Will Africans end up hating China? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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By Okonkwo
HelicioNOD wrote:The study you cited reveals perceptions, not reality.

The comment of yours I was responding to insinuated that knowing somebody "from Africa" would immediately change one's perceptions on China's role on the continent. The numbers speak a different language. It rather seems that a plurality of Africans are not feeling any different about working together with the PRC than they do about dealing with the USA - and rightly so.
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By HelicioNOD
It rather seems that a plurality of Africans are not feeling any different about working together with the PRC than they do about dealing with the USA - and rightly so.

No, not "rightly so." China's human rights record pales in comparison with that of the United States', and that statement holds true when looking at Africa.

We must agree to disagree, I guess, Okonkwo. But if you need evidence as to who (the US or China) is more humanitarian, you need only look as far as Japan. China is sitting right off the coast of their poor neighbor doing almost ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, while the US has sent expertise, military helicopters, and naval power to help our friends in Japan. I can't tell if you're just an "anti-America" homer or not.

Anyway, we can respectfully disagree. Peace!
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By Igor Antunov
In response to Tohoku district- off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake, on Monday, March 14, 2011, the Government of Japan decided to accept the relief supplies from China. The aircraft carrying the relief supplies is scheduled to arrive at Haneda Airport tonight.

According to the Government of China, it is ready to offer relief supplies which are worth 30 million RMB. Based on the needs of the sites, tents, blankets, and emergency hand lamps will be provided this time.

The Government of Japan received the messages of Premier Wen Jiabao and Foreign Minister Dr. Yang Jiechi which expressed their condolences and compassion, and stated that the Chinese side is ready to offer all necessary assistance. The Government of Japan is deeply grateful to the cooperation of the Government of China.

http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db9 ... enDocument

[Be civil. Thank you.]
Last edited by Okonkwo on 15 Mar 2011 18:28, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Deleted impolite statement.
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By Okonkwo
HelicioNOD wrote:China's human rights record pales in comparison with that of the United States'

This is the crux of the matter. From the point of view of an African, the USA's human rights record is frighteningly appalling, especially for a nation that claims God-given righteousness for itself and has basically ruled the world untrammelled for the last 20 years.
The African perspective on the United States and Europe versus the PRC is simply a lot different - that does not make it more correct either, but there is a certain point to the fact that the West's hypocrisy in dealing with the Third World is not shared by the PRC who is being much more straightforward in its dealings with the continent.
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By ChildOfTheDamned
It will depend on whether Africans start to blame China for backing dictators, providing them with weapons and money.
But China has gotten away with it so far.
By hip hop bunny hop
The African perspective on the United States and Europe versus the PRC is simply a lot different - that does not make it more correct either, but there is a certain point to the fact that the West's hypocrisy in dealing with the Third World is not shared by the PRC who is being much more straightforward in its dealings with the continent.

The focus on hypocrisy is fundamentally puerile and the notion that the USA has an overarching foreign policy in regards to Africa (particularly in the post-Soviet era) is ludicrous. American policy on that continent is a patchwork quilt, with each particular being the result of a particular (succesful) pressure group. The policy is contradictory in the extreme in regards to dealing with dictators; hence why Condi Rice's meeting with Obiang of Equatorial Guinea was followed shortly by hearings regarding that dictators presumed heir massive amount of property in the USA.

Contrast this with the actions of China, which are singular and representative of an overarching foreign policy in regards to Africa. While this lack of hypocrisy may be admirable from the confines of the West, the notion that it produces better results for Africans is lacking in proof.

Indeed, when charting hostility to China, keep in mind that since the Gang of Four China has effectivelly eliminated its hitherto substantial support for various rebel movements in Africa; so, there has been no appreciable martial impact from China in the last 30 years - which, combined with the relative novelty of substantive Chinese economic activity on the continent, gives them sheen of novelty. Contrast this with the inevitable footprint left by establisher powers, and the vacillating & contradictory foreign policies inherit in any modern Republic, and I think the real question is: why are China's negative ratings so high?
By Agent01
Interesting question.

