What should be done for Africans in Africa and Worldwide - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

Moderator: PoFo Africa Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:these are mainly discussion for the black pofeors here

Truly a rare species I'm afraid.

KlassWar wrote:Butchering the Western bourgeoisie and hanging their carcasses with their guts would be a good start.

Drastic words but in essence not entirely wrongheaded. An end to negative influence from all foreign cultural spheres must be forced. That includes Anglo-American neoliberalism, exclusively European conceptions of rights and democracy as well as Arabic Al-Quaeda nonsense.

Ethiopian monarchist wrote:what should be done for us politically, what religion should be useful to us, what economical ideology should we use, and what do we do so we can compete with the other races.

[1] The idea of the nation-state in Africa needs to be rethought. There is no reason why colonial administrative provinces should be conserved. Neither ethnic nor linguistic homogeneity can be realistically achieved. A possible answer might be a different conception of the state. It should be very strong with regards to economic and foreign policy. Other areas are best left to local, smaller administrative divisions. In the beginning, stability and continuity have to be achieved by all means. Whether that means using the symbolic power of an already existing monarchy or simply instilling civil loyalty to the state is largely irrelevant.
[2] All religions which favour stability and loyalty to the state and people should be utilised. This includes Islam in its non-fundamentalist version. Religious extremism has to be dealt with brutally.
[3] Economically, free-market capitalism needs to be stamped out. There should be protectionism for national industries, strong subsidisation and forced industrialisation. The state would have to invest heavily in education, medical progress and infrastructure. Self sufficiency should be a goal.
[4] Education is an absolute necessity. Illiteracy and superstition needs to end. This is a policy that must be pursued by all means.

Serious questions which fail to be easily answered are (i) how to address crippling climate change and ecological destruction, (ii) how to deal with Chinese interests and (iii) how to efficiently deal with the already present Westernised and heavily corrupt ruling elites. Regarding (ii) one might consider forceful removal, imprisonment and strong measures against corruption.
Okonkwo wrote:An end to negative influence from all foreign cultural spheres must be forced. That includes Anglo-American neoliberalism, exclusively European conceptions of rights and democracy as well as Arabic Al-Quaeda nonsense.

I agree with this. This is for all people of African descent. Fuck everybody else's shit.

Okonkwo wrote:Serious questions which fail to be easily answered are (i) how to address crippling climate change and ecological destruction, (ii) how to deal with Chinese interests and (iii) how to efficiently deal with the already present Westernised and heavily corrupt ruling elites. Regarding (ii) one might consider forceful removal, imprisonment and strong measures against corruption.

Africans better be smart dealing with the Chinese because they could end up colonized.

Get rid of all the elites by any means necessary and put in strong anti corruption measures

Climate change and ecological destruction - I don't know. Conservatism should be enforced.

People of African descent need progressive nationalism and Pan Africanism.

Africa should be the haven for all people of African descent.

Religion doesn't matter at this point. What matters is immediate material concerns. Just kill the extremists.

Economics should be nationalistic for the most part. Don't privatize hings that don't need privatization.

For the Diaspora, there should be supranational cooperation. There should be a united front against all European and non European aggression, all Western aggression, European and non European paternalism, foreign influence, poverty, and most of all genocide. This means self defense, economic self reliance, and cultural ethno-nationalism.

We need our own forum for politics. I should make one.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Ok, You all knew this was coming, these are mainly discussion for the black pofeors here, give me your suggestions, what should be done for us politically, what religion should be useful to us, what economical ideology should we use, and what do we do so we can compete with the other races.

Well, Africa is the top place to focus US FDI according to American entreprenuers. We really don't need to do anything, or if we do, then its up to Africa to take the first steps. We are so often expected to keep non profitable sectors of Africa's economy running out of the sake of human kindness. Your country will improve, if your willing to diminish your sovereignty for western business intrests.

Hate to say it, but its true. Africa's growth is reliant on FDI, so the success of western markets is the success of Africa.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Here's my input and you might not like it, but I think it might be best to start with one country in Africa modernize it and then invade other nations, this is so far in my head. Again I choose Ethiopia to be the Japan of Africa.

