Expert: Kurdistan, a new state in 5 years - Politics | PoFo

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There will be a new state over the next five or a maximum of seven years on the world map, the director of Political and Social Research Institute for Black Sea-Caspian region, Professor Vladimir Zakharov said.
"Americans are now important to break the Yalta-Potsdam agreement and start a new division of the world" - the expert said at a press conference at the International Press Center in Yerevan, Armenia.

According to Armenia News agency, an independent news channel headquartered in Moscow, Russia ( Zakharov said that the recognition of Kosovo was necessary to the West and the United States to perform the second step for the recognition of another state - Kurdistan with an implicit approval of the UN.
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By Tourbillon
America simply used the same tactic that was used with Kosova to draw them to their side. It has succesfully again been executed with the Kurds of northern Iraq (land and freedom, in exchange for puppetry). By the geopolitic side of things America would naturally want Kurdistan to be formed (miliatry bases against Iran.) But I must say, in 2008 when I visited the North of Iraq, I was fully convinced that the state had been setup. Even at the border control my passport still bears a stamp of "Kurdistan Regional Government".
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By alan131210
America simply used the same tactic that was used with Kosova to draw them to their side. It has succesfully again been executed with the Kurds of northern Iraq (land and freedom, in exchange for puppetry). By the geopolitic side of things America would naturally want Kurdistan to be formed (miliatry bases against Iran.) But I must say, in 2008 when I visited the North of Iraq, I was fully convinced that the state had been setup. Even at the border control my passport still bears a stamp of "Kurdistan Regional Government".

this is a wrong statement , in 1922 when iraq and turkey didnt exist as a country they only regions and brits and french came and turned them into states , are they puppetry states of those 2 super powers today ? for fuks sake . if turks deserved to have and rule an entire state so doesn the kurds it should have been granted back then it was discussed but not followed through . but now after so many years its inevitable.
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By Tourbillon
What you see as wrong is what ´you´ see as wrong, whereas in my eyes this is how the Kurds obtained the North of Iraq and credit to them, they played their cards right and used the Iraq War to their advantage! Oh and my use of the word Puppetry I believe is correct in this case because its clear in the way that America cleared north of Iraq for the Kurds, took the petrol, made the contracts and allowed the Kurds to stay there. As for 1922, Turkey did exist as a country but it just had not become become the peoples republic until the year after in 1923. The battle of independence against the Greeks,French,British,Anzacs and Italians is not easy ;) and the Turks were not willing to surrender. So you cannot just say "if it was not for the french and british the turks would have had no land as well!" I´m sorry but I find that ridiculous. As for the promise to the Kurds? I know of no such thing, do explain.
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By alan131210
What you see as wrong is what ´you´ see as wrong, whereas in my eyes this is how the Kurds obtained the North of Iraq and credit to them, they played their cards right and used the Iraq War to their advantage! Oh and my use of the word Puppetry I believe is correct in this case because its clear in the way that America cleared north of Iraq for the Kurds, took the petrol, made the contracts and allowed the Kurds to stay there.

as you have been to Kurdistan of iraq and you know the state has been created been not declared and why ? there are issues outstanding with baghdad the disputed areas , and there are 26 Embassys including US and UK in kurdistan already. the only thing missing is a seat in UN.

As for 1922, Turkey did exist as a country but it just had not become become the peoples republic until the year after in 1923. The battle of independence against the Greeks,French,British,Anzacs and Italians is not easy ;) and the Turks were not willing to surrender. So you cannot just say "if it was not for the french and british the turks would have had no land as well!" I´m sorry but I find that ridiculous. As for the promise to the Kurds? I know of no such thing, do explain.

not talking based on assumptions i use history unlike you , turkey never existed before 1923 as a state if it did show us please ? it existed as a region just like Kurdistan or iraq today , but it was kurds not just against brits and french but also perisans turks and arabs , we werent just betrayed by brits and french . just as the turks wanted a state the kurds have also havent stopped there struggle for a state since 1923 when its land was divided into 4 pieces in iraq the kurdsish struggle started 1st in 1935 and in 1991 it finally paid off , and trust me 1 day no matter how hard turks arabs and persians oppose there land to gain statehood it will happen in the end and the process has strated from iraqi kurdistan and will spread to the other parts when time is right. you can oppose it and also turks have fought pkk for so many years and did they put an end to them ? NO. good luck though.

and rememer one thing , turkeys role is coming to an end , a new kurdish strong economical state is emerging and EU needs us more than anyone , for our Gas specially and pipelines are under construction from S.Kurdistan to EU via turkey , and turkey will collect its commission .
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By Doomhammer
not talking based on assumptions i use history unlike you , turkey never existed before 1923 as a state if it did show us please ?


This is borderline trolling. The answer is going to be very simple: Even the people in the West have referred to the Ottoman Empire as "Turkey" or the "Turkish Empire" for centuries. The Republic of Turkey, while being a different political entity with a different regime, is still the legal successor of the Ottoman Empire and there is an unmistakable continuity between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic.

it existed as a region just like Kurdistan or iraq today

Asia Minor, or Anatolia would be the correct regional name.

but it was kurds not just against brits and french but also perisans turks and arabs

Hmm? Kurds were pawns used by the Brits. The earliest Kurdish uprisings in Republican Turkey, i.e. the tribal/confessional revolt by Shiekh Said and his henchmen, it is said, were instigated by the British who wanted leverage against Turkey in the Mosul case then being discussed at the League of Nations. Needless to say, Britain and Turkey eventually reached a modus vivendi whereby Mosul would remain under Iraqi/British control but Turkey would receive a substantial amount money for 25 years from the oil produced there.

just as the turks wanted a state

No. The Turkish Revolutionaries wanted to drive out the Western powers and they eventually reached a consensus that the regime had to change.

and rememer one thing , turkeys role is coming to an end , a new kurdish strong economical state is emerging and EU needs us more than anyone , for our Gas specially and pipelines are under construction from S.Kurdistan to EU via turkey , and turkey will collect its commission .