But, i believe that China isn't doing anything much different than USA.
They're pragmatic. They found a fertile ground in Africa to place their products and/or services.
Not to mention that they can exploit the resources, with help from the regimes from those countries.
So, if they have conveniences in Zimbabwe, which Mugabe made possible for them, why shouldn't they thank him.
It won't harm them in the international plan, because most of Africa is in mess, and under dictatorships. They're just using what they can.

Lets not forget that Libya was under USA sanctions for more than 20 years, and then they had few years of warmer relations, and USA is bombing Libya now.
There's no love in politics, just interest.

And, the bottom line - to answer your question - will China be hated? It depends on China, the most - will they find a proper measure in leeching resources of African countries.
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By Oxymoron
One can only hope.... I think a country that doesnt start hating china is either china or insane
By rik
Whether China is hated in Africa would depend on how many millions of their workers China imports into Africa.

In the end, if Chinese influence proves exploitative, the Chinese would be purged from Africa like Idi Amin did Indians lock, stock and barrel. If you haven't seen the movie Mississippi Masala, please do.

Perhaps more importantly, is how the Chinese behave toward Africans. If Africans are looked down upon, watch out. That little kid you denigrated, may be the president tomorrow that shows you the door. Africans are like elephants. They never forget.
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By liberallad
China does show responsibility in Africa and is, in fact, building one of the largest trans-continental railroads in the country. That being said, Chinese are coming into the continent as individuals and setting up business that are undermining the already established businesses in the region, thanks to their very effective work ethic. That, unfortunately, can't be something we hold China as a nation responsible for as these people are coming into Africa on their own initiative. Hopefully this develops into healthy competition with local Africans and Chinese instead of the local Africans growing spiteful of the Chinese (which is already happening, I just hope we don't see a repeat of a tinpot dictator like Amin coming in and threatening foreigners with their lives).
By Xbow
I hate China with a passion but I have to admit by not attempting in any way destabilize the government of a nation they are trading with they manage to cut better deals than we do. For some stupid reason we feel the need to push our culture and values off on others that neither want them or need them. Imagine the boring ugly world if every culture were Americanized.

An example of U.S. State department stupidity is pressuring Muslim countries to include women in police forces. Another is the absurd program in operation in Afghanistan as we speak to bring enlightenment to mountain gunsmiths by urging them to turn swords into plowshares...how noble. Sure, they are going to convince talented and respected gunsmiths that can with primitive tools make perfect copies of damn near any gun you care to name and educate them into making mundane metal implements and new age water fountains or some other stupid shit instead of weapons. I wont even mention that these folks are the descendants of the smiths that made the weaponry that defeated the British army in the nineteenth century. Actually some of those families in the tribal areas have been in the arms and armor fabrication trade for more than a thousand years. Read this silly shit Here

We need to dump the assumption of superiority bullshit and simply deal with people and accept them for who they are and trade with them. Nothing makes enemies faster than telling people that their way of life sucks, that their values suck and that we can fix them by making them just like us.
I disagree with those who believe that Africa will end up hating China. In regards with the South African State were local workers attacked workers at the Chinese mine, please do note that any foreigner working in Countries in Southern Africa are often attached (especially if you are an African from another States). I support the Chinese companies that are importing there own labor. For instance here in Kenya, we are having our roads being reconstructed and the tenders were offered to Chinese Companies. The companies have Chinese Engineers Supervising the construction and having the local people work as drivers or handy men. They can bring as many workers as they won't because if this jobs were given to local companies I can assure you it would have been a shady job that would take over 20 years to complete.

