Frodo has failed - Politics | PoFo

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By Yeddi
I always thought of that picture as an insult to Bush :hmm:
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By tragicclown
Yeah, it means "George Dubya, the infinately evil overlord"

If you think thats cool, you're not a conservative anymore!
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By The American Lion
TragicClown wrote:Yeah, it means "George Dubya, the infinately evil overlord"

If you think thats cool, you're not a conservative anymore!

No, i just have a sense of humor.
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By Truth-a-naut
No... no you don't.

I on the other hand do.

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By The American Lion
Dont worry, our lord has the ring! Why do we think we won Afgainstian and Iraq? You all shall fall to America's Army! Just surrender now or be whiped off the face of the Earth.

Why he doenst turn invisable you may say? Remember the Dark Lord Sauron wasnt invsiable when he had it.
By MechPaladin
Maybe the ring loses a certain amount of its power with each successive change of ownership - Medieval armors and weapons rust, which means that magic gold rings must have a rate of decay as well. Otherwise how is it that no archaeologist has found one of those in an archaeological dig? That being the case, successive owners after a certain number of owners probably wouldn't have the disappearing power. Or maybe they do, but no one noticed when they disappear temporarily.
By Jesse
Looks like its time to cut off Bush's hand - anyone got that Narsil blade nearby? :lol:
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By Boondock Saint
No, but I do have a butter knife that will do the trick with a bit of sawing ... :muha2:

And yes, we all know that Bush is evil.
By Nox
Boondock Saint wrote:And yes, we all know that Bush is evil.

No ... WE don't.

O well.

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By Boondock Saint
Wow, more intellectual greatness from Nox ...

Well O.
By Freedom
Oh put away your handbag ladies. Bah!

As for the original TRP post...the message is indeed confusing...I mean Bush has the One Ring on and isnt invisible...doesnt that make him a Wizard or something or worse Tom Bombardil... :eek: ...any Tolkien nuts care to fill me in on what that means?
By Ocker
It's a hole in the plot :p

Maybe Bush is so evil he can control the ring. Maybe he made the ring in the fiery depths of the Whitehouse, therefore giving him alone complete control over the ring.
By Freedom
Yeah...Bush doesnt strike me as a Sauron though...more of a Smeagal(sp?)...thats why I dont understand why he isnt invisible...which means he could be that stupid ass Tom Bombardil...whose section in the first book pissed me off so much I decided not to finish the damn books...

I remind myself of Aragon...future king of middle earth with two fine bitches with eyes for me...
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By Demosthenes
I remind myself of Aragon...future king of middle earth with two fine bitches with eyes for me...
Well you remind me of the dwarf...Short, foul tempered, and reaaaaaaaaaly burly!!! With two fine bitches running scared everytime they smell you nearby!!! :lol: :lol:
By Nox
Boondock Saint wrote:Wow, more intellectual greatness from Nox ...

Well O.

It equals and probably exceeds yours...O well.

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By Edric O
In the hellfires of Texas, the Dark Lord Dubya secretly forged the Master Ring, the One Ring, which would grant him eternal dominion over the last free peoples of Earth, and cloud the entire world in the dark veil of conservativism.

One Ring to rule them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Texas where the shadows lie.

Now, the free peoples of Earth rally to the red banner of liberty to make one last stand against the conservative hoardes. Forward, communists! Forward to victory! :)
By Al Khabir
.which means he could be that stupid ass Tom Bombardil...whose section in the first book pissed me off so much I decided not to finish the damn books...

Right on! That imp is evil! All he does is sing and prance about like a ninny.

I always thought Bush would make a good Sauron.l That makes Blair Saruman, and Alistair Campbell- Grima Wormtongue! The two look very alike!

There is an alliance now between the two towers... And a few Ukrainians as well.
By CrazyPete
I loved Tom! It made me mad when they cut him from the movie grr
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By unbalanced zealot
Correct me if I'm wrong, but should he be invisible ?

Actually - Reagan is still alive but no one has seen him
in public for a while ... the ring does wonders for people
lifespan. He's probably lurking, making plays, unseen.

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