Libyan rebels are racist - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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By andrresh
Media habitually tells us that Libyan rebels are noble freedom fighters, struggling aganist a bloodthirsty tyrant. But after all the buckets of half-truths and blatant lies, that news poured on our heads, treating us viewers like brainless sheep and feeding us half-baked reports that often got disproved the next day, some of us started to look further and investigate. What they found out, is extremely disturbing. Say, from the very beginning of war we've been hearing reports about "Gaddafi's black mercenaries". We even saw photos and videos of several people that, supposedly, were these mercenaries. But the whole truth is much more complicated - and scary.

Yes, there indeed are several divisions of black Africans and citizens of Chad in the army of Libya, that is formed on the principle of territorial militia. But they can hardly be considered mercenaries - not more than French Foreign Legion or non-American citizens in US Army. In general, the status of black men of Libyan army's various units is civil servants.

In a country with 6 million inhabitants, one third are black (the most oppressed group in the country). Would not it be easier for the rebels to call for their solidarity and ask them join the rebel ranks? But not only black Libyans do not join the rebellion - they flee in terror.

The first wave of reports and evidence of beatings of black Africans began in February and March. The rebels, under the trademark of fighting with the mercenaries from Chad, were slaughtering all black people with no mercy. They even started to post various Youtube videos with their actions filmed (like this:
The victim was the Libyan citizen Hisham Mansour, born 22-02-1983). Back in early March, the Human Rights Watch even warned black migrant workers on the need to flee the revolutionary terrain.

"We left behind our friends from Chad. We left behind their bodies. We had 70 or 80 people from Chad working for our company. They cut them dead with pruning shears and axes, attacking them, saying you're providing troops for Gaddafi. The Sudanese, the Chadians were massacred. We saw it ourselves. I am a worker, not a fighter. They took me from my house and [raped] my wife", - a Turkish oilfield worker, who fled Libya, told BBC in February 25.

One of the editors of the Monthly Review, Yoshie Furuhashi, writes:

"The black African workers now live in fear in the territories held by the rebels in Libya. Some have been attacked by mobs, some have been imprisoned and some of their houses and shops have been torched. Many African workers say they felt safer under the regime of Gaddafi".

In March, a reporter from the Daily Mail was in Benghazi and reported:

"Africans I saw ranged from a 20 year old and a late forties, with a grizzled beard. Most wore casual clothes. When they realized that I spoke English erupted in protests. "We did nothing," one told me, before he was silenced. "We are all construction workers in Ghana. Do not harm anyone. "

Another accused, a man in green overalls, showed the paint on their sleeves and said: "This is my job. I do not know how to shoot a gun "

Abdul Nasser, 47, protested: "They lie about us. They took us out of our house at night when we were asleep. " While still complaining, they were taken.

International Business Times published an article on March 2 that says:

"According to reports, over 150 black Africans at least a dozen different countries escaped from Libya by plane and landed at the airport in Nairobi, Kenya, with horrific stories of violence."

"We were attacked by locals who said they were mercenaries who killed people. I mean blacks who refused to see "Julius told Reuters Kiluu, a construction supervisor for 60 years.

Michel Collon with a fact-finding delegation were in Libya in July and when he learned what had happened, he said:

"I met these people during my research in Tripoli. I could talk to some people. They were not "mercenaries," as the rebels and the media tell. Some were dark-skinned Libyans (much of the population is of African type, in fact), others were black civilians from African countries who stayed in Libya for a long time. All support Gaddafi precisely because he opposes to racism and treats them as Arabs and Africans on an equal footing. On the contrary, the rebels in Benghazi are known for their racism, and blacks were victims of terrible systematic atrocities. The paradox is that NATO wants to bring democracy to a section of Al Qaeda and Libyan Ku Klux Klan-type racists".

Here's another footage, with English explanations given:

After the rebels entered Tripoli, numerous reports of black men being killed appeared again. Twitter explodes with rebels' messages about killing "African mercenaries". In the chaos of embattled Tripoli, black people are being simply seized from the streets and taken somewhere openly.

On the photo above we can see that the dead people's hands are tied with plastic handcuffs and their clothes are relatively clean. This means these people were captured not after a fight, but deliberately.

The Colonel was being building good relations with the south of Africa. NATO plan of destabilizing Libya might as well include having the black Africans turning away from this country forever, using contempt and xenophobia of the rebels as a driving force of the persecution. After all, lynching black people simply for being in Africa sounds ridiculous. But results are pretty much of the same racist kind, and they are not funny at all.
D-MITCH777 wrote:I was watching the news when they first went in to Tripoli and i saw a couple black people then celebrating with Arabs.

Most of the early footage from Tripoli is a fake. Just look at these photos. Any who ever had army training and/or experience of urban fighting, would lol all over them. Their clothes are too clean, they don't carry their ammo with them, their poses are ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that a 2-million city was taken in several hours by a group of chavsters? On 18th of August, Libyan TV came to know that a fake Tripoli takeover was filmed in Doha, to cover up the fact that NATO troops started the ground operation.

