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Since its founding in the mid-1970s, more criminal incidents can be linked to Aryan Nations than any other neo-Nazi group in the United States.

In addition to Aryan Nations members' involvement in terrorist firebombing of Oklahoma City synagogue, the Nazi group Aryan Nations is also responsible for leading efforts to coordinate terrorist efforts with Islamist Extremist groups.

Aryan Nation's August Kreis: "You say they're terrorists, I say they're freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples' heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah." "I don't believe that they were the ones that attacked us," Kreis said. "And even if they did, even if you say they did, I don't care!" Kreis wants to make common cause with al Qaeda because, he says, they share the same enemies: Jews and the American government.

The Nazi Aryan Nations Leaders have been promoting the writings of Islamist leader Abdul-Aziz Ibn Myatt and have provided collections of his hate ravings as
teachings for Nazis to prepare in planning attacks on USA.

An unholy alliance
Aryan Nation leader reaches out to al Qaeda

By Henry Schuster
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Posted: 2:42 PM EST (1942 GMT) ... index.html

August Kreis

SEBRING, Florida (CNN) -- A couple of hours up the road from where some September 11 hijackers learned to fly, the new head of Aryan Nation is praising them -- and trying to create an unholy alliance between his white supremacist group and al Qaeda.

"You say they're terrorists, I say they're freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples' heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah."

With his long beard and potbelly, August Kreis looks more like a washed up member of ZZ Top than an aspiring revolutionary.

Don't let appearances fool you: his résumé includes stops at some of America's nastiest extremist groups -- Posse Comitatus, the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation.

"I don't believe that they were the ones that attacked us," Kreis said. "And even if they did, even if you say they did, I don't care!"

Kreis wants to make common cause with al Qaeda because, he says, they share the same enemies: Jews and the American government.

The terms they use may be different: White supremacists call them ZOG, the Zionist Occupation Government, while al Qaeda calls them the Jews and Crusaders.

But the hatred is the same. And Kreis wants to exploit that.

Midland Nazi turns to Islam

Sunday Mercury (England), Feb. 16, 2003

By Amardeep Bassey, Sunday Mercury

A "Satanic Fuhrer" who urged neo-Nazis to fight a race war has turned full circle to become an Islamic fundamentalist.

Midland-based David Myatt, 51, was the political guru behind white supremacist group Combat 18 and has been the leading hardline Nazi intellectual in Britain
since the 1960s.

Now the self-confessed Pagan and Adolf Hitler worshipper hails al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden as his inspiration and praises the World Trade Center attacks as acts of heroism.

Writing under various pseudo-nyms, including his Islamic name Abdul Aziz, the thrice-married Physics graduate has posted messages on Islamic religious
websites supporting suicide missions and urging young Muslims to take up Jihad. He is also believed to be the author of several anti-semitic and anti-West
articles entitled 'The Crusader War Against Islam and The Zionist Quest for World Domination', written under the name Abdul Aziz ibn Myatt.

A Nazi-Islamist Hatefest

By Joe Kaufman | April 26, 2005 ... p?ID=17849

On April 30, the Assidiq Islamic Educational Foundation (AIEF), an Islamic center in Boca Raton, is hosting an event commemorating the “prophet” Mohammed at the Boca Marriott Hotel. The featured speaker for the event is William Baker, a man whose anti-Jewish works and statements have won him accolades throughout the white supremacist movement.

In 1984, Baker was Chairman of the Populist Party, a Neo-Nazi organization founded by Holocaust denier Willis Carto. Baker’s book, Theft of a Nation, sports a cover depicting a Jew carrying, on his back, a container holding the state of Israel, which Baker claims in his book the Jews stole from the Palestinians. Baker writes: “The entire country of Palestine has been ‘taken’ by political Zionists, and it would seem the entire world has believed, supported and participated in the ‘theft’ of an entire country from an entire nation.”

Why would the AIEF choose to bring a notorious anti-Semite like Baker to an event in an area that houses a very large Jewish population? A glimpse at the center’s background and ideology may provide some answers.

The Assidiq Islamic Educational Foundation incorporated in February of 2005 and has been in existence for just over a year. Its founder and Imam, Sayed Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini, only 23 years of age, was born in Iran and moved to Florida by way of California, where members of his family operate numerous other Islamic centers.

These centers were built by his grandfather, Ayatollah Sayid Mortadha Al-Qazwini, currently the head of the shrine in Karbala, Iraq. Karbala is the place where Imam Hussein bin Ali, the revered grandson of the “prophet” Mohammed, is said to have been murdered by Sunni Muslim rivals. Assidiq is the third Islamic center to open in the city of Boca Raton, the other two being the Islamic Center of Boca Raton and the Assalam Center. Unlike the latter two centers, Assidiq is a Shi’ite mosque, with a mostly Iranian and Iraqi influence. But like the other two, Assidiq brings with it a radical element (see ‘Boca Raton, City of Terror‘).

On the Audio Library section of Assidiq’s website, along with an animated graphic of dripping blood (apparently taken from another site glorifying the barbaric custom of pounding oneself over the head with swords until blood flows), there are a series of (what used to be) downloadable lectures made by Sayed Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini. In one dated February 12, 2005, titled “The concept of war through an Islamic perspective,” Al-Qazwini said the following:

“And until today, people do not seem to be able to forget what happened on [September 11, 2001]. It’s very hurtful. But who suffered the most after that attack? Immediately, if you turned on a TV set, and they started mentioning the names of those who were involved in the attack, the Muslims and American Muslims started suffering right away...The American Muslims were suffering the most, and they’re still suffering. They’re not comfortable. And that is because of the lack of understanding of Islam in this country. Brothers and sisters, this is our country.”

He continues: “Thus rule number one, fight for the sake of Allah. Who must you fight? Those who start the war against you. Those who establish the war against you. Those who initiate the war against the Muslims. Then you are allowed to defend yourself...If you are attacked, you ought to defend...Permission has been given to those fighters whom have been forced, have seen injustice, have seen wrongdoing, have seen oppression and occupation. Then, they are given the permission to fight and to defend themselves and let them know that Allah will assist them to victory.”

Since Al-Qazwini believes that Muslims—inside and outside America—have been wronged following the 9/11 attacks, does he also believe that Muslims should fight “for the sake of Allah” against America, a country that Al-Qazwini claims for Muslims?

In the same speech, Al-Qazwini discusses the issue of martyrdom in Islam. He uses the terms “shahada” and “shaheed,” which are also the Arabic words used to describe suicide bombers in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.

He states: “Shahada is equivalent to a very very important degree in Islam. The shaheed is not washed. The body of a shaheed is not washed. The shaheed is [pure/exempt from washing]. Thus he is placed in his grave immediately after he dies, because the shaheed is a purified figure. Not anybody that dies can be given the title of a shaheed. The shaheed is chosen by Allah, and the prophet is chosen by Allah. Those two people. Less not anybody can go and become a shaheed, brothers and sisters.”

Al Qaeda No. 2 Calls Obama Racial Epithet ... 44827.html

CAIRO, Egypt — Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader used a racial epithet to insult Barack Obama in a message posted Wednesday, describing the president-elect in demeaning terms that imply he does the bidding of whites. The message appeared chiefly aimed at persuading Muslims and Arabs that Obama does not represent a change in U.S. policies.

We must not be quiet in the face of evil.
Evil thrives in silence.
If we do not speak out, they're only going to get bolder and bolder.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
By Inexorable
Watch out for the evil Nazis and Muslims. They will eat your pets. Boooooooo! Scary.
By J_D

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