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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By redcarpet
redcarpet wrote:ISIS is still there, albeit say 90% defeated. Mostly by the Russians, Peshmerga and Iran. For the Western states just a propaganda tool to rationalise a war of aggression into Syria weakened and torn to shreds by civil war (as well as Iraq). Same for the victims, it was never about them or 'caring' about them, or their crying relatives!

"In a final act of depravity, fleeing ISIS beheaded 50 Yazidi sex slaves, dumping their heads into trash bins for coalition soldiers to find."

Why aren't we hearing about these "mentally ill" savages on the evening news?

Wikipedia page on the matter. UN Report on the same matter. Flinging around 'Islamaphobic' doesn't wipe it from history. And why would you want to make Jihadist scum like ISIL look good?
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By Hindsite
Zionist Nationalist wrote:What kind of bullshit is this
Syria is a Muslim country it have a small Christianity minority
trying to appeal to westerns saying "our Christians fought al qaeda for you" is kinda pathetic

It is lying propaganda bullshit.
Hindsite wrote:It is lying propaganda bullshit.

Ah, no, it isn't. Syria's Christians are over-represented in the Syrian army, and certainly weren't fighting for the Islamist Jihadi scum on the other side, who would have exterminated them had the Jihadis won.
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:Ah, no, it isn't. Syria's Christians are over-represented in the Syrian army, and certainly weren't fighting for the Islamist Jihadi scum on the other side, who would have exterminated them had the Jihadis won.

Islam in Syria is the most practiced religion in Syria, constituting approximately 90% of the population and forming a majority in all districts of the country.

That was as of 2013. The war has wiped out many of the Christians since then, so the Christians left there are definitely a small minority of less than 10% now.
Hindsite wrote:Islam in Syria is the most practiced religion in Syria, constituting approximately 90% of the population and forming a majority in all districts of the country.

That was as of 2013. The war has wiped out many of the Christians since then, so the Christians left there are definitely a small minority of less than 10% now.

Yes, I know some of them, Orthodox Christians. The men (often coming from villages where they still speak Aramaic) went out as organized militias and fight with the Syrian Army against the Jihadis. Alawites are a minority Muslim sect, Assad's family clan are Alawite, and they don't persecute Christians.
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:Yes, I know some of them, Orthodox Christians. The men (often coming from villages where they still speak Aramaic) went out as organized militias and fight with the Syrian Army against the Jihadis. Alawites are a minority Muslim sect, Assad's family clan are Alawite, and they don't persecute Christians.

U.N. Is Called to Recognize Christian Genocide

September 13, 2018

Between the onset of the Syrian war in 2012 and 2017, the number of Christians dropped from 1.5 million to 500,000. In Aleppo, Syria, which was home to Syria’s largest Christian population, numbers fell from 150,000 to 35,000 by the spring of 2017, which is a drop of more than 75 percent. In Iraq, over half of the country’s Christians are internal refugees, and the report predicts that Christianity in Iraq could be effectively wiped out by 2020 if the population continues to decline as it has in the past two years. ... raq-syria/
Hindsite wrote:U.N. Is Called to Recognize Christian Genocide

September 13, 2018

Between the onset of the Syrian war in 2012 and 2017, the number of Christians dropped from 1.5 million to 500,000. In Aleppo, Syria, which was home to Syria’s largest Christian population, numbers fell from 150,000 to 35,000 by the spring of 2017, which is a drop of more than 75 percent. In Iraq, over half of the country’s Christians are internal refugees, and the report predicts that Christianity in Iraq could be effectively wiped out by 2020 if the population continues to decline as it has in the past two years. ... raq-syria/

You reporting that like it pleases you? Because who the hell do you think is doing the killing of Christians? It's the Jihadis. If you were in their shoes, the Christians, you'd be defending your people by enlisting in and fighting in the Syrian Army, I would hope so.