This shows a complete lack of knowledge for how the world works. The west can not simply choose a country and modernize it. Are you denying all forms of economics? Your economy will only grow as the demand for product increases in the west. That's the extent of FDI we will put on you. What can Ethiopia give us? Were not going to spend billions of investment dollars fixing a random country, when we have our own problems here at home.

Come on! Even if your insanely asinine plan was put into motions, you lose all respect when you say invade other nations. Yeah, were going to kill a bunch of people and they will modernize! Same problems as you left off with.... The west putting billions of dollars into fixing that $hithole that you just killed people over. I never believed words like yours could be typed on to a computer.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Here's my input and you might not like it, but I think it might be best to start with one country in Africa modernize it and than invade other nations, this is so far in my head. Again I choose Ethiopia to be the Japan of Africa.

Furthermore, Ethiopia is not close to being the most likely. That place has so much poverty and terrorism, it would take centuries and a drain of all our money to make that place into Japan. Your country hardly has anything we want either. What, Coffee? I'm sure Ethiopia can reach the level of Japan based on coffee products. No, your plan is a nightmare. I hope your kidding. If we gave money to anyone, it would probably be Nigeria. Their oil is the highest quality in the world, and the 4th largest seller to the west. They lack the infrastructure and security to deliver it though.
Csareo wrote:
This shows a complete lack of knowledge for how the world works. The west can not simply choose a country and modernize it. Are you denying all forms of economics? Your economy will only grow as the demand for product increases in the west. That's the extent of FDI we will put on you. What can Ethiopia give us? Were not going to spend billions of investment dollars fixing a random country, when we have our own problems here at home.

Come on! Even if your insanely asinine plan was put into motions, you lose all respect when you say invade other nations. Yeah, were going to kill a bunch of people and they will modernize! Same problems as you left off with.... The west putting billions of dollars into fixing that $hithole that you just killed people over. I never believed words like yours could be typed on to a computer.

Your new here aren't you, What are you talking about, "The west modernizing an African country" I never said that, why would we allow the west to influence and occupy our land. Of course that's a bad idea, I'm not a fool, I know what I said and meant. Africa will not change by itself, so my suggesting is, We(AFRICANS!!!) overseas create some kind of a African party, one that promotes: African Nationalism, Back to Africa movement,anti-miscegenation in an attempt to promote the African woman, pan-Africanism, African socialism or fascism, single party state,solidarity and unity through irredentism . Then spread the ideology among the overseas populous and Africans. Then choose a country(Ethiopia) that will help promote that goal and be a vanguard state, create a headquarters there, spread the beliefs there and the monarchist thought there. Create an revolution, create the new state with the restored monarch. Start the process of modernization. Have a Strong Armed forces and finally create our own "Greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere". That's my goal. Anyone else has any more ideas.
Csareo wrote:Furthermore, Ethiopia is not close to being the most likely. That place has so much poverty and terrorism, it would take centuries and a drain of all our money to make that place into Japan. Your country hardly has anything we want either. What, Coffee? I'm sure Ethiopia can reach the level of Japan based on coffee products. No, your plan is a nightmare. I hope your kidding. If we gave money to anyone, it would probably be Nigeria. Their oil is the highest quality in the world, and the 4th largest seller to the west. They lack the infrastructure and security to deliver it though.

Are you kidding Nigeria's a failed state, way worse than Ethiopia, at least their government is more competent.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote: What are you talking about, "The west modernizing an African country" I never said that, why would we allow the west to influence and occupy our land. Of course that's a bad idea, I'm not a fool, I know what I said and meant. Africa will not change by itself, so my suggesting is, We(AFRICANS!!!) overseas create some kind of a African party, one that promotes: African Nationalism, Back to Africa movement,anti-miscegenation in an attempt to promote the African woman, pan-Africanism, African socialism or fascism, single party state,solidarity and unity through irredentism . Then spread the ideology among the overseas populous and Africans. Then choose a country(Ethiopia) that will help promote that goal and be a vanguard state, create a headquarters there, spread the beliefs there and the monarchist thought there. Create an revolution, create the new state with the restored monarch. Start the process of modernization. Have a Strong Armed forces and finally create our own "Greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere". That's my goal. Anyone else has any more ideas.

