv in the name of ‘security’ and ‘fighting terrorism.’

Israel’s biggest challenge throughout many of these wars was hardly the Palestinian Resistance, however steadfast and resilient. The challenge has always been Tel Aviv’s ability to kill many Palestinians, including civilians, without tarnishing its image internationally as an oasis of democracy and civilization.

Israel has been losing the public relations battle rapidly so, and now, it is losing a different kind of battle as well.

Throughout its 75-year-old history, from its violent birth on the ruins of historic Palestine in May 1948 up to its latest war on besieged Gaza on May 9, Israel’s history has been associated with violence.

Pro-Israel Western propaganda, along with masterful Israeli manipulation of facts and rewriting of history, allowed Israel to blame the violence on others: first, the Arabs who supposedly attacked Israel, unprovoked, time and again; then the Palestinian ‘terrorists’ from all ideological colors, the socialists, the secularists and, as of late, the ‘Islamic fundamentalists’.

Alas, the Israeli hasbara worked, not because of its sheer genius but because of the near-total embargo on the Palestinian voice in all aspects of life. This embargo continues to this day and has extended to reach dominant social media platforms, leading amongst them, Facebook.

But the fight for the truth, intellectual integrity and freedom of speech continues, and Palestinian successes are now far greater than all attempts by Israel, its benefactors and supporters to censor, sideline or muffle the Palestinian voice.

The days of hiding Israeli crimes or blaming them on someone else seem to be over.

There are reasons why Israel’s propaganda is living its worst days. Aside from the power and influence commanded by Palestinian intellectuals, social media activists and the numerous platforms made available to them through innumerable solidarity networks around the world, Israeli hasbara has itself grown weak and unconvincing.

Israel is a fragmented society. While it is true that Israelis often unite during times of war, this time around, their unity is stale and unimpressive.

The rise of a far-right, even fascist government under the leadership of embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last December generated mass protests that have rocked Israeli cities since then. Trapped, Netanyahu needed an outlet to unify angry Israelis behind him and to keep his far-right ministers satisfied. He opted to attack Gaza.

The choice of exporting Israel’s political crises to Palestine is an old tactic. However, since stiff and increasingly strong Palestinian resistance in recent years, a Gaza war is no longer an easy option. The May 2021 war, dubbed “Guardian of the Walls” by Israel and “Sword of Jerusalem” by Palestinians, for example, was a painful reminder of how such foolish miscalculations on the part of Tel Aviv can backfire and badly.

So, Netanyahu resorted to a different model: a mini war that targets one Palestinian group in an isolated area, at a time, for example, the Lions’ Den in Nablus and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

Netanyahu’s choice of attacking Gaza and assassinating top leaders in the Islamic Jihad’s military arm, Al-Quds Brigades, was not a haphazard one. The group is strong enough that such a decisive and bloody military operation can be marketed by Netanyahu and his supporters as a restoration of ‘deterrence,’ but without involving Israel in a prolonged and costly war with all Palestinian Resistance groups all at once.

This tactic worked in the past, at least according to Israel’s own calculations. In November 2019, Israel launched a war on the Islamic Jihad in Gaza. It was dubbed “Black Belt.” Though other Resistance groups declared support for the Islamic Jihad then, they did not engage in the fight directly. Why?

For years, the Resistance in Gaza wanted to change the rules of engagement with Israel. Instead of allowing Israel to determine the time and place for war based on Tel Aviv’s own agenda and degree of readiness, Resistance factions in Gaza wanted to have a say over the timing of such battles.

Israel completely failed to understand the Palestinian strategy and assumed that the “Black Belt” operation reflected Palestinian weakness, indecisiveness and, more dangerously, disunity.

The May 2021 war and Unity Intifada should have alerted Israel to the fact that Palestinian Resistance groups remained united and that the Resistance Joint Operations Room, which includes Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and the socialist PFLP, among others, continues to operate in unison.