As Thierry Meissan, who was persecuted for his article, said after his release from Rixos, there was no celebration on Tripoli's real streets. Only terror and foreign occupation.
This is the problem with intervening in the affairs of other nations. To justify the war you must demonize one side and glorify the other. As it often turns out they are both evil. So why are we giving these people guns? Why do we drop bombs on other nations and expect this to improve matters?
If they are in Lybia only to serve as soldiers, then they are mercenaries. The USA accepts non-citizens into the Armed Forces, but they must be fully qualified immigrants - they have a resident visa which gives them all the rights and obligations of a citizen except the right to vote and of course they can't run for political office. The sub-Saharans in Gaddafi's forces are mercenary squads. If they took side with the Gaddafists, they face a grim future.
andrresh wrote:Most of the early footage from Tripoli is a fake. Just look at these photos. Any who ever had army training and/or experience of urban fighting, would lol all over them. Their clothes are too clean, they don't carry their ammo with them, their poses are ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that a 2-million city was taken in several hours by a group of chavsters? On 18th of August, Libyan TV came to know that a fake Tripoli takeover was filmed in Doha, to cover up the fact that NATO troops started the ground operation. As Thierry Meissan, who was persecuted for his article, said after his release from Rixos, there was no celebration on Tripoli's real streets. Only terror and foreign occupation.

The photos of fake "Tripoli" with fake "rebels" (from Doha Qatar) vs. real Tripoly


real Tripoly

real Tripoly
Being a follower of "pure Quran" and not historically established Islam, Gaddafi believes in equal rights for all people (take, for example, women rights in Libya, which was always famous for incredible freedom offered to its women - something that a lot of Muslim countries often scolded it for), and he strived to secure them for black Libyans too. Some tribes, however, were displeased by this situation. These were the very same tribes NATO supported as rebels.
there's a mistake in the article. the actual phrase is:
"On the photo above we can see that the lying people's hands are tied with plastic handcuffs and their clothes are relatively clean. This means these people were captured not after a fight, but deliberately."
Glad you spotted that. The people on the floor in that shot are clearly not dead.

Whether they were dead shortly afterwards or not remains to be seen. :|
Media try to present the matter as if Gaddafi relied on outside force in his country, the "black mercenaries." It's a lie. A huge number of black Africans has been living in Libya for hundreds of years. There are whole black tribes. It is their land too. And the policy of equality, which Gaddafi tried to hold in Libya, has been profitable for them.
But in Libya, there are other powerful forces, unhappy with this policy of equality. For example, Benghazi was a major center of the black slave trade before the beginning of the 20th century.
This is why Britain is bombing Gaddafi :-)
Gaddafi's speech, 2001: ... _03_10.htm

Let us deal with Britain first. Some believe that the youth who were trained in Peshawar, went to Afghanistan, joined Bin-Laden then went to all corners of the Earth are the members of the so-called Al-Qaeda organization.

If that is true, we must state that Britain shelters the largest number of them. We have proof of that if the world wishes to cooperate. Are we really going to attack the bases of terrorism and the countries that harbor terrorists? I do not think so, unless we are going to say that we will attack all the countries that shelter terrorists with the exception of Britain.

Thus, we go back to double standards and disrupt the international consensus against terrorism. This is a sure way to lose the war on terrorism. Tony Ben, the elder statesman of the British Labor Party and its chairman, has said: “If the US supports Israel out of fear of the American Jews, we in Britain might take the side of the terrorists. Because we fear the more than seven million British Muslims”.

The Chief of British Intelligence said more than what Tony Ben said. This is what made Arab countries wonder if they could be closer allies of the US than Britain is. What is the difference between Britain and Afghanistan? Let us see what the US would do with Britain first.
Last edited by andrresh on 16 Sep 2011 15:38, edited 1 time in total.
By Rich
andrresh wrote:Media habitually tells us that Libyan rebels are noble freedom fighters,

No it doesn't. I've not ready a single article in a main stream newspaper or on watched a single programme on the BBC where I've been told that the Rebels are "noble freedom fighters". Similar lying accusations are continually being made by the Qadaffi lovers and apologists, against the Western media.
Tony Ben, the elder statesman of the British Labor Party and its chairman, has said: “If the US supports Israel out of fear of the American Jews,

Another filthy lie from the left.
Rich wrote:No it doesn't. I've not ready a single article in a main stream newspaper or on watched a single programme on the BBC where I've been told that the Rebels are "noble freedom fighters". Similar lying accusations are continually being made by the Qadaffi lovers and apologists, against the Western media. "liberty", "freedom", "new free libya"
By Rich
andrresh wrote:I disagree. There are no such proofs against kaddafists in this war.

The Qadaffi regimes very existence is an atrocity. it is a fundamental human right for any Liberal to overthrow any any non democratic regime at any time and to utilise any external help to achieve that aim.

Wars are virtually non existent between democracies. You may be able to find the odd minor exception like Russia Georgia. Muslim democracies may in the future go to war with a democratic Israel. However wars are endemic between non democratic regimes. so my message to the authoritarians of Left right, Islam or what ever and their Western so called Liberal apologists is stop whining about war.
Rich wrote:The Qadaffi regimes very existence is an atrocity. it is a fundamental human right for any Liberal to overthrow any any non democratic regime at any time and to utilise any external help to achieve that aim.
Wars are virtually non existent between democracies. You may be able to find the odd minor exception like Russia Georgia. Muslim democracies may in the future go to war with a democratic Israel. However wars are endemic between non democratic regimes. so my message to the authoritarians of Left right, Islam or what ever and their Western so called Liberal apologists is stop whining about war.

I don't understand you.
You are talking about something abstract.
I believe in facts, and I prefer talking about facts.

P.S. Besides, Gaddafi is not a dictator. He was balancing between several tribal clans and did not decide anything alone.

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