Does This Correspond to Any One Particular Ideology? - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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My political interest started months ago, and back then I was a pretty orthodox social democrat. Since then, my views have drifted to the right substantially. Anyway, here they are:

Philosophical Viewpoint: Freethought all the way. Dogma should be avoided. This naturally makes me an atheist. Also, moral nihilism in the strictest sense. All this means is that I don't think that objective morality can exist. I do recognize, however, that morality and empathy is important and that any non-psycopath will have at least some outline of a moral compass. Vehemently opposed to political absolutism.

Foreign Policy: Very moderately non-interventionist. The country should interfere if a group is getting slaughtered somewhere else with little provocation. War is not justified by economic profit. World peace is impossible to achieve now or any time later, however. We should promote the national interest as long as it doesn't involve the slaughtering of people in other nations. War should be used relatively sparingly, and should not be treated lightly (i.e. punishment of our soldiers for disgracing the corpse of enemies).

Immigration: Immigration should be relatively open, but immigrants must go through the process. Strengthen the borders substantially, and only deport illegals who have been here for a short time and did not bring their family with them. Discourage extremist immigration, and encourage immigration of skilled workers.

Social Policy: Allow gay marriage, because it has been shown to do little (if any) harm to society. Pro-choice for first and second trimesters, but not pro-choice for the third trimester. Indifferent to pornography. Pro-euthanasia. Anti-death penalty (too strong an assertion of state power) and relatively soft on crime. This means that criminals should be rehabilitated for the first time if possible, and harsher sentences for repeated offenses. Favor the decriminalization of all drugs, because addiction should be treated as an illness and not a crime. Drug use should not be encouraged, though. The state should not enforce subjective 'moral' behavior. Against teaching creationism in school. Against burning the flag, because it is a sign of threat. Pro-separation of church and state. Criticism of government policy should be allowed, and censorship should be light.

Economic Policy: The state should regulate large corporations to make sure that their profit-making does not run against the public interest or occurs at the detriment of the nation. Healthcare should be given to every citizen, and welfare should primarily be directed at the poor. In favor of a system of welfare that pays cash on top of earnings at work and does not pay as much when recipient is unemployed. Such welfare policies have been shown to increase employment, reduce poverty and divorce rates, and increase general well-being. Equality of opportunity should be emphasized. Pro-labor unions, and union membership should be encouraged. Pro-minimum wage. High taxes on the rich (heavy progressive tax system). Generally in favor of left-leaning centrist economic policy. Strongly against unrestrained capitalism and social darwinism.

Political Policy: In favor of a system of proportional representation. Pro-publicly funded campaigns, and in favor of publicly funded non-partisan newscasting. In favor of ending corporate personhood, and making it easier for third parties to get elected. Pro multi-party system. A wider range of ideological views should be encouraged.

Quiz Results:
Political Compass: E L/R = -3.25, S L/A = -3.90
Political Spectrum Quiz: Left = 3.64, Libertarian = 2.09


Do these views correspond to any one particular ideology? Lately I feel like I've been syncretizing some nationalism, classical liberalism, and social-democracy together to create this mess. Modern social-democracy seems too radical, classical liberalism seems too internationalist and philosophical, nationalism seems to nationalist, etc.. So I've felt a need to make some sort of compromise. I really, really don't want to see myself as a run-of-the-mill American social-liberal though, and I feel like I have been drifting that way unfortunately.
anarchist6 wrote:liberal, and regulation serves only to keep competition down and allow corporations to exist. Regulations make it to expensive to start small businesses and difficult to get off the group. Regulations are created by the early rich to enrich themselves still further, not to protect the people.

I'd rather not have this turn into a debate because it is a discussion of ideology, but that is not the sole purpose of regulation. I specifically made it my point to regulate large businesses, not small ones.

If I am just a boring, American liberal, then dammit! :lol:
Blue Puppy wrote:You sound like you're right smack in the middle of the Democratic party to me :P Like, not even in the moderate wing but halfway into the left side.