Netanyahu wished to ignore the clear messaging transmitted by Palestinians, not only in Gaza but also through the unified Resistance in the West Bank, perhaps out of his own desperation to divert attention from his multiple political crises and corruption trials at home. For whatever reason, Netanyahu thought that he would be able to successfully copy the “Black Belt” experience, divide the Resistance and restore ‘deterrence’.

Soon after the assassination of top Islamic Jihad commanders – Jihad al-Ghannam, Khalil al-Bahtini and Tariq Ezz al-Deen. – on May 9, Netanyahu appeared at a press conference along with his archenemy, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, to prematurely detail Israel’s supposed victory. The victory lap did not last for long, however. After 35 hours of perplexing silence, and as nearly two million Israelis hid in shelters as if awaiting their punishment, the Resistance responded.

Then, the rockets of the Resistance came raining in, creating panic, from Sderot, Ashkelon and Netivot all the way to Rehovot or Gush Etzion.

Suddenly, the ‘deterrence’ war, named “Shield and Arrow” by the Israeli military, became Netanyahu’s nightmare. And, yet, all of this was done by the Islamic Jihad alone, in coordination and support from the rest of the Resistance factions.

Though Hamas, the PFLP and others have fully supported the Islamic Jihad in its ongoing fight, Israeli officials still refrained from resorting to their usual threats of assassinating all Palestinian Resistance leaders. The only exception was comments made by Israel’s Minister of Energy of Infrastructure, Israel Katz, who threatened, in an interview with Israel’s Kan 11 News, to ‘eliminate’ top Hamas leaders in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif.

Now that, as of Saturday evening, May 13, a tentative ceasefire has been reached, pro-Netanyahu propagandists will spend many hours speaking of the splendid victory over ‘terror,’ and pro-Israeli spin doctors will labor to twist facts and blame Palestinians, including children, for their own misery.

But the uncontested truth is that the Palestinian Resistance has managed to challenge, if not reverse, the rules of engagements like never before.

More importantly, Palestinians on the ground have shown us that unity is not expressed through cliched language, empty slogans and press conferences in luxury hotels. It is the unity of those resisting on the ground, from Gaza to Nablus and from Jenin to Sheikh Jarrah, that matters most. ... ty/284736/
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:…. but there have been many hits of late and those that have are not necessarily about killing people. but destroying property

Unfortunately, with its overwhelming military advantage, Israel inflicts vastly more destruction.

and forcing the settlers within "Israel" to live in bomb shelters and all-around make Israelis feel a fraction of what Palestinians have been suffering

Right a mere fraction. It won't change anything, except to strengthen the zionist far right.

Yes, new reality. There have never been attacks like what happened recently where Israel was forced to back off and then attack a fruit field in an attempt to save face.

So they don't want a full-scale war with hez right now. Generally the zionists remain as arrogant and cocky as ever with their endless attacks and assassinations.

That's been a thing for ages and reinforces my point that there are no peace plans. The peace plans were a charade because the settlers want all of Palestinian land, and that's observed in the seizures and demolitions of homes and land in the West Bank that never stopped. Palestinians have understood there is no option of peace and that explains the popularity of The Lion's Den at the moment, who continue to wage resistance against their occupiers. Some have called what's going on in Palestine right now a third intifada, which is what I'd rather talk about here but you are talking "peace plans".

:lol: I'm in full agreement there won't be peace just further confrontation with a far stronger zionist enemy, with a predictable result…And right, the zionists want all Palestinian land and to get it, they'll ultimately have to eject the Palestinians. The current government is more pro-settler than previous ones so the loonies may soon get their big chance….

That government being far right is not going to make things "worse" for Palestinians. How absurd. Zionists are way past "worse" for Palestinians. It is Zionists that feel things are getting worse right now since the likes of Ben-Gvir came strutting along.

But the zionists just voted him and similar loonies in. The current government wants to go farther than previous ones.

Israelis are protesting in massive numbers because they don't want to be associated with overt fascists like Ben-Gvir,

Na people like him just got elected by the zionists…. and the protests are about judicial reform, not the policies of the far right with regard to the West Bank.

even though these same people are silent about what's been happening to Palestinians for decades.

