Taliban in Afghanistan taking young girl sex slaves - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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August 2021

Advancing Taliban are going door-to-door and forcibly taking girls as young as TWELVE to be sex slave wives for their fighters as they sweep across Afghanistan

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... WELVE.html

Taliban has swept across Afghanistan, seizing vast swathes of territory along with nine provincial capitals
Terrified locals say jihadist fighters have been beheading people and forcing women to marry their fighters
Girls as young as 12 have been put on 'marriage lists' that village elders have been forced to compile
Taliban are now threatening the city of Maza-i-Sharif, the largest in Afghanistan's north, as President Ghani flew there on Wednesday to rally the troops and sacked his top general in hopes of reversing Islamist advance

Taliban are going door-to-door forcibly 'marrying' girls as young as TWELVE | Daily Mail Online
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... WELVE.html

This is a result of the US pulling out of Afghanistan.
Is the Biden Administration going to do something about this?
Puffer Fish wrote:This is a result of the US pulling out of Afghanistan.
Is the Biden Administration going to do something about this?

No, this is the result of US meddling in Afghanistan going back 40 years. To Operation Cyclone and mass-scale funding and arming of Islamist extremists through Pakistani military and intelligence establishments. To the close ties between the United States and Saudi Arabia, the single largest financier of terrorist operations in the world. Even after 9/11 the US government still uses religious fanatics as their rabid dogs to destabilize countries that won't kowtow the Washington line.

Afghanistan is an even greater disaster today than when you got there and the world has lost faith that Americans can fix this. If China, Russia, Iran and India can put this mess together it will be nothing short of a miracle.
Puffer Fish wrote:August 2021

This is a result of the US pulling out of Afghanistan.
Is the Biden Administration going to do something about this?

Not really. Senile Joe never planned to do anything about it. That does not mean there is no concern at the White House. There is a lot of concern at the White House. Mostly because the Taliban has been moving up its timetable. Cut n Run Joe was planning a big celebration this 9/11, where he was gonna pat himself on the shoulders for ending a long war, salute the troops, praise the army of Afghanistan. Taliban moving up its timetable is messing up Cut n Run Joe's plans for 9/11
MadMonk wrote:Afghanistan is an even greater disaster today than when you got there and the world has lost faith that Americans can fix this.

Data needed.

MadMonk wrote:If China, Russia, Iran and India can put this mess together it will be nothing short of a miracle.

China is an ally of Pakistan, which always provided refuge and support for the Taliban, and won't do jack shit. Iran is certainly happy about the development. India? Eh lol.

Ah yes, I forgot Russia. Are we pretending Putin isn't secretly smiling? :lol:
Rugoz wrote:Data needed.

China is an ally of Pakistan, which always provided refuge and support for the Taliban, and won't do jack shit. Iran is certainly happy about the development. India? Eh lol.

Ah yes, I forgot Russia. Are we pretending Putin isn't secretly smiling? :lol:

Yeah, they won't. Afghanistan will descend into a new civil war and neighboring states will look to grab as much of the loot as possible. But none of them actually want a failed state on their borders, in the long run, and will try to contain as much of the damage as possible. I thought Iraq would be the first one to get divided into sectarian lines but recent developments shows how weak the Afghani government really is.

Putin was smiling as long as this was Americas mess to clean up. If Afghanistan crumbles Russia will get more involved in Central Asia, making already subservient states more dependent on Russian security. Yeah, I guess he'll keep on smiling then and the great game continues.
Right-wingers on this forum are morons. You complain about USA having to be world police, and that they should worry about matters at home, and then when something like this happens, you say, "Send in the troops!". How fucking dishonest can you get?

Why should USA send in troops? Has the Afghan government asked for help? Is everyone's internal problems USA's problems? Maybe USA should just mind its own business for a while and let people sort themselves out by themselves. It would probably result in less deaths at the hands of USA troops and foreign policy.

Maybe USA can impose some sanctions that will hurt all Afghans, and not just the ones they don't like? They were good at that in Iraq, and look at what a success story that was!

Do you want USA to keep troops home, or not? Make up your mind!

@Juin Calling Biden names doesn't make you any less of a hypocrite. You praised Trump when he said he'd bring the troops home. Did you call Trump a wuss for doing that?
MadMonk wrote:Yeah, they won't. Afghanistan will descend into a new civil war and neighboring states will look to grab as much of the loot as possible. But none of them actually want a failed state on their borders, in the long run, and will try to contain as much of the damage as possible. I thought Iraq would be the first one to get divided into sectarian lines but recent developments shows how weak the Afghani government really is.

That presumes the Taliban won't win. That may be bad for women but would bring some degree of stability I suppose.
Puffer Fish wrote:This is a result of the US pulling out of Afghanistan.
Is the Biden Administration going to do something about this?