The reason why Africa hates America and other western countries is because of neo colonialism. Ps: Africans do and can reason for themselves. For some reason, the western States assume that African Leaders are not capable of leading their nations. I uphold African States that have invited China and other Eastern States into their countries for economic growth. Its a win win situation for all of us unlike western states that have enjoyed exploiting African States for their own benefits... Talk of Capitalism. It is high time that the West learn that African States are sovereign States, they can choose whomever they want. If China keep away from African political and social issues... why get into any conflict?

Tell me of any nation that is not in debt to another or an organization...
The Africans should carefully pick and choose the help China offers. Only an idiot would fail to realise Chinese companies, importing Chinese labor, will stunt development in Africa. Africa has to embark on an all out 20 year plan of technology transfer. Yes, they should welcome Chinese expertise/engineers to help build roads etc, but for every Chinese engineer building a road, there should be 5-10 African apprentices watching him, so they can learn the trade for themselves. The Chinese will inevitably monopolise many businesses, because they keep many things in-house amongst their own and have access to vast capital, much of it state capital and encouraged by their government. What I am saying is very non-PC, but it is true. If you want an example, simply look at the Indians in east Africa. Resentment is rife and with reason, because the Indians take the p1$$. Africa is slowly getting its act together, but some of their policies need to be reversed regarding China. Resources in exchange for technology transfer, they should adopt the same policy with India.
By Zenno
Kaspar wrote:It's impossible to give any sort of definite answer to this, since a lot of it depends on giant ifs, like whether or not China will continue increasing it's economic aid to African nations, etc.

But I think if China continues at its current rate, then I'd have to say that Africans will begin seriously questioning China and China's motives. Already, we've seen violence being committed against Chinese workers in countries like Zambia. I can't remember the specifics, but I think it involved a group of protesters attacking the administration of a Chinese-run copper mine. There have been other, similar instances throughout Africa. Also, if Chinese immigration to Africa increases, then surely anti-Chinese sentiment will increase as well. After centuries of colonization, Africans, not surprisingly, tend to be a very xenophobic people. It would be good for Beijing should they realize that by sending increasing numbers of Chinese to the continent, it would be greatly jeopardizing long-term Sino-African relations.

This is one of the more sensible replies.

What needs to be remembered is that nationalism plays a big role in the Chinese mental make-up. Together with a strong sense of nationalism come openly racist views – in particular with respect to black Africans. Different, from the West, racist views are not curbed by the need for PC. The fact that large numbers of Chinese workers are moved to Africa to work on Chinese construction sites is a good indication showing that the Chinese don’t trust the Africans to do the work. This is likely to create a two-class society wherever these two communities have to coexist. The comparison with Tibet may not be altogether unfounded. The belief in the superiority of Chinese culture is deeply ingrained in most Chinese.

The other important factor is corruption. Corruption and bad government are the reasons why billions of people have to live in poverty. Both the African political elite and the Chinese political and business leaders brokering deals in Africa consider corrupt business practices as the normal way of doing business. Both will try to get rich at the expense of Africa’s poor. The land will be taken away from poor African farmers so that African politicians and Chinese businessmen can fill their pockets. This will create landless poor who will fill the slums or who will immigrate to Europe. China sure as hell isn’t going to let in any Africans.

China needs Africa for its resources and as a market for cheap Chinese exports. Africa does not need China. Chinese-funded infrastructure projects will not do much to increase Africa’s productivity or competitively on the World market. I don’t believe the Chinese are going to transfer production technology to Africa in any substantial way.
Doreenkibia wrote:I support the Chinese companies that are importing there own labor. For instance here in Kenya, we are having our roads being reconstructed and the tenders were offered to Chinese Companies. The companies have Chinese Engineers Supervising the construction and having the local people work as drivers or handy men. They can bring as many workers as they won't because if this jobs were given to local companies I can assure you it would have been a shady job that would take over 20 years to complete.

Thus by having jobs farmed out to international workers who are brought in for the project, then leave. Your economy actually suffers a loss many times over. Your education bodies suffer as does your long term infrastructure.

