Constitutional Anarchy... Are we ready? - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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My crazy idea, step 1, round all politicians up, put them on an island in middle of the pacific far from humanity, and nuke'em. step 2, make it illegal for politicians to serve longer than 8 years from local to federal politics. step three, only the population can make laws obviously with the majority. not letting the politicians legislate social law. step 3, let them legislate national law involving only security, excluding surrendering soverinty to international bodies. step 4, after 8 years round them all up, put them on an island and nuke'em. step 5 repeat. how am i doing so far?
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By hannigaholic
You know, you could just sack them. The nuking is going a bit far.

And direct democracy fails, because most people are idiots.
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By emoshunless
Hey pud, besides the nuking doesn't seem too crazy to me. Doesn't sound like anarchy either.
I'd go with a 2-3 years rather then 8, and what do you think about this? Adding to that, only allow each person to only hold 2 positions within the government?
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By noemon
Sorry wrong thread!
By William_H_Dougherty
A very crazy idea.

And who exactly is going to become a politician when it means that they will be executed in 8 years? Also, this society would by your definition have no respect for individual human rights, and would quickly degenerate into a hell-hole if murdering people is acceptable.

I'm getting a little tired of all the anti-politician sentiment in the news and on boards like this. I'm just as cynical about their motivations as the rest of them, but the reality is they are such douche-bags because they have a politically diverse group of people to make happy.

It is like those idiots who get up there and ask for "common-sense" solutions to all the big policy problems of the day. Well, sorry, but what is common sense to me isn't going to be what is common sense to you. And the politician is put in the very difficult position of trying to find a common ground between the two.

Obviously SOME percentage of the population thinks SOME politicans are doing a good job, as they need to be "elected" in the first place.

By Kman
William_H_Dougherty wrote:but the reality is they are such douche-bags because they have a politically diverse group of people to make happy.

Nah the issue these days is that the voters are lacking wisdom and knowledge, its like the 19th century french philosopher Tocqueville said ''In a democracy the people get the type of leaders they deserve''.
By Pudflinger
who will be a politician if they know they will be nuked in 8 years?

answer: problem solved!
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By Cookie Monster
Which army would obey the constitutional rules of an anarchy? They would seize power themselves.
Problem solved.
By Pudflinger
cookie monster, not sure i agree. consider the current state in america. they are crazy loyal. i may be a little biased but most i believe would choose to serve will of people numbering in the 100's of millions rather than some pencil pushing politician. i just believe instead of politicians making all the social laws leave it to us. poiticians can handle matters of security so some foreign power doesnt kill us all. im not naive, i know we need people to keep us safe. just take the rest of it and give it to us. but i gotta stand by the nuking...
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By Cookie Monster
And what is the will of the people, if there is no one the translate it. The armed forces will never subdue to a system whitout a civilian command structure. If it is lacking that, the armed forces will simply take over.
By William_H_Dougherty
Pudflinger wrote:answer: problem solved!

Well, I'm not exactly an "anarchist" so I think what you propose is horrible.

Blaming a handful of men and women for your problems is a bit too simplistic to me. I am not convinved politicians are deserving of your level of ire.

Kman wrote:Nah the issue these days is that the voters are lacking wisdom and knowledge, its like the 19th century french philosopher Tocqueville said ''In a democracy the people get the type of leaders they deserve''.

I think that is true to a certain extent, Kman, but this image that politicians are all as scum sucking lyers out for themselves is false. Of course you get a bunch of those, but across parties the majority of politicians are there for good reasons and take their role as "representative" quite seriously.


P.S. I wonder how many people here who are sh!t!ng all over politicians have actually worked with one. People seem to have no comprehensive of the negative side of being a politician.
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By Fasces
Pudflinger himself is a great argument against giving people the power he proposes.
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By Jackal
This is a ridiculous thread. Humans as a collective group will never be ready for any form of anarchy, much less one with a constitution. Further, suggesting that all the world leaders and politicians should be sent to an island and nuked is ludicrous. You post shows that you are not mature enough or ready for the type of system you speak of. Anarchy is for dreamers and whiners.
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By Lightman
(1) Your proposal does not describe an anarchic system.
(2) Your proposal relies on the wisdom of the majority on the area where the majority has traditionally shown minimal competence.
(3) The forum rules require you to capitalize your sentences and such.
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By Cartertonian
Raptor wrote:Anarchy is for dreamers and whiners.

Frankly, any ideology, pursued to the nth degree and to the exclusion of all else, is the province of the dreamers and whiners. :|
By Northern-Anarchist-X
Generally anarchism isn't proposed as a utopia so much as an alternative form of social organization.

Likewise, this doesn't really resemble anarchism at all, namely because to have politicians you would have to have a hierarchy.

Your "idea" is contradictory to itself ... and essentially attaches random ideas to each other in a mutant child of beauracratic-constitutional-failed state.
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By CatoLives
Nuking them is a really bad idea, but I like where you are going with this. Here's what we do. We put them on an island, as you suggest. This island is rigged up with video cameras. You see where I'm going with this? Think survivor mixed with American gladiator mixed with the west wing. Force them to battle to the death to gain immunity for one more day. Watch the intrigue and alliances, revel in their misery and laugh at their eventual and certain demise. Can you imagine the market share?
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