Sure it is a result of the US pulling out but no Biden shouldn't do anything about it. Or not in my opinion. That isn't to say I wouldn't prefer the current Afghan government or that I agree with the practices of the Taliban. But even so he shouldn't interfere because you cannot install your ethics onto a religious state. Clearly the Taliban has the overall support and look to take Afghanistan soon enough and if that happens you have to accept that. Especially given we shouldn't have gone there initially anyway given doing so means you would have to also invade most other non Western nations.

It seems fate has a cruel hand. If the Taliban take back Afghanistan, Bush's illegal war would have achieved nothing. :hmm:
B0ycey wrote:Sure it is a result of the US pulling out but no Biden shouldn't do anything about it. Or not in my opinion. That isn't to say I wouldn't prefer the current Afghan government or that I agree with the practices of the Taliban. But even so he shouldn't interfere because you cannot install your ethics onto a religious state.

Agreed, though I'd change the last few words to "can't install your values in a wholly different culture."

Clearly the Taliban has the overall support and look to take Afghanistan soon enough and if that happens you have to accept that.

The present situation reminds me of South Vietnam in 1975, after the US pulled out. At the time Westmoreland said "If we had pulled out in 1965 it would've fallen then. If we had stayed another ten years it would've fallen then."

Especially given we shouldn't have gone there initially anyway…

Politically it was imperative the US do something after 9/11. Still it shouldn't have been so naive to think people everywhere else will accept US ways.
May I make something clear to Progressives/Liberals/pro-Western people, etc.? Afghanistan, one of the deepest shitholes on this planet, will never really be part of the Western sphere of influence, you should be happy if Hungary and Poland can be kept in the EU. (However, sometimes you seem less interested in that. :lol: ) Even the westernisation of Ukraine and Belarus would be a real challenge.
Rugoz wrote:Ah yes, I forgot Russia. Are we pretending Putin isn't secretly smiling? :lol:

I seriously doubt it. There are two 'stans immediately to the north of Afghanistan: Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the march of the Taliban is creating some nervousness there. Both 'stans just held a Russian led military drill; in all likelihood the first of many drills to come. Maybe the Taliban may leave the 'stans to the north alone, but can Russia bet on that?

Cut n Run Joe's gift to Russia may turn out to be a poisoned pill.
Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq
Those in Afghanistan will be cut from about 5,000 down to 2,500 by mid-January, officials said. In Iraq they will be reduced from 3,000 to 2,500.

President Trump has previously said he wants "all" troops home by Christmas.

President Trump has long called for US troops to come home and has criticised US military interventions for being costly and ineffective.


So @Juin it's cut and run Trump first, right? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hypocrites.... :roll:
Last edited by Godstud on 12 Aug 2021 14:40, edited 1 time in total.
Beren wrote:May I make something clear to Progressives/Liberals/pro-Western people, etc.? Afghanistan, one of the deepest shitholes on this planet, will never really be part of the Western sphere of influence, you should be happy if Hungary and Poland can be kept in the EU. (However, sometimes you seem less interested in that. :lol: ) Even the westernisation of Ukraine and Belarus would be a real challenge.

In the end the expansion of the EU may have been a mistake. There appears to be two EUs: an old EU dating back to Soviet days, and a new EU of post Soviet Union. Both halves of this bloated EU appear to be starkly different, and on divergent paths.
Juin wrote:In the end the expansion of the EU may have been a mistake. There appears to be two EUs: an old EU dating back to Soviet days, and a new EU of post Soviet Union. Both halves of this bloated EU appear to be starkly different, and on divergent paths.

In my opinion there's rather a kind of purification process within the EU before it enters the next phase of its development.
MadMonk wrote:Putin was smiling as long as this was Americas mess to clean up. If Afghanistan crumbles Russia will get more involved in Central Asia, making already subservient states more dependent on Russian security. Yeah, I guess he'll keep on smiling then and the great game continues.

I doubt Putin is really smiling as some may believe should be the case. Putin ain't no drunk. Boris "Vodka" Yeltsin, always too drunk to see beyond his nose, would be grinning from ear to ear, oblivious to the ramifications of a US departure. The tough and stern Putin, I believe, is already studying the challenges ahead. I do not see how Putin can fail to appreciate that Cut n Run Joe just handed him a poisoned chalice. Anyways, we will see. In the mean time the Kremlin has to be dusting up its Afghan folder.
Beren wrote:In my opinion there's rather a kind of purification process within the EU before it enters the next phase of its development.

"Purification"! Will that be hard purification or soft purification? Hard purification is terrifying. It conjures up these images of gulags and re-education camps.
starman2003 wrote:Politically it was imperative the US do something after 9/11. Still it shouldn't have been so naive to think people everywhere else will accept US ways.

Well I wasn't against doing something. But that something should have been achievable. Had they just done airstrikes on the training camps and perhaps all military targets they could have sent a warning without losing a war.

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