Satire Week Begining 25/04/2005 - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Saf
The last one is cute. Black and white makes everything simpler for moronic brain-dead neocon propaganda. :D
By Luke
I wonder how many less coffins would have to be made if America hadn't been involved in the first place, TAL?
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By The American Lion
I wonder how many less coffins would have to be made if America hadn't been involved in the first place, TAL?

I guess its was ok for Saddam kill his people anyway right? Since its wasnt the world's problem.
By Luke
You shouldn't attempt sarcasm, it just doesn't work. What I'm saying is this: far, far more people have died as a result of your war on Iraq compared to how many Saddam Hussein has killed and would have killed if he were still in power. How can you be so morally corrupt as to say that it is fine if the USA kills X number of Iraqis as opposed to Hussein killing far, far fewer?
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By The American Lion
You shouldn't attempt sarcasm, it just doesn't work. What I'm saying is this: far, far more people have died as a result of your war on Iraq compared to how many Saddam Hussein has killed and would have killed if he were still in power. How can you be so morally corrupt as to say that it is fine if the USA kills X number of Iraqis as opposed to Hussein killing far, far fewer?

So simply you dont care how many Iraqis died during Saddam's rule. Since we removed Saddam we ended Saddam's killings and we ended Saddam's mass graves. The terrorists in Iraq are terrorists. We aint purposly killing civilians, but the Syrians, Palestiana, and Iraqi terrorists are doing the killing now and not us.
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By QatzelOk
TAL shot back:
So simply you dont care how many Iraqis died during Saddam's rule.

Of course everyone cares.

That's why I'm building a time machine to go back in history and save all those lives that Saddam destroyed when he was America's puppet. Thing is, TAL, I don't know who to take out.
By Luke
So simply you dont care how many Iraqis died during Saddam's rule.

Actually, I do. However, what you can't seem to see is that if the USA causes more deaths than would have occured had they not attacked, THAT IS NOT AN IMPROVEMENT.

The terrorists in Iraq are terrorists.


but the Syrians, Palestiana, and Iraqi terrorists are doing the killing now and not us.

So you are just letting the terrorists kill people without consequence? You aren't killing the "terrorists" in retaliation?
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By Ombrageux
You guys just don't get it. Killing Iraqis is a job Saddam no longer has. He has been removed from power he is now incapable of doing that job. The job has been insourced to good young Americans, one less job for ferners.
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By Sarah
Actually, I do. However, what you can't seem to see is that if the USA causes more deaths than would have occured had they not attacked,

That is utter bullshit! Do you have any idea of the number of death's under SH rule? FAR FAR FAR more people would have died horrific deaths if *we* had not intervened
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By Ombrageux
Not according to the Lancet.

The fact is, the Kurds were the bulk of people getting killed because of Saddam. After GW1 we had our no-fly-zones setup and the Kurds had setup their own little de facto statelets. They were safe from Saddam and the Kurds were having more people killed by other Kurds due to the rivalrly of those statelets rather than Saddam.
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By Boondock Saint
The fact is, the Kurds were the bulk of people getting killed because of Saddam. After GW1 we had our no-fly-zones setup and the Kurds had setup their own little de facto statelets. They were safe from Saddam and the Kurds were having more people killed by other Kurds due to the rivalrly of those statelets rather than Saddam

Only if the sanctions were to be held in place. Had the US not invaded then odds are the sanctions would have been lifted within two maybe three years. Leaving the Kurds open to whatever Saddam had in mind.

However that's not the point that someone was trying to make, the point was had Rummy never gone to visit Saddy boy and sell him nice weapons and maps then Saddy boy would never have been the bad ass mofo he became. Oh and I think those chemical weapons came from somewhere no? Does the US still ahve the reciept for those?



Hell they didnt add in war. How Bush can talk about the sanctity of life and yet make the decisions he has made I just dont know ...


All because he panders to some backwards cultists.


That's right ladies and gentlemen, the fundies are infected the Air Force as well.

Hey check it out, political satire from Iraq ...

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By Tim
Top one = :lol:

Do you know, the bottom one reminds me of that show Krusty puts on from Russia when he loses Itchy and Scratchy to Gabbo. :lol:
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By Ombrageux
Leaving the Kurds open to whatever Saddam had in mind.

Not if we keep the no-fly zones. And not unless Saddam wants another ass-woopin.
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By Clann
That is utter bullshit! Do you have any idea of the number of death's under SH rule? FAR FAR FAR more people would have died horrific deaths if *we* had not intervened

False. Substantiate this.
By Saf
Teh culture of lifexor.

By Luke
That is utter bullshit! Do you have any idea of the number of death's under SH rule? FAR FAR FAR more people would have died horrific deaths if *we* had not intervened

You have GOT to be joking me.
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By BobMarlon
Hell they didnt add in war. How Bush can talk about the sanctity of life and yet make the decisions he has made I just dont know ...

great comic. I also think its funny how bush went with the pope on stem cell research but when the pope tells him to take away the death penelty he pretends hes not listenening.
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