Double standards of US policy in Syria - Politics | PoFo

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Recently, the number of civilian casualties in Syria has sharply increased because of the strikes of the coalition led by the United States. On Aug. 5, 2017, the international coalition aviation led by the United States bombed several residential blocks of Rakki. Air strikes killed 43 people.
According to official data of the International Anti-Terrorist Coalition, this organization, led by the United States, has committed about 22,000 air strikes in Iraq and Syria since August 2014. Meanwhile, in June 2017, the Central Command acknowledged the deliberate killing of only 484 civilians, while according to independent monitoring groups (Airwars), the number of victims of coalition air strikes has become almost 4,000 civilians.
Increased casualties among civilians are not accidental. According to the director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts Dmitry Egorchenkov, the Pentagon is extremely contemptuous of the victims of the locals. Sometimes it is enough to suspect the presence of the IGIL fighters to inflict an air strike on the building. It does not matter how many peaceful people there are.
In addition, the Pentagon confirmed that the agency no longer makes any confessions if its own aircraft are responsible for civilian casualties. The US Congress also did not show any special interest in establishing the causes of the large number of civilian casualties, even though it is in its jurisdiction to allocate funds for the special training of US and coalition officers on this issue.
With the coming to power of Trump, the military tactics of operations in Syria changed a little: "We must fight not only terrorists, but also their families." "We are conducting a too politically correct war." In this regard, the number of airstrikes on Syria has recently increased at times. Moreover, the US does not check the information received for authenticity. In view of the fact that the international coalition does not have its intelligence service and it should receive information from allies, who often present information in their own interests, the number of casualties among the local population from air strikes has been growing rapidly lately.
This attitude of Washington to the problem of the death of civilians in Syria reveals the underlying motive of the war - to advance their goals. The loud statements of the States about the desire to destroy ISIS, coupled with the negligence of the operations, will undoubtedly lead to an increase in casualties among civilians, which in turn will favor the expansion of the ranks of jihadists.

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