Two cops killed in Jerusalen. Will the area ever have peace? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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skinster wrote:It's weird interacting with someone who acts like the terrorism of one side, the side of the oppressed (a civilian population) is on par or possibly even worse than that which comes from the oppressive force, military state Israel, a state which has violated a record-breaking 77 UN resolutions.

Did I write that they are equal? No. Of course stabbing a random family to death in their home is vastly different to a bomb being dropped by a fighter jet. I don't call ether equal, but they are both unjustifiable and deplorable acts.

skinster wrote:I'm sorry but I'm not walking down that lane of delusion with you.

No problem, I was never walking down it either.

skinster wrote:Palestinian resistance, what little of it there is and however weak it is, is natural and justified and what any one of us would do, if foreigners came to our land and began building (literally) on top of us.

That is, we would resist.

Yes I agree, resistance would be what we would do. But the question which remains, is the means of that resistance, be it ethical and moral resistance. Or just murder. You seem to be opting for murder.

I personally, would hope for another means.

skinster wrote:Still, Palestinian resistance is weak af.

You want to talk about ethics? Israel, currently, has 93% of Palestinian territory, despite being offered 56% in the criminal Balfour Agreement (and later 78% by the Palestinians themselves). Israel continues to demolish Palestinian homes and builds Jewish-only settlements on Palestinian land. Israel continues to imprison and torture Palestinians and their children, without trials. Israel goes on bombing campaigns on Gaza. Last night Israel tested it's new toys, F-35 fighter jets on Gaza. Israel has killed 1500 Palestinian children in the last decade. Palestinians live under military occupation where they have no rights and 2 million of them live in a concentration camp. They're killed pretty much every day. Israel is doing all of this with complete impunity, because it serves Western interests.

What exactly do you expect the Palestinians to do? Ask their colonizers nicely if they could please refrain from such actions? :lol:

They're enslaved. Of course they will resist. And it's not terrorism, it's responding to a terrorism known as colonialism, settler-colonialism.

This so-called conflict was never about sharing land but Israel taking all of Palestine. There are no "both sides" but the oppressor and the oppressed. There is no peace process. There never was. It was all a facade so Israel could take all of Palestine, and of course expand elsewhere (Syrian, Lebanon).

You can act like a defeatist and blah-blah about "both sides" but the people support Palestinian liberation. :)

Recent updates:

You are welcome to check out the BDS thread for updates on the movement's success. Things will change sooner or later, if history does that thing of repeating itself. :)

The irony is, I have been attacked by pro-Zionists with almost the exact same arguments but from the Israeli point of view. Terrorists with knives, rockets, bombing bus shelters, they want to drive us into the sea, etc. Oh my dear what are the poor Israeli's to do?! How can they be moral and ethical in the face of such fanatical terrorists.

And I say the same to thing I say to the Pro-Palestinians who attack me with the same argument... Just because they are deplorable, act like criminals, flaunt laws, murder and bomb. Just because they are brutal, does not condone you doing the same. To be moral and ethical is not an easy path, it is down right hard and sometimes impossible. But that is no reason not to try to be.
skinster wrote:REALITY: Enslaved civilian population vs nuclear-armed settler-colonialist state created in 1948

LIBERALS: I can't tell which is worse :?:


It seems clear to me that the Lord God is on the side of the settler-colonialist state of Israel, even though all other nations of the earth may come against it.

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

(Zechariah 12:2-3 KJV)

The following verse seems to be a prediction of the demolition of Zion, Jerusalem,and the temple.

"Therefore, on account of you Zion will be plowed as a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, And the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest."

(Micah 3-12 KJV)

Immediately, following that verse, the following passage of scripture seems to be a prediction to restore Zion, Jerusalem, and the temple in the last days.

"But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."

(Micah 4:1-2 KJV)

The Zionist movement declared the re-establishment of its State of Israel in 1948, following the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. Since then and with varying ideologies, Zionists have focused on developing and protecting this state.

Israel Has Already Began Preparing The Temple of Zion

The Jewish Temple Mount movement are excited over the recent election of Donald Trump. They know very well that rebuilding the Jewish temple in today's world would be a dangerous and politically incorrect task. In their view, if there is any modern political leader with the guts and determination to stand behind such a project, it could be President Trump.