Sure essentially nobody cares about the Palestinians; they'll be left to their fate.
By Rich
starman2003 wrote:Sure essentially nobody cares about the Palestinians; they'll be left to their fate.

As I understand it most Liberals claim to care deeply about the Palestinians. However they say Vladamir Putin backed Trump in the 2016 election. The Liberals don't offer any evidence for this claim, they just say that merely asking for evidence proves you're a White Supremacist Nazi. Anyway they say because Putin backed Trump the current conflict must be used to destroy Russia.

They say that for now the Palestinians should put aside their less important conflict in order to unite with Israel in order to destroy Russia. Once that's done the Liberals will make sure Israel gives the Palestinians a just peace.
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By starman2003
Rich wrote:As I understand it most Liberals claim to care deeply about the Palestinians.

I meant few if any Israelis care much about the Palestinians.

They say that for now the Palestinians should put aside their less important conflict in order to unite with Israel in order to destroy Russia.

:lol: :?: :roll: Neither wants to do that, even if it were possible
By skinster
Gaza rises to victory by smashing Israeli diktats into smithereens
On Saturday at 10pm Al-Quds time, an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli occupation took effect following a five-day Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom of 33 Palestinian and the injury of 100, in addition to huge material losses.

Immediately after the ceasefire was announced and took effect, Gazans took to the streets to celebrate victory in Operation Avenging the Free, which the Palestinian Resistance launched against the Israeli occupation in response to the latter's assassination of commanders and the brutal killing of civilians.

In conjunction with the celebrations, the Joint Operations Room of the Palestinian Resistance Factions in Gaza said Operation Avenging the Free is a new chapter of glory that the Resistance fought as a unified structure, warning that although the operation has ended, the banners of Resistance will not and shall not be lowered and the will to fight will not and shall not ever dwindle.

On his part, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, Ziad Al-Nakhalah, said the Palestinian people, despite the pain, came out with their heads held high everywhere, in Gaza, the West Bank, and across the world, in support of the Resistance, describing these days as "days of honor and dignity for our people, who, with simple resources, are facing all this aggression."

One might wonder how the Palestinian Resistance and Gazans claimed a victory over the Israeli aggression, despite all the assassinations, killings, and destruction caused by the occupation.

Touching on the matter, Al Mayadeen analyst for Arab and regional affairs, Abdelrahman Nassar, pointed out that the main idea is to break the Israeli dictates, because "Israel's" goal behind the assassinations was to break the morale of the people.

Nassar explained that when Gazans witnessed the Resistance continuously bombing Israeli military sites, settlements, and cities and causing casualties among the Israelis until the last moment before the ceasefire entered into force, they considered the ceasefire a victory, steadfastness, and perseverance.

"Simply rejecting Israeli dictates in this way is a victory," Nassar told Al Mayadeen English.

The Palestinian analyst indicated that despite the great wounds, Gazans decided to remain steadfast for many reasons, the most important of which is that they do not like to display their suffering in front of the Israeli occupation, considering all the difficult circumstances they have been under as part of the ongoing 15-year blockade on the Strip.

An upcoming assassination at any moment
Asked about the reason why “Israel” launched its heinous aggression against Gaza at this particular time, Nassar considered that the decision on the timing of the aggression was taken in 2022. He cited an Israeli Channel 14 report as saying that the security establishment confirmed the aggression on Gaza was not a response to the firing of 104 rockets toward "Sderot" in retaliation to Sheikh Khader Adnan’s martyrdom in Israeli occupation prisons, but rather a settling of accounts with the PIJ for each rocket launched since the beginning of the year and the movement’s role in Resistance operations in the occupied West Bank.

Nassar considered that "Israel's" concern is not the rocket firing from Gaza, since this matter is still unsolvable to the occupation, nor is it the PIJ's influential commanders, as there are similar influential leaders in other Palestinian factions. Rather, according to Nassar, "Israel's" problem is that the PIJ is at the forefront of the Resistance’s acts in the West Bank, and hence, the occupation tried to pressure the PIJ to prevent it from pursuing this progress. Therefore, the timing is just a factor related to field conditions and is mainly linked to the occupied West Bank, he noted.