I am starting to sound more and more like a liberal. :( Not that liberalism is bad or anything, but that it's so conventional. I guess that I'm gonna stick with 'social-democrat' for now, although I've grown to be more moderate than Ralph Nader and other social-democrats.
You're pretty much a standard lefty. I could essentially replace you with any DailyKos blogger; except that posts elsewhere suggest you realize how bigoted (in the traditional sense) the left-wing mainstream is.
Dr House wrote:You're pretty much a standard lefty. I could essentially replace you with any DailyKos blogger...

Shit, I'm too normal. :D One of the things that I've noticed on this forum is the strive to be unconventional for many members. I guess that I would fall into this category despite my gradual moderation in political views over time.

Dr House wrote:...except that posts elsewhere suggest you realize how bigoted (in the traditional sense) the left-wing mainstream is.

That's my main problem with politics (and the American binary even moreso) in general. They'll argue with each other but they won't learn.
I think a lot of people get caught up in the drive to be rebellious and not be tied to any conformist label. It's all a little immature if you ask me. Labels, and what not are there for a reason. If you're a liberal, you're a liberal. No sense in being ashamed or disappointed by it.
Seer wrote:I think a lot of people get caught up in the drive to be rebellious and not be tied to any conformist label. It's all a little immature if you ask me. Labels, and what not are there for a reason. If you're a liberal, you're a liberal. No sense in being ashamed or disappointed by it.

sigh I guess so. It just sucks that so many of my fellow American liberals are so hypocritically intolerant. I guess I'm not an American liberal, per say. But a liberal nonetheless.
Another boring liberal. I admit there is some appeal to going toward more radical ideologies (because traditional liberals and conservatives are a bore) but in the end it seems the closer to the center you get it makes the most sense. I tend to see myself as a centrist, conservative Democrat, or as former New York City mayor Ed Koch called himself a "liberal with sanity." I am slightly to the left but I jettison the wacky shit.
Fracti, I don't think any of us strives to be unconventional. Most of us wouldn't hurt a fly, and we are mostly quoting other people anyway.

If you live in the USA and want to be unconventional read Noam Chomsly about Israel and become a pro-Palestinian agitator. My older sister is into that and she even managed to get on the government no fly list even though she has a PhD from Harvard, and the worst thing she did was get arrested in NY for protesting against the Iraq war.
edit: Ugh, did this post get necro'd? I had written a response before I noticed the huge gap in reply dates...

Hey there Fraqtive42,

We see eye to eye on pretty much 95% of that. Good to have you on board! I consider myself to be a Liberal - that is a present Liberal, academically a Social Liberal, and very much divorced from the main stream. I would say you are correct in your original thinking you have no party because I see no political party that carries that platform. In fact, I would go as far to say most parties in the world do not carry these sorts of values, making us - liberals - far more of a rare breed than the right wing media wants people to believe. The democrats are most certainly your closest match, but I've been down that path myself and become weary with politicians who are only interested in really going half way - as opposed to a far more cultural, and system-rearranging sort of politics as I believe you have presented to us today.

Whilst you oppose dogma, I would be interested in hearing what core values you feel this list is drawn from. I would draw a distinction between those who come to a conclusion based on pragmatic political science (democratic politicians), and those who come to that conclusion from an ideological perspective (liberals). The liberals are almost always going to be fighting for their ideal, without compromise, whilst the democratic platform is free to move as far as it needs to move in order to win votes. To you, is this list a conclusion of your own academic thought? Or are their driving forces behind it (eg: liberty, freedom, social responsibility, etc) that have been a base for your politics? We may be sharing these views for different reasons, after all, and I'm always interested in hearing how, where, and why you have reached these conclusions.

Khan wrote:You're a social liberal with some corporatist and paternalist tendencies.

This has made me highly curious! Could you explain which parts you might consider corporatist and paternalist and why?

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