But I don't know about you, you seem sometimes to be more motivated by Israel and the Jews, (who are often either totally indifferent to or actually hateful about and towards Christ) and your end-times speculations than by SEEING THE LIVES of other people in the Middle East who follow Christ and have been faithful to Him since the beginning. And many of those people ARE descended from the Jews who converted to Christ from 33 AD onwards....
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:You reporting that like it pleases you? Because who the hell do you think is doing the killing of Christians? It's the Jihadis. If you were in their shoes, the Christians, you'd be defending your people by enlisting in and fighting in the Syrian Army, I would hope so.

But I don't know about you, you seem sometimes to be more motivated by Israel and the Jews, (who are often either totally indifferent to or actually hateful about and towards Christ) and your end-times speculations than by SEEING THE LIVES of other people in the Middle East who follow Christ and have been faithful to Him since the beginning. And many of those people ARE descended from the Jews who converted to Christ from 33 AD onwards....

You are mistaken if you really think I, as a Christian, would be pleased to report a possible genocide in the making for Iraqi and Syrian Christians or for Christians anywhere for that matter. As you pointed out, they fought against ISIL to protect themselves. They certainly had no intention of fighting them to protect Americans.
By Rich
Before the civil war, the Sunni Arabs made up about or just under 60% of Syria's population. The civil war at its most basic was a war between the Sunni Arabs and the rest. Interestingly this is the same as the post 2003 Iraqi civil war. Sunni Arabs like Sunni Turks are incredibly prone to support genocide and terror. Both peoples seem to have a strong tendency to believe they have a God given right to rule.

European countries, with their exponentially expanding (Sunni) Muslim populations face the same fate as the Armenians, Syria and western Iraq. One day you go to bed in a sea of supposedly moderate, liberal, secular, tolerant Sunni Muslims. The next day you wake up in the Islamic State. That's of course if you wake up at all.

The Kurds of course have sought autonomy / independence both in Syria and Iraq. Alawites are not Muslims, they have just pretended to be in order to survive. Even Twelvers are not 100% Muslims, the Sunni Muslims know it hence their repeated genocidal campaigns against the Shia. However the Twelvers are best thought of as 90% Muslims. For tactical reasons the Iranian authorities have chosen to go along and even promote the fiction that the Alawites are Muslims. They are not.

Anyway the long and short of it is that the Christians although only 10% of Syria's population make up a substantial part of the Syrian Government's forces, particularly their reliable forces. Secondly only to the Alawites.
Rich wrote:Before the civil war, the Sunni Arabs made up about or just under 60% of Syria's population. The civil war at its most basic was a war between the Sunni Arabs and the rest. Interestingly this is the same as the post 2003 Iraqi civil war. Sunni Arabs like Sunni Turks are incredibly prone to support genocide and terror. Both peoples seem to have a strong tendency to believe they have a God given right to rule.

European countries, with their exponentially expanding (Sunni) Muslim populations face the same fate as the Armenians, Syria and western Iraq. One day you go to bed in a sea of supposedly moderate, liberal, secular, tolerant Sunni Muslims. The next day you wake up in the Islamic State. That's of course if you wake up at all.

The Kurds of course have sought autonomy / independence both in Syria and Iraq. Alawites are not Muslims, they have just pretended to be in order to survive. Even Twelvers are not 100% Muslims, the Sunni Muslims know it hence their repeated genocidal campaigns against the Shia. However the Twelvers are best thought of as 90% Muslims. For tactical reasons the Iranian authorities have chosen to go along and even promote the fiction that the Alawites are Muslims. They are not.

Anyway the long and short of it is that the Christians although only 10% of Syria's population make up a substantial part of the Syrian Government's forces, particularly their reliable forces. Secondly only to the Alawites.

Good post, hopefully informative to some people. I mean for God's sake, the very founder of the political ideology of Baathism, Michael Aflaq, was a Orthodox Christian from Syria. He wanted Syria and indeed the entire Arab Middle East to have a modern secular nation state where people of all faiths there could live in peace, with no talk of Islamic rule or Sharia law. He thought that if it could ever happen, it would have to be realized and put into motion by a cadre of basically Fascist Arabs, committed to keeping Muslim rule out of the picture via strict one-party rule.