Nassar cited another reason for the aggression -- a political factor related to the internal Israeli crisis over the judicial overhaul.

According to Nassar, "Israel" also tried to create a rift between the Palestinian Resistance factions and failed miserably as coordination between the factions was apparent during the aggression, and this is another aspect that boosted the morale of the people.

However, Nassar believed that from the present moment, "Israel" will continue to focus on the PIJ, predicting an upcoming assassination at any moment or a coming battle this year or the following.

Resistance rockets put “Israel” under constant anxiety
Militarily, Al Mayadeen analyst for Arab and regional affairs acknowledged that it would be unfair to compare the capabilities of the Israeli occupation and those of the Palestinian Resistance.

Nevertheless, he pointed out that were it not for the Resistance's rockets, "the media would have broadcast the images of our martyrs, wounded, and destroyed homes from one side only, just as the situation was in 2010 and before."

"After 2012, when the Resistance began to put Israel under constant anxiety, the situation changed."

He added that despite the Resistance not being able to inflict huge casualties, Israeli settlers assert that they "love life" and disrupting their daily lives and spreading fear among them through rocket firing is enough in the meantime.

According to Nassar, the Israelis are infamous for keeping secret their casualties in all confrontations against Lebanon and Palestine, be they military or not.

Israeli media admits no solution to Gaza challenge
Touching on the Israeli media's feedback on the recent aggression, Nassar pointed out that the media will not attack the occupation army directly. He mentioned that the Israeli media praised the army's performance but criticized that of the political establishment. However, he noted that the media admitted that "Israel" has not been able to find a solution to the Gaza challenge.

Nassar had previously touched on the path that was followed to reach a ceasefire. He asserted that the Palestinian Resistance's position was clear from the beginning, which is that it will not end this round unless it forces the Israeli occupation to stop the assassinations and targeting of its leaders and the bombing of homes and civilians. ... into-smith
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By JohnRawls
JohnRawls wrote:We can use this topic as the main thread when a large scale conflict erupts again this year or in the next 5 years if its still alive. It seems the situation is getting more unstable in the region, mainly because of Iran need for the war and Israels internal political issues which it can't resolve and Lebanon not being able to function as a proper state after all its troubles. It will be bigger than usual though compared to the standard outbreaks that we have seen before.

Quoting myself above, below BBC:

Gaza militants enter Israel after rocket barrage
Link: ... 895/page/4
Dozens of gunmen from the Islamist militant group Hamas appear to have infiltrated southern Israel in a surprise attack and are currently at large with videos of shooting in the streets.

At least one Israeli woman has been killed by intense rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, Israeli medics say, with sirens going off as far away as Jerusalem. Stay with us for updates.

Well this was easily seeable from a mile away. Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel while trying to rally others to its side from Lebanon and so on. Lets see how it goes and how many will answer the call for the new Doomsday war v2 or if Hamas has no real support among other places and Israel will easily overpower them in couple of weeks/month.

@skinster hit us with the hot takes.
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By JohnRawls
5000 Rockets fired from the side of Hamas during night and then Israel IDF bases overrun in some places.

Hamas is capturing civlian families, women in particular and shiping them to Gaza along with some soldiers and one commander by the looks of it. Some are being killed in the streets.

Israel responding with air strikes and probably will issue a mobilisation if things continue to escalate.
By annatar1914
JohnRawls wrote:5000 Rockets fired from the side of Hamas during night and then Israel IDF bases overrun in some places.

Hamas is capturing civlian families, women in particular and shiping them to Gaza along with some soldiers and one commander by the looks of it. Some are being killed in the streets.

Israel responding with air strikes and probably will issue a mobilisation if things continue to escalate.

@JohnRawls :

Egyptian negotiators are telling the Israelis that Hezbollah will intervene if Israel invaded the Gaza Strip. This is part of the larger war: Artsakh, etc ..
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