Please We Can Only Politicize One Disaster at a Time! - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Shamgar
Don't stand to close to a pseudoChristian leader . . . .he may land on you if he fell off his soapbox

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By Dan
I believe that this belongs in satire.

Although it's not very funny.
By Spin
I'm in a shit thread.
By Shamgar
. . .ah . . . the saying goes: "The truth hurts" . . . not "The truth is funny" . . .

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By Dan
. . .ah . . . the saying goes: "The truth hurts" . . . not "The truth is funny" . . .

Can you provide a reliable source of Bush saying these words, exactly as shown in the pics? If not this is satire, not the truth, and satire is supposed to be somewhat funny, which these are not.
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By Todd D.
Shamgar's a troll, trust me. He'll be most active in any thread regarding abortion, calling Bush a "wolf" and the like. He doesn't really respond to anything, and for some reason has a special distaste for me.

Below is a picture of one of his last posts on another forum before being banned there, it should give you an idea on who we're dealing with:
By Shamgar
Can you provide a reliable source of Bush saying these words, exactly as shown in the pics? If not this is satire, not the truth, and satire is supposed to be somewhat funny, which these are not.

Can you provide the exact defintion your are using which requires your stipulations?

Hey Todd D . . . a special dislike? . . . .I don't think you are special at all. . . . since you certainly can't back up what you say . . . .
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By Todd D.
Aww, I didn't get a picture that time? First time for everything.

By the by, your abortion threads could probably go in Morals and Ethics, in case you were wondering.
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By Todd D.
MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do: go through his clothes and look for loose change.
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By Dan
Can you provide the exact defintion your are using which requires your stipulations?

From (with some formatting).
1. Conformity to fact or actuality.
2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
3. Sincerity; integrity.
4. Fidelity to an original or standard.
5. a. Reality; actuality.
b. often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.

For it to be truth it would have to confirm to fact, reality, or actuality. It does not, as Bush never said any of those things (at least as far as I know, and it is highly unlikely that he did say any of those things).

1. a. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
b. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.
2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

Seen as this is not literature it would be definition number 2. The pictures attempt to use irony, sarcasm, or wit to expose folly, but failed. So maybe I should have said it was failed satire.
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By Apollos
I should have said it was failed satire.

And butchered wit, don't forget that.
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By Todd D.
whats with the jibba jabba? I just hadnt seen any of your posts for a month

Actually it was a quote from Princess Bride.

Truth is I've just been busy, I've been around but nothing has really sparked my interest enough to warrant getting in to an extended debate. Meh.
By Shamgar
For it to be truth it would have to confirm to fact, reality, or actuality. It does not, as Bush never said any of those things (at least as far as I know, and it is highly unlikely that he did say any of those things).

Ah great a "fount of knowdege" whose well went dry . . . . here is a hint . . . .news comes on many mediums: newspapers, television, computers, radio . . . .give them a try for a change . . .maybe you will get some water flowing. . . .of course it must really be a kick in the teeth today to find out the Teflon Bush's coating is not really "no-stick" . . . .as his administration which is "not run by opinion polls" forced him to ADMIT ERROR because of plummetting opinion polls. . . . I am sure a shudder ran down the spines of the Bush drones . . . .their false god was not "perfect" . . . .
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By Dan
Ah great a "fount of knowdege" whose well went dry

Sarcasm; Great. But anyway, can you please link me to a source where Bush says "Boys, I won't be a victim of the New Orleans Flood 'Blame Game'. I'm in charge of blaming." Or "Okay Boys, Set That 9/11 Soapbox Down On Top of My Iraw War Dead SoapBox!" or "I Don't Want Anyone Politicizing The Disaster In New Orleans. Instead Let Us Remember 9/11 And Finish The War In Iraq!"

Can you show me a source where he says this, because I haven't seen anything like that? If not then it is not truth but satire.

news comes on many mediums: newspapers, television, computers, radio . . . .give them a try for a change

I do, I read the paper daily, I go on this forum daily, and I watch Jon Stewart as often as I can (because it's the only news show that I trust, sadly). But from none of these have I yet seen quotes of Bush saying that.

of course it must really be a kick in the teeth today to find out the Teflon Bush's coating is not really "no-stick"

Why should I care? I ain't American, and while I don't think he's as bad as many have made him out to be, I don't really think he's all that great either, especially since New Orleans.

as his administration which is "not run by opinion polls" forced him to ADMIT ERROR because of plummetting opinion polls

Amazing, you just realized that politicians are hypocritical and lie. Good for you. Maybe next you'll learn about media bias.

I am sure a shudder ran down the spines of the Bush drones . . . .their false god was not "perfect" . . . .

Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know either way.

So now, instead of avoiding it, just link me to a site where Bush says any of those things and I'll admit that this isn't satire, but rather truth.

But for now it's really crappy satire, that isn't funny.
By Shamgar
Oh Dan you did provide me with a definition that fit into your skewed "parameters" . . . . nor have your refuted that my graphics do not reflect the events which have happened in the world today . . . oh btw John Stewart is not a real television broadcast but a parody. . . .just a headsup . . .so obviously you have skewed vision on the real world. . . . glad I could help. . . .
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By jaakko
You have problems with punctuation.

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