Was he wrong? That's another thread topic, but the point being is that Christians in the Middle East have been trying to find a solution to the problem in the region for some time.
Rich wrote:Anyway the long and short of it is that the Christians although only 10% of Syria's population make up a substantial part of the Syrian Government's forces, particularly their reliable forces. Secondly only to the Alawites.

Thats because Syria have an apartheid like system that promoting the more loyal groups within the country

the government does not trust the Sunnis especially after the 80s revolt.
By skinster
Is apartheid bad, ZN?

Also citation for Syrian apartheid would be cool, thanks in advance.

annatar1914 wrote:But I don't know about you, you seem sometimes to be more motivated by Israel...

Now is a good time to remember that Israel armed and treated Islamist mercenaries to fight their sectarian war on Syrian Christians amongst other non-Islamists of Syria.
Is apartheid bad, ZN?

not really it depends on the circumstances.

South African Apartheid was neccesary too bad they were forced to give everything to black terrorists like Mandela

interesting artilce about Syrian apartheid concept
we all know its not a "fact" (not being confirmed officialy by anyone) but someone with a bit of brain who can resarch a bit and know middle eastern geopolitics will accept the facts ... uppression
By skinster
Zionist Nationalist wrote:interesting artilce about Syrian apartheid concept
we all know its not a "fact" (not being confirmed officialy by anyone) but someone with a bit of brain who can resarch a bit and know middle eastern geopolitics will accept the facts

So you put "Syria" and "apartheid" into your search engine and this was the best you could come up with to prove apartheid in Syria is a thing? :lol: I mean surely you can find govt documents exposing apartheid laws like those so easily found to prove the same on Palestine?

Warmonger Nick Cohen never saw a war he couldn't cheerlead for and this article is from 2011, the first year of the war on Syria, where the propaganda about the Syrian war being a peaceful uprising by Syrians rather than a planned war by mercenaries from all over the world - including shipping over to Syria from Libya where they'd just joined NATO in regime-changing and lynching Gaddafi - was in full effect....but...of course it's since been proven to be the bullshit that it was like at least 2 years ago. It's 2019 dude, not even the pro-war shills I know are pushing that nonsense anymore. :lol:

There is no apartheid in Syria, the people who Cohen is cheerleading for weren't even interested in apartheid but creating an Islamist Syria ONLY, rather than allowing it to remain a multi-nation state with various religions, like how it's got back to - for the most part - when Syria, Russia and Iran and a few other won back control of most of the state.
By annatar1914
skinster wrote:Is apartheid bad, ZN?

Also citation for Syrian apartheid would be cool, thanks in advance.

Now is a good time to remember that Israel armed and treated Islamist mercenaries to fight their sectarian war on Syrian Christians amongst other non-Islamists of Syria.

What's truly insane about that stance of Israel's government, is that had the Islamic Jihadis succeeded in their efforts to conquer Syria, by now they'd be raining death and destruction down on Israel from Syria even as we speak, posing an existential threat to the Zionist regime.
By anasawad
As inconvenient as it may be to some or many, Syria is indeed an apartheid state in many if not most ways.
High ranking positions are exclusively reserved for Alawites.
Alawites are known to commit crimes and get away with it simply because the victim was of a different sect (yes, that includes Christians, not just against Sunnis).
Projects, investment licenses, and government contracts, especially large ones, are reserved to Alawites.
Even now, during the war, you can routinely see soldiers and officers of all sects being trialed in martial courts for various types of war crimes, except for Alawite soldiers and officers who never get such trials even when it's 100% proven they committed a war crime.

Heck, anyone who knew what Syria was like before the war would know that, in Syria, if an Alawite wants, for example, buy your land or house, he\she can force you to sell even if you don't want to. Or if an Alawite wants to become a partner in your private business with an agreement that is disadvantageous to you, he\she can force you into it and there is nothing you can do about it.

In Syria, under the Baath regime, Alawites are first class citizens and everyone else is second class citizens.

As bad as Islamists are, let us not forget that Baathists are fascists and are not shy to commit a whole array of war crimes against any and all other groups if they see it helps them achieve their goals, or even for no reason at all.
They are national socialists by their own manifesto.
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