By employing local labor, you energise the education industry to educate and provide those skilled workers. Thus creating a base of educated people who can not only work on the project at hand, but other projects, plus also this creates a base of skilled workers who can maintain said structures - which helps the state become independent instead of dependant upon foreign help. Remember the old saying "Feed a man a fish, and he will not go hungry today. Teach a man to fish, and he will never go hungry."

Plus also by employing local labor, the funds spent employing those people will be put back into the local society as those people will spend the bulk of their money locally. While workers shipped in from abroad will take the bulk of their wages away with them.

So employing local workers, spurs local industry, grows the education sector, creates a base of educated people for maintain projects and working on new projects, as well as keeps state funds within the state society.

Doreenkibia wrote:The reason why Africa hates America and other western countries is because of neo colonialism. Ps: Africans do and can reason for themselves. For some reason, the western States assume that African Leaders are not capable of leading their nations. I uphold African States that have invited China and other Eastern States into their countries for economic growth. Its a win win situation for all of us unlike western states that have enjoyed exploiting African States for their own benefits... Talk of Capitalism. It is high time that the West learn that African States are sovereign States, they can choose whomever they want.

African states certainly can choose who ever they wish. Sadly they seem to be choosing the get rich quick option, instead of the build for the future option.

Doreenkibia wrote:If China keep away from African political and social issues... why get into any conflict?

Because the wealth from selling materials to china, the wealth from doing trade deals with china, is going towards propping up regimes that oppress their own people. So eventually when those regimes fall or are looked back upon with the eye of hindsight of the historian. China will be seen as the nation state that bank rolled those regimes and governments the same as how america will be seen as having bank rolled Egypt's Mubarak.
By Emerald Ocean
rik wrote:Whether China is hated in Africa would depend on how many millions of their workers China imports into Africa.

In the end, if Chinese influence proves exploitative, the Chinese would be purged from Africa like Idi Amin did Indians lock, stock and barrel. If you haven't seen the movie Mississippi Masala, please do.

Perhaps more importantly, is how the Chinese behave toward Africans. If Africans are looked down upon, watch out. That little kid you denigrated, may be the president tomorrow that shows you the door. Africans are like elephants. They never forget.


There is no doubt that Chinese see Africans at face value and not through the kaleidoscope of liberal egalitarian philosophy that defined the European mission in Africa. They could care less about lofty European prerogatives like literacy or roads, they want $$$. In a few decades, Africans will wish they hadn't run off all the liberal whites, as the Chinese are not foolish idealists like the Europeans. They will be vicious occupiers.
Igor Antunov wrote:Yeah those africans are gonna wish so much they didn't have those schools, hospitals and roads down the track...

You are incredible. How quickly people like you forget, the largest hospital in the Southern Hemisphere, Baragwanath Hospital, was built in 1948 by those "evil" Afrikaners in Johannesburg.

I also remember South Africa had an active space program and nuclear program until something happened in 1994 that halted this progress. Talk about investing in Africa's future and bringing home worldwide recognition... The Afrikaners achieved what only a handful of the world's 200 nations have been able to achieve, and they did it while fighting multiple brush fire wars, liberal BBC reporters, economic embargoes, and communist-terrorist bombings that targeted their own civilian populations.
The chinese know the history of the continent and the mistakes of former colonial powers. They're gonna enslave this region of inferior cultures and peoples with relative ease and suck every last gram of useful metals and useful substances dry from every square kilometer of soil.

Then they will move on. The thirst for resources never ends and the weak are the first on the menu. It's not China's fault Africa sucks collective balls.
I should imagine that their plan is a bit more long-term than that, Africa is not a place that you can just waltz into and then leave later. One of the most valuable things about Africa is that it is a source of labour and that it has large spaces for growing food.

Any Asian power that enters Africa now must have that in mind, and be prepared to stay for a long time.

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