Biblically, many Christians affirm that the Jewish temple will be rebuilt at some point in the End Times. Could President Trump's strong pro-Israel stand be the game changer which could help lay the groundwork? What role would President Putin play in the mix?

Prophecies point to the Hebrew (Israel) year 5777, or 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. The arrival of a global leader who had persecuted the people of God, the people of Israel. This is the time to touch the shofar and alert the world to what is to come. A unique moment in the history of mankind. Everything points to the end of time, the end of the world we know, for it will be devastated by war! It is time for repentance! Soon the Jewish Feast of the Rosh Hashanah or Feast of Trumpets will arrive between 20 and 23 September 2017, 5777. This is a warning to the Jewish people and to the world! Seek Elohim, the only true God while it is still time! Take heed of our time and seek knowledge from on high and the Messiah will be revealed to you.

How this person gets that date and year from prophecy, I have no idea. Obviously, something is wrong with this person's calculation, if it is meant for the beginning of the rebuilding of the temple. However, Jesus said "No man knows the day or the hour" (Matthew 24:36). Jesus also said, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, yee shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lord."
(Matthew 23:38-39 KJV)

Praise the Lord
skinster wrote:REALITY: Enslaved civilian population vs nuclear-armed settler-colonialist state created in 1948

LIBERALS: I can't tell which is worse :?:

All you are trying to do, and what our discussion has revolved around, is an attempt to get me to agree that killing Israeli Jews (any Israeli Jew) is a justifiable form of Resistance by Palestinians.

I agree they are oppressed by an obscenely powerful state actor that blatantly flaunts not only it's own laws but also international law, morals, and ethics. But I am not going to agree that Palestinians murdering any Israeli Jew they can get their hands on is an acceptable form of resistance against that oppression.

I am not ruling out their right to resit Israeli oppression - just that I find some forms of resistance they employ as deplorable and unhelpful for their cause of freedom from Israeli domination.

Just as I can not agree that any act of "self defence" that Israel undertakes is actually self defence and not just repression in order to profiteer from that oppression.
skinster wrote:Ah, the use of emotive language in support of oppression. :D

I fail to see how my comments were in support of Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, especially considering I mentioned Israel breaching not only its own laws but international law too.

Your reaction is that of blind hysteria!
Tailz wrote:All you are trying to do, and what our discussion has revolved around, is an attempt to get me to agree that killing Israeli Jews (any Israeli Jew) is a justifiable form of Resistance by Palestinians.

I agree they are oppressed by an obscenely powerful state actor that blatantly flaunts not only it's own laws but also international law, morals, and ethics. But I am not going to agree that Palestinians murdering any Israeli Jew they can get their hands on is an acceptable form of resistance against that oppression.

I am not ruling out their right to resit Israeli oppression - just that I find some forms of resistance they employ as deplorable and unhelpful for their cause of freedom from Israeli domination.

Just as I can not agree that any act of "self defence" that Israel undertakes is actually self defence and not just repression in order to profiteer from that oppression.

They took the land after the Exodus in disregard to law and morals, so should we really expect anything different as they retake the land today?
Hindsite wrote:They took the land after the Exodus in disregard to law and morals, so should we really expect anything different as they retake the land today?

Who took what from whom? The people from the time of exodus have long since passed away generations ago. Are you really trying to legitimise unjust actions committed today, as punishment/revenge for unjust actions committed to other people hundreds of years ago?
Tailz wrote:Who took what from whom? The people from the time of exodus have long since passed away generations ago. Are you really trying to legitimise unjust actions committed today, as punishment/revenge for unjust actions committed to other people hundreds of years ago?

Abraham's descendants through Jacob (Israel) under the command of Joshua took part of the promised land (Genesis 15:18-21) from the inhabitants to occupy the land. God made an unconditional covenant with Abraham, but that covenant promise has never been completely fulfilled, probably due to the lawlessness of the children of Israel.

Some of the descendants of Israel have returned from the lands that God had driven them to again occupy part of the promised land. Whether or not this occupation is legitimate is not up to me to say. All I am saying is that land they occupy today is part of the promised land by God.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).

Praise the Lord

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