So... have you guys found a water source yet?
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By alan131210

This is borderline trolling. The answer is going to be very simple: Even the people in the West have referred to the Ottoman Empire as "Turkey" or the "Turkish Empire" for centuries. The Republic of Turkey, while being a different political entity with a different regime, is still the legal successor of the Ottoman Empire and there is an unmistakable continuity between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic.

im not talking about empire , kurds also had the median empire lil bud go read some books . im talking about a state , turkey did not exist as a state before 1923 . so hush it.

Hmm? Kurds were pawns used by the Brits. The earliest Kurdish uprisings in Republican Turkey, i.e. the tribal/confessional revolt by Shiekh Said and his henchmen, it is said, were instigated by the British who wanted leverage against Turkey in the Mosul case then being discussed at the League of Nations. Needless to say, Britain and Turkey eventually reached a modus vivendi whereby Mosul would remain under Iraqi/British control but Turkey would receive a substantial amount money for 25 years from the oil produced there.

kurds in turkey specially we idiots they chased islam and ottoman empire if they chased a kurdish issue then the problem would have existed today and Kurdistan would have been part of turkey , lol at brits helping out kurds , the brits were the people who took away kurdish land and divided it into 4 pieces as it desired. also do you about Lozan and siver meetings ? i bet not.

No. The Turkish Revolutionaries wanted to drive out the Western powers and they eventually reached a consensus that the regime had to change.

yeah yeah till today turkey is relying on west and is buying weapons from them to kill the kurds in north Kurdistan . they dont like you they are just using you till today.

So... have you guys found a water source yet?

yeah its never wan , north Kurdistan , soon the kurds in turkey will have there autonomy and control over there resources ;). there are 2 major dams in S.Kurdistan , 7 minor and 4 major ones under construction . come again !!
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By Tourbillon
alan131210 ,i´ve come to the conclusion that you seek to make propaganda of the so called "Kurdistan" you speak of. I´ve looked into other topics of yours and they are all along the same lines. I´ve also noticed the sources you tend to use are Kurdistan freedom seeking sites. Be objective and look at problems from all angles ;) Anyhow it will be impossible for me to explain my points with your manner of argument using words such as; "so hush it." "come again".

-So lets agree to disagree.
By Rich
There is on incy wincy problem with Kurdistan: its coast, it hasn't got one.

IF Arab Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey all don't want a Kurdish state, there won't be one.
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By alan131210
There is on incy wincy problem with Kurdistan: its coast, it hasn't got one.

IF Arab Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey all don't want a Kurdish state, there won't be one.

and what are they gonna do ? the worst thing is land-lock , KRG is working on self efficiency in food and economy which will come about in 2014 according the KRGs planning minster. plus its already been created go see for yourselves we have fooled everyone around us ;). just a matter of declaring it which will happen once Kurdistan is totally self sufficient in food and infrastructure.

alan131210 ,i´ve come to the conclusion that you seek to make propaganda of the so called "Kurdistan" you speak of. I´ve looked into other topics of yours and they are all along the same lines. I´ve also noticed the sources you tend to use are Kurdistan freedom seeking sites. Be objective and look at problems from all angles ;) Anyhow it will be impossible for me to explain my points with your manner of argument using words such as; "so hush it." "come again".

-So lets agree to disagree.

change your profile picture then i will discuss things with you , i dont talk to people who represent dictators .
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By Tourbillon
Images source:


Ring any bells? A so called "dictator" sitting side by side with the Kurdish leader Diyap Aga. If you seek a dictator Saddam Hussein was your man not Ataturk. Oh and me changing my profile pic will only occur if you become more objective. Anyway replying to this topic is just bumping it up therefore i´m stopping my comments and leaving your 2 to daydream.
By Rich
dibege2 wrote:The beautiful land of Kurdistan

A very large chunk of that looks like Armenia to me.

Just by chance Kurdish maps of Kurdistan always seem to have some coast. Normally though the coast is on the black sea not the Med. Looks like you're claiming Turkish coast, so you can forget that one. If you were to make a serious claim for some Syrian coast, then you might get some powerful backers.
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By Vanasalus
digebe wrote:The beautiful land of Kurdistan

I was looking at the map that you have posted. More than half of the "Turkish Kurdistan" seems to be predominantly Turkish-populated provinces. Namely those provinces are: Antep, Maras, Malatya, Sivas, Erzincan, Erzurum, Kars... As a matter of fact, some of those towns happen to be strongholds of Turkish nationalists.

What is the "Kurdish" justification for adding those provinces to Kurdish map? :p

Last general elections in Turkey were held in 2007. The performance of the Kurdish nationalists in the election is as follows. (Blue color in the map)


By dibege2
A very large chunk of that looks like Armenia to me.
Just by chance Kurdish maps of Kurdistan always seem to have some coast. Normally though the coast is on the black sea not the Med. Looks like you're claiming Turkish coast, so you can forget that one. If you were to make a serious claim for some Syrian coast, then you might get some powerful backers.

Armenians are more than brothers to us, we share the same pain and the same land!!
This forum accepts small images, I would have prefered the ones with coasts :D
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By QatzelOk

I really like this map that dibege2 provided (courtesy of Indy-News-Israel).

Here's another map produced by Indy-Gay-Islamic-News that deploys a similar inspiration:


What a beautiful land this would be.
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By Vanasalus

By dibege2
I assume Kurdistan map makes too many people suffer :lol:
Here is a good one

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