Satire for October. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Briton
The point of the cartoon is that the anti-war movement in this country undermines the effort of American soldiers to defeat terrorism.

The anti-war movement in your country undermines the effort of America to interfere in other countries' affairs, at least militarily, and killing Americans in the process. It just so happens that 'terrorists' don't want you to interfere with other countries either, but to portray the two groups as being in league with each other is misleading. Is this more of the 'You're either with us or against us' shite?
By Mecha
The point of the cartoon is that the anti-war movement in this country undermines the effort of American soldiers to defeat terrorism.

Is there any evidence at all the "war on terror" has hurt terrorism at all?

I see the numbers of Al Q's recuitment up several fold, Iraq may now have numerous terrorist cells in it, have made the mainstream Iraqi much more anti-american, solidified defensive pacts between Middle Eastern nations (particularly with the US in mind), and the sheer loss of resources that could have been used securing America peacably. The disintegration of Iraq, which now seems likely, would destabilize the region.

In Afghanistan the Taliban still has a foothold, and seems to be fighting back a bit more there. Not that the taliban's rivial group (the "Northern Alliance") is much better. All the statistics of wellbeing in Afghanistan is the same (near the bottom), except a recent decrease drug production.

Thats off the top of my head, so it seems like the pro-war movement is hurting America's ability to defend itself far, far more than the anti-war movement.

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By Apollos
Yes, defeat terrorism by invading countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 nor any real connection to Al-Qaeda. Northern Ireland probably had more to do with Terrorism than Iraq.

This isn't terror? This wasn't worth stopping?
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Was the the US's business in the first place? Maybe you should ask the 50 000 Iraqis that have been killed because of Gulf War #2.

It was an awful thing yes, but the US is not the world's policemen, an International arbiter, say a place where nations unite, should do those kinds of humanitarian/government building operations.

Armed forces of a nation shouldn't be used to remove the bad people (deemed by the government with the military power) from power.
By Mecha
While it is a highly politicised document (seems to use Tony Blair's speeches as a legitimate source of information and numbers), it does raise a few points. How dare Saddam do mass murder in the 1980's ("reported", but no confirmation in all this time?)! Then a few years later using nerve/mustard gas (which we gave him, and initially lied that he did it, tried to blame the Iranians)! And killed some Iranians, too (hint: a war)! And for some reason he crushed a revolt! (didn't help that Presidente Bush I called on them to revolt and promised help, which they didn't get).

I'm amuzed by the lack of hard data. I wonder how many of those "mass graves" (Which is "12 or more" bodies, so just Texas probably makes a few every year, if its year's executions where buried together) were communists purged with explicit CIA's guidance and help.

This all wouldn't be so bad, if we removed him and was able to institute a 1) stable 2) not-torturing/abusing government. Now it looks like Iraq is going to become another Afghanistan due to our actions. Remember the pre-war CIA estimate of what would happen if we went nation-building in Iraq? At best, many-year (I think "8-12", can't remember) insurgency. Likely was a civil war in Iraq. There was no logical reason to invade.

It looks like if we 1) stop encouraging torture/abuse/purges 2) stop supporting groups who do 3) stopped using it ourselves it would reduce considerably the number of such things that occur, and would allow us to honestly say that it would be good for us to replace Saddam because he allows such things. But that is not the case, we have simply replaced one set of abusers with another and sparked mass strife/destabilization in Iraq.

This isn't terror? This wasn't worth stopping?

So, yes, it is worth stopping. You just happen to have picked a method of action that results in greater bloodshed, chaos and continued violence that could have been possibly avoided altogether while acheiving the ends of 1) american safety and 2) a better Middle East.

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By Rodion
The terrorists goal is to turn the people against their government so the government does what the terrorists want it to do. Pacifists may all be angels, but they are doying exactly what terrorists intend them to do.

P.S. Similar strategy was used in WW2 when Germany and England bombed each other's capitals. The Germans cracked first.
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By Boondock Saint
The next person who posts without a cartoon is so feckin dead.
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By Briton
The next person who posts without a cartoon is so feckin dead.



P.S. Similar strategy was used in WW2 when Germany and England bombed each other's capitals. The Germans cracked first.

So... when did Iraq attempt to invade the US?
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By Rodion
Briton wrote:
So... when did Iraq attempt to invade the US?


By Saf
Anyone who suggests that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 should be summarily banned.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Since when is burning a US flag being a 'terrorist asshole'?
By Luke
So, TAL, you're blaming the Democrats for the destruction in New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina? It's a hard thing to do, but I think you've just sunk down to a whole new low in stupidity.
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By The American Lion
The problem with Katrina came from all levels of government. The City and State government are just hypcryates. Sayings it's all the federal government's fault. Where most of the blame goes to the State and City. FEMA does have a big role in the blame too.

Remember its the democrats who run the state and most of the cities. Also most of the government in N.O. is black and democrat. So black poor of N.O. has to blame to their black elected leaders.

Man the mayor left all those busses to rust in the flood waters.

While the Texan government acullay did somthing. Man I didnt hear NO police giving away free gasoline to people trying to leave the cities.
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By Rodion
The Duke wrote:
You're sooooooo Jewish man.

What can I say, it's a calling 8) .
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By amjdmg

Had Rita come first, you'd have to switch the pictures...
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By The American Lion
I lived in Texas for a few years. Texans usally have better plans. Because Texans know how to take care of them selves.
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