Ethiopian Monarchist, you sure have a lot to say about a continent where you have never set foot.
I suggest you go take a look, spend a couple of months travelling there, from country to country, and let us know what you found.
Ter wrote:Ethiopian Monarchist, you sure have a lot to say about a continent where you have never set foot.
I suggest you go take a look, spend a couple of months travelling there, from country to country, and let us know what you found.

Your right, I'm going to visit there and I'm going find a shithole, with little progress and suffering all around and fundamentalists plus they will not accept their own kind from overseas, which is very stupid, so when I visit it going to be exactly what I expect, which is all the more reason to promote my ideals.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Your right, I'm going to visit there and I'm going find a shithole

do not make up your mind in advance.
Africa is a very big continent. Depending where you go, you will find a very different atmosphere, people, culture, and so on.
I have lived, worked and travelled in Southern Africa, East Africa and Central Africa but I would not like to go to many countries in West Africa.
Good luck.
Ter wrote: do not make up your mind in advance.
Africa is a very big continent. Depending where you go, you will find a very different atmosphere, people, culture, and so on.
I have lived, worked and travelled in Southern Africa, East Africa and Central Africa but I would not like to go to many countries in West Africa.
Good luck.

Alright, tell me how was it, Ethiopia first.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Alright, tell me how was it, Ethiopia first.

That will not be possible in the context of a public discussion forum.
As far as Ethiopia is concerned, I only passed there briefly twice so I cannot tell you much about it.
Go and experience Africa for yourself before making big plans to change it.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Ok, You all knew this was coming....give me your suggestions, what should be done for us politically, what religion should be useful to us, what economical ideology should we use, and what do we do so we can compete with the other races.

You are mixing up skin colour with continental origin. Afrikaners are African. My grandmother descended from French settlers who fled Haiti after the slave revolution. Her DNA was partially yoruba.

This makes me descended from African ancestors who left the continent about 56 thousand years ago and mated with Neanderthals in the Middle East (that was before they decided to genocide the Neanderthals, of whom we know because we do have Neanderthal DNA and because we found a few remaining bones and teeth buried in ancient dirt). Becuause my grandma did have some yoruba DNA that also qualifies me to answer your questions:

1. Religion: atheism
2. Economic ideology: Neoliberal capitalism (von Hajek worship if you will).
3. Strategy for Competition: Migrate to Europe and marry a white chick.
Social_Critic wrote:You are mixing up skin colour with continental origin. Afrikaners are African. My grandmother descended from French settlers who fled Haiti after the slave revolution. Her DNA was partially yoruba.

This makes me descended from African ancestors who left the continent about 56 thousand years ago and mated with Neanderthals in the Middle East (that was before they decided to genocide the Neanderthals, of whom we know because we do have Neanderthal DNA and because we found a few remaining bones and teeth buried in ancient dirt). Becuause my grandma did have some yoruba DNA that also qualifies me to answer your questions:

1. Religion: atheism
2. Economic ideology: Neoliberal capitalism (von Hajek worship if you will).
3. Strategy for Competition: Migrate to Europe and marry a white chick.

I'm aware of the Afrikaners, I'm trying to make African an nationality besides race.
They may join us if they want to.
You know we Africans will never be Atheistic as well as your race will not be.
I believe capitalism is more of a problem to us than communism
We want to marry within our race or least of colored.
Ethiopian monarchist wrote:I'm trying to make African an nationality besides race.
They may join us if they want to.
You know we Africans will never be Atheistic as well as your race will not be.
I believe capitalism is more of a problem to us than communism
We want to marry within our race or least of colored.

1. You can´t make African a nationality anymore than the Nepalese can make Asian a nationality.
2. The Afrikaners don´t want to join you. They have enough trouble as it is dealing with the brothers in the ANC.
3. If Africans can´t be atheists then they have a serious problem. As an alternative I suggest you try Scientology.
4. If you believe capitalism is more of a problem than communism then you already lost.
5. If you want to marry within your "race" then Africans won´t be useable as a source of transplant body parts in the future.

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