Mandatory Gun Ownership - Politics | PoFo

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By wonder cow
:| Mandatory Gun Ownership

My bovine brain has been working overtime lately to try and solve all the social problems of my country, the US of A. The crime problem has proven particularly difficult, but I think I have a solution.

Make gun ownership mandatory. We need a federal statute that not only requires every adult citizen or legal visitor to own a gun, but to carry it on his or her person all the time.

For example, if a police officer pulls you over and frisks you and does not find a gun, he will give you a “temporary government” gun from a stash in his trunk. You will also get a fine of $200 for the first offense, $500 for the second, gunshot to the foot on the 3rd, and deportation to Sweden on the 4th.

Once everyone is carrying a gun, I predict that murders, robberies, and all other violent crimes will go down by at least 7%. I think it is well worth it.
By Bishop
hmmm.. I don't see how thts a good idea. For starters, instead of people running from police, alot of them would just stay and fight. When someone is getting mugged in a dark alley, not only do you have the chance of one person being shot, but two. God forbid another basketball game errupts into a brawl, instead of soft drinks being thrown it would be bullets. People lose control of their gun on an airplane with turbulance, and a hole shows up in the plane, it goes down in flames.

Actually, forget all that. I think the biggest problem would be the hospitals not being able to handle the thousands of people who shoot themselves out of stupidity.
By Tau
Australia introduced gun control laws - actually to imply going from one situation to the extreme opposite overnite is far from acurate, it has been done gradually over many decades.

Gun related crime has dropped, and most important, if you are confronted with a burglar in your home, the chances are he won't have a gun!! He may have a knife, a baseball bat - but not a gun!!!

Is this important - the choice of weapons??? To me it is. As a person that has no interest in guns, I think this is a great outcome.

Far more importantly - accidental death by firearm has dropped far more significantly. Idiots that keep guns to 'protect themselves' when they have no clue are a far bigger danger than the chance of a burglar (in Australia at least)
By wonder cow
:| Bishop,

The beauty of it is twofold:

(1) People will not be as inclined to mug, rob, steal, harass, make derogatory remarks, fire people, forget to tip, pick-a-fight, drive slow in the passing lane, or act rude in any way.

(2) Hospitals will become so good at treating gun wounds, that gun wounds would all soon become non-fatal. They may even come up with an antidote.
By Captain Charisma
Do I think gun ownership reduces crime? Clearly

Does Switzerland have mandatory gun ownership for all males and the lowest gun crime rates in the world? Yes

Do I think people should be forced to carry a handgun at all times, especially when some individuals have strong moral objections to them? No
By wonder cow
:|Enrique, Enrique, Enrique....

Tsk Tsk Tsk...

Listen, forcing people to do things for their own "good" is the new American way. We can't allow such minor considerations as "moral objections" to interfere with the betterment of society. Now, can we?
By briansmith
Stupid cow posts do not belong in my forum. Moved to Satire.
By wonder cow
Listen, forcing people to do things for their own "good" is the new American way. We can't allow such minor considerations as "moral objections" to interfere with the betterment of society. Now, can we?


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