Jacque Fresco? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Cole86
Hey guys, I'm a big supporter of Jacque and his Resource Based Economy ideas, it's definitely the best and the only system that will allow humanity to survive in the future.

I'd like to know what you think of all this? But first please make sure you watch a few videos of him on Youtube and read about TVP.

All the best!
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By Soixante-Retard
Can you point to an economy that hasn't been resource based?
By Cole86
Soixante-Retard wrote:Can you point to an economy that hasn't been resource based?

Each and every economic and political system was based on a money based economy. Yes resources matter and have always mattered, but money's value always changes and it's not equal to the value of the resource. Monetary economy is not based on resources; it's based on bank debt. If we're here to talk about a better system and future, then please do read more about all this. The problem is money and has always been. How to live without it? Watch Zeitgeist 2 and 3.
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By Soixante-Retard
Cole86 wrote:Each and every economic and political system was based on a money based economy. Yes resources matter and have always mattered, but money's value always changes and it's not equal to the value of the resource. Monetary economy is not based on resources; it's based on bank debt. If we're here to talk about a better system and future, then please do read more about all this. The problem is money and has always been. How to live without it? Watch Zeitgeist 2 and 3.

I shouldn't of asked. You're completely wrong. Your idea may even be worse than communism. I would suggest you read:
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By MisterSamArcher
I cannot comprehend how anyone can take Jaque Fresco seriously. Whenever he passes, however unfortunate a loss, his project shall die alongside him. Any individual trying to keep afloat his dream of a 'resource-based economy' (which is questionable enough) won't be successful. Finally, there are preferable alternatives that have been tried and tested - in my view.
To me it seemed that Fresco was more about what humanity is really could become. "We believe it is now possible to achieve a society where people would be able to live longer, healthier, and more meaningful productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based upon the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. Although many of the concepts presented here may appear as unattainable goals, all of the ideas are based upon known scientific principles. It is not my purpose to write an article that would be acceptable to people this is not the concern of science. The social direction being proposed here has no parallel in history with any other previous political ideology or economic strategy. Establishing the parameters of this new civilization will require transcending many of the traditions, values, and methods of the past. The future will evolve its own new paradigms, appropriate to each successive phase of human and technological development." Fresco

You should read his Essay The Future and Beyond, and lets do a little critical thinking.

Conserving all the world's resources as the common heritage of all of the Earth's people.

Transcending all of the artificial boundaries that separate people.
Evolving from a monetary-based economy to a resource-based world economy.
Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.
Redesigning our cities, transportation systems, and agricultural and industrial plants so that they are energy efficient, clean, and conveniently serve the needs of all people.
Evolving towards a cybernated society that can gradually outgrow the need for all political local, national, and supra-national governments as a means of social management.
Sharing and applying all of the new technologies for the benefit of all nations.
Using clean, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal power, etc.
Ultimately utilizing the highest quality products for the benefit of all the world's people.
Requiring environmental impact studies prior to construction of any mega-projects.
Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavor.
Assisting in stabilizing the world's population through education and voluntary birth-control to conform to the carrying capacity of the earth.
Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry and prejudice through education.
Eliminating any type of elitism, technical or otherwise.
Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.
Enhancing communication in the new schools so that our language and education is relevant to the physical conditions of the world around us.
Providing not only the necessities of life but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind, emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.
Finally, preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the possible changes that lie ahead

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